What You Said, What We Did - 2016
Contents Page Welcome From the Chair -
Creating New Homes -
Community Investment -
Planned Maintenance -
Dads Can -
WHQS Environmental Works -
Money, Help & Advice -
Repairs to Empty Homes -
Helping You Into Work & Education -
Helping With Benefit Changes -
Neighbourhoods Team -
The Big Chat -
Monmouthshire Homesearch -
Community Safety -
Managing Your Rent -
Giving Something Back -
Scrutiny Panel -
How to Get Involved -
Service Testing Team -
If you would like this newsletter in a different format (e.g large print, electronically, etc) or in Welsh please contact Louise Davies on 01495 761104 or email louise.davies@monmouthshirehousing.co.uk 2
Monmouthshire Housing Association
Tenants Forum
0345 677 2277
What You Said, What We Did - 2016
Welcome From the Chair You’ll see from the following pages that MHA have once again had a busy year and you may be surprised at the range of activities we’ve been involved in. Whilst repairing properties and collecting rent is a vital part of our work, we recognise that there are other things we need to do to ensure that our communities continue to be places where people can have a brilliant quality of life in areas where they aspire to live and work. A key way of making this happen is to listen to the views of our tenants and act on your ideas. We’ve included some excellent examples of how we’ve done this and the contribution that our tenants continue to make in building our communities. We can demonstrate you have made a real difference giving feedback on our services, providing ideas for improvements and becoming involved in our community projects.
On behalf of the Board, I’d like to thank all our tenants and staff who have contributed to our success during the year.
Andrew Martyn-Johns
Chairman of the Board
79% of you told us that MHA gives you the opportunity to make your views known. - Tenant Satisfaction Survey
Monmouthshire Housing Association
Annual General Meeting 2015
0345 677 2277
What You Said, What We Did - 2016
Community Investment We understand the importance of investing in our communities. Our main focus is on improving health and wellbeing amongst our tenants. We do this in a number of ways, by running specific projects and also by arranging events and activities. We also support existing community groups or can help tenants and residents set up a group, event or activity. We work very closely with many partners and agencies to provide the best service possible.
Rock School Last August we ran the Summer Rock School with Changing Minds and Rock Academy Wales. Everyone involved enjoyed being a part of the sessions so we decided to do more work around wellbeing and confidence with more young people across the county. Further funding by The Big Lottery Award allowed us to expand the project in October 2015.
Jamie Oliver’s Home Cooking Course
Jamie Oliver’s Home Cooking Course – Adults
Year 7 & 8 pupils have been taking part in Jamie Oliver’s BTEC level 1 Home Cooking accreditation.
We’ve been working in the heart of the Abergavenny community with adults who are keen to learn new and healthy recipes. They’ve been improving their cooking skills and having fun while learning. Participants can gain a BTEC level 1 Home Cooking accredited certificate.
By taking part children learned new cooking skills to make healthy meals and learned about working in hospitality and catering.
Monmouthshire Housing Association
Gregour McClauchlan, singer/guitarist of a band formed at Rock Academy
0345 677 2277
What You Said, What We Did - 2016
Coffee & Computers
First Aid for Families
Lifestyles & Smiles
Tenants and residents of Raglan who attend Coffee and Computers are now undertaking a qualification! They will learn computer basics including Facebook, Internet and email gaining an entry Level 1 award in Essential Skills in Work and Life.
Linking with Monmouth Flying Start we ran a First Aid for Families course. This taught essential skills on how to deal with emergency situations such as burns, choking and bleeding and techniques such as CPR and the recovery position for babies and children.
Working together with Flying Start and Aneurin Bevan Health Board we provided intensive bespoke support to parents living in Caldicot.
We hope to extend this across the county and also give tenants the chance to complete the TQUK Level 3 award in Emergency Paediatric First Aid.
Families received 12 weeks of intensive support from a qualified sports and nutrition instructor.
The programme promotes healthy eating and physical activity.
Monmouthshire Housing Association
Family Art with Pippins
Pippins art is a fun family activity where you can create your own canvas for the home, its great fun, lowers stress and anxiety.
Using themed play parents and children have been learning together through a love of stories, arts and crafts.
There’s also the opportunity to work towards a Bronze Award ASDAN qualification.
Walking to Wellness
We’re running fun interactive after school clubs across Monmouthshire where parents can learn fun, exciting ways to learn and play together.
This project links with the Fit4Life walking group and explores the beautiful surroundings of Monmouth. Led by trained walk leaders the routes are suitable for all abilities and is a chance to socialise, improve fitness and discover what’s on our doorstep.
