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CLAUDIA ANGARELLA architecture por�olio 2017

Contents Curriculum Vitae


Art Design and Project in Made a Mano Selection of works


Interiors Tech office restoration


Competitions Lighthouse Living Experience Seahotel


Digital Architecture Renders


Master thesis The Concrete palace between architecture and energy


Academic work Restoration of Chiesa del SS. Sacramento


Graphic Label Design Competition




Claudia Angarella

Work experience


february 2016 - present

nov 2015 - feb 2016

MADE A MANO srl, Caltagirone (CT)

Certified Course in Autodesk Revit Architecture

Made a Mano Tech Office

CMM - Consorzio Multimediale del Mediterraneo | Valverde (CT)

Art and design project: rendering, executive drawings, graphics. july 2015 - jan 2016 april 2014 - present

Certified Course in Digital Architecture drawings using Autodesk software

IAA - Ingegneri Architetti Angarella

C&B - Centro di Formazione Professionale | Catania

Freelance engineering and architectural studio Restoration and new project, graphics, relief, rendering.

feb - june 2015 Cambridge English Course - B1 level (PET)

may 2015 - july 2015

Giga International House | Catania

STUDIO NOWA - Navarra Office Walking Architecture Arch. Marco Navarra, Caltagirone (CT)

january 2015

Coworking for “Art Brut” exposition during the Biennale della Ceramica event in Caltagirone.

Enrollement in Albo Ordine degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Catania

Model making “Casa a Moltrasio” , Como.

n° 6982 | Section A | Sector a june - sept 2014


Licence to practise civil and environmental engineering

Video making and editing for Made a Mano Luce + Marco Merendi Architetto

Università degli Studi di Catania

Made a Mano Front Office at Salone del Mobile 2017 in Binova, Milano

27 march 2014

Made a Mano Ambassador partner of E.Babled at Palazzo Litta, Milano

Master’s Degree in Construction Engineering and Architecture

Made a Mano Front Office at Salone del Mobile 2016 in Agape12, Milano

Università degli Studi di Catania - DICAR departement

Explain materials and products to architects and clients

4S - Bachelor of Science degree in Architecture and Construction Engineering final grades 110/110 | Thesis: Il palazzo di cemento tra architettura e energia


Promotor: Prof. Ing. Sebastiano D’Urso

november 2014 Nuove Identità Mascali International Workshop - Mascali (CT)

Foundamental subject: History of Architecture, Architectural Restoration, Architectural Design,

Architectural and restoration proposal for Mascali, covered and destroyed by lava in 1928.

Technical Architecture, Urban Planning, Constructions Science, Constructions Tecniques,

1° classified exaequo

Technical Physics, Geotechnics, Hydraulics and Hydraulic Constructions, Economics.

august 2014

march - june 2010

Ideas Competition for a new church consecrated to S.Maria della Speranza - Niscemi (CL)

TRAINING COURSE: AUTODESK VIZ 2010 - Università degli Studi di Catania

Ufficio Diocesano per l’Edilizia di culto di Piazza Armerina

About 3d modelling, rendering and postproduction.

2° classified sept 2007- june 2008 march 2013

TRAINING COURSE: SITE ORGANIZATION - Università degli Studi di Catania

Design competition: Il giardino in crisi | Valverde (CT)

Building safety coordinators. Project managment : PERT - GANT | DIGGERS | DPI

Innovative solution for garden using low cost material. Presented work: Q- Pallet

july 2005

2° classified exaequo

High school Diploma - focusing on humanities | voto: 92/100 Liceo Ginnasio Statale “Bonaventura Secusio”, Caltagirone (CT)


Competitions and workshop


may - october 2016

Italiano | Native

Architectural competition “Scuole Innovative”| Selargius (CA) - Sardegna

English | Intermediate

Presented work: A new Kindergarten school for Selargius| Temporary teamwork

Français | Niveau de base

february 2016 Young Architect Competition_ Lighthouse SEA Hotel | Capo Murro di Porco (SR) - Sicilia


Presented work: Lighthouse Living Experience SeaHotel | Claudia Angarella + Gaetana Emmi

2d/3d modelling and render: AutoCAD

july 2015


Teamwork: InfesTIAMO Via Roma - Caltagirone (CT)


Urban and Social Project to revitalize and re-activate old spaces into historical centre. BIM software: 2 - 5 june 2015

Revit Architecture

Teamwork: Micropaesaggi InFESTAnti - Caltagirone (CT) Design and realization of a temporary artistic installation.

graphic: Photoshop

8 - 11 april 2015


In-croci in Kamarina - Acate (RG)


Workshop about waterfront and archeological site planning in Kamarina.


march 2015

microsoft office:

Shabby Shabby Apartments | Design to build competition


Competition to design tiny houses for homeless using low cost material.


