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People Oriented Mobility; Copenhagen, New York and Chennai Future of Urban Transport Conference, Dehli March 2012


Authors: Associate Jeff Risom MSc and Research Assistant Claire Mookerjee MSc Gehl Architects - Urban Quality Consultants

With special thanks to With thanks to Somya Sethuram and Roshan Toshniwal at Transparent Chennai for data and statistics. Thank you to ITDP India and Chennai City Connect for making Gehl Architects’ work in Chennai possible providing volunteers for data collection. Thanks to Emmy Laura Pérez Fjalland, Sia Kirknaes, and Lars Gemzøe for input and support.


Gehl Architects · Urban Quality Consultants · Gl. Kongevej 1, 4.tv · 1610 Copenhagen V · Denmark · www.gehlarchitects.dk

Executive Summary

Section 1 In assessments of mobility futures human behavior, people’s preferences, local culture and other types of “software” can vary widely, making performance difficult to predict. As a result, many design professionals and the local authorities or companies that employ them typically shift their attention to “hardware” such as technology and infrastructure, which they can control and measure. The consequences of this have determined how we invest in mobility, and how

energy. As such implementing urban

remarkable in Copenhagen is that

elements to promote safety will only

more cycling in the city has made

be effective if people behave the way

it safer. As the number of cyclists

we predict they will. Inspired by the

has increased the number of total

work of Dr. McKenzie-Mohr - at Gehl

accidents as well as serious accidents

Architects, we understand incentives

involving cyclists has decreased

for desired behavior as split between

(Commission, 2008).

direct benefits and co-benefits, (1999). A direct benefit would be riding a


bike or taking public transit from A


to B because it is the fastest way; a co-benefit would be getting exercise

Similar to the approach in Copenhagen,

while making that trip

NYC officials balanced a broader vision with a pragmatic opportunistic

Section 2

flexibility that allowed the Department of Transport to capitalize on mobilized

the professionals who plan for mobility THE COPENHAGEN STORY

local support and capacity. The City

urban growth boundaries and transit-

Since the 1960’s, the City of

and monitored the human centered

orientated development, the focus has

Copenhagen has gradually invited

been on systems and infrastructure

pedestrians into the city centre which

rather than people; in other words

has resulted in increasingly more

public transit and cycling, rather than

people using it. Professor Jan Gehl, as

transit riders and cyclists.

part of a research project at the School

Infrastructure and technology that

of Architecture, Royal Danish Academy

develop safe cities; low-carbon transit

of Fine Arts, established a method for

solutions, green energy alternatives

mapping and assessing city space and

and other sustainable initiatives can

registering the city life that takes place

only succeed if people choose to use

there. First introduced in 1968, the

it. The North American trusted saying

Public Space Public Life Studies have

‘Build, and they will come’, does not

been documented (Gehl et. al, 2006)

apply to infrastructure projects, in any

and developed into a key planning tool

context the ‘software’ considerations

that is today institutionalized at several

of users will determine a schemes

layers of Copenhagen municipal

success, (seen in under-capacity metro


and mono-rail projects around the

Today, Copenhagen has established

world). Investing in public transport

a remarkably balanced modal split

is only worthwhile if it is comfortable,

with 42% of all trips being taken by

convenient and affordable for the

NMT, public transit accounting for

individual and therefore promotes a

32% and private vehicles taking the

shift from modes of travel that are

smallest share of 26% (Copenhagen

more intensive in terms of space and

Bicycle Account 2010, 2011). What’s

vocabulary has developed for 60 years. From the Federal Aid Highway Act to

has consistently analyzed, surveyed performance of these spaces and the public’s perception of them. This data has allowed them to make changes to temporary infrastructure projects quickly and affordably, to learn from their mistakes and incorporate public feedback while remaining fiercely dedicated to a broader vision. Whether it be moving the bicycle lane from the left side of the street to the right; realigning the location of bicycle tracks in proximity to reclaimed public space; to the use of materials and implementation techniques, the City has utilized the people first approach to ensure that change in physical ‘hardware’ is rooted in the experiential ‘software’ of these spaces. The people first initiatives break the traditional norms of a purely hardware based planning paradigms of vehicle capacity through more lanes, fly-overs and improved safety by means of more

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barriers. Rather than expanding space

through streets, the quantity of people

more places to sit and more space for

for one type of user, NYC city leaders

lingering in streets and spaces and

other types of lingering activities not

have re-appropriated space in the

documented the age and gender of

possible in the exceptionally hectic and

city, based on a keen understanding

street-users as well as the type of

crowded S. Usman Road.

of people’s behavior streets and

activities in which they are engaged

Chennai’s particular brand of Indian

spaces. By emphasizing more high

(Gehl & Gemzøe,1996).

street life offers all sorts of organic

quality public space, more public life,

The T-Nagar district is a regional transit

manifestations in trade and social

increased accessibility and improved

hub, hosting two major train stations,

opportunities. The neighbourhood,

safety for pedestrians and cyclists,

Tamil Nadu’s busiest bus station and

Chai wallah, where news and gossip is

a remarkable series of results have

a proposed new metro stop all within

shared; the ‘natural markets’ that form

been achieved that when juxtaposed

a 1km radius. A fine urban grain

at different times of the day according

illustrate a series of win-win outcomes.

(narrow buildings, several entrances)

with commuter patterns or where

The results include more public space,

is the dominant form with quieter

women of a household might gather

more people walking and choosing

residential streets offering an intimate

such as outside the nursery school,

to linger, while improving vehicle and

refuge from the bustling retail streets,

and the hawkers who punctuate the

bus travel times and improving the

major city parks and other institutions

routes to school and work offering

overall safety of city streets for all

which ensure an active and lively

rest and refreshment. It is in the street

users. This shared space has made

district both day and night. Similar to

and on public transport, rather than

the streets safer by matching more

most major retail corridors in Indian

in designated public space such as

accurate proportions of road users and

cities, the presence of street vendors

parks or squares where all sections of

space allocation but also, in a further

and hawkers dramatically affects

society encounter one another in an

feed-back loop of hardware-software,

the character of the street and the

unsocial sociability (Murphey,2007).

by reductive interventions at junctions

intensity of public life.

Making these spaces comfortable,

and the removal of barriers which

Despite having a similar pedestrian

convenient, safe and affordable for all

has shown to encourages increased

traffic volume to vibrant retail streets

creates a platform for the democratic

personal responsibility and safer

in Copenhagen, S. Usman Road in

city to continue to operate.

behavior evident in the results.

T-Nagar exhibited a much higher

molorrovit libus expel ium eicimodictur

frequency and intensity of lingering

anisit rerum atent et voluptasi to enia

activities. S. Usman Road is much

cor sit que volum ullestiur, sunt.


more intensely used as a public space


In 2010 Gehl Architects working in

than Broadway and has even more

collaboration with the Institute for

activity than Oxford Street in London

Transportation Development Policy

- which has nearly twice as much

(ITDP) visited Chennai to investigate

pedestrian footfall. In the T-Nagar

Design strategies for integrating

how we could leverage ongoing

neighbourhood the street space is

mobility and public life

investment in improving mobility

used much more intensely as a social

Improving conditions for pedestrians,

toward a people centred approach.

space than neighboring public spaces

cyclists and public transit riders means

Using the same ‘Public Space Public

as exemplified with over 12 times

improving quality of life in the city.