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Making a Difference Awards In September we held our annual Making A Difference Awards ceremony at the Glen Yr Afon Hotel, Usk. It’s a chance for us to thank those in the community who work hard in making them great places to live. This year was a great success with over 100 people attending.
What You Said, What We Did - 2016
Dads Can The Dads Can project continues to provide confidential support and advice to young dads in Monmouthshire and in November 2015 the project extended into Newport. What we do The project offers free support to dads in the form of employment and educational opportunities to boost their confidence as well as providing free fun ‘dads only’ and family
activities. So far we’ve helped over 100 young dads, receiving face to face support and chatting through our Dads Can Facebook page.
“I recently became a young dad and people forget it’s just as frightening for us in the beginning”.
Once dads get in contact, they can access a range of benefits such as free rugby tickets, cinema tickets and special discounts for selected restaurants.
“Thanks to Dads Can I gained the confidence I needed and have now started a full-time job as a Kitchen Manager” - Sam from Newport
Geraint Rhys Jones, Newport Gwent Dragons.
Follow Dads Can on Facebook and Twitter, visit www.dads-can.co.uk or contact the team on 01495 761092. 10
Monmouthshire Housing Association
Dads with Sean Holley (rugby pundit and coach) pictured at the Dads Can launch in Newport
0345 677 2277
What You Said, What We Did - 2016
Money, Help & Advice Many of you are telling us you are encountering difficulties with money. Our Money Wise service offers advice and support with maximising your income and reducing your outgoings. We can help you with debt, money management budgeting, benefit and energy advice. We can visit you at home or in a local community office if you need to access online services. This year the Money Wise service worked with 352 tenants to help save:
via helping tenants switch to using Water Meters
via the Welsh Water Social tariff - Help U
via previous scheme Welsh Water Assist
You told us you wanted help with managing debt
We will be offering in house debt advice from April 2016.
via Warm Home Discount
via energy switching
was saved through energy and utility advice. We consider this a key form of support in helping those affected by fuel poverty.
Monmouthshire Housing Association The chart below shows how much money we helped tenants claiming benefits during the year: Working Tax Credits:
Attendance Allowance:
Discretionary Housing Payments:
Personal Independence Payments:
Employment Support Allowance:
Disability Living Allowance:
Income Support:
Carers Allowance:
Jobseekers Allowance:
£49,256 £14,673 £16,036
Housing benefits:
£58,496 £18,226
Pension Credit:
Discretionary Assistance fund:
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What You Said, What We Did - 2016
Helping You Into Work & Education You are telling us that you are having difficulties finding employment. Work & Skills Wise is a free service to help and support our tenants of all ages take their first steps into work, education or training. Our Work & Skills Wise Team provides jargon free, friendly and unbiased support and the programme is tailored to suit the needs of each individual.
e help tenants to take their first steps towards employment and develop their skills to move into better jobs.
• Supported 7 tenants in becoming self employed • Arranged for 27 tenants to take part in voluntary work placements
The Work & Skills Wise service can help you with employment, skills development and raising aspirations.
We worked with a
This year the Work & Skills Wise Service: • Supported 195 tenants • Helped 25 tenants into work • Helped 42 tenants gain qualifications • Loaned 15 laptops via our Computer in the Community scheme • Awarded £2,208 to learners via the MHA bursary scheme • Supported 60 tenants to create CVs
number of partners and arranged two jobs fairs across Monmouthshire.
In February 2016 seven job seekers attended a taster course and we helped them write effective CVs and cover letters, learned how to develop winning job applications, and practised interview techniques. The accredited programme will be available from April 2016.
Monmouthshire Housing Association
David Pepper - MHA Adult Learner of the Year, 2015 “I’d worked in the design and construction industry all my life. But following an unexpected life event, and three years spent caring for a family member, I needed to find a job that enabled me to work around my new responsibilities at home.” After training as a support worker at college, MHA tenant David now works with adults with learning difficulties. He admits adjusting to the changes in his life have been difficult at times, but feels the support he’s had from MHA has enabled him to move positively forward. “Cath [MHA Work & Skills Wise Officer] has helped me enormously. She’s always been there for me, offering support and advice over the phone and hearing about my progress through the course. Cath’s always genuinely pleased when I have good news to share. I’ve been able to access IT support through MHA during my training and Cath helped me find volunteer work in a hospital. “My volunteering experience played a huge part in helping me secure paid work. Cath was able to find a volunteer role that suited me and my skills and enabled me to get some great, practical experience. David now works full-time, and with his job offering flexible hours, he’s able to balance his responsibilities at home and in work. “I earn more now in work than when I was on benefits. Although my bills are higher now – mainly due to the fact I’m running a car again – this in itself is a positive thing as I can get out and about more easily. “I feel positive about being in work and, while it may be a cliché, I feel empowered and in control again. My new career enables me to get out and work with a great team, but also manage my extra responsibilities at home.”
