Winter 2014/15
Winter 2014/15
Contents & Contact
Winter 2014/15
Inside This Issue... 3 Jill’s Welcome 17 Poppy Project & Heating Servicing 4 Universal Credit & Direct Payment 18 Social Media & Tenants’ Poem Pilot 19 Be Aware 6 Big Chat 20 Making A Difference Awards 2014 7 Young Persons Forum & Tenants 22 Performance Indicator Get Active 23 Complaints Service & Drug and 8 Important Information Bulletin Alcohol Awareness 9 Condensation Not Damp 24 ASB Policing Act 10 All A-Board 25 Change For The Better & Website Workshop 12 Web Wise 13 Helping You Into Work 26 Tenant Participation Strategy & The Lawns Events 14 Family Fest & Celebration of Summer 27 Making Alterations To Your Home 15 Planning Future Engagement 27 AGM & Shareholder Membership Opportunities & Good as Gold 30 Three 100th Birthdays Winner 31 Tenants’ Forum 16 Dads Can If you would like this Newsletter in a different format (e.g. large print, electronically, etc.) or in Welsh please contact Louise Davies on 01495 761104 or email louise.davies@monmouthshirehousing.co.uk
Scan the QR code to access the MHA website.
Jill’s Welcome
Winter 2014/15
Welcome to the last Tenant Matters of 2014. Following the election to the MHA Board of former Chair of the Tenants’ Forum, Pip Williams, it falls on me the Vice Chair to welcome you to this exciting edition of Tenant Matters. 2014 has been a busy year for members of the Forum & the Tenants’ Forum Steering Committee. Along with the usual business, Tenants have been getting involved in the development of the new Engagement and Empowerment Strategy which will set the direction of future tenant involvement at MHA for the next three years and a new very exciting project called the ‘The Big Chat’ which is seeking the views of tenants and leaseholders in the way services are developed and delivered. Tenants have continued to be involved in all aspects of MHA from trying to minimise the impact of Welfare Reform to attending conferences and training events across Wales, influencing policy and decision makers. I was delighted to see one of our actively involved tenants, Mr Chris Tonks being recognised nationally for his incredible dedication and hard
work at the TPAS Cymru Participation Awards in Llandudno earlier in the year and tenants have continued to help MHA staff develop better services that are more effective and offer better value for money to us, its tenants. Finally don’t forget to complete your Tenant Matters questionnaire and let us know your views on your newsletter. It’s free to return the survey, so we look forward to receiving your comments.
Jill Ray Vice Chair, Tenants’ Forum
MHA News
Winter 2014/15
Universal Credit & Direct Payment Pilot Universal Credit is a new type of financial support for people of working age who are looking for work or on a low income. It’s being introduced gradually between April 2013 and 2017 and has already been introduced in some areas of the UK, although has not yet come to Monmouthshire.
Universal Credit will replace: • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance • Income Support • Child Tax Credit
• Working Tax Credit • Housing Benefit • Universal Credit will be a single, monthly payment into a bank account. • It will be paid monthly into an account you choose • If you get help with your rent, this will be included in your monthly payment – you’ll then pay your landlord yourself • If you and your partner are both eligible, you will get one monthly payment for the household In January 2015, in conjunction with Monmouthshire County Council’s Housing
Winter 2014/15
Benefit Department, MHA will be starting a project with some of our tenants to help prepare us for the introduction of Universal Credit in Monmouthshire. These tenants will have their housing benefit paid directly to them in the same way that Universal Credit will be paid - once a month, directly into their account. We will also be including all new tenants in the project who would be eligible for Universal Credit and move into one of our homes through Monmouthshire Homesearch. All these tenants will need to pay their rent themselves to MHA. The project is called the Direct Payment Pilot.
Payment Pilot, or would like to find out any more information about the project or Universal Credit, please contact Lucy Rogers, Welfare Reform Project Officer on 01495 76 7177 or email lucy.rogers@ monmouthshirehousing.co.uk
If you are interested in joining the Direct
Bits & Bobs
Winter 2014/15
The Big Chat is a new and exciting project we have started in recent months at MHA to help us gain your ideas, goals and views about us so that we can use this information to shape our future services. Have you been involved in The Big Chat? We have carried out a number of surveys with tenants who came to the ‘Family Fest’ summer activities, the questions covered the services we deliver, your goals and what you would like to see in the future for the services we provide. We have also held two get togethers and a Big Chat Cafe, where MHA staff and Miller Research carried out discussion and activities about our services with those who attended. You may have seen our researchers from Miller Research Mair and Katy, around your local area knocking on your doors and having a conversation with you. On the MHA Facebook and Twitter page recently we carried out ‘The Big Chat Fortnight’ where we asked a different question every day
for a fortnight. Staff at MHA also took part in The Big Chat Fortnight and you may have been asked some questions when you spoke to us on the phone or met a staff member. Alongside The Big Chat, a group of tenants have taken part in a community reporting activity. This involved the tenants taking a camera out into their local area and taking photos of things they liked or loved about the area or maybe things they didn’t like so much and would like to improve about the area. The tenants who took part took some lovely photographs of their areas and we really enjoyed finding out about your local areas. We will be looking to do another community reporting project shortly so if you would like to take part in this activity then contact Jessie Sibthorpe (Contact details below).
