Money Matters - Winter 2016

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Monmouthshire Housing Wishes You a Merry Christmas


Moving to Universal Credit? We Can Help - 0345 677 2277


04 Welcome 17 Understanding the Benefit Cap 06 Money Saving Christmas Survival Kit 17 Universal Credit is Coming 08 Stacey’s Top Tips 18 Looking Forward to Christmas 10 Getting Money Wise 20 Good as Gold 11 Online Surveys & Savings 20 Are You Affected by the 12 Emlyn’s Story Bedroom Tax? 14 Pay Day Loans 22 Work & Skills Wise - Get Compensation 23 Julie’s Story 15 MHA Live Chat 24 Marion’s Story 16 Universal Credit - We Can Help 26 Volunteering


Breaking Down the Barriers

30 Pop Up Business School 32 How Money Matters

Helped Me

34 Make Budgeting Work

for You

35 South East Wales

Energy Agency

36 Food Co-op Wales 36 Eat Down the Pantry 38 Food for Thought 39 Competition Time

If you would like this Newsletter in a different format (e.g. large print, electronically, etc.) or in Welsh please contact Louise Davies on 01495 761104 or email 0345 677 2277

Scan the QR code to access the MHA website.



Christmas is a time of giving... ...but don’t give yourself a headache in 2017 by amassing debts and bills you can’t afford. It’s all too easy to overspend at Christmas. There are tempting offers and pressures to buy, but by deciding how much you can afford to spend and then sticking to it will see you better off come the new year. In a 2015 survey by Uswitch. com, they found 47% of adults wouldn’t be able to pay off their 2015 Christmas debt by 2016. Throughout this issue of Money Matters, we look at ways of reducing spending at Christmas as well as tackling debt. If you are in arrears with your rent, it is important that you speak to us so we can look at ways in which we can help. Some of us find ourselves turning to loan sharks, door step lenders or pay day loans at this time of year, and these type of lenders can cause major problems. Check out the article on page 14 about pay day lenders, and how you may be able to claim back some or all of the interest paid due to new government legislation. You can also read about how MHA tenant Emlyn and the Money Wise team worked to tackle major credit card debt. If you would like help from our Money Wise service call 01495 745769 or email moneywise@


Moving to Universal Credit? We Can Help - 0345 677 2277

Your winter 2016/17 edition of Money Matters is here! Where has the time gone? We’ve had another very busy year, supporting tenants with money, debt, employment, skills and training advice. This edition is jam-packed with loads of great information, advice, hints and tips and aims to help you prepare for the festive season. Inside, you can read how to manage Christmas on a budget and avoid a Christmas debt hangover. Be wise on how much you spend, and if you are borrowing money try not to borrow from unscrupulous payday lenders. On page 8 we have a story explaining just how bad things can get. We’ve also included a number of case studies, exploring how MHA services have assisted people in debt or with employment advice. Why not turn to page 15 and read how Marion got in touch and sought help from both Money Wise and Work and Skills Wise after reading the summer 2016 edition of Money Matters. Marion now has her benefits in order and has just secured a new job! Marion touches on the key things our services offer, and how all of these initiatives together can really impact and change someone’s life.

2017 is just around the corner too. Why not try a new course? Seek help getting a job, or a better paid job? If these opportunities sound appealing, turn to page 14 which talks about the Work and Skills Wise service and introduces you to your local officers. Also, did you know if you are on the Work Programme and you need help with fulfilling you Claimant Commitment Work and Skills Wise can help? The benefits system will see further, significant changes in 2017. Most recently, major changes to the Benefit Cap mean less money coming in for many people. This is covered in more depth on page 10. We know the Benefit Cap will impact family budgets, and we understand how difficult some families are finding it to make ends meet – in some cases being forced to choose between heating and eating. Page 23 covers information from the South East Wales Energy Agency, who provide lots of hints and tips on reducing energy bills.

If you are unsure as to whether you’re getting all the benefits you’re entitled to, don’t forget to contact the Money Wise team – they can run through a benefit check and help you with debt matters. Pages 9 and 11 feature stories on how both benefit and debt advice have helped some of our tenants overcome the significant financial challenges they were facing. And finally, page 25 covers how to make the most of your left over festive dinner. Why not give one of our lovely recipes a go? Turkey and cranberry meatballs? Sounds yummy! With that warming thought in mind, I’m going to wish you all the very best for the festive season.

Until next time, wishing you a Merry Christmas and very happy and prosperous New Year!

Farida Aslam




CHRISTMAS SURVIVAL KIT By Stacey White, MHA PR & Admin Assistant

Put a your flask on st and as li Christm Year off by e New ed start th r home-brew u ead yo taking x to work inst t e fi res caffein ng to the nea t i le of popp op... your wal h coffee s heavier by the l will fee pring rolls e tim s . around

Dig out all your gi vouche ft r s As a na waste £ t ion 2 vouche 40m on unsp we e r Cards & s, according t nt gift o the Gi get spe Vouchers Ass ociatio ft nding. n - so A points on loya lso check for lty c unu Boots A dvanta ard schemes, sed ge, T such Sainsbu ry’s Nec esco Clubcard as ta a more c ost effe r: it can often nd c b tive to into vo cash th e uchers e m rath spendi ng them er than at the till.


e your Embrac ing nd mak ts to a g n i k ba talen e your mily. Get s U ! s e urg e fa ts for th n from Good f i g e k ma tio inspira ipe selection d n a s a c ide ing’s re de p e e k e omema t h r Hous o f h rc l ge and sea terest - you’l . Pin eas gifts on ds of great id n thousa

Talk to your family mit on and agree a li sing how gifts, it’s surpri d creative resourceful an en you have a you can be wh . t to work from smaller budge t of children If you have a lo not to buy for why et suggest a ‘secr Santa’?

Moving to Universal Credit? We Can Help - 0345 677 2277

Switch banks a earn so nd m – check e cash o current ut best sw deals a itching vailable online.