0345 677 2277
What You Said, What We Did - 2016
Neighbourhood Team Your Neighbourhood Officers help you manage your tenancies, your rent, general enquiries and concerns related to anti-social behaviour and physical improvements to your neighbourhood and community. This includes a Maintenance Team who help to ensure your home remains in good condition. Working with others
Dog Fouling
By working closely with colleagues in the Health and Social Care sector as part of the In One Place programme, we were able to help five individuals move into independent living and have their own tenancies. The scheme was officially launched on the 1st March 2016.
51% of you told us that dog fouling was a problem in your neighbourhood.
Helping tenants with benefit changes
Clean up days
Benefit Changes remains a key focus for the Neighbourhood team and we have worked closely with affected tenants to help them with changes to benefits. For more information, please see page 38.
Our Neighbourhood Officers have been working with tenants and residents to raise awareness about taking responsibility for picking up dog mess. We also gave away free poop bags.
You told us that you wanted more waste amnesty days. We helped you clean up your neighbourhood by providing skips and helping you have a clear out. We also made our repairs team available on the day for you to report repairs to us.
Tenants told us how much they enjoy living in their new homes.
Monmouthshire Housing Association
Skenfrith Court Launch
0345 677 2277
What You Said, What We Did - 2016
Monmouthshire Homesearch Monmouthshire Homesearch is run by MHA and provides a single point of access to anyone who would like to register for social or affordable housing in Monmouthshire. Allocations Policy We asked you what you thought about how we allocate properties and following your feedback the updated policy will go live later this year and we will let you know what changes we have made following your feedback. Watch this space!
We’ve moved to a Continuous Bidding Cycle Applicants asked us why they had to wait fortnightly to be able to bid on properties that were already empty. We introduced a continuous bidding cycle so applicants can now bid on our new daily bidding cycle where they will be invited to bid on properties as soon as they are available. It is anticipated that the cycle for a property will last 8 days to ensure that anyone logging in to the system will not miss out.
Smart Phone App We noticed that the most common way to bid on properties was through a smart phone. We have introduced a mobile phone app to make it easier for those with smart phones to search for properties and place a bid. For more information, please visit the Homesearch website www. monmouthshirehomesearch. co.uk Available to download on Android and iOS, search monmouthshirehomesearch
The benefits of this new system are: • Properties will become available quicker • Bidding is open anytime • Easier to place bids
Monmouthshire Housing Association
Homesearch registered 1655 new applications, advertised 453 properties (resulting in 312 households being housed).
The smartphone app
0345 677 2277
What You Said, What We Did - 2016
Managing Your Rent We want to make sure that the services we offer are easy to access and meet tenants’ needs and expectations. This year, we carried out a full review of our Rent Management Service, including the way we deal with rent arrears, as well as how tenants access MHA to pay their rent.
Rent Incentive Scheme
s part of this review, we talked to tenants using a variety of methods including; interviews with an independent organisation, surveys, telephone interviews, workshops and the Scrutiny Panel.
Now more chances to win!
As a result of the feedback we have received from tenants we are now in the process of making changes to the service, which will make it easier to access and make for a better tenant experience. Examples of changes include: • Making letters easier to read • Amending our procedures with a focus on tenants and customers • Strengthening the help we provide to tenants in the first year of their tenancy • Exploring more payment options
You wanted tenants to have more chances to win with the Good as Gold Scheme. We have changed the Good as Gold incentive draw from 1 x £250 winner to 5 x £50 winners. (Your rent account must be clear of debt to be entered into the draw).
All of the changes are currently being rolled out and we plan to launch our new service in May 2016.
Monmouthshire Housing Association
0345 677 2277
What You Said, What We Did - 2016
Scrutiny Panel
his Panel acts as a ‘critical friend’ and the 12 tenant panel members work closely with MHA staff to review customer experience. As a result, they talk to other tenant groups to consider current performance and make recommendations for improvements to services.
Each review covers 6 key areas of focus: • Customer expectations of services • Accessibility to services • Enquiries & quality of feedback • Satisfaction levels and performance • Solutions to local issues • Communicating improvements and responsiveness
See page 51 if you would like to become a member of the panel.
Monmouthshire Housing Association
Scrutiny Panel Meeting
0345 677 2277
What You Said, What We Did - 2016
The Panel have undertaken a number of service reviews in the last year and here is what they identified and what we changed as a result. Recording Concerns From Tenants
Communicating Changes to Tenants
Concerns were dealt with day to day but not recorded and monitored to identify trends.
Tenants felt that we did not advertise changes to services very well which did not encourage tenants to get in touch with us.