What happens next? Over the next few months we will be looking at what we have found out so far from The Big Chat. We will then be letting you know what we have found out and what changes we will be making as a result of the information you have provided us with.
Glenys won £50 vouchers for taking part in The Big Chat!
Thanks to all those who have taken the time and effort to get involved in The Big Chat so far and to helping us shape the future services provided to you. There are still plenty of opportunities to get involved so if you are interested then contact Jessie Sibthorpe on 01495 761007 or email jessie.sibthorpe@ monmouthshirehousing.co.uk
Are you a young person living in one of our homes? If so we want to hear from you! Would you like to get involved with to help us keep improving our services and the way we work! We want you as a young person to feel like your voice will be heard and influence the way we deliver opportunities and services to you. If you feel like you would like to get involved with us and help us gain an insight into what our young tenants would like then phone, text or email Jessie Sibthorpe on: 01495 761007 / 07855 019933 / jessie. sibthorpe@monmouthshirehousing.co.uk
Tenants’ Forum
Winter 2014/15
Tenants Get Active Tenants’ with various disabilities and support needs have been getting together over the last 12 months. They have been helping each other and helping MHA shape the way services are delivered to those tenants with additional needs. The group is already having an impact with MHA, who has subsequently become a member of the national organisation, Disability Wales and alterations been made to MHA’s HQ to make it even more accessible to tenants. The group has also been piloting meetings via the internet using Skype and this has meant that tenants and residents have been able to take part in meetings whilst remaining in their own localities. If you would like to get involved with the Tenants Get Active Disability Communications Panel, please contact Jessie Sibthorpe via email jessie.sibthorpe@monmouthshirehousing. co.uk or phone 01495 761007. twitter.com/mon_housing
MHA News
Winter 2014/15
Important Information Bulletin Monmouthshire Housing Association are required to make all reasonable steps to inform tenants of a change brought about by the Crime and Policing Act 2014. The Act inserts new provisions into the Housing Act 1985 and 1988, enabling Monmouthshire Housing to protect its staff from conduct that is causing or likely to cause nuisance and annoyance. A Notice of Seeking Possession under the Housing Act 1988 may be served on tenants for breaches of tenancy which include anti social behaviour using Ground 14. This Ground has been amended by the addition of Section aa as highlighted opposite.
Ground 14. The tenant or a person residing in or visiting the dwelling-house: a)
has been guilty of conduct causing or likely to cause a nuisance or annoyance to a person residing, visiting or otherwise engaging in a lawful activity in the locality,
aa) has been guilty of conduct causing or likely to cause a nuisance or annoyance to the landlord of the dwelling-house, or a person employed (whether or not by the landlord) in connection with the exercise of the landlord’s housing management functions, and that is directly or indirectly related to or affects those functions, or b) has been convicted of: i) using the dwelling-house or allowing it to be used for immoral or illegal purposes, or ii) an (indictable) offence committed in, or in the locality of, the dwelling –house. Notices of Seeking Possession are served in accordance with Monmouthshire Housing Association’s Anti Social Behaviour Policy and Procedures only when it is reasonable and proportionate to do so.
Winter 2014/15
As there are three main causes of condensation there are also three main ways to tackle the problem: 1. Stop moisture build up, for example wipe down surfaces where moisture settles, dry clothes outside whenever possible and avoid using bottle gas or paraffin heaters 2. Ventilate, or air, your home by using extractor fans or open windows when cooking and bathing, if you need to dry clothes inside put them in a small room with the window open and do not block any air vents 3. Keep your home warm, try and maintain a low heat in your home as this is better than short bursts of high heat As the Autumn months are drawing in and the weather is turning colder, we should all start thinking about preventing condensation within our homes. Condensation happens when the air gets colder and it cannot hold all the moisture. Tiny drops of water then appear. If this is allowed to happen on a regular basis, black or green mould can form on walls and furniture, whilst on clothes and other fabrics mildew appears.
There are three main causes of condensation: 1. Moisture produced by everyday activities 2. Not enough ventilation 3. Cool temperatures Some people do not realise that mould growth is often caused by condensation from normal activities and can be treated easily within your home.
If you already have a condensation problem that is causing mould growth it will need to be killed to get rid of it, this can easily be done wiping the affected areas with a fungicidal wash (this may need to be carried out a number of times and can be purchased at most supermarkets, please follow the instructions on the packaging carefully). Then follow the three main ways to tackle the problem above. Any clothes that have been affected will need to be washed or dry cleaned and carpets shampooed. When you have treated the areas affected it is likely that the area will need to be redecorated, use a good fungicidal paint to prevent mould recurring. If you follow this advice you will notice a considerable improvement within six to eight weeks, however, if you have tried all the advice and it is still recurring please contact us to arrange an inspection by our Maintenance Team. For more information contact MHA on 0845 677 2277 / 01495 761100 (from a mobile). twitter.com/mon_housing
Tenants’ Forum
Winter 2014/15
All A-Board You don’t have to run the gauntlet on the Apprentice to get a chance to help run a successful multi-million pound business. At the end of August this year every tenant of Monmouthshire Housing received a ballot paper asking you to vote for two of five fellow tenants to decide who should join the Board of Management at MHA. Pip Williams, previously Chair of the Tenants’ Forum for 7 years, and Gary Whitcombe, a long standing member of the association’s steering committee and other participation groups were duly elected to take their place with the 10 other Board members. Both Pip and Gary have given time and commitment to learning more about housing and working closely with MHA but they are also tenants like you and, like them, you have
the same opportunity to become a member of the association’s Board of Management.