Life’ methodology employed in New

more activity recorded in S. Usman

Inviting more people to use NMT and

York City and Copenhagen, Gehl

Road throughout the day than in the

PT is a tool to improve quality of life

Architects measured the movement

neighboring Panagal Park. This is

— not merely a goal in and of itself.

patterns of pedestrians moving

despite Panagal Park provides many

In short, mobility must be seen as a

Section 3

Gehl Architects · Urban Quality Consultants · Gl. Kongevej 1, 4.tv · 1610 Copenhagen V · Denmark · www.gehlarchitects.dk

means and not as an end. To ensure

convenient to move freely through

this goal, strategic planning, transport

the city as a cyclist. The people first

policy and urban design must be

approach requires politicians, city

integrated. The paper describes six

officials and design professionals to

strategies for integrated people first

incur a drastic change of mindset. The


approach demands that we expand

1. Promote Social Inclusivity

the definition of design from a fixed

2. Enhance Personal Freedom

plan to a guiding framework; mobility

3.Encourage Physical, Social, and

criteria be shifted from specific form-

Mentally Health

based design codes to an expanded

4. Support Local Viability

human performance measure based

5. Measure Economic Efficiency

on opportunities to meet, interact and

6. Embrace Diversity

flourish in public space either alone or together; from transportation system

Section 4

performance criteria (e.g. system speed) to human mobility comfort

Fostering a change of mindset

and convenience performance criteria

In India, one key in the promotion of

such as proximity and accessibility

NMT transport is aligning the cultural

to education, work and leisure. As

facets of this mode of transit with the

we discuss in this paper a shift from

lifestyle movements and consumer

the ‘hardware’ driven approach to a

choices that are being sought out

mixture of ‘hardware’ and ‘software’ -

by growing middle income group

where relationships between the form

in society. Steering youth culture

of the built environment and its impact

away from car-ownership should

on human sociability and mobility is

not be difficult as global concerns of

tantamount. The methodology does

environmental awareness, fitness and

not define a specific aesthetic or a

independent mobility can create or

one-size fits all design solution. It

trigger trends and sub-cultures that

requires that policy makers and design

have greatly aided Copenhagen and

professionals relinquish a certain

New York in increasing their bicycle

amount of control over to citizens and

modal share. Copenhagen has some

learn in the process.

of the highest rainfall and lowest temperatures on mainland Europe coupled with a high average income. Yet strong cycle culture has been cultivated and nurtured throughout the past 40 years. Car ownership is low not because Copenhageners cannot afford a car or because they have a heightened environmental conscience, but because it is simple, fast and

Gehl Architects · Urban Quality Consultants · Gl. Kongevej 1, 4.tv · 1610 Copenhagen V · Denmark · www.gehlarchitects.dk



Credits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . .3 Content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

Section 1 People First Mobility . . . . . . . . . . .7 Hardware Vs Software . . . . . . . . . .9

Section 2 Case Studies The Copenhagen Story . . . . . . . . . 11 The New York Story . . . . . . . . . . 16

Section 3 Chennai T-Nagar Chennai . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 People First Mobility . . . . . . . . . . 28

Section 4 Measuring sucess . . . . . . . . . . . 31


Gehl Architects · Urban Quality Consultants · Gl. Kongevej 1, 4.tv · 1610 Copenhagen V · Denmark · www.gehlarchitects.dk

Section 1 People Oriented Mobility

People First Mobility People first mobility moves beyond the rationalist mode that historically has placed utility - maximization of the individual at the center of political thought. Instead it shifts its focus to the wider health of social networks, the real life-systems of society and culture

This paper addresses mobility,

culture. This transformation from an

sustainability and safety from a people

econ-centric era to a socio-centric

centered point of view. In doing so, we

one has numerous “software” policy

expand the definition of each term to

consequences for creating settings

investigate how the built environment

that nurture virtuous choices, and

can positively contribute to mobility,

“hardware” consequences for

safety and a sustainable environment

creating physical environments that

through quality of life, well-being

promote virtuous civic settings for

and human flourishing. This paper

people to co-exist. From Laynard’s

also explores the absential in the

study of happiness (2005), to the

built environment. Absential qualities

economics of well-being championed

can be explained with respect to an

by Sen and Stiglitz (2009), to the

absence; the absence of discomfort or

study of the primacy of social capital

inconvenience and perceived sense of

by Robert Putnam (2001) and David

insecurity; the absence of barriers to

Brooks (2011) the ‘people centered’

free movement and lack of choice in

approach is gaining ground. This

mobility options.

movement is propelling society beyond the functionalist epoch of the

People first mobility moves beyond

well-intentioned master plan projects

the rationalist mode that historically

– orchestrated by politicians and

has placed utility - maximization of

architects seeking to fortify material

the individual at the center of political

development. The current social trend

thought. Instead it shifts its focus to

can be considered a true socialism of

the wider health of social networks,

the 21st century not one that values

the real life-systems of society and

the state over society, but one that

Investing in public transport is only worthwhile if it is comfortable, convenient and affordable for the individual puts social life and people centrifugal to all understanding (Brooks, 2011). We explore this true socialism by posing questions that challenge the current paradigms of mobility planning, urban design and transit policy. What if mobility systems provided virtuous feedback loops between policy and design that induce persons to act virtuously; both for the betterment of their own condition, but also to the betterment of society (Wilson: 1985). What if planning policy and urban design created proper organization and

Gehl Architects · Urban Quality Consultants · Gl. Kongevej 1, 4.tv · 1610 Copenhagen V · Denmark · www.gehlarchitects.dk


People Oriented Mobility Section 1

Chennai, Madras. Risom, 2010

spatial support structures to empower

experiences which should be shared

a city that promotes the kind of

citizens themselves as the capable

in our increasingly urban world, to

urban lifestyles we want to preserve,

agents of change rather than dictating

mention a few; experience in the

promote or create, we must be people

centralized plans that are often blind to

absorption of massive in-migration,

centric in our analysis. As the worlds

local social conditions and context?

high densities, recycling, mixed spaces

population moves ever closer to being

of consumption and production,

70% urbanized in 2030, the question

This approach allows for design to

economies of scale and the lively

of how to create sustainable urban

address inequality and difference

sociability of its streets.

lifestyles is a globally urgent one.

in the pursuit of basic rights for all that is pertinent to India’s increasing


urbanization accompanied by

In light of this social turn in our

increasing disparities in household

understanding, urban design discourse

incomes. It is our belief that ensuring

and the parameters by which we

the provision of a universal quality

measure our environment must also

of life in the city is tantamount to

change - and this we will begin to

its success on a global stage. As

set-out here. There is an urgent

the Indian nation pursues economic

need for the linking-up of transport

growth and dominance in this, the

planning and urban design, public

‘Asian century’, it is crucial that the

health and transport safety, well-

cities’ administrations and citizens

being and the built environment. The

must recognize and understand the

multi-dimensional experiences of the

pre-existing people first qualities that

pedestrian, cyclist, and passenger

prevail and sometimes surprisingly

must all be considered as one, at the

sustain the world’s largest democracy.

