The Future of Libraries
10001010 10010010 00110110 00100110 10011100 11111100 01010100 01010011 01011010 11010011 00000001 01011101 01001100 00101101 11001000 00011100 01011100 10100011 11010010 11010011 00001101 00101111 10110110 00111110 11100011 11101000 11011111 01001000 11101111 10000001 10000010 00010001 11001110 01101101 10111101 11010001 10101111 10101101 01101010 00011010 11100000 01001101 01010000 10101110 11111110 01010000 01111010 11110111 10111100 11101100 01000111 10101101 11101111 11101011 00110000 10001101 10001101 01111110 11010010 10001001 00001101 11011011 10000100 11101001 11000000 01111110 0000 00000010 11101110 11111100 01011101 01010011 10010101 11000001 11001001 00011011 10111000
01001100 00101101 11001000 00011100 01011100 11001111 01011110 01111001 01101101 10101011 00111110 11100011 11101000 11011111 01001000 11011010 11101111 00101001 00001000 01100100 10111101 11010001 10101111 10101101 01101010 11101010 01100101 11110111 11100101 01101100 01010000 01111010 11110111 10111100 11101100 10010001 11100111 10100100 11011101 10110101 10001101 01111110 11010010 10001001 00001101 11001110 10110010 11101101 00001110 00111110 11101110 11111100 01011101 01010011 10010101 00111011 00101011 01100001 01100100 00110101 01111010 11001001 01011100 01100101 01000010 00101110 01101110 01011000 01100000 00110000 01011100 11011000 10100000 01110000 00001010 00100110 11011011 00001111 11111000 11011010 00000111 11111111 01101011 10110101 01110011 00100000 01010001 00101111 11111001 10111100 00000100 11110000 01101000 10111101 01101001 01101010 10111111 00111100 01101100 11001101 10111010 11100000 01101101 00011001 00000110 11011000 01101000 11001011 00000100 10101011 00001110 00010110 00111110 00111110 10110000 11011000 00110011 10101000 01000000 01100101 00011100 01101001 01011000 10001000 11110110 00110111 11111101 10100110 10110010 11100101 01110010 11001100 10111110 10101101 10111001 01000101 01100000 11111100 11000110 10001111 01110010 11000010 11111010 00011100 10111000 11010001 00100011 00111000 00111001 11100110 11101110 01110000 00011001 01010110 10010100 11111101 11111100 11011100 10111001 00011010 00001101 10110001 01110011 10011101 01101001 10111001 01000100 10000101 01111010 11110001 01101001 01001110 01100010 11001100 00111011 10000111 00110101 10100010 01101101 00101110 10101110 00111010 11111101 00101111 00010111 11110001 11010001 10110010 11100100 01110000 Preface01001100 10110001 11100001 11011011 11111010 10001101 00100111 00010011 11001111 00111011 00101010 01010100 11010001 01111101 10101110 10011110 10011101 01111000 11111010 Current10011001 Libraries 10001110 00011110 11010001 01110000 01010011 10010001 01110011 01111001 Toronto11101011 Public11000100 Library 11111100 01010100 01010011 01011010 11010011 00000110 11110100 00000010 11000001 01001110 01011100 10100011 11010010 11010011 00001101 Are Libraries needed? 10101011 10110000 11011001 01100110 11010111 01001000 11101111 10000001 10000010 00010001 01100100 00110110 00110110 00100001 01011010 01101010 00011010 11100000 01001101 01010000 Libraries vs Cafés 01101100 01100011 10000011 10011010 10111100 11101100 01000111 10101101 11101111 11101011 10110101 Books 10100101 a 10010111 01000011 00001101 Are Physical Useful Resource? 10001010 10010010 00110110 00100110 10011100 00000001 01100101 00100100 10111101 11111111 01011101 01001100 00101101 11001000 00011100 Case Studies 00101111 11001111 01011110 01111001 01101101 Halifax10110110 Public00111110 Library 11100011 11101000 11011111 11001110 11011010 11101111 00101001 00001000 Edmonton Public Library 01101101 10111101 11010001 10101111 10101101 OCADU Public Library 10101110 11101010 01100101 11110111 11100101 11111110 01010000 01111010 11110111 10111100 Indigo 00110000 Book Stores 10010001 11100111 10100100 11011101 Ryerson10001101 SLC 10001101 01111110 11010010 10001001 01111110 11001110 10110010 11101101 00001110 00000010 11101110 11111100 01011101 01010011 The Future 01001011 00111011 00101011 01100001 01100100 11011011 01111010 11001001 01011100 01100101 of Education 11000000 00101110 01101110 01011000 01100000 11101100 01011100 11011000 10100000 01110000 of Books 11101010 00100110 11011011 00001111 11111000 of Spaces 11001110 00000111 11111111 01101011 10110101 01100010 00100000 01010001 00101111 11111001 11010110 00000100 11110000 01101000 10111101 Conclusion 00001010 01101010 10111111 00111100 01101100 00111111 10111010 11100000 01101101 00011001 01100100 11011000 01101000 11001011 00000100 01011110 00001110 00010110 00111110 00111110 00001110 11011000 00110011 10101000 01000000 11000000 00011100 01101001 01011000 10001000 01001100 00110111 11111101 10100110 10110010 10001010 01110010 11001100 10111110 10101101 00001010 01000101 01100000 11111100 11000110 01101100 01110010 11000010 11111010 00011100