So what does it mean to be a Board member of a housing association? It’s important to remember that a housing association is a business, and the needs of that business to be successful and solvent must come first for any Board member. As a Board member you will be contributing to decisions that will impact on the running of a business that will turnover (receive and pay out) around £15 million every year, looking after assets (your homes, our offices, land and equipment)
• Setting future strategic direction • Setting the vision and objectives of the association • Deciding what and where to build or improve • Setting the budget and approving the accounts • Setting the rents in line with government rules • Ensuring that the organisation is well run • Making sure that services are run according to our values
Tenants’ Forum
Winter 2014/15
No Fat Cats!
worth over £50 million and is responsible for employing over 220 staff and safeguarding their livelihoods.
Cool but scary, eh? But you don’t do that alone. On the Board with you are 3 other tenants, 4 people who have been nominated to sit on the Board from Monmouthshire County Council, and 4 independent individuals who have applied and become board members based on the professional skills they have (accountancy, housing management, surveying, legal etc). You are also supported by MHA’s executive management team. And don’t forget you will be bringing along your own expertise to the board - that of being a tenant and customer of MHA and its services.
So what type of decisions will a Board make?
MHA might be a multi million pound business but there are no fat cats on our board! All of our Board members are voluntary – they don’t receive payment for their position. This is very important to us as it means that the people that sit on our Board of Management are there because they understand how important organisations like MHA are for providing services and investing in our communities and are willing to give their time to make sure we do it well. There’s no place for Alan Sugar here (unless he wants to volunteer of course!)
Interested in finding out more? Our Tenant Board members have often spent time working with MHA through our Tenants’ Forum and other groups in order to develop their confidence and knowledge. If you want to know more about how you could become a Board member, about the role and its responsibilities or if you’re interested in observing a meeting, then get in touch. We also run regular training sessions for our tenants who are interested in becoming more involved. To learn more speak to Rob Carey our Tenant & Resident Involvement Coordinator on 01495 761115 or email rob. carey@monmouthshirehousing.co.uk. And who knows? This time next year you might not be millionaires but you might be helping to invest it!
Below are the sort of things the Board are responsible for and will be discussed regularly at meetings: twitter.com/mon_housing
Winter 2014/15
Do you need advice and support with getting online or using online services? If the answer is yes then our Web Wise service can help you.
We can help you find out how: • To claim benefits online • Use online banking • Register with Universal Jobmatch and increase your employability • Find affordable broadband, free virus checkers or other free software • Use Home Swapper If you need help managing your Universal Jobmatch and Universal Credit accounts Web Wise can assist you with those. You can also find out how to create and upload your CV onto job sites, learn new skills, gain qualifications and find employment. Web Wise can show you how to report repairs to MHA online, how to get your shopping delivered to your door, get up-to-date information and use emails, Skype, Twitter, Facebook or other Social Media sites to stay connected with your friends and family. If you’re having problems using your computer, laptop, tablet, dongle or smart phone why not have a chat with our Web Wise team before paying out for unnecessary repairs. You may just need to reinstall software or adjust your settings. For more information please contact Julia Rice.
Are you a Digital Champion? Do you enjoy using computers? Do you enjoy helping others? If so you could become a Monmouthshire Housing Association (MHA) Web Wise Digital Champion. We are looking for MHA tenants who – with our support - would like to share their digital skills and knowledge with others. You don’t need to be a computer expert just someone who enjoys using emails, the internet and other computer software and is able to share these skills with others. For more information please contact Julia Rice, Web Wise Support Advisor for an informal chat.
Computers in the Community Are you a Monmouthshire Housing Association Tenant? Do you need a laptop to help you with your studies? Our Computers in the Community scheme offers MHA tenants a FREE laptop to loan if they don’t have a computer and want to improve their skills. For more information please get in touch. For more information about becoming a Digital Champion, Computers in the Community or our Web Wise service please contact Julia Rice, Web Wise Support Advisor, for an informal chat on 01495 761155 or 07812 060533 or email julia.rice@ monmouthshirehousing.co.uk
Helping You into Work The Claimant Commitment came into effect in 2013 for the majority of jobseekers and outlines what job seeking actions a claimant must carry out while receiving Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA). You and your work coach will agree what goes in your Claimant Commitment, such as: • What you need to do to look for work (e.g. writing a CV) • How many hours you need to spend looking for work weekly • Your circumstances (e.g. work history, health, family/caring responsibilities)
How MHA can help Our Work and Skills Wise service can offer work experience, training, education and volunteering opportunities to help increase your chances of finding work. All of this can be written into your Claimant Commitment – you just need to let your work coach knows that you will be receiving support from MHA. Work & Skills Wise offers: • Job seeking skills programme – a free six week course that gives guidance to completing job applications, CV development tips and interview techniques
Plan and record your job seeking
• Volunteering Programme – help to gain work experience and make professional contacts
You will be given a My Work and Training Plan booklet which is the plan of actions you need to take to meet the Claimant Commitment so you can keep receiving JSA.
