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Charity Newsletter
Welcome to the first edition of the CUK charity newsletter.
What is this newsletter for and why are you receiving it?
CLAAS UK and it’s entire dealer network is full of thoughtful and caring individuals, many of whom have committed time and effort into helping others. This monthly newsletter is to provide you with updates on the months charity stories and celebrating those who contribute, as well as information on how you can get stuck in yourself.
Charity work can look like many things and doesn’t need to be complicated. You don’t need to have a dedicated web page or have to attend multiple sessions. It could be 1 day spent helping to landscape communal areas, or litter-picking at the beach.
Check out the inside pages to see how your time can not only bring light to others but also to yourself. Charlie Cook-Lewis from Western shares his amazing time spent at an Elephant Sanctuary whilst out in Thailand!
Meet the CLAAS
Sarah Hiscox
Natasha Murray
Lynn Chilvers
Hayley Lucas
Claire Brown
Laura Madine
Chelsea Rednall
Steve McCahill
James Russell
Alex Southgate
Guy Willey
Robert Hosdell
As of April this year, CLAAS re-introduced a Charity Committee. Representatives from CUK and all CUK Retail companies have come together to form the committee. Together the Charity Committee are working hard to collate ideas for fundraising opportunities, plan future events and encourage all employees to get involved in charity events and volunteer days.
MIND Cake Day
Charity Committee What’s been going on?
On the 17th of May, CLAAS UK ran a cake afternoon in aid of the charity Mind, who offers information and advice to people with mental health problems, as well as lobbies government and local authorities on their behalf.
You can contact these guys whenever you have a question!
Support our Farmers
It is important we understand how farmers, our customers, are affected by mental health troubles.
With harvest coming up, this is a stressful time of year for our customers, who face long days that are potentially very lonesome.
Farmers are likely to suffer from:
Sleep deprivation
Financial worry
Little time off
Family pressures
Legal worries
The FCN (Farming Community Network) is a great resource for those within the farming industry that could do with pastoral and practical support.
35% of farmers meet the classifications for depression
45% of farmers meet the classifications for high stress
58% of farmers meet the classifications for anxiety
68% of farmers are more susceptible to chronic stress and as a result, various illnesses
The RABI (Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution) is an excellent charity that strives to provide local support.
There’s no shame in reaching out.
Thank you to Julie Cross, one of our Mental Health First Aiders who organised the event and thank you to all who visited. Visitors got to enjoy freshly baked cakes such as carrot, lemon drizzle, red velvet and chocolate fudge!
The total amount donated was £257.15!
Summer Bake Off
In December last year, Natasha, Kim and Lynn from the Sales & Marketing department arranged the first company Bake Off competition. This was in an effort to encourage departments to come together, all whilst giving to charity. This Bake Off was a big success and it has continued to do well in the Bake Off events that followed. Bake Off events will take place every Season throughout the year.
Star Bake Donations Next Charity
The star baker gets to choose the charity for the next Bake Off. The Summer Bake Off donations of £125 went to the company charity of the year, Children with Cancer UK.
Thank you to everybody who took part and visited.
Please reach out to somebody from the charity committee if you have any charity events at your site so we can include a feature in our next Charity Newsletter!