Presented work: The pitched garden house | Claudia Angarella + Elisabetta Brischetto

Power Point

february 2015 CODE 0039| Code for Designers: for creative only


Competition to design souvenir.

Children’s entertainer during Summer School (2002 - 2005)

Theme #1: Il souvenir| Presented work: The taste of coffee january 2015

Passionate runner


ASD Atletica Caltagirone - Discipline 10000 m

Tag’s design for the precious sparkling wine “Bisol”

Road Race Sicilian Regional Championship 2016 - 10° classified

Presented work: Vigneti dorati

Training to run half-marathon, hoping to run marathon

january 2012 Photography competition PON Photography Award 2011

About me

Picture of infrastructure system and freight transport in South Italy, proposed by Ministero delle Infrastrut-

I am exceptionally motivated in everything that I do. This is a major strength that provides

ture e dei Trasporti.

leadership in a team context. Exchanging skills and opinions with others are fundamental to success. On a personal level, I am creative, curious and determined to face challenges


october - january 2009

with poise and resolve. When I take on a new experience, I am enthusiastic about learning

N-case per Gravina | Università degli Studi di Catania

afresh and starting from scratch if necessary. I recently designed the restoration of an office

Design competition for a single-family home.

situated in the historical center of Niscemi. I actively participated in the construction and realized the possibilities for applying new ideas during that restoration site.

A r t an d Desi gn Project, Ma de a Ma no Wo rk ex perience, 2 0 16 - 2 0 1 7

The Mad e a Man o Sr l i s a c o m p a n y o f Si c i li a n m a s t e rc r a f t s w o rki n g ab ove al l l ava st o n e f ro m t he Et n a vo lc a n o. Th e y us e p ar t i cu l ar an d u n i q u e p ro ce ss o f g la z i n g a n d d e c o r a t i o n s , us ua lly u se f o r ce r am i cs. The y p re se r ve t he a n c i e n t a r t i s a n a l t e c hn i q ue d i st i n gu i sh o u r ce n t u r i e s o ld t r a d i t i o n . Th e y re a li ze n o t i n d u st r i al p ro d u ct , f o r t h at re a s o n m y wo rk m e t ho d a s s i s t s cl i e n t’s re q u e st s w i t h cu st o m i ze d d e s i g n a n d g r a p hi c p ro j e c t d e ve l o p e d ad h o c. Ti m e t o t i m e I re a li ze t wo o r m o re s o lut i o n s o p e n t h e p o ssi b i l i t y o f ch o i c e , d ue t o re n d e r p ro c e s s i n g t ha t m ake e asi l y t h e p re vi su al i z at io n o f t he fin a l p ro d uc t .

Exe c ut i ve d r a wi n g s a n d 3 D g r a p hi c s b a c k u p a l s o t h e re a l i za t i o n un d e r d e ve lo p m e n t i n Ma d e a Ma n o p ro d u c t i o n a re a . Th e d r a wi n g s we re a lwa y s e q ui p p e d wi t h e ffi c i e n t i l l u s t ra t i ve e x p re s s i o n s a n d d e t a i le d p e r s o n a l re wo rk e d ve rs i o n , s u c h a s t o l i ve u p t o a rc hi t e c t ur a l a n d d e s i g n s t ud i o s n o t o ri o u s l y k n ow n . Shown b e low a b r i e f s e le c t i o n o f wo rk s . 1 .Th e Gui d e li n e : i llus t r a t i ve b ro c hure e x p l a i n i n g t h e a r t i s a n a l p ro c e s s a s t o how t o c ho o s e t he p ro d u c t s . 2 .Th e n e w p a t t e r n s f o r Ma k è t a b le . 3 .St a g i n g f o r Ma d e a Ma n o p a v i lli o n a t Ma i s o n e t Ob j e t i n Pa r i s .


