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Funhouse Mirror / rorriM esuohnuF

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Raking Leaves

Raking Leaves

Scott Bentley

mirror / rorrim peep / peep a distorted reflection / noitcelfer detrotsid a to look through a small opening / gninepo llams a hguorht kool ot from convex and concave sections / snoitces evacnoc dna xevnoc morf or from a concealed location / noitacol delaecnoc a morf ro a popular attraction / noitcartta ralupop a me / em to look slyly / ylyls kool ot ghost in a reflective surface / ecafrus evitcelfer a ni tsohg an ecology / ygoloce na or pryingly / ylgniyrp ro a compartment of the phantasmal self / fles lamsatnahp eht fo tnemtrapmoc a or furtively / ylevitruf ro a muddle of mending / gnidnem fo elddum a to look curiously or playfully / yllufyalp ro ylsuoiruc kool ot in constant flux / xulf tnatsnoc ni to glimpse / espmilg ot a community / ytinummoc a to show / wohs ot or protrude slightly / ylthgils edurtorp ro not / ton a quick or furtive look / kool evitruf ro kciuq a expression of negation / noitagen fo noisserpxe or glance / ecnalg ro denial and refusal / lasufer dna lained the first appearance / ecnaraeppa tsrif eht or prohibition / noitibihorp ro leave / evael the formless being / gnieb sselmrof eht


110 to go out of or away from / morf yawa ro fo tuo og ot to quit / tuiq ot nor / ron to depart / traped to the crying in the air / ria eht ni gniyrc eht or let remain / niamer tel ro a place into my head / daeh ym otni ecalp a have remaining behind after going / gniog retfa dniheb gniniamer evah a disappearing / gniraeppasid a out and alone / enola dna tuo or ceasing / gnisaec ro as of dawn / nwad fo sa

sa fo nwad / dawn of as ro gnisaec / ceasing or tuo dna enola / alone and out a gniraeppasid / disappearing a evah gniniamer dniheb retfa gniog / going after behind remaining have a ecalp otni ym daeh / head my into place a ro tel niamer / remain let or eht gniyrc ni eht ria / air the in crying the to traped / depart to ron / nor ot tiuq / quit to ot og tuo fo ro yawa morf / from away or of out go to eht sselmrof gnieb / being formless the evael / leave ro noitibihorp / prohibition or eht tsrif ecnaraeppa / appearance first the lained dna lasufer / refusal and denial

ro ecnalg / glance or noisserpxe fo noitagen / negation of expression a kciuq ro evitruf kool / look furtive or quick a ton / not ro edurtorp ylthgils / slightly protrude or ot wohs / show to a ytinummoc / community a ot espmilg / glimpse to ni tnatsnoc xulf / flux constant in ot kool ylsuoiruc ro yllufyalp / playfully or curiously look to a elddum fo gnidnem / mending of muddle a ro ylevitruf / furtively or a tnemtrapmoc fo eht lamsatnahp fles / self phantasmal the of compartment a ro ylgniyrp / pryingly or na ygoloce / ecology an tsohg ni a evitcelfer ecafrus / surface reflective a in ghost ot kool ylyls / slyly look to em / me a ralupop noitcartta / attraction popular a ro morf a delaecnoc noitacol / location concealed a from or morf xevnoc dna evacnoc snoitces / sections concave and convex from ot kool hguorht a llams gninepo / opening small a through look to a detrotsid noitcelfer / reflection distorted a peep / peep rorrim / mirror


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