• Bursary Scheme – help with the cost of education, training, self-development or selfemployment initiatives
You will record daily: • Training • Work searches • Work preparation activities
When your JSA can be stopped Your JSA could be stopped as a penalty known as a sanction - if you: • Don’t go to a Jobcentre Plus when asked • Turn down a job or training • Don’t apply for any jobs • Don’t go to any training booked for you • Leave your job or training without a good reason or because of your behaviour A Jobcentre Plus coach will tell you how long your JSA will be stopped for. It could be from 4 weeks up to 3 years.
Winter 2014/15
• Computers in the Community – loan of laptops to help complete educational courses and learn computer related skills Contact Cath Murray on 01495 767193 or email cath.murray@monmouthshirehousing. co.uk or Julia Rice on 01495 761155 or email julia.rice@monmouthshirehousing.co.uk MHA’s Money Wise service can also help you if you have been affected by sanctions. They may be able to help you make an appeal if you feel you have been sanctioned incorrectly. They can also help make an application for Hardship Funding if you are suffering financial hardship as a result of being sanctioned. Contact Sarah Jones on 01495 767181 or email sarah.jones@monmouthshirehousing. co.uk or Matthew Taylor on 01495 767182 or email matthew.taylor@ monmouthshirehousing.co.uk
Winter 2014/15
The Family Fest was held over a four week period in the summer, full of Crafty, Sporty and Arty fun! Each session ran over a 2 hour time slot and there was a variety of activities at each session making it fun for everyone! Over 400 people attended the events with families enjoying sessions such as Steel Drumming, Bollywood Dancing, Let’s Experiment, Let’s Explore and Circus Skills. The Celebration of Summer events were very successful in both Abergavenny and Caldicot with a good number of people attending. There were activities for all ages including;
Portable Golf, Live DJ, Face Painting and a Balloon Man who created some fantastic animals from balloons. The feedback from participants was very positive and planning for next year is already underway.
Planning Future Engagement Opportunities Tenants are currently involved in developing the next Local Tenant Participation Strategy or as we call it at MHA the Engagement and Empowerment Strategy, which will run from 1st April 2015 to 31st March 2018. It is a requirement by Welsh Government that every Social Housing Landlord in Wales develops a three year strategy to drive forward the way landlords engage with their tenants with the aim of improving services, communities and the lives of tenants generally. We at MHA are very lucky to have dedicated tenant volunteers who get involved and engage with the organisation for the benefit of all tenants and customers. They help MHA make better decisions and influence the way services are delivered. This helps drive up standards and makes the customer experience better. The tenants currently involved are working with staff to develop a strategy that is inclusive and stretches the organisation to reach its aim by 2019 of being the top performing Social Enterprise in Wales providing quality homes and services, transforming peoples’ lives and giving them confidence and support to realise their ambitions. This will create an environment where people can have a brilliant quality of life, in areas where they aspire to live and work. If you would like any further information about getting involved with MHA please contact Jessie Sibthorpe 01495 761007 or email Jessie.sibthorpe@ monmouthshirehousing.co.uk
Bits & Bobs
Winter 2014/15
Congratulations to Mr. Dally Mr Dally and his dog Sam of Llangybbi were recently awarded £250 for being the winner of the Good as Gold Scheme prize draw. Mr Dally moved into his bungalow in January this year, and upon hearing the news that he had won the award he said; “MHA have been very supportive with my move and settling into my bungalow. I can’t wait to put my winnings into the bank!” We hope Mr Dally and Sam enjoy spending their winnings!
Mr Dally and his dog Sam The Good as Gold Scheme prize draw is held every quarter for all tenants with rent accounts up to date. The winner receives £250 in a normal quarter but at Christmas it is raised to £500. To be in with a chance of winning simply keep your rent account up to date and clear of debt. The next draw will be held on 8th December 2014. Good Luck! twitter.com/mon_housing
Winter 2014/15
Dads Can held its launch event in Caldicot on Saturday 14th June to coincide with Father’s Day weekend. The launch took the form of a Family Fun Day but with extra prizes, as well as activities and challenges for dads and children to do together. Over 200 people joined the fun with many taking the offer of free professional photos of dads with their kids. There were bouncy castles, a fastest kick challenge, bush skills and messy play as well as an inflatable football pitch, archery, giant board games and an old style coconut shy. Local clubs provided demonstrations of their activities and music filled the air.