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“I’m Stacey, a 30 something working mum. Before I was working I was on benefits and I really, really struggled to make ends meet. I would often find myself going without food so I could feed my daughter and that’s when I decided to start researching money saving tips and tricks. “I saved the most money by using a good, solid meal plan and setting a budget for food shopping. A list also needs to be written (and taken with you!) and the budget should be stuck too. Plan so that on a Sunday for example you have chicken and on the Monday you can use the leftovers for a curry or a pie. It works really well and can save a fortune. “With Christmas coming we all want a little extra and so even if you adopt this for a few months, you will save money. Don’t forget stores like Aldi and Lidl too. They have great priced tinned items and cleaning products. You may think Poundland is cheap but often they are smaller bottles and it actually ends up costing you more. “Here are a few of my top tips for saving a few extra quid over Christmas and the New Year. I’d love to hear your tips and indeed, how you got on and how much you saved!! You can write in or share on Twitter or Facebook. “ Have a merry Christmas and a frugal New Year!

Stacey 8

Moving to Universal Credit? We Can Help - 0345 677 2277 Bake it and Make it

Learn to say NO!

Use your local Library

Bake a delicious box of cookies or cakes and give them out as gifts. If you start planning now you’ll have plenty of time to bake them and it will also save you a small fortune!

It’s easy to give in to the demands of a screaming child in a packed Poundland on a Saturday afternoon. Saying ‘no’ a few times a year will do wonders for your bank account.

It’s the best of the free bits of the internet under one roof! Your library means you’ll never need to buy a cookbook, guidebook or lifestyle manual and if you can bear to wait a few weeks in the queue for the latest blockbuster, you never need to buy books. CDs and DVDs are great value too.

Make up a gift hamper

Pack in smoking

They’re filled with cheese, wine, chocolate and other treats. But if you go to places like Lidl and Aldi you could buy those for a lot cheaper, buy a few baskets from a home store, a bit of ribbon and there you go! Not only will it look good it will cost a fraction of the price.

Apart from brands that launch special cheapo starter packs, every cigarette now costs about 40p. Those forty pees add up to around £3,000 a year if you smoke 20 a day.

Cancel your gym membership! Make a shopping list

If you stick to it you can eat well and save enough for a holiday without thinking about it. We each chuck out nearly £500 of food each a year. That’s crazy but it’s the supermarket business model. Dig out the cookery books, plan a few meals and only buy what you need.

£50 a month for 14 years is £8,400. If you use the gym three times a week, great, If not, cancel your membership. You’ll soon save enough to buy your own bike or rowing machine. Consider running home from work three times a week or taking the kids to the park... It’s free!

It won’t be you!

The odds of winning the Lotto jackpot are stacked 14m to 1 against each ticket. The price of entering the lottery doubled to £2. That probably won’t be included in official inflation figures. Have a go at the lottery for fun sometimes. It’s not an investment or a savings or retirement plan. Maybe consider saving extra money in an ISA.

Warm home discount

For winter 2016 to 2017, you could get £140 off your electricity bill through the Warm Home Discount Scheme. The money isn’t paid to you - it’s a one-off discount on your electricity bill between October and April. The discount won’t affect your Cold Weather Payment or Winter Fuel Payment. Google ‘Warm home discount’ for more information or contact your energy supplier to see if you qualify.



Getting Money Wise Money Wise is a free, confidential service helping MHA tenants make more of their money and maximise their income. The Money Wise service has helped MHA tenants save a combined £412,345 in 2015/16.

“Hello my name is Abi Lewis, I am a Money Advisor specialising in Debt. I can also help you with Benefit applications obtaining affordable credit, affordable home insurance and opening savings accounts . If you are experiencing problem debt you are not alone. 1 in 6 adults in the UK are over indebted*. The good news is there is always a way out of debt. There are four steps to managing your debts. Step 1 - Maximise your income; Step 2 - Creating a personal budget; Step 3 - Deal with Priority creditors like Rent arrears and Council tax arrears. Step 4; Contact non-priority creditors like credit cards and loans. I’m here to help, email abigail. lewis@monmouthshirehousing. text or WhatsApp me on 07725 824800 or call 01495 745769.

“Hi my name is Matthew Taylor and I am the Benefits and Money Advisor for MHA covering the Caldicot, Chepstow and Usk areas. “If you are struggling to pay your rent, need help budgeting or even need help making an application for new benefits, then please get in touch. “I am happy to come visit you in the comfort of your home or if you prefer we could meet somewhere that is convenient to you.” For more information call Matt on 07792596915, 01495 745769 or email moneywise@

MAS website



“I’m Sarah and I work Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays covering Abergavenny & Monmouth. I can help with benefits, budgeting and reducing water rates. “I’m busy trying to help families affected by the benefit cap. The benefit cap affects families and single people who get more than £20,000 per year or £384 per week through benefits alone. If you currently receive more than this your income may be reduced. (see page 17 for more information). “If you are having your benefits capped and need help, call us. “If you want some help getting your finances in order or a benefit to check to make sure you are getting everything you are entitled to, please get in touch. I can come to visit you at home or a place that suits you. Contact me on 07814223370, 01495 745769 or sarah.jones@”

Moving to Universal Credit? We Can Help - 0345 677 2277

Online Surveys

&Savings Earn Some Cash or Credits With Online Survey Sites

i-Say could earn you between 5 – 250 points which can then be redeemed for high street vouchers (see site for more details) Google Opinion Rewards (for android users only) earns credit for purchasing apps, games, books, music and movies on the Google Playstore. Surveys take seconds and you can quickly rack up as much as £48 worth. Crowdology pays hard cash via Paypal (up to £4 or £10 redeemed for Amazon vouchers) Panelbase gives you a decent earning on a range of subjects. A typical survey will pay between 25p-£10 and only takes between 5-10 minutes OnePoll is mega-popular for its speedy surveys. The short surveys may only pay out 20p a time but you quickly rake in up to £40 and get paid for referring friends.

Quidco Special

A quest to find the cheapest contents home insurance has left me quids in! After searching through a compare website I found a number of very competitive quotes for the covered I needed so made a note of these companies. All I had to do then was visit Quidco and typed “contents insurance” into the search box, found one of the companies on my list and Bob’s your uncle. I’ve halved my renewal quote from my current insurer and got £32 cashback too.