Letters sent to tenants who were in rent arrears were too wordy and needed to include details of all support available, not just from the Neighbourhood Officer.
You Said We Did publicises action taken as a result of feedback from tenants and we also use social media and the website to communicate positive changes.
The Scrutiny Panel reviewed all letter templates to reword them, and also highlighted all help available and contact details for those struggling with debt or unemployment.
Starter Tenancy Agreements
Online Rent Support & Information
We set up a central register for all staff to record general concerns reported by customers and the register is monitored regularly and used to identify further areas for improvement to services we provide to you.
Complaints Information Leaflet Content within the information leaflet needed attention, instructions and the process of the complaints information leaflet was hard to understand. We added recommendations to make the leaflet more userfriendly for tenants to have a better understanding of what the complaints service is and how to use it.
Starter Tenancy Agreements are not made available prior to signing up for a home. We have now made these available on the Homesearch website and on MHA’s website. Prospective tenants now have an understanding what is expected of them as an MHA tenant before they sign for a new home. Visit www. monmouthshirehousing. co.uk or www. monmouthshirehomesearch. co.uk for more information.
Rent Arrears Letters
The website was difficult to navigate and it took time to find vital information about providing support to tenants on their rent. The Panel looked at the relevant areas and made recommendations which resulted in us making changes to the website which have resulted in increased usage of this area of the website.
Monmouthshire Housing Association
Rent payment Telephone line The Rent Payment line for tenants incurred a standard rate charge to the tenant. Following the panels recommendation, we introduced a freephone number for those wishing to pay their rent over the phone. Rent Payment Line 0303 123 1127 Did you know you can also pay your rent online, visit www. monmouthshirehousing. co.uk
0345 677 2277
What You Said, What We Did - 2016
Service Testing Team MHA’s Service Testing Team, formerly the Service User Inspection Team or ‘SUITs’, are a team of tenants who use a variety of methods to carry out spot checks on different areas of the business, testing them from a tenant’s point of view. Customer Care Members carried out a mystery shopping exercise making phone calls to MHA staff to ensure that we are answering phones efficiently and effectively.
Improvements to Call Handling Community Services Advisors at MHA did not promote “Is there anything else I can help you with?” or provide an alternative method of contact i.e MHA website, social media. This was discussed during a team meeting and a team competition was run where there was a prize for the advisor who has used the closing question the most which resulted in a new 100% target for asking “Is there anything else I can help with?”
Calls Answered Within 6 Rings Not all phone calls were answered within 6 rings, especially over the lunch time period. We reminded staff to answer other people’s phones when they are not at their desk, particularly over the lunch time period as this was noted as the worst time for ‘abandoned calls’. ALL staff have also been asked to set up personalised voicemail.
80% satisfaction with the call overall.
100% satisfaction with the CSA Team, where the Service Testing Team found them to be 100% helpful and 100% polite.
Monmouthshire Housing Association
Disabled Facilities Grant Works Members telephoned tenants following disability grant works and discovered that:
88.46% satisfied overall with the adaptations carried out at their property.
96.15% felt that the adaptation has had a positive impact and improved their quality of life.
100% felt that the work carried out made it easier for them to use their home, with 80% of these stating that it had “greatly” helped.
As a direct result of this check… • 4 tenants who felt they needed additional support or help were identified. • We are now able to discuss with them ways in which we may be able to help and are now aware of outstanding works and can therefore address these. 0345 677 2277
What You Said, What We Did - 2016
91.3% felt that the workers protected the area and left it in a clean and tidy condition.
82% of those that answered were “very happy” or “happy” with the quality of the works.
External Works
Keeping You Informed of Works The Service Testing Team carried out a mystery shopping exercise to check how happy they were with works that had been carried out to the outside of their homes.
Not all tenants felt they were kept informed of any amendments or delays to works and asked if MHA could send a letter or make a phone call as soon as possible informing the tenant of reasons for delays and providing new dates. The Asset Management Team has confirmed that the Contractors are now going to inform tenants of any delays in person.
88.5% of those that answered the telephone surveys stated that they were either “happy” or “very happy” with the attitude of the workmen that carried out the work.
Dissatisfaction with Works or Outstanding Works You identified that on-site checks should be carried out throughout the works and, most importantly, after contractors and staff mark that works are complete, to ensure that from a customer’s point of view they are in fact complete. Surveyor confirmed that all works are checked on a regular basis and that a final check and sign off sheet is produced on completed works. Tenant satisfaction forms relating to the completed works will also be carried out.