Dads Can wants to give a voice to all dads. It’s not a project for ‘bad dads’, single dads or tenants, it’s a project for all dads. So if you know a dad or if you’re a dad or a granddad and would like to have a voice about anything to do with fatherhood – then please get in touch. You can see the video of the event on You Tube by searching for Dads Can Family Fun Day. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter, visit www.dads-can.co.uk or contact jane.grayer@ monmouthshirehousing.co.uk or call 01495 761 092 Dads Can is funded by the BIG Lottery fund and is a 5 year project hosted by MHA.
Poppy Project Update
Helping us to Protect You Boiler Servicing
Bits & Bobs
Winter 2014/15
Earlier in the year we launched the Poppy Project to coincide with the centenary of the First World War and the 70th Anniversary of the D-Day landings, we asked if any tenants in our complexes would like a poppy/wildflower area on their grounds and tenants in Old Hereford Road, Abergavenny and The Lawns and Chestnut Close, Magor were keen to get involved. In May staff from MHA dug and sowed two plots at the rear of Old Hereford Road as part of the organisations Give and Gain day which gave a pleasing show of both poppies and wildflowers. In June, The Lawns and Chestnut Close tenants worked with Keep Wales Tidy, volunteers and pupils from Magor Church In Wales Primary School to create five plots around the site. On the day of the sowing, schoolchildren and tenants got together to discuss the wars and to look at memorabilia, there were many experiences and family histories shared before the sowing/planting began. Despite sowing the seeds slightly late there was still a good show of flowers. As poppy seeds can lay dormant, we hope that there will be more on show next year. The existing flowers will be cut back and encouraged to self seed so they will come back again for the tenants to enjoy.
It’s that time of year again and as the temperature drops the heating systems are raised from their slumbers. Most homes turn the heating back on in the Autumn and this is when we get a high level of callouts for boiler failure. You can help to prevent this by making sure that we have access for the annual service of your boiler. This is both a legal and safety requirement and we have a duty to service all gas-fired boilers within each 12 month period. Over 99% of MHA properties with a gas-fired heating system have the service completed within this target but a small number of tenants make it difficult for the engineers to gain access. We have never had a major incident affecting health and safety and you can help us maintain this important record by allowing access for our engineers to carry out the annual service. This ensures the safety of yourself, your family and your neighbours. Please help us to protect you. Contact MHA on 0845 677 2277 / 01495 761100 (from a mobile) or via the website www.monmouthshirehousing.couk twitter.com/mon_housing
Bits & Bobs
Winter 2014/15
Tenants’ Poem By Gill Holland
Cautiously creeping down the stairs holding their breath not wanting to be heard. Peeping round the corner to see the Christmas lights on. Hope to see Santa but he’s already been and gone. Gazing in awe under the tree, lots of presents, are they all for me? Mum and Dad quietly appear with a little smile we are reminded it’s nice to share. You’re in control or so you think with an almighty splash. You’ve dropped the turkey in the sink. Oh dear, what a mess…add more stuffing and hope for the best.
The table is set and lunch is ready. What a wonderful aroma it is truly ready. Granddad is snoozing in his favourite chair, party hat askew. One too many glasses of port I fear, or rather quite a few. Let’s spare a thought and not forget, those less lucky, many we haven’t even met. Where Christmas is just another lonely day. We should count our blessings in every way. The day is coming to a close, our family gathering has been a treat.
Looking forward to tomorrow and a plate full of bubble and squeak.
Winter 2014/15
Be Aware The latest Independent Drug Monitoring Unit report indicates that there are now as many as half a million people growing cannabis in the UK.
• Ventilation – growers often need to ventilate the plants with extractor fans which generally emit a low hum. These are often working on timers so will start up and turn off at the same time each day.
In recent years, three cannabis farms have • Security – growers are often paranoid, been located in MHA properties and on each worrying about police raids. For that reason, occasion we have followed up with appropriate many of them take additional security action to deal with the breaches of tenancy. measures such as additional locks or CCTV. Gwent Police have also made arrests and convictions gained in court. • Activity – not all farms are inhabited by the grower, so watch for signs that there is no So how do you identify if you have a cannabis one actually living there like unkempt front farm in your locality? The following are gardens, or if your neighbour never leaves indicators that this might be happening in your out any bin bags on collection day. area: • Smell – a cannabis crop takes about three months to produce. During the final four weeks, there will be a strong herbal, mint-like smell coming from the premises
David Morris, MHA’s Director of Housing and Communities said “We will continue to work closely with Gwent Police in order to protect our tenants’ communities and make them safer places to live in. We will not hesitate to take appropriate action against tenants proven to be involved in illegal drug activity”.
• Light – internal farming takes a lot of it, often 2000 watts running for 12 hours per day. Windows that are constantly blacked out and curtains that are never open are often tell-tale If you have any concerns about a premises in your area, you can contact Gwent Police signs. on 101 or MHA’s Community Safety Team on • Heat – all that lighting results in a lot of heat 01495 767169. which is another tell-tale sign. Growers often bypass the mains electricity box and this can be a fire hazard
Tenants’ News
Winter 2014/15
The awards took place at the Glen Yr Afon Hotel in Usk on Thursday 11th September. This was the 5th awards evening MHA have held since 2010. The evening was a huge success with brilliant comments from all guests. 20
The Evening started at 6pm where the Awards ceremony lasted for an hour. After the awards ceremony there was live entertainment for the guests whilst they enjoyed a spectacular buffet by the Glen Yr Afon Hotel. As well as live music, there was further entertainment with Photo Booth Cymru who added that spectrum of fun to the evening!