Other Tips

Martin Lewis mantras Skint? Then ask yourself do I need it and can I afford it? Not skint? Then ask yourself will I use it and is it worth it?

It really is worth going through Quidco every time you consider purchasing anything online. You can bank your earnings and cash them in nearer Christmas and earn extra points for Amazon vouchers etc. Look into the Meerkat Movie deal where you could potentially get 2 for 1 cinema tickets every week for a year just by purchasing insurance or switching using their site.

YourSayPays is another quick and easy way to earn up to £20 for your views.



“...eventually there was light at the end of the tunnel.”

Don’t bury your head in the sand – get help from MHA’s Money Wise team. Call 01495 745769 12

Moving to Universal Credit? We Can Help - 0345 677 2277


Story “I was having sleepless nights. To try and deal with a debt that big, that’s seemingly come from nowhere, it was a very stressful situation.” MHA tenant Emlyn was living with his wife Jennie and father Robert in their home near Catbrook when his father became very ill and had to go into hospital for the foreseeable future. Soon after, Emlyn found out his elderly father had amassed multiple credit card debts of £23,000 in a short space of time. He admits he didn’t know what to do at first, and with notifications suggesting bailiffs were due to begin taking items of furniture and other possessions within the fortnight, Emlyn admits he was very worried.

“I had to act quickly. So I contacted all the credit card companies involved and explained the situation. Then I immediately contacted MHA’s Money Wise team and told them the whole story. “They helped me straight away. Abi helped me write letters to all the companies explaining the situation. But it wasn’t a quick process. We had months of slowly working through things, but eventually there was light at the end of the tunnel.” After a great deal of work, Abi helped Emlyn to get the vast majority of his father’s credit card debts written off and his debt issues are largely resolved now. “Without the help of Money Wise and Abi, I’m not sure where we’d be now. My father had buried his head in the sand and let things get out of control. We love our MHA home and the last thing we’d want is to risk losing it. To get this type of support from MHA as well is just fantastic. I’m sleeping soundly again!”



PAYDAY LOANS GET COMPENSATION! Whilst on maternity leave, Mrs. Johnson* was on a reduced income and her husband was out of work. They found themselves struggling, with a young family to support, and turned to pay day loan companies for financial help. The loans were all paid back within the required time frame, but the couple found themselves taking another loan once the last one was paid, resulting in multiple loans and higher fees to pay back. Despite all this, eventually their situation improved and everything was paid off. Four years later pay day loans are a distant memory. However, after reading about a new piece of government legislation aimed at tackling some of the issues surrounding pay day loan companies, Mrs. Johnson decided to contact three of the pay day loan companies she’d borrowed from in the past. Mrs. Johnson explained the difficulties she’d faced at the time, and how the loan companies she’d borrowed from at the time had exacerbated her financial issues. To date Mrs. Johnson has received responses from two of the companies, both partially upheld her complaint, one offered her £985 and to adjust her credit file and one offered

her £1010 and offered to wipe the note completely from her credit file. If the response received from the pay day loan companies was not acceptable she would have been within her rights to take it through the Ombudsman. Even if a Payday loan has not been paid in full, you are still be within your rights to ask for your case to be investigated. Mrs. Johnson explains: “These companies helped us in the short term, but I wish we’d never used them at the time. The money we lost in ‘fees’ could have been put too much better use. “They feed on peoples desperation and we were often offered more money than we needed with companies bending over backwards to ‘help’ – in fact they are just lining their own pockets. I was lucky and had the means to take control of the situation. I just hope my story will help someone else out there, going through similar issues.”

For help or further information call MHA’s Money Wise Team on 01495 745769. *Names have been changed.


Utilise car boot sales and Ebay as a way to make money from unwanted clothes or kids toys.

Moving to Universal Credit? We Can Help - 0345 677 2277


MHA have introduced a new way for people to talk to us. The Live Chat tool was introduced to our website in October, and is managed by MHA’s Customer Services Team. To use Live Chat, head to the home page of the MHA website and click on the orange Live Chat Now button on the bottom right hand corner of the page – just click and start chatting. The Live Chat service is open Monday to Friday 9.00am to 4.00pm. Live Chat enables you to ask questions on a variety of subjects, such as repairs, tenancy matters and garage queries. So, if you are looking for answers, but don’t have the time to make a call, you can now Live Chat with MHA. Go on... give it a go!



Moving to Universal Credit?

We can help! Have your work circumstances changed? On a zero hours contract? Hours reduced? Lost your job?

Call us: 0345 677 2277 Do you need help or advice about a change in your work circumstances?

Are you in debt or struggling with money issues?

Do you need help getting online?

Call MHA’s Work & Skills Wise team on 01495 745769.

Call MHA’s Money Wise team on 01495 767182.

Call MHA’s Work & Skills Wise team on 01495 745769.


Moving to Universal Credit? We Can Help - 0345 677 2277

Understanding the Benefit Cap The benefit cap sets a limit on the total amount in benefits that most working-age people can claim. As of 7th November 2016, the new benefit cap amount for people living in Monmouthshire is £20,000 a year for couples with or without children and lone parents and £13,400 a year for single people without children. So how much you get for certain benefits may go down to make sure the total you get isn’t more than the new cap amount.

If you think you may be affected by the new benefit cap, please give us a call on 0345 677 2277 – we are here to help!

We have a wealth of information and advice about welfare reform on our website



Is Coming Universal Credit (UC) is a single monthly benefit for working age people in or out of work, which replaces some of the current benefits and tax credits. There are around 1,900 MHA tenants who are working age people. We expect that around 1,400 of our working age tenants will be claiming UC when it is fully rolled out in Monmouthshire. In addition to our tenants, there will also be young adults who are living with their parents in MHA properties who will be claiming UC. There are currently around 340 people in Monmouthshire who are claiming UC and around 20 of them are MHA tenants. At the moment, only single

claimants are eligible to claim in Monmouthshire but the roll out will be expanded to include all claimant types. To prepare for UC, we have encouraged our tenants to get a bank account, to draw up a budget and to get online. Recent analysis of our tenant insight information shows that almost all working age tenants have bank accounts and 7 out of 10 have access to the internet. Six out of 10 working age tenants said that they are worried about paying their bills; drawing up a budget can help plan bill payments and help keep on top of outgoings. If you are moving to UC we can help, call us on 0345 677 2277 for help and advice.