Guideline 002 - Made A Mano ©®™ Content, graphics and lay out


New collection of table: Makè Studying of the new patterns


Made a Mano staging at Maison et Objet Technical design and sketch render


Made a Mano staging at Maison et Objet Makè postcard _ 3d modeling and render

In t er i or s: tech office restor a ti on Pers o nal wo rk , Sicilia , 2 0 1 6

A n e w arch i t e ct u r al an d e n g i n e e r i n g s t ud i o lo c a t e d i n t he h i st o r i cal ce n t e r o f a l i t t l e Si c i li a n t own . Th e s p a c e wo rk i s co m p o se d by t w o ro o m s o f ab o ut 2 0 s q m . Th e m a s o n r y s t r uc t ure n e e d t o b e re i n f o rce d w i t h co n c re t e p o ur. Two wa lls we re p re s e r ve d as n at u r al as t h e y are , t he y wi t hs t a n d o n ly t o s ur f a c e cl e an i n g t re at m e n t . The 7 0 ’s p a ve m e n t i n s li ve r o f m a r b le wa s p at ch e d an d p o l i sh e d . Al l t h e f ur n i t ure s we re c us t o m d e s i g n e d : so m e are b r an d n e w, j u st as t he li b r a r y m e z z a n i n e a n d t he d e s k . Ot h e r s are re cycl e d m at e r i al , j us t a s t he d o o r s a n d t he la m p s .


Interiors: tech office restoration Existent situation

Site plan_ Niscemi (CL) SICILY

Existent situation Elevation

Existent situation Ground floor


Interiors: tech office restoration Project


Interiors: tech office restoration Project


L i g ht Hous e

Li vi ng

Exp er i ence

Sea h otel

Yo u ng A rchit ect Co m p e t i t i on , C a p o Mu r ro d i Porc o, Si c i l i a , 2 0 1 6

The m ai n p u r p o se o f t h i s p ro j e c t i s t o m a k e t hi s s i t e a c c e s s i b l e w h i l e p re se r vi n g b o t h t he i d e n t i t y a n d t he i n t e g r i t y o f t he p l ace . The w h o l e i n t e r ve n t i o n i s c o n c e i ve d i n a f o r m m i n i m a lly i n vasi ve , u si n g sm al l si ze d st r uc t ure s t ha t a re wi d e ly d i s t r i b ut e d i n t h e w h o l e are a o f i n t e re st. De s p i t e i t s n o n - i n va s i ve n e s s , t he st r u ct u re i s d e ve l o p e d i n u si n g e s s e n t i a l vo lum e s , c le a n li n e s a n d m o n o ch ro m at i c sh ad e s. The ch o i ce t o u se co m m o n h o us i n g , re a li ze d wi t h f e w i s o la t e d ro o m s, i s n o t p u re l y f o r m al , b ut i s i n t e n d e d f o r a t o t a lly n e w a n d al t e r n at i ve u se , w h i ch al l ow s a p e r s o n a l b o n d i n g wi t h t he e n vi ro n m e n t an d si m u l at e t h e s a m e e x p e r i e n c e o f t he li g ht ho us e gu ard i an . Each acco m m o d at i o n ha s a n e xc lus i ve s e a v i e w a n d i n

t he e ve n i n g whe n t he li g ht s a re o n , t h e w a t e r f ro n t w i l l a p p e a r a s a s e r i e s o f b r i g ht wi n d ows , s hi n y lig h t s i n t h e n i g h t . Th e o l d ho us e wi ll b e c o m e a n e x hi b i t i o n s p a c e t h a t w i l l a l l ow t h e p ub li c t o le a r n t he hi s t o r y o f t he p la c e . Re c e p t i o n , re s t a ur a n t a n d c a f e t e r i a w i l l b e l o c a t e d i n t h e n e w b ui ld i n g p la c e d b e t we e n t he o ld s t r u c t u re s i n a c o n t i n u o u s ha r m o n y. Fo r t he o ld c hi c k e n c o o p i t h a s b e e n p l a n n e d a ro m a n t i c re s t o r a t i o n , wi t h t he p ur p o s e o f c o n s e r va t i o n a n d c o n s o l i d a t i o n o f t he s t r uc t ure . It wi ll b e a c c e s s i b l e f o r g u e s t s t h a n k s t o t he a t t a c hm e n t o f a re m ova b le p a ve m e n t w h i c h w i l l o ff e r t h e b e s t s e a t f o r t he e x t r a o rd i n a r y v i e ws o f t h e l a n d s c a p e a s we l l a s a s t a g e f o r e xc lus i ve e x hi b i t i o n s o f c o n t e m p o ra r y a r t i s t s .