Monmouthshire Housing Association
WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE A PART OF IMPROVING YOUR HOUSING ASSOCIATION? We have re-branded the new Service Testing Team to highlight the essence of what the tenants in the team do. We have a fresh approach, testing services from your point of view, providing suggestions for improvements using your opinions. Sometimes there are small ‘tweaks’ that can make all the difference. The Service Testing Team are able to identify issues on behalf of tenants, which could result in process changes that improve tenants’ experience.
If this sounds like something you’d like to be involved in, just give us a ring or drop us an email for more information: lorna.wheater@monmouthshirehousing. co.uk, 01495 761142 anna.phythian@monmouthshirehousing. co.uk, 01495 745767
facebook.com/Monmouthshire.Housing twitter.com/mon_housing
0345 677 2277
What You Said, What We Did - 2016
Creating New Homes We’ve been building new homes to help meet local housing need.
Skenfrith Court
Sandy Lane
Skenfrith Court is part of the In One Place programme – a pioneering collaboration between public services, health, housing and social care.
The Sandy Lane development in Caldicot is a new home offering specialist accommodation to an individual with mobility issues. It was built using the expertise of MHA’s Direct Services First Minister of Wales Carwyn Organisation (DSO) who Jones was one of the first visitors provided brick layers, labourers, to the development, praising carpenters, electricians and Skenfrith Court as offering a ‘vital’ heating engineers for the service to people in need. development.
Cwrt Dewi Sant Cwrt Dewi Sant has been built on the site of old garages on St David’s Road, Abergavenny. The development provides homes for six people who have downsized from larger properties in the area.
Bowsher Court A series of old garages that were no longer fit for purpose have made way for Bowsher Court in Chepstow. Bowsher Court offers six one-bed apartments, seven two-bedroom and three threebedroom family homes, offering designated parking, gardens and external storage facilities.
Monmouthshire Housing Association
Trevor Bowen House MHA launched Trevor Bowen House – its flagship new development for people aged 60+ in 2015. Trevor Bowen House is situated in the historic town of Monmouth and offers spacious, modern one and two bed apartments and with MHA’s new Life Begins branding throughout. Trevor Bowen House replaces the old Trevor Bowen Court building. The development of the site included the building of 12 new homes at Bowen Gardens which were sold to help fund Trevor Bowen House.
0345 677 2277
What You Said, What We Did - 2016
Planned Maintenance Garages
Betjeman Avenue Garages, Caldicot
We upgraded or replaced run-down garages. Where the structures were unsafe and beyond repair we demolished them and in some cases we built new homes.
Areas where we carried out work include: • Abergavenny • Caldicot • Raglan
Monmouthshire Housing Association
External Works We talked to you about the condition of the outside of your home. Following your feedback we improved footpaths, garden walls, fencing and driveways.
Limetree Avenue, Wyesham
Charles Crescent, Abergavenny
Areas where we carried out work include: • Abergavenny • Gilwern • Wyesham
“The workmen were very polite, and I think they did a very good job, even when the weather was terrible.”
0345 677 2277
What You Said, What We Did - 2016
WHQS Environmental Works The 3 year project working towards the WHQS Environmental Standard has now been completed and has achieved both physical and social improvements to your neighbourhoods so you can continue to enjoy where you live.
esidents are still encouraged to get involved and have their say and also contribute by volunteering some time with Keep Wales Tidy for the planting within the gardens of the communal areas. We talked to you last year and here are some of the improvements we made as a result:
St Helens Close, Abergavenny We re-designed the communal patio and washing line areas and the path routes in the middle of St Helens Close. We were especially pleased at how many tenants have contributed to the planting areas.
Langham House, Chepstow We provided a new parking area to the rear and re-designed the path routes with new fencing and path covering. We still have some planting to complete and now that spring is upon us we will be arranging for Keep Wales Tidy to engage with residents to complete the finishing touches.
Masefield Road, Longfellow Road and Betjeman Avenue, Caldicot We have completely overhauled the rear communal gardens to the flats in Caldicot, this included opening up the areas with additional patio areas, re-siting existing sheds and providing play areas with soft matting and enclosing the areas for children to play safely. We also re-sited the washing line areas.
Monmouthshire Housing Association
Upgrading path works in Abergavenny
0345 677 2277
What You Said, What We Did - 2016
Repairs to Empty Homes Following a mini-review of the empty property standard feedback from new tenants showed a pattern of dissatisfaction with cleanliness, decoration and outstanding repairs and property refusal rates were high.
The pictures show an example of an empty property when returned to MHA and then how it looks after the DSO (Direct Services Organisation) have completed the repair work needed to turn this property around and put it back to the standard before another tenant moves in.
We introduced a new standard for empty properties which includes full neutral decoration throughout the property, carrying out any repairs to the property whilst it is empty, cutting back gardens and carpeting all flats or apartments with neutral coloured carpets enabling the tenant to move into a fresh, new home with minimal expense.
