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Please ensure you have followed all manufacturers instructions and follow all guidelines.
WHEEL DOES NOT CUT CAUSE Wheel too hard, wheel glazing Not enough pressure SOLUTION Use softer wheel
Increase pressure
POWER DROP CAUSE Machine power too low Loading and wheel glazing (nonferrous)
EXCESSIVE WHEEL WEAR CAUSE Wheel too soft Too much pressure Decrease of peripheral speed Too low peripheral speed SOLUTION Use machine with more power Use Norton Alu wheel which counteract loading and wheel glazing
SOLUTION Use harder wheel Reduce pressure, let the wheel do the grinding Use machine with more power, reduce pressure on the machine Max. 80m/sec is optimum speed
CRUMBLED WHEEL EDGE CAUSE Grinding angle too flat Work piece is moving Too much pressure SOLUTION Change angle to 30-40º Ensure to clamp the work piece properly Reduce pressure, let the wheel do the grinding
CRACKS ON THE BOTTOM OF THE WHEEL CAUSE Contact area too large Too much pressure
UNBALANCE CAUSE Dirty flanges Wheel mounting insecure Flanges with different diameter SOLUTION Reduce contact area
Reduce pressure, let the wheel to the grinding
SOLUTION Clean flanges Tighten flanges Replace flanges