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Statement of Financial Position
Group Association
Notes 2021 2020 2021 2020 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Intangible fixed assets 11 157 234 154 231 Housing properties 12 104,931 101,980 102,450 99,322 LCHO Properties 12 - 293 - 293 Homebuy loans receivable 12 3,241 2,287 3,241 2,287 Investment properties 12 1,410 1,385 1,410 1,385
Other property, plant and equipment 13 3,917 3,989 3,903 3,972 Total Fixed Assets 113,656 110,168 111,158 107,490
Current assets
Inventories Debtors Cash and cash equivalents
Current Liabilities
Creditors: amounts falling due within 1 year Net current assets 14 6,310 6,819 83 158 15 1,581 1,422 10,306 11,072 11,411 1,822 10,394 1,711 19,302 10,063 20,783 12,941
16 (5,980) (6,308) (5,467) (6,315) 13,322 3,755 15,316 6,626
Total assets less net current assets 126,978 113,923 126,474 114,116 Non-current liabilities Creditors: amount falling due after 1 year 17 (92,306) (76,229) (92,306) (76,229) Pension Fund 19 (15,951) (9,561) (15,951) (9,561)
Net assets
Capital and Reserves
Share capital Pension Reserve Revenue Reserve 18,721 28,133 18,217 28,326
20 - - - (15,951) (9,561) (15,951) (9,561) 34,672 37,694 34,168 37,887
Total Reserves
18,721 28,133 18,217 28,326
The notes on pages 47-84 form part of these financial statements. The financial statements of Monmouthshire Housing Association Limited on pages 40-84 were approved and authorised for issue by the Board on 21st July 2021 and signed on its behalf by:
Andy Jones Chair Tony Deakin Gwyndaf Tobias Vice Chair Company Secretary