I'm Looking forward to



Moving to Universal Credit? We Can Help - 0345 677 2277 “Christmas 2015 was a stressful time for me. I’d finished work due to ill health and I had no money coming in – it was a worry. Fast forward to today and I can safely say this Christmas is going to be a lot better!” This time last year MHA tenant Laurence’s sick pay was due to stop, after he’d finished working as a furniture delivery driver six months previously with severe and chronic back issues. Laurence was referred into MHA’s Money Wise team by his Neighbourhood Officer, after they found out he was struggling with his finances.

Abi and Matt helped Laurence apply for both Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) benefits.

original ESA decision was overturned, ensuring his financial future. Laurence received a back-payment following his ESA payments being reinstated.

However, despite being accepted onto PIP, Laurence’s ESA application was turned down meaning he was facing a real struggle to try and get by.

“If I hadn’t gone through the appeal process, and finally secured ESA I know I’d be in financial dire straits now.”

Abi and Matt worked hard to help Laurence appeal the ESA decision. Abi helped Laurence with the many forms he needed to work through, while Matt worked hard to contest the decision. Their hard work and persistence paid off and the

“I’m really grateful to Abi, Matt and MHA. Knowing that support is there has been a big help. It’s a brilliant service!”



MHA’s Good as Gold scheme is a quarterly, free to enter prize draw giving five MHA tenants the chance to each win £50. The draw is open to all tenants who keep up to date with their rent and are not in rent arrears. Mrs Forrest and Mrs Chalk, who live in Abergavenny, and Ms Wilson, from Tintern, are just three of the latest winners:

Mrs Forrest said: “It’s lovely to have won the £50. I plan to treat myself to a new winter coat. It’s great MHA put all the rent back into services and improvements for tenants.”

Mrs Chalk said: “The money will really help me pay my gas and electric bills, especially with winter coming.”

Ms Wilson said: “I’m so happy! I rarely win anything, so this is a real bonus! I have my eye on a new CD.”

MHA has some of the lowest levels of rent arrears in the country and Good as Gold aims to recognise this by way of thanks. Don’t forget, every penny paid in rent is returned in services and improvements for MHA tenants. Full details, terms and conditions can be found at

ARE YOU AFFECTED BY THE BEDROOM TAX? Need a quick and efficient way to move to a more suitable property? Why not join Homeswapper today, with thousands of local tenants already registered, you could find your perfect home – for free!

For more information please contact Monmouthshire Homesearch on 0345 900 2956. Mrs Roberts* wanted to move to Cornwall to be closer to her own children and grandchildren, as she didn’t get to see them very often. Mrs Roberts registered with Homeswapper and instantly found a number of suitable home matches. When she found the perfect match, the process was quick and straight forward and before long at all, she was in her new home. Mrs Roberts felt happy and relieved to be close to her family again, as it was a fresh start for her. *Name changed

Moving to Universal Credit? We Can Help - 0345 677 2277 Upload photos to your home ad and send other swappers a nudge if they don’t have a photo

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Quickly swipe through and manage your matches See who’s serious about swapping by looking at their badges

Chat in real time with other swappers and see who’s online now

Available now for free!



Work & Skills Wise

I’m Cath and I can help anyone living in an MHA home, with: • Finding volunteer work placements to build confidence, gain experience and get professional references • Securing funding for training and courses via our bursary scheme or applying for grants and student loans • Helping people realise their self-employment dreams • Submitting applications to university and college • Laptop loans to tenants for learning and development purposes • Creating an effective CV, submitting strong job applications and preparing for interviews Recently, I have been helping people enrol onto college courses and apply for and secure funding. Our bursary scheme can also help with training, equipment and work materials. Our support is free and confidential. If you live in south Monmouthshire: Caldicot, Chepstow and the surrounding areas, you can contact Cath on 01495 767193 / 07891 685 750 or email catherine.murray@

I’m Helena, the Work & Skills Wise officer for north Monmouthshire, covering Abergavenny and Monmouth. I’m experienced in working with people who have health conditions, criminal convictions and those claiming benefits, to help and support them progress in work. Do you want support with increasing your skills? • Do you want support to create and develop your CV? • Do you want to submit the best job application you can? • Do you want to be ready for that interview? • Do you want to know how to gain access to the digital world? • Do you want support to realise your potential? • Do you want to call me to see how I can help and support you? Contact me for support specific to you helena.davies@


I’m Gemma. The DWP funded Pathway to Careers Project has been running since June. We have had some fantastic results, helping 15 people into employment. The project is open to anyone living in the Monmouthshire area, as long as you are receipt of working age benefits. If you or someone you know is looking for support with CV writing, job application forms and interview techniques please call me on 07812 060533.” We are running an accredited level 1 job seeking skills programme in Caldicot 2nd week January & 3rd week of March, then 2nd week of February in Abergavenny. We can provide transport if required.

MHA’s Pathways to Careers project can help you find your way into work - it’s never too late to change your path.

Moving to Universal Credit? We Can Help - 0345 677 2277

Give your career a boost with our free Cisco training Melin Homes and Communities First Torfaen are offering a free qualification that can seriously boost your chances of getting a job. The IT Essentials course from the Cisco Networking Academy is not just for those already working in technology. This is IT training with a difference as it will equip you with all the key skills employers look for such as communication skills, logical thinking and team work.

The training is open to anyone, and is very flexible, so if you are looking to get back into work after taking time out, or are wanting to make a change and take control of your career, register your interest by 15th January 2017 at Or for more information call Louise Kingdon on 01495 745910.

It’s free!