Tenants’ News
Winter 2014/15
There were 9 Awards in total: • Achiever of the Year • Adult Learner of the Year • Bright Young Star • Community Champion • Neighbour from Heaven • Outstanding Achievement in Tenant Participation • Best New Project or Group • Volunteer of the Year There was a small project group that had an input from the very beginning of the planning of the awards. We had a very high total of 32 nominations over all categories so it was a very hard task for the project group to pick who would be the winner of the award. Thanks to feedback, we have now gained more tenants to join the project group for next years awards evening!
The winners: Community Champion: Allan Watkins Achiever of the Year: Emily Wheatley Neighbour from Heaven: Shirley Sperring Outstanding Achievement in Tenant Participation: Jill ray Adult Learner of the Year: Sunita Noyan and Albert McNab Best New Project or Group: Abergavenny community cafe Volunteer of the Year: Andrea Carter Bright Young Star: Stuart McGinn twitter.com/mon_housing
MHA News
Winter 2014/15
Tenants’ Top 10 Performance Indicator - Quarter 1 - 2014/15 (01 April 2014 - 30 June 2014)
On or Above Target
No Change
Below Target
MHA use a traffic light system to easily identify whether we are performing well or not in certain areas (above). 96.92% of Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) cases have been resolved. Target - 90%
96.15% of tenants were satisfied with the repair work done in their property. Target - 97%
1.68% of rent is owed by current tenants to MHA - this amount has increased over the last few quarters. Target - 1.8%
There were 14.56 of new ASB cases per 1000 tenancies. This number has decreased from the last quarter. Target - 18 cases
93.35% of repairs were completed right first time. Target - 92%
99.88% of emergency repairs were completed within target. Target - 98%
88.79% of urgent repairs were completed within target. Target - 97%
90% of tenants were satisfied with services provided by MHA. Target - 87%
34 seconds is the average time taken for repair hotline calls to be answered. Target - 20 secs
28.87% of offers for new properties have been refused. Target - 18%
MHA’s New Complaints Service MHA launched its new Concerns and Complaints Service on OUR SERVICE: 8th September. The new TELL US service is recommended YOUR VIEWS by the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales and offers a more streamlined service to our tenants. The new service also offers better customer service to our tenants as a majority of concerns / complaints should be dealt with as soon as we are made aware of them. The new service will have two stages – 13/08/2014 12:11:23
s Booklet.indd 1
MHA0111 Complaint
Stage 1 – Informal Resolution – The emphasis with the new service is that any concerns or complaints we receive are dealt with informally. This will offer better customer service to our tenants. If you have a concern, express this to the person you are speaking to
MHA News
Winter 2014/15
and they will try to resolve the complaint with you on an informal basis. If the staff member is unable to help they will inform you of what will happen with your concern. Stage 2 – Formal Investigation – If you are unhappy with the outcome of the informal stage, you are able to request a formal investigation. If you request a formal investigation your concern will be allocated to an investigating officer and acknowledged within 5 working days. The investigating officer will then investigate and provide a response to you within 20 working days. This is the final stage of the new service. All tenants should have received a copy of MHA’s new Tell Us Your Views booklet which outlines the new process in more detail. If you have any questions about the new service or would like a copy of the booklet please contact Corporate Services Team on 01495 767191.