Young Architect Competition, Capo Murro di Porco, Sicilia Lighthouse Living Experience Seahotel _ Location


Young Architect Competition, Capo Murro di Porco, Sicilia Lighthouse Living Experience Seahotel_Project

Li fe i s n o t a s er i es o f gi g l a m p s s ym m etr i c a l l y a r ra nged; l i fe i s a l u m i no u s h a l o, a s em i - tra ns p a rent envel o p e s u r ro u n d i n g u s fro m th e b egi nni ng o f c o ns c i o u s nes s to the end. To th e L i g h t hous e, Vir g in ia Woolf

L ig htHo u s e L ivi n g E x p e ri e n ce Se a ho te l


Young Architect Competition, Capo Murro di Porco, Sicilia Lighthouse Living Experience Seahotel_Project



Ea ch hous e, in t he even in g , s hin es lik e s ever a l s ep a r a t e lig ht hous es , g ivin g t o t he cus t om er s t he op p or t un it y of feelin g s lik e a g ua rd ia n , feelin g s a lon e w it h t heir s en s a t ion s a n d em ot ion s , fa r from t he cha ot ic cit y life. Tha t p roj ect would b e m ore t ha n a n a ccom od a t ion , b ut a p s ycholog ica l a n d a n t hrop olocg ica l exp er im en t t ha t g ives hum a n b ein g p a us e for t houg ht s .


3 D Desi g n a nd Di gi ta l Archi tectu re Au tod esk course 2 D and 3 D mo deling , l i g h t i n g , m a t e r i a l s d e ve l op m e n t , re n d e r i n g ( Au t oc a d + 3 D St u d i o Ma x De si g n)

Au t o d e sk® Au t o C AD go t t h o u s a n d m i lli o n o f us e r s i n t he who le w o r l d , i t i s o n e o f t h e b e st c a d s o f t wa re s o lut i o n f o r d r a wi n g s an d p l an n i n g. Au t o C AD ke e p le a d i n g p ro j e c t’s s o f t wa re i n n ova t i o n : p owe r f u l f e at u re s ab o ut 2 d a n d 3 d m o d e li n g . Aut o d e s k ® 3 D S MAX D ESI G N i s o n e o f t he b e s t p ro f e s s i o n a l s o f t wa re f o r m aki n g 3 D m o d e l i n g, an i m a t i o n s a n d i m a g e re n d e r i n g . It i s w i d e l y u se d i n arch i t e ct u r al s t ud i o s a s re s e a rc h p ro g r a m , f o r e val u at i o n o f d i ff e re n t p o ssi b i li t y, f o r ve r i f y d e t a i ls by ove r s i g ht , f o r p ro j e ct p re - vi su al i z at i o n , f o r c o m m un i c a t e d e s i g n’s a i m t o co l l e agu e s an d cu st o m e r s. Au t o d e s k ® 3 DS M A X DE S I G N o ff e r s ad van ce d t e ch n o l o gi e s t o c re a t e e x t re m e ly re a li s t i c i m a g e s re al i z i n g m u l t i m e d i a l au n ch wi d e s p re a d a p p re c i a t e . Wi t h 3 DS MAX D ESI G N i t i s p o ssi b l e t o d o li g ht p la n n i n g , i t i s a b a s i c

e le m e n t d ur i n g s p a c e s a n d s t r uc t ure s d e fin i t i o n . Mo re ove r i t o ff e r s o p e r a t i o n f o r c re a t i ve t e x t u re a n d p l a n a r m a p p i n g , i n c lud e s t he a b i li t y t o c o m b i n e a n u n l i m i t e d n u m b e r o f t e x t ure s , m a p s a n d c o lo r s . Th e re a re a l s o a l o t o f p l u g - i n f a c i li t a t e s wo rk i n g wi t h m o re c o mp l e x s c e n e s : Fo re s t Pa c k , Gho s t t own , Gre e b le , R a i lc lo n e , Po p u l a t e . A l l t h e s e s k i l l s a n d p ro f e s s i o n a l c a p a b i li t i e s c o uld he lp t h e d e s i g n e r t o c u s t o m i ze hi s p ro d uc t s m o re e a s i ly, f o r d e ve l o p i n g c o n c e p t a r t a n d p re v i s ua li z a t i o n .