MHA tenants can sign up for a free CISCO IT course, courtesy of our friends at Melin Homes. Register before January 15th 2017 and get qualified!

MHA tenant Julie shares her story “I met Cath Murray at the jobs fair in Caldicot and spoke with her about returning to work. I have a six year work gap and felt I needed something more current and new. Soon after, I spoke with my advisor who helps unemployed parents get back into work. She spoke with Cath from MHA and it was arranged for me to come in to MHA on a voluntary basis as a receptionist to get work experience a reference. “I’m enjoying learning new skills and refreshing old ones. The company and staff have been welcoming and friendly. My hope is to get a part time job so I can provide for me and my son and get some independence again.”



“Cath from the Work and Skills Wise team helped me enormously...”

Marion’s Story “Money Matters is such a useful magazine”

jobs, she found herself feeling out of sync with how much things had changed.

After many years in steady employment as a youth support worker, being made redundant came as a real shock to MHA tenant Marion.

Fortunately, the summer 2016 edition of Money Matters had recently landed on Marion’s doorstep and after reading the magazine, Marion knew her best option was to get in touch with MHA.

Not only did Marion find herself out of work, but when it came to searching and applying for new

“I’d read about all the support


available from MHA in Money Matters, so I plucked up the courage to call the Money Wise team. Matt from Money Wise then helped me apply for the benefits I was entitled to. “I knew I wanted to get back into work as soon possible, but it’d been a long time since I’d been through the process of finding and applying for jobs, which is

Moving to Universal Credit? We Can Help - 0345 677 2277

mainly done online now. It’s a totally different ball game these days! “Cath from the Work and Skills Wise team helped me enormously in writing a new CV, applying for financial support for people who’ve been made redundant and helping me find training to improve my IT skills. She also helped me to find what

sort of jobs were available locally. I went to the Usk Community Hub most days, to use the computers there, get online and look for jobs. I also went to the job fair in Caldicot which was really useful. “I soon felt more equipped when I went for interviews, more confident in myself. And it paid off! I’ve been offered a

job as an enablement assistant – helping older people to live independently in their homes – and I can’t wait to start. “It was a jolt to the system [being made redundant] but Matt and Cath and MHA have gone the extra mile to help me. They are a great team!”




My Story By Stacey White

“If you said to me 10 years ago ‘oh you should volunteer’, I’d have shot you a weird look, rolled my eyes and asked ‘why?’

“I left school at 16 with a few GCSE’s, but nothing exciting. Fastforward 10 years, and after jobs in cafes and warehouses, it hit me: adult education was the way forward. “I decided to do some volunteer work and discovered Supporting Others through Volunteer Action (SOVA), a charity working with ex-offenders in reintegrating them back into society after release from prison.

“I felt a sense of satisfaction whilst volunteering. I got training and experience while helping others out. Okay, there was no money involved but it felt good. I stayed with SOVA for about three years and then moved onto the Drugs Intervention Programme. “I then came across Dad’s Can. I volunteered with Dad’s Can for a few months helping with research, admin and social media work. I was then asked to help MHA’s Corporate Services team and I absolutely loved it. Within weeks I was offered a full time position as PR and Admin Assistant.


“Now I can tell you why: because not only does it benefit the organisation you volunteer with, it benefits you. From being in a workplace environment, training and acquiring new skills - volunteering has it all. To say on your CV that you have voluntarily given your time, be it 3 hours or 30, shows dedication, empathy and commitment: Commitment to improve; commitment to stick at something; and commitment to give back to your community. “I’ve volunteered over 4000 hours of my time in the last six years and I can honestly say it’s changed my life. It’s helped me grow, helped me tackle my mental health issues and has helped me explore the world of work without having the tie of a contract.

“Would I recommend volunteering? Absolutely! Find something you are passionate or curious about and go for it!”

Moving to Universal Credit? We Can Help - 0345 677 2277

MHA CEO John Keegan “At MHA we take great pride and satisfaction from the number of people who have volunteered with us and have learned and benefitted from the experience. The benefits of volunteering are not just for the tenant, or a member of their family who come to us, but benefits MHA every bit as much. We aren’t just a landlord and have never seen ourselves as just that. We know the value of knowing as many of our tenants and communities as possible. We want our communities to be active, vibrant places where people can have a brilliant quality of life, in areas where people aspire to live and work. “Areas where lots of people work have a much greater chance of being stronger communities and are very attractive to other

people who want to live in an area. Nevertheless, we are aware that as time passes so the needs of employers change. Skills you had previously may no longer be useful and need to be updated. Many tenants struggle to get back into work because their skills are out of date and that’s where we come in. We have a wide variety of jobs where tenants can come in, get a flavour of what it’s like, recognise where they need more training and be able to explain to prospective employers what they have been up to. They can explain how volunteering with us has either given them the skills or got them on a course where they have learnt them and are now ready to hit the ground running. So we help people gain the necessary skills and experience.

“One of our main aims is to get people off benefits and into work, and eventually into better paid work if they continue to need our help. The benefits system is now very much weighed against those out of work and it can be very complicated indeed if there are any changes in your circumstances to receive the correct amount of benefit. Once the work is reasonably well paid people find it much more straightforward to be at work. The tenants who come to work with us get a real understanding of our business, and that helps everyone, as they understand why we do things the way we do. It attracts people to work in organisations like ours and we are always looking for the best people – better still if they are tenants or members of their families. “People can and do volunteer in a variety of ways, from work experience to our very active tenant groups who help us with all the major decisions, such as how we spend our income and what priorities we should have in the coming years. Other tenants help us by judging the usefulness and quality of our services and how they can be improved. This help has saved MHA significant amounts of money over the years and those savings are ploughed back into homes and services for our tenants. A virtuous circle if ever there was one.”

For more information on volunteering opportunities, contact our Work & Skills Wise team on 01495 745 769.



Did you know that one in three people in Wales volunteers? You can too – contact our Pathways to Careers project.