Drug and Alcohol Awareness in Schools In June this year, members of the Community Safety Team took part in Drug and Alcohol Day, a multi-agency carousel of workshops for Year 10 pupils aimed at conveying messages to 15 year olds about the potential consequences of substance misuse. The event is organised by Gwent Police as part of the ‘All Wales Schools Programme.’ For the first time MHA were invited to host a workshop. The team devised a scenario around noise nuisance in a block of flats where alcohol consumption and use of soft drugs influenced decision making. Pupils were invited to identify the issues involved for each of the characters in the situation and advise on how the matter
should be managed by the landlord. As potential tenants themselves over the next few years, the young people had strong views on what should be done. The workshop was delivered to around 350 pupils in Caldicot and Monmouth. It was well received and the team has been invited to take part in each of the three events so far organised for next year. If you would like further information about Drug or Alcohol Awareness you can contact the Community Safety Team 0845 6772277 or visit the Anti Social Behaviour page on our website www.monmouthshirehousing.co.uk
MHA News
Winter 2014/15
Anti Social Behaviour Crime & Policing Act 2014 We just wanted to let you know, that this new Act was passed in parliament earlier this year and became fully effective from October. It changes some of the actions the police, Monmouthshire County Council and MHA can take to address anti social behaviour (ASB) and crime. Some of the new measures included in the Act are: • Injunctions – This is an order by the court that compels someone to behave in a certain way. In some circumstances this can include a person being excluded from a particular area or even their home. The police may be required to make an arrest if someone breaches the terms of the Injunction. Notably, the Police and Monmouthshire County Council can apply for these now. Previously only MHA could request an injunction. • Community Remedy – The remedy allows victims of ASB or minor crime to be involved in how the person responsible will be dealt with by the Police. • Community Trigger – This enables victims of persistent ASB to request that the Police,
Monmouthshire County Council, MHA and the Local Health Board come together and undertake a review of their situation. An individual will now be entitled to do this, if they feel that their reports of ASB are not being addressed properly. • Community Protection Notices – Can be served by the Police or Monmouthshire County Council to address matters of low level ASB – for example: noise nuisance, fly tipping or littering. The penalty for breaching an order includes a fine and also criminal prosecution. There are other details included in the new Act which apply to MHA. All aspects of the new law have been updated in our ASB policies and procedures. As before, MHA remains committed to taking action that is reasonable and proportionate to address ASB. Further information on the new Act can be found on the MHA or Gwent Police website: www. monmouthshirehousing.co.uk and www. gwent.pcc.police.uk. If you want to report ASB to MHA contact us on 0845 677 2277 / 01495 761100 (form a mobile) or visit www. monmouthshirehousing.co.uk
Listening to you and Making A Change for the Better
MHA News
Winter 2014/15
• Made sure staff are aware that we have portable MHA always aims to make sure the services hearing loops, which can be used when visiting we provide are as easy to access as possible, homes where someone is hard of hearing. and with this in mind, we recently completed a review of the way we work to tackle anti social • Also started emailing the satisfaction survey we behaviour (ASB). send, once we close an ASB case. • Updated our policy to include transgender We’re making some changes to help make us people as potential victims of hate crime. more inclusive: • Changed our policy to include staring as a • We’ve translated the sentence offering further form of ASB, when it is clearly being used to information on the back of our ASB leaflets, into intimidate or harass someone. different languages. • We’re developing an easy to read leaflet on how • Also increased the size of the words that say we to report ASB. can provide leaflets in larger print on the back • Running a media campaign to publicise our as well. commitment to tackling hate crime. • Made sure staff are aware of how to identify a Most of these changes have already been made. person’s first language, if someone can’t speak The last four points will be completed over the English very easily. new few months. If you’d like any further details • Provided the opportunity for individuals please contact Chris York on 01495 761154 or reporting ASB to record evidence in their preferred language, if they want to, which MHA chris.york@monmouthshirehousing.co.uk Alternatively if you would like to report an will then get translated. incident of ASB please call 0845 677 2277. • Given Neighbourhood Officers and our Community Safety Team information on different religions, to help provide a better service.
Website Workshop Following a survey about our website, we decided to hold a Website Workshop with some of our tenants. The workshop was held at our headquarters in June and a group of tenants got involved and provided feedback on what they would like to see changed or included on the website and how we can improve it. We are now using the feedback gathered to improve our website and we are working on this at the moment with some changes already made. Once the website has been developed we will be re-launching the website in the New Year.
Look out for more news about our new website at www.monmouthshirehousing.co.uk @mon_housing www.facebook.com/ monmouthshirehousing twitter.com/mon_housing
Tenants’ News
Winter 2014/15
Summer Sun and Spooky Fun at the Lawns Tenants and residents at the Lawns in Magor, have been getting active utilising their communal room and holding a summer garden party in their beautiful gardens. The summer garden party was held in June and residents enjoyed a free buffet and a glass of wine which was provided by fellow tenants and volunteers. More recently a Halloween Party was held with around 18 residents attending many in traditional Halloween costumes and again they enjoyed a glass of wine, a free buffet and most importantly the wonderful company of other residents. Thank you Rebecca for the photos they look fab! Rebecca White, whose father lives at the Lawns and is a volunteer, has helped coordinate the fun activities with the help of residents and she hopes to utilise the facilities at the Lawns more regularly in future. Residents have already persuaded her to arrange a mince pie, sherry and carols evening for Christmas and we at MHA are looking forward to seeing the photographs of that fun evening too.