‘eye-level’ of humans in the city. If

Indian cities have many urban

we are to understand how to design

What if mobility systems provided virtuous feedback loops between policy and design that induce persons to act virtuously?

Gehl Architects · Urban Quality Consultants · Gl. Kongevej 1, 4.tv · 1610 Copenhagen V · Denmark · www.gehlarchitects.dk

Section 1 People Oriented Mobility

Hardware Vs Software Human behaviour, people ’s preferences, local culture and other types of “software” can vary widely, making performance difficult to predict. As a result, many design professionals and the local authorities or companies that employ them typically shift their attention to “hardware” such as technology and infrastructure, which they can control and measure.

The consequences of this have determined how we invest in mobility, and have dictated the role of public transit and cycling in our cities for 60 years. From the Federal Aid Highway Act to urban growth boundaries and transit-orientated development, the focus has been on systems and infrastructure rather than people; in other words, public transit and cycling rather than transit riders and cyclists. But the infrastructure and technology to develop safe cities, low-carbon transit solutions, green energy alternatives and other sustainable initiatives can only succeed if people choose to use it. Establishing a bikeshare programme is only sustainable if cyclists use it. Investing in public transport is only worthwhile if it is comfortable and convenient and so promotes a shift from modes of travel that are more intensive in terms of space and energy. Implementing urban elements to promote safety will only be effective if people behave the way we predict they will. This shift from hardware to software

Transformation from an econ-centric era to a socio-centric one has numerous “software” policy consequences for creating settings that nurture virtuous choices and “hardware” Broadway, New York. Van Deurs, 2008 consequences for creating is complex, and requires design physical environments professionals to learn more about that promote virtuous human behavior – why do people do as they do. We need to be able to civic settings for people to measure how people make decisions co-exist about their mobility. This will require a multi-disciplinary and joined-up approach that marries analysis to design know-how. The specific issue of improving the safety for non-motorized transit is not just a matter of hardware, such as wider sidewalks and dedicated cycle lanes, but also about changing the culture of mobility. Software-type solutions — elevating the cultural status of walking and cycling, allowing bicycles on trains, for example, or trip-planning solutions that account for the non-motorized portion of all journeys — must address everyday life to investigate the incentives (both direct and co-benefits) and barriers (cultural and physical) of the modes people choose. The built environment must contribute to these incentives and mitigate barriers.

Gehl Architects · Urban Quality Consultants · Gl. Kongevej 1, 4.tv · 1610 Copenhagen V · Denmark · www.gehlarchitects.dk


People Oriented Mobility Section 1 BEHAVIOURS AND INCENTIVES

(Organization, 2008a). Public transit

Inspired by Dr. McKenzie-Mohr,

riders and cyclists, by virtue of

at Gehl Architects, we understand

interacting with others while moving

incentives for desired behavior as

through the city, become aware of

split between direct benefits and co-

each other’s presence across cultural,

benefits (MacKenzie-Mohr & Smith,

social and economic status.

1999) . A direct benefit would be riding a bike or taking public transit

In the next section, we take a closer

from A to B because it is the fastest

look at Copenhagen and New York,

way; a co-benefit would be getting

and how these cities have used a

exercise while making that trip. Today,

similar people first methodology to

the co-benefits of cycling and public

dramatically improve quality of life for

transit are widely discussed. When

their citizens. While the methodology

compared with private vehicles, they

may be similar, the types of designs

are less polluting, take up less space

and interventions are radically

and are available to a wider income

different – as they should be in two


very different cities. In section 3 we

Research from Denmark indicates

will explore how the various lessons

that each investment in walking and

central in these best practice examples

cycling infrastructure results in a net

of people centered planning might

financial benefit to society in the form

be applied to Indian cities, notably

of increased worker productivity, fewer


The specific issue of improving the safety for nonmotorized transit is not just a matter of hardware, such as wider sidewalks and dedicated cycle lanes, but also about changing the culture of mobility.

sick days and smaller health care costs; whereas investments in private vehicle infrastructure costs society more than the upfront construction expenditure. Yet these co-benefits do little to influence human behaviour

NYC,DOT 2010


Gehl Architects · Urban Quality Consultants · Gl. Kongevej 1, 4.tv · 1610 Copenhagen V · Denmark · www.gehlarchitects.dk

Section 2. The Copenhagen Story

Section 2. Case Studies

The Copenhagen Story

Copenhagen,Gemzøe 2010

The specific issue of improving the safety for non-motorized transit is not just a matter of hardware, such as wider sidewalks and dedicated cycle lanes, but also about changing the culture of mobility.

Since the 1960’s, the City of

Today, Copenhagen has established

Copenhagen has gradually invited

a remarkably balanced modal split

pedestrians to the city centre which

with 42% of all trips being taken by

has resulted in increasingly more

NMT, public transit accounting for

people using the city center. Professor

32% and private vehicles taking the

Jan Gehl, as part of a research

smallest share of 26% (Copenhagen

project at the School of Architecture,

Bicycle Account 2010, 2011). Despite

Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts,

daily car trips across the municipality

established a method for mapping and

border growing from 392,000 in 1970

assessing city space and registering

to 535,700 in 2010, car trips within

the city life that takes place there.

the central part of Copenhagen fell

First introduced in 1968, the Public

from 351,000 to 284,900 during the

Space Public Life Studies have been

same period (City of Copenhagen and

documented (Gehl et. al, 2006) and

Arup, 2011). A physically and virtually

developed into a key planning tool that

integrated public transport solution

through initiatives such as ticketing by

is today institutionalized at several

between bus, train, and underground

sms-message and the ability to take

layers of Copenhagen municipal

metro services enables passengers’

your onregional commuter trains for

governance. This approach makes

choice and freedom to choose the right

no extra charge. The latter initiative

it possible for politicians and urban

mode for the trip. Key characteristics

resulted in the trebling of people

planners to acquire knowledge about

of the system apply ‘software’ such as

traveling with bikes and a 6% increase

how the city is currently serving

integrated ticketing on all transit and

in satisfaction with the system

the needs of city goers (especially

real time arrival/departure information

(Copenhagen, 2011). Ambitions are

pedestrians and cyclists), and how

which contributes to the success of

also constantly pushed - Copenhagen’s

public life is changing. This empirical

the system ‘hardware’, like designing

mayor unveiled an official policy of

evidence can then be used to make

transit stops that ensure proximity

becoming the world’s best metropolis

wiser and more informed decisions

between bus, train, metro and cycling

for people, and the world’s best bicycle

as to how the city can be further

facilities. The system is regularly

city and most ambitiously , carbon


reviewed and consistently improved

neutral by 2025 (Copenhagen, 2009a).