Breaking Down How Does the Story Start? “Victoria is a young care leaver, referred to Work & Skills Wise by Lorraine Denley from MHA’s New Homes Team for training and employability support. Work & Skills Wise had previously worked with Victoria on the DWP funded Way into Work Programme, whilst Victoria was still living in a hostel. Back then, Victoria’s housing situation took president. However, now Victoria is living independently in one of MHA’s new build properties, it was time for a fresh start and for Victoria to take control of her next steps. Victoria was still supported by Social Services but this was due to stop in when she turned 21.”

What did we do? “Victoria had previously studied Art at college but found that with her hectic home life and transport issues she wasn’t able to commit to college and dropped out. Victoria wanted to go back to college but this time to study a Level 1’Looking after children’ qualification alongside a Welsh Bac where she could further develop her English and Maths skills. “Victoria applied for college and was accepted onto a childcare course in Newport. The course was full time and as a result Victoria was told by the DWP that this would mean she wouldn’t be eligible to claim Job seekers Allowance (JSA). This was a hit that Victoria was willing to take to undertake the course. We


supported Victoria in applying for a Welsh Government Learning Grant (WGLG) that would cover costs incurred through her attending of the course and she could apply for up to £1,500. “Once we sent the application for the WGLG Lorraine was required to contact Housing Benefit (HB) with her change in circumstances after a Council Tax query. HB came back to say that because Victoria was a full time student that they were cancelling her HB claim with immediate effect and she would have to pay her full rent. “Therefore, Victoria was left with both zero income but also the demands of having to pay rent and council tax with no money coming in. Lorraine explained Victoria was living

Moving to Universal Credit? We Can Help - 0345 677 2277

MHA’s Inclusion Team help MHA tenants with money, benefits, debt, education & work

the Barriers alone, had no income and was with social services but this made no difference. Work & Skills Wise researched the situation, contacting providers to search for possible loop-holes and ideas of how we could support Victoria to regain an income, reinstate her HB and council tax benefit without having to drop out of college. “Firstly we contacted Student Finance Wales and Victoria was transferred to the ‘Welsh Government Learning Grant’. Student Finance Wales didn’t think it should affect her HB and the grant is a non-taxable and should be used for costs associated with her course, such as fees, course materials, equipment and travel. This grant is a total of £1,500 which would

By Cath Murray

Childcare course. Victoria then took this to the JCP to re-apply for a rapid reclaim of her JSA. “We contacted Coleg Gwent. Between her Social Worker They told us that housing benefit and Lorraine, they worked to can potentially be stopped when get Victoria to complete a new students start courses. After claim form for HB and council explaining Victoria’s situation we tax reduction to reinstate her were referred to NASH’s Head of benefits. As long as Victoria’s Learner Services, June Bridgman.” income remains under £18,370 and she is doing more than Outcome 8 hours per week she should “June had experienced this be eligible for the Welsh situation time and time again Government Learning Grant. and has 12 other students in the same situation. June was able “We have also provided Vitoria to shuffle Victoria’s timetable a laptop loan as well as oneand reduced it to 15 hours 30 to-one support, so she can minutes, taking her 30 minutes attend college and flourish. under the threshold and into We’re looking at volunteering a part time course. June then opportunities as well as further issued Victoria with an official course development to enable letter stating that she was now her to become a qualified attending a part time Level 1 Childminder/Nursery Nurse.” not be enough to live off, let alone pay her rent.




Moving to Universal Credit? We Can Help - 0345 677 2277

In May 2016, MHA and Newport City Homes commissioned business entrepreneurs and advisors Pop Up Business School to come to Newport to deliver self-employment training for people interested in working for themselves. The week long training was a huge success, with great feedback, such as: “I would recommend Pop Up Business School to anyone interested in starting up their own business and kicking it off from the start. I would like to say thank you Pop Up Business School!” “The work of you guys has left a lasting effect on my approach to sales, networking and bookwork (argh!) And a less elitist view of who my customers might be.”

The exciting news is that we are working with Newport City Homes and Newport Council to bring Pop Up Business School back to Newport in 2017! The programme will run from Monday 27th February 2017 – Friday 10th March 2017 and will feature workshops on how to start a business up with no money, how to build a website for free, how to make money from your sofa as well as so much more - giving you the confidence to turn your passion into a business!

Whether you already have a firm idea of what your business could be or just like the idea of being your own boss and want to benefit from the expertise of Pop Up Business School, contact the Work & Skills Wise Team on wsw@monmouthshirehousing. or call 01495 745 769 to register. We can also help with transport or childcare arrangements.



“I’ll be working for myself and taking control of my own situation again” 32

Moving to Universal Credit? We Can Help - 0345 677 2277

“I used to be a water sports instructor before I had my two boys. So to be starting work as a body piercer is quite a career change. I’ll be working for myself and taking control of my own situation again. It’s exciting! I can’t wait to start.”

MHA tenant Jodie had already decided she wanted to try and get a body piercing apprenticeship when she picked up the summer 2016 edition of MHA’s Money Matters magazine. Having saved around half the money she needed to get onto an apprenticeship, she contacted Cath from Work and Skills Wise after reading about MHA’s bursary scheme in Money Matters. The bursary can help MHA tenants with course fees, training materials and other education, training and work related costs. Cath helped Jodie apply for the bursary as well as employment funding through Business Wales. However, Jodie wasn’t sure if she’d actually get the funding she needed to get onto the apprenticeship. “It’s really difficult to get a body piercing apprenticeship as the competition is fierce. You get a certificate at the end of the apprenticeship which enables you to practice as a body piercer.

Fortunately my applications were successful and I eventually found an apprenticeship opportunity at Chrome Inc – a specialist body piercing studio in Cardiff. “While on my apprenticeship, I started popping into my local tattoo shop in Caldicot, Kings of Ink. Dylan, the owner, said he was looking for a piercist and that perhaps I could practice from his shop. I was really happy and having completed my apprenticeship, I now just need to get my needles and jewellery and I can start work!” “I’m so grateful to Cath for her help. She’s always friendly and easy to talk to and without her help I wouldn’t be in the position I’m in. It all came from opening up Money Matters – I’d encourage any MHA tenant who needs help to read it and get in touch!”