3D Design and Digital Architecture Autodesk course Render in 3d Studio Max Design + Postproduction Photoshop _ City quarter nighttime


3D Design and Digital Architecture Autodesk course Render in 3d Studio Max Design + Postproduction Photoshop _ City quarter daytime


3D Design and Digital Architecture Autodesk course Render in 3d Studio Max Design + Postproduction Photoshop _ City quarter daytime


Th e Con c rete b u i l di ng b etween a rchi tecture and energy Mas t er’s Th es is , A rchit e c t u re a n d C on s t r u c t i on En g i n e e r i n g , Un i ve r s i t y of C a t a n i a , 2 0 1 4

My thesis would be a project of complete renovation, using sustainable

fotovoltaic platform gives energy independence. Using renewable energy is

material and realizing an “active shell”, that gives it character and identity.

the key factor in sustainable building development and to revitalize energy

The proposal reduced dimensions of the apartment, distinguish simplex and

future, planning self - sufficiency as main important goal. Right now, the

duplex type. The design had to emphasize its spaciousness and to allow it to

largest part of architectural project are focused on restoration measures,

feel bright and airy. Shops, ateliers and office are provided at the mezzanine

recycling materials and new technologies to apply on this type of work. My

and ground floor. At the same time, the aim was to create a warm and

project would be a prototipe of a replaying experiment moving on the

comfortable ambiance throughout. The green roof serve as a heat shield

direction of: self - sufficiency building, sustainable architecture, renovation

reducing substancially the solar gain, and give to inhabitants the possibility

of the existent, recladding and retrofitting area, development of façade

to produce their own food, just as little. The solar panels and the wind

engineering, eco - friendly material. It would be part of the city prototipe

turbines constitute the recladding treatment on façade. On the roof the

of the new architectural and urban future scenery.


Master’s Thesis: The “Concrete building” between architecture and energ y, University of Catania Existing condition S O U T H






Existing condition


1. Shop 2. Entrance hall 3. Concierge 4. Service space 5. Bathroom 6. Shop 7. Lift 8. Elevator 9. Stairwell 10. Fire escape


<< [...] Anche a Raissa, città triste, corre un filo invisibile che allaccia un essere vivente a un altro per un attimo e si disfa, poi torna a tendersi tra punti in movimento disegnando nuove rapide figure cossicché a ogni secondo la città infelice contiene una città felice che nemmeno sa di esistere>>. Italo Calvino, Le città invisibili, Le città nascoste 2. Trasversal section


Master’s Thesis: The “Concrete building” between architecture and energ y, University of Catania Masterplan


Master’s Thesis: The “Concrete building” between architecture and energ y, University of Catania North view and trasversal section

1. Graffiti area 2. Open Space 3. Theater 4. Social dining hall 5. Kitchen 6. Bathroom 7. Recidence entrance 8. Concierge 9. Elevator 10. Fire escape 11. Classroom 12. Relax area 13. Coworking space 14. Exterlan boardwalk 15. Office 16. Cafeteria 17. Terrace 18. Garage


Master’s Thesis: The “Concrete building” between architecture and energ y, University of Catania Apartments plants


Master’s Thesis: The “Concrete building” between architecture and energ y, University of Catania Energy plan


Master’s Thesis: The “Concrete building” between architecture and energ y, University of Catania Detail 1

1 reinforced concrete deck, vapour barrier 0.1 cm, mineral wool insulation 6 cm thickness, waterproof coat 0.3 cm thickness, lean concrete + screed 4 cm thickness, external floor covering 2 plate connection 25|7|1.5 cm 3 plate hot dip galvanized steel 15|25|2 cm 4 insulated external covering: mineral wool insulation panels 6 cm thickness, glued with cement and dowel checked disposition each 25 cm thickness; finishing aerated plaster 1 cm thickness 5 tie bar hot dip galvanized steel Ø18 6 french door (wooden - aluminium) insulated double glazing 220/170/6.5 cm, sliding shutter (wooden aluminium) 220/8.5/8 cm 7 reinforced concrete deck, vegetal fiber thermal and acoustical insulation 3 cm thickness, lean concrete 2.5 cm thickness, adhesive cement 2 cm thickness, floating parquet 1 cm 8 external wooden pavement with steel structure 9 railing in steel and sandblasted glass 90/360/2 cm