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The Copenhagen Story Section 2

50% of all Copenhagener’s journeys are by bicycle








The bicycle can be the key component

has done a cost benefit analysis of

in an integrated ecosystem of

cycling infrastructure and found that

mobility on longer journeys. With the

when you include transport costs,

development of the cycling culture

security, comfort, branding/tourism,

in Copenhagen, 35% of all trips in

transport times and health there is a

Copenhagen are by bike, and 50% of

net social gain is DKK 1.22 per cycled

all Copenhagen residents journeys

kilometer compared to a net social

are by bicycle. Within the 5-10 km

loss of DKK 0.69 per kilometer driven

travel distance, 44% of all travelers

by car.

bicycle. When asked why they choose

Key to this people first approach is

to ride their bike in Copenhagen, the

recognizing that walking is the most

overwhelming reasons were cited

universal form of transport. All cyclists,

as direct benefits as of convenience,

public transit riders and motorists

speed, and simplicity, rather than

begin their journey as pedestrians and

co-benefits like saving money

therefore the transit and automobile

or protecting the environment

network can only be as good as the

(Copenhagen, 2009)

pedestrian network that brings them to other modes of transit. By applying

Traffic planners typically use indicators

this type of integrated and joined-up

for their traffic models that can

thinking in conjunction with other

be linked to an area’s economic

initiatives, we can collectively reach

development and need based on

aspirations for safety and access and

benefit-cost ratios (Meyer, 2000).

the challenge becomes less daunting.

Tax payers are justified in demanding

A number of factors are included in the

value for their investment, and it

equation such as

This shift from hardware to software is complex, and requires design professionals to learn more about human behavior – why do people do as they do

appears that pedestrian and cycling infrastructure can provide that value see figure 2. The city of Copenhagen


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The Copenhagen Story Section 2

Infrastrcuture cost comparison , 2011

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Section 2 The Copenhagen Story

Gehl Architects, 2008

SAFETY What’s remarkable in Copenhagen is that more cycling in the city has made it safer. As the two diagrams below indicate, as the number of cyclists has increased the number of total accidents as well as serious accidents involving cyclists has decreased (Commission, 2008). The total distance traveled each day by bicycle city-wide has increased 13% (from 930,000 in 1996 to 1,210,000 in 2010) yet the amount of seriously injured cyclists annually has decreased 172%


(from 252 to 92 during the same

no single determining factor in the

to measure behavior, habits and

period) (Commission, 2008). By 2015,

accidents they studied, and rather it

perceptions. The notion of perceived

the municipality hopes to reduce the

is an accumulation of bad habits that

safety has also been closely monitored

amount of serious injuries to 56 while

are a part of a traffic culture that takes

increasing from 51% of cyclist in

simultaneously increasing the modal

years to change. What is needed is

2008 to 67% (City of Copenhagen

share of cycling from 35% to 50%

a “greater duty of care to the way

and Arup, 2011). Recognizing that the

(Copenhagen, 2011).

(road users) behave” (Commission,

main reason for people not cycling is

Extensive research on traffic accidents

2008). This research suggests that

perceived safety, the municipality has

at road junctions in Denmark reveals

intersection ‘hardware’ – the main

a goal of 80% of all cyclists feeling

that no clear-cut connection between

focus of transport experts and traffic

secure in traffic, and has established

the geometry of the junctions and the

- is vital, but most effective when

strict punishments (typically $200

associated accidents has been found

considered in relation with ‘software’.

fines) exist for pedestrians and cyclists

(Commission, 2008). In fact Danish

Accordingly, Copenhagen municipality

that do not follow basic road safety

researchers conclude that there is

has incorporated metrics for how


Gehl Architects · Urban Quality Consultants · Gl. Kongevej 1, 4.tv · 1610 Copenhagen V · Denmark · www.gehlarchitects.dk

The Copenhagen Story Section 2

‘as the number of cyclists has increased the number of total accidents, as well as serious accidents involving cyclists has decreased’


for taking part in urban life (Gehl

as possible to create a virtuous cycle

Architects, 2009).

– the ultimate win-win for both you

City leaders understand that socially

and the society to which you belong.

oriented targets they can still achieve

The Copenhagen case provides a

Specifically for mobility the city can

environmental goals of Co2 emission

powerful lesson - people don’t change

still accommodate motorists and public

reduction, economic growth and

their behaviour when you tell them to

transit riders by prioritizing proximity

global competitiveness. Three people

but when the context compels them.

and high quality conditions for

centered goals are to increase the

Direct benefits to the individual have

pedestrians and cyclists. Experiences

amount of time Copenhageners

the largest impact on behavior and

from around the world show the

choose to spend in urban space

choice and as more people choose

converse is not true; we cannot create

by 20%, increase the amount of

NMT, the co-benefits for society are

good environments for people by

pedestrian traffic by 20%, and ensure

increased exponentially. Therefore,

prioritizing the needs of motorists and

that 80% of Copenhageners are

our challenge is to align the co-

public transport capacity alone.

satisfied people with opportunities

benefits and direct benefits as much



600 500

120 400 300


200 100

60 97





















Gehl Architects · Urban Quality Consultants · Gl. Kongevej 1, 4.tv · 1610 Copenhagen V · Denmark · www.gehlarchitects.dk


Section 2 The New York Story

The New York Story Herald Square, Broadway New York NYC 2009

‘people don’t change their behaviour when you tell them to but when the context compels them to’


When NYC Planning Commissioner

In 2007, the Department of

than expanding street capacity

Amanda Burden visited Copenhagen

Transportation implemented the City’s

for private vehicles a precedent of

together with NYC Transport

first “Copenhagen style” bicycle track

prioritizing non-motorized transit

Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan in

along 9th Avenue and was beginning

(NMT), was established. The project

2006, their goal was to reach the kind

to monitor and test its impact on

itself was small, but symbolically a

of change it took Copenhagen forty

mobility and safety. Dedicated to

giant leap, as it embodied the broader

years to achieve, in just a few years

cyclists and protected from ongoing

vision for a “Greener, Greater New

before the end of Bloomberg’s next

traffic by a row of parallel parked cars,

York City”, by 2030 (The City of New

term. Their strategy was to implement

the new bike lane (the first of its kind

York, 2007).

the changes in a quick, inexpensive

in North America) gave cyclists an

and temporary manor, and to evaluate

uninterrupted and safe route along

The 9th Ave. bike track was part of

the consequences of the changes

six blocks of 9th Ave (Transportation,

a wider strategy of re-envisioning

before permanent changes are made.