You can find out more about Kings of Ink on Facebook at kingsofinkcaldicot



Make Budgeting Work For You Track spending and change your relationship with money by staying on top of your finances with free mobile phone apps.

Goodbudget Budget Planner Based on the ‘envelope budgeting method’ – dividing your cash into pots of money for different things. You can check your envelope balances as well as your bank balances, and expense tracking is also available. Envelopes and balances can be synched between different devices and other people – useful to work out the household budget with your other half. It’s available for iOS, Android and desktop.

Wally This app gives you a “360-degree view” of your money, tracking what comes in, what goes out, what you have saved and what you have budgeted. Wally also works with smartphone location services to track where you’re spending your money. Another feature is the ability to photograph your receipts to update your spending and expenses. Notifications will remind you of upcoming payments and when you have reached a savings goal. Wally is available for iOS and Android, but there’s no desktop version. For a paper version of MHA’s Budget Planner please call 01495 767182.

12 Tips of Christmas 1. Time your heating

Set your heating timer for the hour before you get up so you have toasty toes in the morning and an hour in the evening to keep the temperature ticking over through the night.

2. Leave the oven

door open

After you’ve used the oven and switched it off, leave the door open so the excess heat can circulate round the kitchen.

3. Don’t let the

7. Fill your washing machine

Always put a full load into the washing machine, and wash it on a 30 degree cycle to keep costs down.

8. Turn down the


Even turning your thermostat down by one degree can save you 10% on your heating bills.

9. Turn off standby

Buy a couple of fun, cheap sausage dog-shaped draught excluders to keep heat inside a room.

Once you get into the habit of doing it, turning off your appliances at the wall is an easy way to save pennies this winter. You could save up to £80 a year by just flicking off that little red light.

4. Fill the kettle

10. Check your

draught in

with a cup


Save loads of water over the winter season by filling the kettle with just enough to fill a cup. It’s better for the environment and for your wallet.

Avoid frozen pipes bursting by knowing where your stopcock is and how to turn it off. This will prevent a flood when the frozen pipes thaw out.

5. Winter help

11. Energy saving

If you’ve got someone in your home who was born before 1st June 1952 and receives a state pension, you could be eligible for financial help with your winter energy bills. It’s worth looking into, as grants are available up to £300.


6. Switch off

It may sound like something your mum would say, but putting on a jumper (and hat and woolly socks) rather than turning up the heating really does help to curb your energy bills.

Easy to say, harder to do! If you switch the lights off every time you leave the room, you can save up to 15% on your energy costs across the year.


Energy saving lightbulbs use only a quarter of the energy of normal lightbulbs and can last up to eight times longer.

12. Wrap up

Moving to Universal Credit? We Can Help - 0345 677 2277

South East Wales Energy Agency We can also help with accessing funds to help you to pay your utility bills, including:

Who We Are We’re a Newport-based charity that aims to combat fuel poverty, poor health and climate change. We provide free, impartial advice to help people save money and reduce their energy use.

How Can We Help? We can help you to access grants or schemes that provide efficiency improvements, often for FREE or minimal cost, including: • Helping you to get a FREE BOILER. • Helping you to get a FREE SMART METER • Providing advice (and funding) on draught-proofing your home or removing/avoiding damp.

Helping You Pay The Bill We are specialists at providing advice on how to save money and cut-down on energy use in your home.

• Winter Fuel Payment • Warm Home Discount • Government Electricity Rebate • Cold Weather Payment

Supplier Switching Many people pay too much for their energy bills, yet remain with their supplier. Switching suppliers can often lead to savings of hundreds of pounds per year. We can advise and help you to switch supplier. We are independent of all energy suppliers so you can have peace of mind that we are not promoting specific companies/ tariffs.

Smart Meter Rollout Every home in the UK will be offered a smart meter by 2020. We can take the stress out of the situation by helping you to request a smart meter installation at a time that suits you. Please call us for more information.

Tailored, UserFriendly Service We are able to provide a flexible, tailored service to help you as much as possible. We can do home visits and can bring along our own internet-linked computers so we can still help even if you do not use a computer. If you have a health condition we can also sometimes pay for boiler/heating system repairs. You don’t have to be on benefits to be eligible.

Get In Touch Whether you need help to understand your bill, switch your supplier or advice on how to get a free boiler or smart meter we can help. Be prepared and make your home easier and cheaper to heat before the winter! Call us on Freephone 0800 622 6110. Visit our website: Like us Follow us



Food co-op



A food co-op is a simple way of buying fresh food, whilst supporting a local business. Food co-ops are run by volunteers from community venues or places of work. Many are linked to other community activities and social groups, offering the chance to socialise and meet new people. As well as helping you eat more healthily, you can also save money. On average a regular food co-op customer saves around £220 a year! (An average fruit and veg bag is between £2 and £4). It’s an affordable alternative to the supermarket and money spent though a food co-op is re-invested into the local community. They are welcoming, fun and open to everyone. Simply turn up, order your bags, pay, then collect your produce the following week. Visit the Food co-op website to find a location near you. www.

When preparing meals, make extra and freezecreating less waste.

Make it your mission in January to clear out the old year and use up all those old tins, packets, sauces etc. and anything you have lurking in the pantry (P) or freezer (F)! Here are some quick and easy recipes for post-Christmas.

Mixed Meat Stir Fry Ingredients


• 1 onion, sliced • Sunflower oil • 1 pepper sliced into strips • Handful of mushrooms, peeled and sliced • Leftover meat cut into bitesize chunks • Vegetables (eg carrots, courgettes, mangetout, cabbage) sliced, ribboned or grated • Super Noodles (any flavour) (P) • Tin of mixed beans (drained) (P) • Stir-fry sauce (any flavour) (P)

1. Following the packet mix, prepare to cook the Super Noodles.


2. Heat ½ tablespoon oil (if using) in a wok or deep frying pan, add the onions, mushrooms and peppers fry for 5 minutes. 3. Add vegetables, meat, beans and stir-in sauce to the wok/ saucepan. Cook for a further 8/10 minutes. 4. Stir in the noodles and serve with crusty bread.