Monmouthshire Housing Association
0345 677 2277
What You Said, What We Did - 2016
Helping With Benefit Changes 75% of working age MHA tenants are potentially affected by Universal Credit. Universal Credit replaced benefits including Housing Benefit, Jobseeker’s Allowance and other work-related benefits from September 2015. As a result there will be a number of changes to the benefits people receive, and how they receive them.
e’ve been helping you cope with the benefit changes and the introduction of Universal Credit.
Up to 76% of you do not use online banking
35% of you regularly access social media
Our 123 postcard campaign helped tenants prepare for Universal Credit. Each postcard featured messages on key issues affecting people claiming Universal Credit.
You Tube, Facebook and Twitter are easy and free ways to get in touch with us. We regularly send out money saving hints, tips advice and information so, if you are a social media user, don’t forget to follow and like MHA (details on back page).
Are you going to be affected by the introduction of Universal Credit? This card can help you prepare. Are you ready for Universal Credit?
The UK Government is changing the way people receive their benefits. The ‘Your Benefits are Changing’ campaign (YBAC) has been set up to inform people about these changes and to provide free, independent advice to those who need it.
What is Universal Credit?
Universal Credit is the name of a new monthly payment that will replace a number of current benefits and tax credits. These include Housing Benefit, Child Tax Credit, income-based JSA, income-related ESA, Income Support and Working Tax Credit.
How is Universal Credit different from my current benefit payment? • Universal Credit will be paid into your bank account.
• Care for children under five • Help when you are unemployed or sick and have low National Insurance contributions.
When? Universal Credit is being rolled out across the country in stages and has already come to Wales. New benefit claimants will be put on to Universal Credit first and then all existing claimants will be moved over to the new system gradually between now and 2018.
MHA0313 Universal Credit Tear Off Flyer.indd 1
• Raise children • Help with the cost of rent • Top up a carer’s allowance
• Housing Benefit will be included in this payment and you’ll have to pay your rent to your landlord yourself.
MHA0288 Universal Credit Postcard - Budgeting.indd 1
• Top up a low income
• You’ll get one monthly payment for your whole household.
• You will have to apply for and manage Universal Credit online.
You’ll receive Universal Credit if you get benefits to:
Tear off this checklist to make sure you’ve got everything you need to fill in your application for:
01/09/2015 09:33:58 04/06/2015 16:30:28
25% of you said you are in debt Our winter edition of Money Matters looked closely at a variety of subjects including debt, illegal money lending and scams.
Up to 25% of you told us you may not have access to the internet MHA tenants moving to Universal Credit who had no access to the web or digital technology were given use of free tablet computers. The tablets form part of an initiative run by us with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).
Monmouthshire Housing Association
Neighbourhood Officer Cally McCarthy supported MHA tenant David when he moved onto Universal Credit this year
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What You Said, What We Did - 2016
Getting Ready for Universal Credit
Helping Tenants with Welfare Reform:
To prepare MHA tenants for the introduction of Universal Credit we set up the Direct Payment Pilot. We worked with 132 tenants to help them get ready for Universal Credit and provided extra support including how to budget their money monthly in readiness for the switch.
Our neighbourhood team has been working with tenants affected by Welfare Reform. We’ve worked closely with tenants to help them through the changes. This included;
In September 2015, the roll out of Universal Credit began in Monmouthshire for new single claimants and will be introduced in stages over the next couple of years. 15 of our tenants are already claiming Universal Credit and over 1,345 tenants will be affected when the roll out is complete.
• Helping tenants apply for “Discretionary Housing Payments” for shortfalls caused by the bedroom tax • Making one officer the main point of contact for all tenants claiming Universal Credit • Working with local groups and charities to help tenants with the changes including local groups, charities and Job Centres • Supporting tenants on a 1-2-1 basis so they understand how they’re affected and what support is available to them
0345 677 2277
#FollowTheBee is a new campaign highlighting the wide-range of help, support and advice available to MHA tenants. You’ll find the bee buzzing across MHA’s vans, newsletters, flyers, Facebook and Twitter pages and website in an effort to raise awareness of the help MHA can offer you. So, whether it’s avoiding getting stung by the changes to your benefits or keeping as busy as a bee and finding education, training and work opportunities – MHA is here to help. Don’t forget to #FollowTheBee!