2011). By replacing a lane of vehicle

a better functioning and safer

Big change began with small steps.

traffic with a lane for bicycles, rather

environment for all traffic through

Gehl Architects · Urban Quality Consultants · Gl. Kongevej 1, 4.tv · 1610 Copenhagen V · Denmark · www.gehlarchitects.dk

Section 2 The New York Story

temporary pilot projects (NY Transportation, 2011). The approach to these temporary projects was simple; consult/analyze, envision, test, re-design or remove. By rigorously collecting people centered data, and clearly communicating it to the public the decision to redesign or remove was not random, nor politically charged, but rather based on an empirically based decision making framework. With this framework established and documented in the World Class Streets Document (Gehl; NYC DOT, 2008) DOT effectively reclaimed underused space with affordable and often recycled materials serving as demarcation boundaries across the entire city. Begun in out of the way corners in Brooklyn, lessons learned from the first projects were quickly disseminated across departments and utilized to help ensure the success of the much more visible, Green Light for Midtown projects along Broadway in Manhattan. Two specific characteristics led to

Broadway, New York DOT, 2008

the New York model’s success. First is the scale, speed and ambition of the temporary pilots not as one-

The Green Light for Midtown Campaign alone reclaimed over 35,000 m2 of public space (the equivalent to 3 Piazza Navona’s the famous Italian Piazza)’

off projects but working toward a wider vision for the city; and second the commitment to extensive people based analysis prior to implementation and to perform post occupancy tests based on how the projects perform for people and quality of life. FAST TRACKING CHANGE NEW TYPE OF STAKEHOLDER CONSULTATION Similar to Copenhagen, NYC officials balanced a broader vision with a pragmatic opportunistic flexibility that allowed the organization to capitalize on mobilized local support and capacity. The City has consistently analyzed, surveyed and monitored the human centered performance of these spaces and the public’s perception of them. This data has allowed them to make changes to the temporary

projects quickly and affordably, to learn

This type of community engagement

from their mistakes and incorporate

at scale 1:1 (in real time and at actual

public feedback while remaining

scale) embodied in the pilot project

fiercely dedicated to a broader vision.

approach, allows all citizens to provide

Whether it be moving the bicycle

informed feedback is vastly superior

lane from the left side of the street to

to the traditional long and drawn out

the right, or realigning the location of

engagement process accessible only

bicycle tracks in proximity to reclaimed

to those that have time to attend.

public space to the use of materials

The streamlined holistic nature of the

and implementation techniques,

‘envision, test and refine’ approach is

the City has utilized the people first


approach to ensure that change in

superior economically, socially and

physical ‘hardware’ is rooted in the

culturally to more traditional strategies.

experiential ‘software’ of these spaces.

It aims to invite people to inhabit the

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Section 2 New York Story

area already at early stages, creating benefits for neighbouring areas, the

The people first initiatives break

first residents and to create positive

the traditional norms of a purely

memories of the area.

hardware based planning paradigm of

When integrated as part of a wider

vehicle capacity through more lanes

street-design process, temporary

or fly-overs and improved safety by

initiatives can be used as public

means of more barriers. Rather than

consultation at actual scale and in real-

expanding space for one type of user,

time - thus making a project process

NYC city leaders have re-appropriated

more inclusive, effective, engaging and

space in the city, based on a keen


understanding of people’s behavior

Inclusive - Not everyone has time for

streets and spaces. By emphasizing

online questionnaires, access to digital

more high quality public space, more

media, nor the skill needed to translate

public life, increased accessibility

words and diagrams into real-life

and improved safety for pedestrians

experience – but everyone can use

and cyclists, a remarkable series of

their senses to experience place.

results have been achieved that when

Effective- Pilot projects ensure the

juxtaposed illustrate a series of win-

significant investment inherent in

win outcomes.

This type of community engagement at scale 1:1 (in real time and at actual scale) embodied in the pilot project approach, allows all citizens to provide informed feedback is vastly superior to the traditional long and drawn out engagement process

permanent projects is well-spent by

Broadway, New York Risom, 2010

providing opportunities to experiment,

The Green Light for Midtown

1998, New York City has implemented

analyze and re-design.

Campaign alone reclaimed over 35,000

over 200 miles (320km) of bicycle

Engaging – Testing design solutions at

m2 of public space (the equivalent to

lanes and tracks yet a 72% decrease

1:1 and then refining them based on

3 Piazza Navona’s) radically changing

in the average risk of a serious injury

their performance helps ensure the

city-goers perception of the city, while

experienced by commuter cyclists

design is truly in harmony with resident

contributing to increased traffic speeds

in New York City (New York City

needs and demands.

in the CBD by 6% between 2008

Departments of Health and Mental

Economically Efficient– Such pilot

and 2009 (Transportation, 2010a).

Hygience, 2005). The percentage

projects not only expose ‘low hanging

There is a 2.5% overall reduction in

of area employees satisfied with the

fruit’ (min cost / max impact), but

motorized traffic volume, yet 17%

Times Square experience increased

also help inform further design

improved travel times through Mid-

by 72% (from 43% to 74% of those


town. Along Broadway 35% decrease

surveyed in 2007 and again in 2009)

in pedestrian injuries yet an 11%

and 74% of New Yorkers say Times

increase in pedestrian volumes. Since

Square has improved dramatically


Broadway, New York. Gemzøe, 2004 18

Broadway, New York. Gemzøe

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New York Story Section 2

2010). Broadway,(Transportation, New York. Gemzøe, 2004 By providing choice and ensuring integration, New York City, like Copenhagen has made the experience of moving through the city more enjoyable for all; pedestrians and cyclists are safer and more comfortable for more and more journey types, and when people need to drive or take a taxi, they are able to also do so more safely and conveniently.

Broadway, NYC DOT, 2010

Note Figures here are based on the analysis and design work conducted by Gehl Architects for the NYC Department of Transportation in 2007 and 2008. Gehl Architects has been instrumental in New York’s recent transformation. However, the actual detailed designs for the streets and plazas were carried out in-house by the New York Department of Transportation. The principle influence the firm has had is one of pre-planning, strategic development and inspiration.

e, 2004 Gehl Architects · Urban Quality Consultants · Gl. Kongevej 1, 4.tv · 1610 Copenhagen V · Denmark · www.gehlarchitects.dk


Section 3 Chennai, India

Section 3. Chennai, India

T-Nagar, Chennai

To begin to understand what lessons learned in New York and Copenhagen might succeed in the Chennai context we must highlight the particularities of the spatial understandings and social behavior. Whilst some Indian cities contain vestiges of the colonial city and the ‘classical’ types of public space their uses are culturally specific. India has its own vernacular of the European meaning of ‘public’, sometimes referred to as the ‘pablik’ (Chaterjee,2004). It could be described as the absolute negative of the private realm of the home (Kaviraj, 1997). Tagore, the Bengali novelist captures it well in the title of his novel Ghare Baire, which translates as The Home and the World. Perhaps it would be fair to assert that in the Indian vernacular, public space has lesser emphasis on the notion of ‘common’, and rather emphasizes that which is not private and therefore claims (usually by the poor) can be made upon it. This has been perpetuated by a mixture of conditions, both cultural and by way of necessity that


