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Dealing With Total Loss Home Insurance Claims




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Best tips & tricks for


A total loss insurance claim can be devastating. Your house is gone. Your insurance company has declared it a total loss. That means your home won’t be rebuilt: your insurance company gives you a check for all of your possessions and property.

Total loss home insurance claims are never easy, but there are strategiesyou can use to make them easier.

Today, we’re highlighting the best tips and tricks for making your totalloss home insurance claim easier.

Understand the Step by Step Process:

Total loss home insurance claims can seem like an enormous process, but each claim follows a similar series of steps. Start by contacting your insurance company. Explain the situation. Your insurance company will explain the next step. For a serious claim – like a total loss claim – your insurer may send you money immediately and ask you to move into a hotel. Your home may be unlivable. Contact an emergency restoration service if needed. Keep all receipts from hotels and restaurants.

Then, work through the process. Your insurance company’s adjuster will explain the steps to take.

Document Everything:

The more evidence you have, the smoother yourclaim will go. Document everything. Take lots ofphotographs. Keep receipts. The moredocumentation you have, the less your insurancecompany can challenge your claim.

Prepare an Inventory for Lost Possessions:

Your total loss insurance claim can involve your possessions – including everything you owned that was in your home at the time of your total loss. Ideally, you documented your possessions before the total loss, making it easy to file a total loss insurance claim. Some insurance experts recommend preparing an inventory every year, taking photos of your possessions and recording their approximate values.

Consider Hiring a Professional Public Adjuster:

Total loss insurance claims can be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. Hiring a professional public adjuster may be the best decision you ever make. It could put more money in your pocket at a time when you need it most. A public adjuster negotiates with your insurance company on your behalf to secure the highest possible amount of compensation.

Total loss insurance claims will always be stressful. Stress is inevitable. However, by following the tips above, you can ensure your total loss insurance claim goes as smoothly as possible.

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