If you would like any more information, please contact Cally McCarthy 01495 767151 or email cally.mccarthy@monmouthshirehousing.co.uk 40
Monmouthshire Housing Association
Cath Murray, Work & Skills Wise Officer, at a local jobs fair
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What You Said, What We Did - 2016
Big Chat We spoke to over 450 tenants in the 2015 Big Chat consultation and asked a number of questions relating to your home, communities and the additional services we provide to you. The feedback from the Big Chat fortnight was very positive and you told us that you have a strong awareness of our services and that they are valued in your communities. The majority of you are also happy with your homes and living in your communities. Ability Network Tenants said that they wanted fellow tenants with disabilities to be actively involved in tenant engagement at MHA. A new group has been set up and the aim of the group is to ensure that all tenants regardless of their health and circumstances have their say on matters affecting their homes, communities and services. Their motto asks people to “think about what we can do rather than what we can’t do”. The group have looked at providing other ways for tenants to be involved with MHA through social media, Skype and the MHA Chat Board which can be found at www.mhachat.co.uk
Tenant Training – Passport to Engagement You told us that you wanted to gain recognised qualifications after taking courses with us. We now offer accredited tenant training courses and deliver them to tenants. The suite of training courses are known as the “Passport to Engagement” and offer tenants Agored accredited qualifications from entry level to a full level one qualification.
Your Homes Workgroup The Your Homes Workgroup viewed a number of different policy and procedure changes over the last year and made suggestions for improvements. You told us that a large number of tenants didn’t know who their Neighbourhood Officers were or how they could help. As a result we publicised the Neighbourhood Officers and the areas they cover in an edition of Tenant Matters, created neighbourhood newsletters and have introduced neighbourhood officer uniforms so tenants would be able to notice them when they are out in their community.
Monmouthshire Housing Association
0345 677 2277
What You Said, What We Did - 2016
Community Safety Monmouthshire Housing is committed to providing a high quality housing service to those who live in our properties and the surrounding communities. Court Action
Working with Schools
Over the past twelve months the Community Safety Team have taken court action to obtain 10 court orders requiring individuals to stop causing a nuisance.
We’ve been working with schools across Monmouthshire to deliver role play workshops based around persistent noise nuisance to deliver the messages to young people, potentially future tenants of MHA that decisions made under the influence of drugs and alcohol can have long lasting consequences from a housing viewpoint.
Our goal is to nip things in the bud and give advice which will address the issue but there are a small number of persistent cases where we need to take further action. Most of the complaints we receive are of noise nuisance and others include threatening behaviour, intimidation, drug use and general rowdiness. We take anti-social behaviour seriously and aim to make contact with those who report problems to us within a working day in urgent cases and within five working days if the case is not urgent.
The workshops demonstrate the impact that disruptive behaviour can have on the lives of tenants and residents and ultimately the consequences for the offender.
Domestic Abuse Monmouthshire Housing Association (MHA) has been awarded accreditation by the White Ribbon Campaign on the basis of its commitment to supporting the aims of the campaign, never to commit, excuse or remain silent about violence against women.
Staff have carried out training so that when they are out and about in the communities they have an understanding of domestic abuse and are able recognise symptoms of it. Consequently they are able to offer help to anyone affected by domestic abuse and to signpost to local specialist services. We will be taking part in activities to promote the aims of the campaign in local communities in the coming months.
Working in Partnership We are working in partnership with other housing associations on a project called Free From Fear to further improve our response to domestic abuse and ensure a more effective service for tenants.
Monmouthshire Housing Association
Reporting ASB Anti-social behaviour can be reported to us by telephone on 0345 677 2277, on our website at www. monmouthshirehousing. co.uk or in person to a member of MHA staff.
0345 677 2277
What You Said, What We Did - 2016
Giving Something Back We have been able to support lots of groups through our sponsorship programme.
Mardy AFC
We donated to local charity group, MAGIC to support their additional needs play sessions in Abergavenny.
Mardy AFC Juniors has been training boys and girls age 5 16 in football skills since 1972. They were delighted to receive funding from us to help buy rain jackets for the junior team so that they can practice through the winter months.
The group, which supports autistic children and their families arrange play sessions to give the children a chance to play without being overwhelmed by the busy atmosphere of a public play session. They hope to help another 15 families over the coming year.
Action for Children First Aid for Families
Committee member Lorraine Jenkins said, “We’re so pleased to have been given funding; having seen the difference the group makes to families we’re keen to offer it so that more children can benefit.”
We gave funds to help pay for training courses for parents across Monmouthshire to learn about first aid in the home. Learning about hazards and how to deal with a number of emergencies parents feel more confident that they can use basic first aid.
Bridges Community Connections Befriending Scheme This project already supports and connects isolated people across the county and came to us for funding to bring the service to Abergavenny. The funding will help promote the scheme in the area and will help recruit and train new volunteers to make contact with people who need support.
Overmonnow Primary We donated money to pay for sports kit for pupils aged 7 – 11. The children who play rugby and netball were thrilled to be able to practice and compete in up to date sports kit.