The share of pedestrian trips in the city has increased since 1970, but based on mobility projections for all similar sized Indian cities, is expected to fall again over the next 20 years

present themselves both as benefits and problems; encroachment, street trade, street dwellers, religious shrines appropriating pavements and so on. In fact many of the things which give rise to some of the distinctively Indian sights and sounds of the city. Chennai’s particular brand of Indian street life offers all sorts of organic manifestations in trade and social opportunities, direct and co-benefits. The neighbourhood, chai wallah, where news and gossip is shared; the ‘natural markets’ which form at

bad perceptions of sanitization and

different times of the day according

clutter are prevalent (Bhowmik,2003).

to commuter patterns; where women

In a society which is in some-ways

of a household might gather such

governed by the propriety of class if

as outside the nursery school and

not indeed caste, then ‘public spaces’

the hawkers who punctuate the

in the European sense such as parks

routes to school and work offering

and communal garden squares often

rest and refreshment. This ‘logic of

delineate these stratifications in

the street’ provides convenience

their users. It is in the street and on

and has the co-benefit of adding

public transport where all encounter

to the efficiency of the number of

one another in an unsocial sociability

journeys made. However street trade

(Murphey,2007). Making these spaces

also brings with it problems, issues

comfortable, convenient, safe and

around land-rights, congestion and

affordable for all creates a platform

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Chennai, India

Section 3

for the democratic city to continue to

in the modal share of journeys in

could capture huge environmental,

operate. Change that embraces the

Chennai. The share of pedestrian trips

economic and social value. Transition

existing economies and efficiencies

in the city has increased since 1970,

narratives claiming that Kolkata, say,

pose a challenge to both software

but based on mobility projections for all

could become London or Shanghai

and hardware journey choices are also

similar sized Indian cities, is expected

obscure and undermine the real

influenced by the hardware of the

to fall again over the next 20 years

project of capturing the preexisting values inherent in behavior and form

city and the morphology of individual neighbourhoods. Chennai, like many

The hardware of existing roads are

and ‘finding the shape and form of

Indian cities has a large proportion of

mixed in quality and design yet a large

India’s own modernity’ (Kaviraj:1997)

mixed-use neighbourhoods of high

proportion of the road surfaces are

something we keep in mind in our

density offering local services and jobs

level with undefined edges and few

analysis of T-Nagar, Chennai.

that promote local rather than non-

street markings which in some respect

local journeys. Over 52% or journeys

suit the multiplicity of uses they serve

made in Chennai are under 5km ideal

at different periods of the day, the

for non-motorised transit (Wilbur

streets being very much a social space

Smith Associates,2008). The long

as well as a space for traffic. 32% of

history of public transport also plays a

trips are made by pedestrians on only a

significant role in psyche of Tamillians,

3% share of street space (Transparent

the central station (opened in 1873) for

Chennai, 2009) and as 43% of

cross-country journeys. The inter-city

all accidents involve pedestrians

rail lines built across the country, and

and cyclists the deficiencies in the

subsequent metropolitan and suburban

infrastructure that create unsafe

lines, have nurtured a culture of public

environments are very clear. The

transport and “organic” transit oriented

inherent value of such an enormous

development both formal and informal.

share of pedestrian journeys, and

A tremendous opportunity to capitalize

this forecast to continue, providing

on this inherent culture is reflected

adequate infrastructure and inviting

in the evolution of the role of walking

more pedestrian and cycle journeys


Chennai London Bangalore London NYC Copenhagen


It is in the street and on public transport, rather than in designated public space such as parks or squares where all sections of society encounter one another in an unsocial sociability (Murphey,2007).

20000 0

Chennai London Bangalore London NYC Copenhagen

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Chennai, India

Section 3

In the T-Nagar neighbourhood the street space is used much more intensely as a social space than neighboring public spaces.

Lingering Activities



Jeeva Park

Physical activities Ph

Sitting on folding chairs S

Cu Cultural activities

Se Secondary seating

C Commercial activities

S Sitting on cafe chairs

C Children playing

S Sitting on benches

L Lying down

Wait Waiting for transport



Panagal Park

commercially active 1%

Stan Standing


physical activities

children playing


lying down

South Usman Road




sitting on secondary seating



Natesan Park

sitting on cafe chairs



sitting on benches waiting for transport

To t a l s t ay i n g a c t i v i t y i n T N a g a r



Av e r a ge l e ve l o f s t ay i n g a c t i v i t y 10 a m - 9 p m


Summer weekday 10 am - 9 pm. Thursday the 9th & 10th December 2010.

1 : 10.000




400 m

Summer weekday 10 am - 9 pm. Thursday the 9th & 10th December 2010.


Using the same Public Space Public

a proposed new metro stop all within


Life methodology employed in New

a 1km radius. Equally important in the

In 2010 Gehl Architects working in

York City and Copenhagen Gehl

district is the regional retail destination

collaboration with the Institute for

Architects measured the movement

with a high concentration of shops

Transportation Development Policy

patterns of pedestrians moving

as well as vibrant hawker/vendor

(ITDP) visited Chennai to investigate

through streets, the quantity of people

activity along South Usman Rd and

how we could leverage ongoing

lingering in streets and spaces and

Ranganathan Street. The urban grain

investment in improving mobility

documented the age and gender of

of the area is ideal for its mixed-use

toward a people centred approach.

street-users as well as the type of

character. A fine urban grain (narrow

We investigated the T-Nagar District

activities in which they are engaged

buildings, several entrances) is the

as a project site to conduct surveys,

(Gehl & Gemzøe,1996).

dominant form with quieter residential

analyse data, describe a process

The T-Nagar district is a regional transit

streets offering an intimate refuge

of implementation and effectively

hub, hosting two major train stations,

from the bustling retail streets, major

communicate to decision makers..

Tamil Nadu’s busiest bus station and

city parks and other institutions

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T-Nagar Chennai Section 3

Chennai, Madras, 2010
















which ensure an active and lively

other types of lingering activities not

district both day and night. Similar to

possible in the exceptionally hectic and

most major retail corridors in Indian

crowded S. Usman Road.

cities, the presence of street vendors and hawkers dramatically affects

The type of user groups that feel

the character of the street and the

comfortable in public spaces in

intensity of public life.