Master’s Thesis: The “Concrete building” between architecture and energ y, University of Catania Detail 2

1 solar panel 130/150/10 cm 2 anchoring with U shaped perfile 0.6 cm thickness, 2 tapping screw Ø 6 3 brise - soleil Xilomoenia type, natural wood not treated* 4 window (wooden - aluminium) 210/150/7.5cm,insulated double glazing 5 insulated external covering: mineral wool insulation panels 6 cm thickness, glued with cement and dowel checked disposition each 25 cm thickness; finishing aerated plaster 1 cm thickness 6 reinforced concrete deck, vapour barrier 0.1 cm, mineral wool insulation 6 cm thickness, waterproof coat 0.3 cm thickness, lean concrete + screed 4 cm thickness, external floor covering 7 railing in steel and sandblasted glass 90/360/2 cm 8 french door (wooden - aluminium) insulated double glazing 220/170/6.5 cm, sliding shutter (wooden aluminium) 220/8.5/8 cm 9 reinforced concrete deck, vegetal fiber thermal and acoustical insulation 3 cm thickness, lean concrete 2.5 cm thickness, adhesive cement 2 cm thickness, floating parquet 1 cm


*(not demand maintenance service, it works also as thermal insulation and sound-proofing)



Rest or a t i on of Chi esa del S S .Sa cr a mento Teamwo rk , Univers it y of C a t a n i a , 2 0 1 3

My thesis would be a project of complete renovation, using sustainable

fotovoltaic platform gives energy independence. Using renewable energy is

material and realizing an “active shell”, that gives it character and identity.

the key factor in sustainable building development and to revitalize energy

The proposal reduced dimensions of the apartment, distinguish simplex and

future, planning self - sufficiency as main important goal. Right now, the

duplex type. The design had to emphasize its spaciousness and to allow it to

largest part of architectural project are focused on restoration measures,

feel bright and airy. Shops, ateliers and office are provided at the mezzanine

recycling materials and new technologies to apply on this type of work. My

and ground floor. At the same time, the aim was to create a warm and

project would be a prototipe of a replaying experiment moving on the

comfortable ambiance throughout. The green roof serve as a heat shield

direction of: self - sufficiency building, sustainable architecture, renovation

reducing substancially the solar gain, and give to inhabitants the possibility

of the existent, recladding and retrofitting area, development of façade

to produce their own food, just as little. The solar panels and the wind

engineering, eco - friendly material. It would be part of the city prototipe

turbines constitute the recladding treatment on façade. On the roof the

of the new architectural and urban future scenery.


Restoration of Chiesa del SS.Sacramento Maps of decay on faรงades


Restoration of Chiesa del SS.Sacramento Base detail _ Ventilated cavity foundations laying

Due to solve increased moisture in exterior faรงade is the use of a ventilated cavity concept next to foundation gravity wall. It avoid direct contact between foundation masonry and moist soil, in order to guarantee





Moreover that intervention has helped eliminate




salt-saturated moisture does not have time to form in abundance or migrate to the surface of the wall. For first it is necessary realize





surrounding soil, run parallel to the wall to be repaired. At the ground level will be installed the louvers corresponding to that cavity wall. In addition, dehumidifying drains with exhalation holes provided to allow the expulsion of the moisture.


Restoration of Chiesa del SS.Sacramento Roof detail Structural consolidation - Restoration of the straining beam juncture inside the curtain wall. Realization of masonry ledge on that perimeter. - Realization of a ventilated cavity to avoid direct contact between the wooden beam and the cement mortar. External roof covering intervention - Insertion of wooden battens above the stringers and a waterproof membrane.



Graphic design Label Design Competition, 2015

Vigneti Dor a t i , Ta l en t o c erca Ta l ento

Vigneti Dorati - Golden Vineyard The vineyard orography is the key concept of my label proposal. From the row terracing stylized to a flowing boundary design on a pearly golden background with light and shade effects. The different golden shapes refers to the vine variety mixing and the colors referring to that sparkling wine, just like as the patterns to the bubbles. The label proposal means the symbiosis between raw material and finished product. That essence it consist in the wine itself practically.

Re-think empty spaces design


My proposal


I love what I do and I hope that it shows. Find me also in


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