Monmouthshire Housing Association
0345 677 2277
What You Said, What We Did - 2016
Applying for Sponsorship We consider applications from foodbanks and charities and support local events, community projects and voluntary groups – if you have a project, event or support service that benefits the people in your area we’d love to help!
Osbaston Church in Wales Primary School
Monmouth Comprehensive
Osbaston CiW School approached us to help pay for their new playground after the old one became too unsafe for pupils to use. The funds we gave helped pay for a rope traverse, stepping stones and traverse wall. Lewis Powell, member of the School Council added that she was “…delighted that the old playground was replaced – the new one is much safer to use!” Fellow pupil and member of the School Council, Nell Ruddiforth, said, “We’re extremely happy with the donation because the new equipment allowed us to be more adventurous - we weren’t allowed to play on the old equipment.”
All you need to do is fill in a sponsorship form and if your request meets our Monmouth Comprehensive requirements you could gain School came to us to ask for funding! For more information funding to support them on or to request an application their sports tour. The tour form, please contact Emma encourages all pupils to develop Assender on 01495 745762 their team-working skills on or email emma.assender@ and off the playing field and is monmouthshirehousing. a great opportunity for children co.uk to learn in a different setting.
Usk Primary School We helped Usk Primary School with their ‘Healthy Hearts’ project, aimed at improving health awareness through cooking sessions and a range of physical activities. Are you involved with a group or event within Monmouthshire that needs sponsorship and could benefit from MHA’s support?
Monmouthshire Housing Association
Llamau Sleep Out Five intrepid staff members swapped their cosy beds for a night sleeping rough last November to raise funds and awareness for the support that homelessness charity Llamau provides to young people in Wales. Meaning ‘steps’ in Welsh, Llamau aims to support people to take the right steps in life to enable them to live safe, happy lives.
0345 677 2277
What You Said, What We Did - 2016
How to Get Involved Tenant Engagement
Bite-Sized Involvement
Tenant engagement gives you the opportunity to get involved in the decision making that shapes the services and standards that MHA provide to all its residents.
These methods of participation require little commitments for those of you with busy schedules, identifying your views and issues affecting your lives.
Getting involved and sharing your views can give you the following benefits:
Examples of some of the commitments this level requires are:
• It gives you more control over decisions made regarding your home. • You can meet other tenants and become involved in new, interesting activities. • You can learn new skills. • It can give you a sense of achievement and can also be FUN!
• Tenant Forum Membership • Reading the Newsletter • Coffee Mornings
Brunch-Sized Involvement These methods require a little more of your time and target those people who want to share their views and make a difference in their wider community. You will be getting together with other local tenants and residents on a regular basis to discuss issues and ideas affecting your local community.
Examples of some of the commitments this level requires are: • Editorial Team for Newsletters • Tenants Steering Committee Membership • Service Testing Team
We offer a ‘menu of opportunities’ where you can pick any number of things from the list depending on how ‘hungry’ for involvement you are.
Monmouthshire Housing Association
Main Course Involvement
Become a Sharemember
Examples of some of the commitments this level requires are:
• Ensure that our actions are legitimate? • Ensure that we are living our values of being Open Fair Flexible and Achieving in the services that we provide to you? • Be involved in MHA but don’t have a lot of time to commit to attending lots of meetings?
All Monmouthshire Housing Association Do you want to: leaflets are available in These methods require • Be able to make key generous amounts of your decisions that will direct pdf, large-print & braille time allowing you to become MHA’s services? formats and on audio directly involved in the running • Have a say in the tape. We can also arrange of the organisation, making appointment of independent translation into a number high level decisions. and tenant board members? of other languages.
• Tenant Board Member • Better Build Group Steering Committee Member • Tenant Delegate at Management Conferences • Scrutiny Panel Member If you would like to find out more then contact Rob Carey, Tenant & Resident Involvement Co-ordinator, on 01495 761115 or email rob.carey@ monmouthshirehousing. co.uk
It could not be easier...
Contact our Corporate Services Team at corporateservices@ monmouthshirehousing. co.uk or call 01495 761104 if you would like a copy of this leaflet in one of these alternative formats.
• You will be kept updated with MHA News • You will be sent our annual report and accounts • You will be invited to attend our Annual General Meeting once a year. Contact Louise Davies on 01495 761104 or email louise.davies@ monmouthshirehousing. co.uk
0345 677 2277
0345 677 2277 communityservices@monmouthshirehousing.co.uk www.monmouthshirehousing.co.uk Monmouthshire Housing Association Nant-Y-Pia House, Mamhilad Technology Park Mamhilad, Monmouthshire, NP4 0JJ facebook.com/Monmouthshire.Housing twitter.com/mon_housing