T-Nagar varies dramatically between day and night-time hours. Women

Despite having a similar pedestrian

are the predominant gender

traffic volume to vibrant retail streets

(approximately 58% of pedestrians)

in Copenhagen, S. Usman Road in

until 5pm when a dramatic shift occurs

T-Nagar exhibited a much higher

and then men dramatically outnumber

frequency and intensity of lingering

the number of women (approximately

activities. S. Usman Road is much

64% of pedestrians observed were

more intensely used as a public space

male) moving through the S. Usman

than Broadway and has even more

Road. This stands in contrast to

activity than Oxford Street in London

Copenhagen City Centre were the

- which has nearly twice as much

average of women remains relatively

pedestrian footfall. In the T-Nagar

constant throughout the day at

neighbourhood the street space is

approximately 60% (Gehl & Gemzøe,

used much more intensely as a social

1996) and (Gehl, Gemzøe, & Kirknaes,

space than neighboring public spaces


S. Usman Road is much more intensely used as a public space than Broadway and has even more activity than Oxford Street in London - which has nearly twice as much pedestrian footfall.

as exemplified with over 12 times more activity recorded in S. Usman Road throughout the day than in the neighboring Panagal Park. This is despite Panagal Park provides many more places to sit and more space for

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Section 3 T-Nagar, Chennai

Creating a shared space whereby safety is part of our individual and social responsibility allows hazards to inform and influence behavior along with creative design of places

Comparison to other main streets around the world 2005 Vesterbrogade Copenhagen


2007 George Street Sydney



33,740 6,040

2010 Jie Fang Bei Chongqing


39,780 17,544

2007 Broadway New York*


2004 Regent Street London





2004 Swanston Street Melbourne


2010 South Usman Road Chennai


44,670 55,610 14,790



between 6 pm and 10 pm between 10 am and 6 pm


*NYC only counted 10 am to 8 pm. Broadway between 31st and 32nd Street

2004 Oxford Street London



126,360 between 6 pm and 10 pm

2005 Strøget Copenhagen


George Street, Sydney


Broadway, New York



between 10 am and 6 pm

Jie Fang Bei, Chongqing

Strøget, Copenhagen

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T- Nagar, Chennai Section 3

A change of mindset is embodied in the perception of safety, accessibility for everyone, invitations for young and old, the fit and the unfit, and men as well as women

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Section 3 T-Nagar, Chennai



The high modal share of pedestrian

to monorail in figure (9 below).

In Chennai and across Indian cities

activity in Indian cities is in part due

Chennai proposes to build 311km

there is an opportunity to sustain

to the proportion of economic ‘captive

of track (CMDA,2008), almost the

the function of the street as a social

pedestrians’ and according to forecasts

total length of Copenhagen’s cycle

space as seen on South Usman Road

this is not set to change (Ministry of

network. The municipality of Chennai

whilst improving safety and increasing

urban development India,2008). Cities

should reconsider this transit-oriented

traffic speed. As seen on Broadway

should try to ‘capture’ the inherent

development that requires massive

an increase in traffic speeds was

value this type of journey offers the

financial investment and captures value

achieved simultaneously with an

individual, the wider environment as

from land-markets instead of capturing

increase in space for pedestrians.

well as the public purse. We have

the greater, more sustainable values

The simplification of crossings has

shown the levels of investment

inherent in current human behavior and

helped reduce accident rates. In a

required for cycle-tracks compared

transit choices.

people first approach to safety in the street the social signals and a correct

Chennai should reconsider this transitoriented development that requires massive financial investment and captures value from land-markets instead of capturing the greater, more sustainable values inherent in current human behavior and transit choices.

propensity of risk, build on the grain of human behavior rather than trying to control or regulate it with barriers, signals or indeed CCTV. Creating a shared space whereby safety is part of our individual and social responsibility allows hazards to inform and influence behavior along with creative design of places that read properly and protect the most vulnerable. This is in-line with some of the most progressive thinking around road safety and the software


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T-Nagar, Chennai

Section 3

of Chennai is well equipped to adopt much of it. CULTURE

NYC 14.9 KMPH 2008

The expression cycling culture is used to describe something broader than

CPH 26 KMPH 2005

high rates of cycling, it infers wider social trends and lifestyle choices


that have either pre-dated the cycling rates or are affiliated with them. In Copenhagen cycling is ingrained

CPH 16 KMPH 2010

across all of sections of society but this has taken a great deal of time, New York is just beginning to invite


wider populations to cycle in the city, policy in part prompted by vanguard groups who dispelled the myth that


you couldn’t cycle in NYC. As India’s booming middle class seeks out new consumer and urban lifestyle choices






this is an optimum moment to promote cycling culture across cities, especially in young adults.

The speed of roads in India’s largest cities could drop to the pace of pedestrians if action isn’t taken to prevent the private vehicle dominating apportioning of road space.

walk cycle public transit moped car, taxi & delivery


4% 19%


9% 32%




5% 32%










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Section 3 Principles for People Oriented Mobility

People First Mobility As this paper has shown in the cases of Copenhagen and New York, facilitating a change in mindset (software) is as important as implementing high-quality pedestrian, cycling and public transit infrastructure (hardware). This change of mindset is embodied in the perception of safety, accessibility for everyone, invitations for young and old, the fit and the unfit, and men as well as women. We must create invitations based on understanding people’s behavior and their specific reasons for transit integration, rather than trying to design and build our way blindly out of a problem.

Copenhagen, Gemzøe.20o8

Implementing the principles below is

dependence by improving mobility

a start toward ensuring that mobility

within cities is talked about in terms

and an accessible city for pedestrians

of global sustainability - using public

and cyclists can become a live-able

transportation instead of driving a

city for all. Improving conditions for

private vehicle decreases traffic, fossil

pedestrians, cyclists and public transit

fuel use, and the output of harmful

riders means improving quality of life

emissions. We believe that Reducing

in the city. Inviting more people to

CO2 emissions, conserving land

use NMT and PT is a tool to improve

and making transport more efficient

quality of life — not a goal in and of

go hand in hand with improving

itself. In short, mobility must be seen

quality of life. In doing so, the global

as a means not as an end. People First

sustainability targets can also be met,

Mobility (PFM) prioritizes comfort,

but by on comfort and convenience for

safety, choice, and convenience while

the individual at local scale (livability)

optimizing proximity to services,

we will be to incentivize limiting

priority for pedestrians, and the

resource and land consumption at a

integration of various modes of

global scale (sustainability).

transportation. Mobility should be considered both a necessity and a right. The way in which one moves through the city impacts the way in which he experiences it. The ability to travel through the city, reaching desired destinations in an efficient and safe manner, is a freedom that all citizens should have. Today, reducing automobile


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Principles for People Oriented Mobility Section 3

Barcelona, Rison 2010




A complete system of mobility within

People First Mobility concentrates

By encouraging means of individual

a city encourages a sense of equality

on the actual experience of moving

transportation such as walking

among its citizens. When successfully

through the city. Rather than

and bicycling, P.F.M promotes a

incorporated into the grain of the

considering a transportation network

healthy lifestyle. When it is easy

city, public transportation, pedestrian

as a plan of linked pathways that

and convenient for individuals to get

walkways, and bicycle lanes, are

should be viewed from above, P.F.M

from place to place within the city in

usable by all because of both their

focuses on the details, such as

a way that keeps them physically fit,

low cost and convenience. In this

sidewalk widths, intersection details,

they will be more likely to incorporate

sense, People First Mobility fosters

and station accommodation, that

exercise into their daily routine. P.F.M

democracy as well as a sense of

are experienced at eye level and

can promote mental health. Reduced

individual importance. P.F.M promotes

impact one’s daily life. Comfort,

commuting time can be achieved

inclusivity by increasing accessibility

convenience, and safety are of utmost

when efficient transportation systems

to transport infrastructure and other

importance. A holistic approach to

exist, resulting in less stress and more

amenities, while ensuring proximity

movement means – various modes of

time for family and friends. P.F.M also

to necessities such as health care,

transportation are linked together, and

seeks to provide proximity to nature in

education, and places of employment,

people are free to choose from many

the city and adequate access.

improving daily life for individuals and

options and modes for how to best

lessening gaps between social classes.

move from A to B.