Moving to Universal Credit? We Can Help - 0345 677 2277

Turkey & Cranberry Meatballs Ingredients • 1 onion, chopped • 500g minced leftover turkey • Salt & pepper • 2 tbs cranberry sauce (P) • 1 red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped • 400g pasta shapes (P) • 400g tin peeled plum tomatoes, chopped (P) • 2 tablespoons olive oil • 1 teaspoon dried mixed herbs (P)

Honey Chicken Wraps

Chicken/Turkey & Vegetable Pie



• 1 tablespoon olive oil • 450 grams (1 pound) boneless, Method sliced, skinless chicken breast/ 5. Heat ½ tablespoon oil (if strips (F) using) in a pan and cook the • 1 red pepper, sliced onion for 5 minutes, until soft. • 1 green pepper sliced Put it into a bowl and stir in • Any stir-in sauce/marinade/ the turkey mince*, red chilli seasoning blend/packet mix/ and cranberry sauce. Mix until granules (P) fully combined, then shape • 1 tablespoon runny honey (P) into 12 balls. 6. Heat 1 tablespoon of the oil in • 1 tablespoon tomato puree (P) • 4 large wheat tortillas (F) the same pan, on a medium heat and fry the meatballs, for Method 10-15 minutes until golden and cooked through. Remove 1. Heat the oil in a large nonstick frying pan and fry the from the pan and keep warm. chicken for 10 minutes, or 7. Meanwhile, cook the until browned. Add the pasta according to pack peppers and fry for 2-3 instructions. In a small minutes. mixing bowl, hand blend the 2. Sprinkle the cupboard chopped tomatoes to make marinade over the chicken a smooth sauce (you can also and peppers and stir carefully. do this in a food processor). Add the honey, purée 8. When the pasta is cooked, and a splash of hot water. drain and put it back onto a Season lightly and cook for 5 medium heat, adding in the minutes. blended tomatoes and mixed 3. Heat the tortillas in the herbs. Cook for 5 minutes. microwave oven for a few Serve the tomato pasta with seconds until they have the turkey meatballs. softened. Divide the mixture between each tortilla and roll *Wash hands after handling up. Cut in half and serve. raw meat

• 400-500g of leftover turkey or chicken (P) • 1 cup of frozen peas (F) • 1 tin of chicken or chicken & mushroom soup (P) • Puff or shortcrust pastry (F) • Tin of carrots, sweetcorn or any tinned vegetables (P) • 3 cooked bacon rashers (optional) • Salt & pepper (P) • 1 egg (P) • Herbs (e.g tarragon) (P)

Method 1. Preheat the oven to 200C/180C (fan)/Gas 6. 2. Prepare the baking dish by either greasing the sides and bottom or lining with the shortcrust pastry. 3. Put all ingredients in a bowl and mix together. If you find the mixture too dry add a little milk and plain flour. 4. Fill the baking dish with the mixture, pop the pastry lid on top and coat with a beaten egg. 5. Place in the oven and cook for approx. 20-25 mins (extra time maybe required if using shortcrust pastry base).



Food For Thought If you have children in school and are worried about making sure they eat well every day then it is well worth you checking whether they should be receiving a free school meal. It’s a struggle to be able to provide a packed lunch for your child with all the nutrition they need for a busy day in school. And did you know that only 1% of packed lunches meet the nutritional standards of a school meal? School menus are designed to make sure your children receive the vitamins and energy they need for the day, as well as making sure that they are not loaded with the harmful sugars and fats that can cause problems with weight. If that hasn’t persuaded you to find out more, then you should also consider that claiming your entitlement to free school meals may also mean that you can get help with paying for school uniforms. Also, in Monmouthshire, anyone claiming free school meals can get free leisure passes. So your children are not only a guaranteed nutritious meal, but

free swimming and other leisure activities in the county’s leisure centres. Of course, the next issue may be trying to persuade your youngster that school meals are delicious and not the plates of overcooked cabbage and semolina that we may have memories of from our own school days! If you want to find out for yourself what your children could be eating then check out the school menus at www.monmouthshire. School-Meals-Menu-ENGLISHLow-Ress.pdf Finding out if your children are entitled to free school meals and how to apply. Here in Monmouthshire, children whose parents/carers receive any of the following payments, may be entitled to receive free school meals in schools maintained by the council:


• Income Support • Income based Jobseekers Allowance • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance • Child Tax Credit, provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and their annual income does not exceed £16,190 • Guarantee element of State Pension Credit • Working Tax Credit ‘run-on’ – the payment someone may receive for a further four weeks after they stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit Follow the link below to apply home/counciltaxandbenefits/ free-school-meals or give our Money Wise Team a call on 01495 745 769 and we can help you out with the paperwork.

Moving to Universal Credit? We Can Help - 0345 677 2277

COMPETITION TIME Complete either one of the Sudoku’s or the Christmas Word search and the short survey below then return it in the envelope provided for your chance to win a luxury Christmas hamper!

Wordsearch - Santa’s Reindeers (and a few who tagged along) B G A






































































6 7 8 4

7 5 3 4

6 1 5 8 2 5 8 9 4 8 7 3 4







9 8















Blitzen Comet Cupid Dancer Dasher Donner Gallopalot Hoofington Lightning McJingle Prancer Robbie Rudolph Sleighski Snowflake Tinseltoes Vixen



8 7 5 3 4 3 1 7 5 1 6 1 6 5 5 9 5 9 4

3 2 5 2 6 1

2 1 8

Survey How useful do you find Money Matters on a scale of 1-10 (1 being not very useful) Which feature/s did you enjoy reading the most? ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Have you made contact with MHA as a result of reading about the services we offer? Y N If yes, were you aware that MHA provided this service previously? Y N If yes, do you feel that MHA has been able to help? Y N Do you have any suggestions for improving future editions of Money Matters? ........................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

What would you like to see more / less of in future? More: .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Less: ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Your Details Name: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... Address: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Telephone: ......................................................................................................................................................................................... Email: .................................................................................................................................................................................................................



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Follow us for hints



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