Making Alterations to Your Home Quality homes and maintenance
Your Homes
Winter 2014/15
As a tenant you have the right to make some alterations or improvements to your home and garden at your own cost. However it is part of your tenancy agreement that you must ask for written permission from Monmouthshire Housing Association if you wish to carry out any alterations or improvements. Some examples of works that need permission include: • Erecting a fence or garden wall • Making alterations or replacement to the kitchen or bathroom • Constructing a driveway/hard standing • Installing a garden shed or additional external storage
Capsel, a subsidiary company of MHA, has an opportunity in their Team for a new apprentice. It will be a 3 year apprentice scheme for a painter and is available to anyone. The current apprentice rate is: NVQ1: £8,590.35 or £9,897.24 if aged 18 - 20 NVQ2: £11,453.94 or £12,540.36 if aged 21+ NVQ3: £14,317.43 If you are looking to join a new team, take on a new career and are interested in learning a new skill then please contact Capsel 0333 207 9000
You must request permission from the Housing Department and depending on the type of work you intend to carry out, permission may be required from Monmouthshire County Council for either Planning Permission or Building Control (fees may apply that you will be responsible for). If you have carried out alterations or improvements to your home and you wish to end your tenancy, you may be able to claim for some of the costs incurred, however this will only be considered if you have written permission and you can provide all payment receipts for the work carried out. If you have carried out alterations and your tenancy ends and you have not had written permission, you may be charged the full cost to return the area to its original condition. You should always check with the Housing Department before carrying out any work or alterations to your home or garden and find out if you need written permission. If you would like further information regarding alterations to your home please contact 0845 677 2277 / 01495 761100 (from a mobile). twitter.com/mon_housing
Tenants’ Forum
Winter 2014/15
AGM & Shareholder Membership The AGM was held on 24th September 2014 with a great turnout of our Shareholders. The Annual Accounts were approved and MHA are pleased to report that we are in good financial health. New Tenant Board members Pip Williams and Gary Witcombe have been appointed through the tenant election process. Independent members Andrew Martyn-Johns and Barry Gallagher were also re-appointed as board members. Andy Jones was also appointed as a new Independent Board Member and MHA would like to welcome all new members to the Board. We would like to thank outgoing Board Members Lynette Bonar and Ken Bucknall and wish them the best for the future. We hope they will both continue their involvement with MHA, representing other tenant groups and playing an active role in the continuing success of the organisation. Shareholder members also accepted the New Rules for the association and heard a presentation from the Chief Executive, John Keegan.
Becoming a Shareholder We actively encourage tenants and leaseholders of MHA to become a Shareholder Member. Becoming a Shareholder couldn’t be easier; it doesn’t involve huge time commitments, it simply involves the completion of an application form and payment of £1. Being a Shareholder Member will allow you to: • Vote on the appointment of Independent and Tenant Board Members at the Annual General Meeting. • Vote on the appointment of the auditors of the association. The auditors place checks on the company to ensure that all actions taken by the business are legitimate. • Approve the annual accounts and financial statements, the annual report and the Chief Executive’s report. These statements are critical to ensuring that company performance is transparent Along with these key responsibilities, Shareholders will be entitled to attend the Annual General Meeting and will be kept updated with news from MHA. Shareholders will also receive copies of the Corporate Plan and Annual Report from MHA. For more information or an application form, please contact Louise Davies on 01495 761104 or email louise.davies@ monmouthshirehousing.co.uk.
Would you like to be part of our Lynette being presented with her MHA clock
Home Delivery from Monmouthshire Libraries
Bits & Bobs
Winter 2014/15
Are you housebound? Do you find it difficult to visit your local library because of mobility problems, ill-health or frailty? We have a service which delivers books (in all formats: ordinary print, large print and audio) to customers in their own homes The service is free and available to anyone living in Monmouthshire For more information please contact Caldicot Library Telephone: 01291 426425 Email: CaldicotLibrary@monmouthshire.gov.uk
Tenants’ News
Winter 2014/15
Three Tenants Reach 100
- Happy Birthday! Kath Pembridge of Abergavenny, Eileen Jones of Chepstow and Inez Whetstone of Goytre recently celebrated their 100th Birthdays.
Happy Birthday from all of the tenants and staff at MHA!
Eileen Jones
Inez Whetstone
Kath Pembridge
Are you ready to Join the Tenants’ Forum? There are approximately 200 tenants registered as members of the Tenants’ Forum and every other month tenants and leaseholders of Monmouthshire Housing Association meet at different locations throughout the County at the Tenants’ Forum. The Forum is an information exchange where tenants and staff including Directors of MHA attend to share information and look for solutions to today’s complex social housing issues both locally and nationally. The Forum always welcomes new members and below is a selection of what current members say about the Forum. Mo Jackson from Abergavenny, cleverly put together these words which spell out what the Forum means to her.
Tasks Successfully
Tenants’ Forum
Winter 2014/15
Here is a selection of comments from other Forum members: Kathy Smith from Monmouth said, “The Forum and tenant participation for me is twofold. First it is a means of keeping me informed about my rights and secondly it is also a form of social activities that suits my lifestyle.” Chris Tonks from Abergavenny says, “The Tenants’ Forum is the hub of tenant participation at MHA. It is the overarching body of all participation activity and it is also a good starting point for tenant interaction with MHA.” Morris Arthur from Caldicot who is not originally from Monmouthshire says, “For me being pretty much a stranger here, it is like being part of a large family.” If you would like more information on becoming a member of the Tenants’ Forum please contact Jessie Sibthorpe 01495 761007 or email Jessie. sibthorpe@monmouthshirehousing.co.uk Don’t forget MHA will pay your travelling costs to and from meetings or provide transport to get you there. We will also pay for any child care or respite care if you are a carer and you’re caring for somebody. Refreshments are always provided at meetings. So we look forward to seeing you soon.
Tenants Forum Meeting Dates for 2015 All meetings start at 10.00am. Venues TBC. • Wednesday 21st January • Wednesday 18th March • Wednesday 20th May • Wednesday 22nd July • Wednesday 23rd September • Wednesday 18th November twitter.com/mon_housing
Winter 2014/15
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