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Section 3 Principles for People Oriented Mobility




P.F.M supports the development

People First Mobility encourages

People First Mobility represents a

of communities by encouraging

investments that are efficient for

new way of thinking that is relevant to

individuals to spend time in

society. Incorporating inexpensive

the contemporary city. Rather than

neighbourhoods, making them more

NMT infrastructure such as bike

following the models of development

social, lively, and economically viable.

lanes and pedestrian zones into a city

that have been established as

Areas of the city that are easily

makes an excellent complement to

normal over the course of the past

walk-able and bike-able create an

more expensive infrastructure such as

half century, it seeks to rethink how

atmosphere in which people tend to

high-speed rail or underground metro

cities can be improved for people.

linger, increasing local economic value

systems. By creating this opportunity

Cities are the most rich and diverse

through retail and light industry and

in modal shifts, an increase in capacity

forms of human settlement. P.F.M

bringing individuals together. When

is gained along with a cost effective

aspires to capitalize on this diversity

it is easy to get to and move between

infrastructure system. In addition,

with simple solutions. P.F.M is not

multiple parts of the city, small

such infrastructure is sustainable

about encouraging the most complex

businesses and local trades regain

over time, as it can change as the

solution to mobility within cities,

their competitive advantage allowing

needs of the city evolve – it is much

but works to incorporate the diverse

them to persevere and possibly

affordable to add more bike tracks to

richness of people, culture and life


major streets than it is to incorporate

found in cities in a simple people first

new destinations to a railway line or to


expand underground subway systems.


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Principles for People Oriented Mobility Section 3

Section 4. Measuring Success

a shift from a ‘hardware’ driven approach where infrastructure is the main driver to a mix of ‘hardware’ and ‘software’ where the relationship between the form of the built environment and its impact on human sociability and mobility is what is tantamount

As we try to achieve the integration of

amount of female, young and elderly

of space provided. Quantity of space

walking, public transit and cycling, we

pedestrians, cyclists and public transit

in terms of sidewalk width in relation

will have to understand that people

riders. A proportionate share these

to road width in relation to quantity

are different, not all public transit is

users in relation to population indirectly

of users as illustrated in the Flushing

the same, and cyclists do not all have

indicates both the perceived and

Main Street, New York example. The

the same needs. Using live-ability

actual safety of streets. Accessibility

quality of space can be measured by a

and quality-of-life parameters, we can

is another vital indicator that can be

variety of factors relating to buildings

provide a variety of incentives (or ways

measured through improved travel

such as frequency of entrances and

to break down barriers) to diverse

time, having numerous options for

transparency of facades as well as in

users. To achieve this fine aggregation,

journeys of all lengths and the level of

terms of invitations provided to spend

we need the data to support our

seamless integration between transit

time either through public seating or


modes. A balanced modal split is also

other attractive amenities.

vital, with NMT comprising at least

Current indices of urban livability,


15-20% of all journeys. As the NMT

such as those from The Economist


network grows then new goals for

or Monocle, measure livability in

NMT share by trip length.

terms of safety, crime, international

This paper has provided several

The experience of moving through

connectivity, climate and political-

examples of parameters that can be

the city is improved by providing

economic stability. No widely reviewed

measured to assess the extent to

high quality opportunities to stop

and accepted parameters exist to

which the built environment promotes

and linger. Therefore measuring the

assess mobility systems, or their

human flourishing. In addition to many

intensity of activity taking place in

relationship with human parameters

of the safety parameters measured

city streets and such as the quantity

such as comfort, perceived safety

today such as reducing accidents,

of people lingering in streets and

and sense of belonging. More easily

injuries and fatalities for all road-users,

spaces and documented the age and

quantifiable measures for improved

more qualitative measurements

gender of street-users as well as the

health, increased mobility and

such as perceived safety should be

type of activities they engaged in.

decreased commuting times would

measured as well. Safety can also be

This intensity should be considered in

be a step in the right direction. The

quantified indirectly by measuring the

relation to the quantity and the quality

aim has to be to measure the overall

Gehl Architects · Urban Quality Consultants · Gl. Kongevej 1, 4.tv · 1610 Copenhagen V · Denmark · www.gehlarchitects.dk


Section 4. Measuring Success Broadway, New York, Rison 2011

ecological efficiency with which

between the form of the built


human well-being is delivered through

environment and its impact on human

Revising policy and retrofitting our

the built environment.

sociability and mobility is what is

physical surroundings will result in

tantamount. This methodology does

only so much change. Not until the

not define a specific aesthetic or a

talents of architects and planners

one-size fits all design solution and

together with sociologists and urban

The people first approach requires

therefore requires that policy makers

economists become fully focused on

politicians, city officials and design

and design professionals relinquish a

these realities, rather than falling prey

professionals to incur a drastic change

certain amount of control to citizens.

to utopian aspirations, can we begin to

of mindset. The approach demands

This undoubtedly also creates

holistically create urban and suburban

that we expand the definition of

problems. Our experience shows

environments for the 21st century.

design from a fixed plan to a guiding

that smaller municipalities often

framework; success criteria from a

lack the skill and expertise to create

specific form based design code (New

truly livable and sustainable design

Urbanist), to a human performance

solutions. Larger city authorities

based code (opportunities to meet,

might have been able to attract talent

interact and flourish in public space

capable of implementing these types

either alone or together); from

of people first design strategies, but

transportation system performance

in an age of public sector austerity,

criteria (e.g. system speed) to human

funding for these processes is limited.

mobility comfort and convenience

Even if they do have the skill and

performance criteria (proximity and

funding resources, as several local

accessibility to education, work,

authorities do in Scandinavia, a cultural

leisure). As we have discussed in this

will must still exist to prioritize more

paper, a shift from a ‘hardware’ driven

difficult to quantify goals such as

approach where infrastructure is the

perceived safety, observed longer

main driver to a mix of ‘hardware’

lingering times in public spaces, and

and ‘software’ where the relationship

impacts on well-being and overall



Gehl Architects · Urban Quality Consultants · Gl. Kongevej 1, 4.tv · 1610 Copenhagen V · Denmark · www.gehlarchitects.dk

Glossary Captive Pedestrians Those who are priced out of even very low-cost travel such as bicycles and are therefore required to walk, even when it is for long distances.

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Gehl Architects · Urban Quality Consultants · Gl. Kongevej 1, 4.tv · 1610 Copenhagen V · Denmark · www.gehlarchitects.dk


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Gehl Architects · Urban Quality Consultants · Gl. Kongevej 1, 4.tv · 1610 Copenhagen V · Denmark · www.gehlarchitects.dk

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