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10100011 10110000 11101111 00110110 00011010 01100011 01000111 01101101 11011011 01011011 11000001 10100000 01100111 10111101 01110010 01110111 01110101 00100101 10100101 10000011 01110111 11011000 10001101 00100111 00001101 10101101 11000100 10110000 10100110 01001100 10101001 11110100 11010011 10101000 10101010 10011101 01001111 00011111 01100000 01110001 11110110 10110111 11100111 10001010 00000001 01011101 00101111 10110110 11001110 01101101 10101110 11111110 00110000 11101011 11111100 00000110 01011100 10101011 01001000 01100100 01101010 01101100 11101100 10110101 00001101 00111110 10010101 00110101 01000010 00110000 00001010 11011010 01110011 10111100 01101001 11001101 00000110 10101011 10110000 01100101 11110110 11100101 10111001 10001111 10111000
11010010 11011001 10000001 00110110 11100000 10000011 10101101 00001100 10000100 11000011 11001001 00001101 01010101 00101111 11111111 11011110 00100010 01100000 10001011 11000100 10110101 01001111 11000001 11110111 01111011 00111100 00000011 11110101 01010000 01111101 10000000 11111101 11011011 00011011 10010000 11000011 00100110 11001100 10111101 01101010 01110010 10010110 10100101 10010010 01100101 01001100 11001111 00111110 11011010 10111101 11101010 01010000 10010001 11000100 01010100 11110100 10100011 10110000 11101111 00110110 00011010 01100011 01000111 01101101 11011011 01011011 11000001 10100000 01100111 10111101 01110010 01110111 01110101 00100101 10100101 10000011 01110111 11011000 10001101 00100111 00001101 10101101 11000100 10110000 10100110
11010011 01100110 10000010 00100001 01001101 10011010 11101111 00100111 11101001 01110010 00011011 01000011 00110011 10110000 10001000 00000100 10101010 10010011 00001001 10111000 00110000 11000111 11011000 00110100 10100011 11100000 00100110 10111000 11011010 01111111 10101000 10011101 10111111 11000110 10110001 01100000 10111110 00001000 10100111 00010101 10101001 10011000 10010111 00110110 00100100 00101101 01011110 11100011 11101111 11010001 01100101 01111010 11100111 10010001 01010011 00000010 11010010 11011001 10000001 00110110 11100000 10000011 10101101 00001100 10000100 11000011 11001001 00001101 01010101 00101111 11111111 11011110 00100010 01100000 10001011 11000100 10110101 01001111 11000001 11110111 01111011 00111100 00000011 11110101 01010000
00001101 11010111 00010001 01011010 01010000 10111100 11101011 10010011 11000000 01000000 10111000 11100010 00011111 11111001 10100011 00100100 00011000 10111100 11110001 00100110 00101110 10100011 00110101 10010010 11010001 00011010 00010001 01101000 10100110 01100110 10011001 00010001 10000001 00010001 01100111 11100111 10111011 00001111 10110101 01100001 00110101 01110100 01000011 00100110 10111101 11001000 01111001 11101000 00101001 10101111 11110111 11110111 10100100 01110011 01011010 11000001 11010011 01100110 10000010 00100001 01001101 10011010 11101111 00100111 11101001 01110010 00011011 01000011 00110011 10110000 10001000 00000100 10101010 10010011 00001001 10111000 00110000 11000111 11011000 00110100 10100011 11100000 00100110 10111000 11011010
00101111 10110110 11001110 01101101 10101110 11111110 00110000 10001101 01111110 00000010 01001011 11011011 11000000 11101100 11101010 11001110 01100010 11010110 00001010 00111111 01100100 01011110 00001110 11000000 01001100 10001010 00001010 01101100 11111000 11011110 01000010 01011010 00000111 10010111 11011011 11100101 00100011 00110010 00001010 11001011 00011110 10011110 00001101 10011100 11111111 00011100 01101101 11011111 00001000 10101101 11100101 10111100 11011101 01111001 11010011 01001110 00001101 11010111 00010001 01011010 01010000 10111100 11101011 10010011 11000000 01000000 10111000 11100010 00011111 11111001 10100011 00100100 00011000 10111100 11110001 00100110 00101110 10100011 00110101 10010010 11010001 00011010 00010001 01101000 10100110
10100101 10010111 01000011 11101011 11000100 10010001 01111001 10001010 10010010
Libraries have been a space for great source of information but as everything is becoming digitalized, people find themselves not visiting them anymore. Public Libraries are a free of charge service for people to access resources such as books and computers but as cafĂŠ and restaurant chains start to expand to every corner of the street you turn to, the space that the library occupies is not found necessary.
00001101 01110011 00110110
Technology has made a great impact in our lives and online education such as, and Coursera is becoming a popular way for people to gain knowledge and learn different skills. There are different ways for locals to network as community centres are still available and creates more interaction. With the growth of population in the city, it is important to recognize valuable space and how to utilize the space efficiently. In this publication, I explore how libraries currently are and how they are transforming in the 21st Century.
P r e f a c e
10100101 10010111 01000011 00001101 11101011 11000100 10010001 01110011 01111001 10001010 10010010 001 11111100 01010100 01010011 01011010 11010011 00000001 01100101 00100100 10111101 11111111 00000110 111 01001110 01011101 01001100 00101101 11001000 00011100 01011100 10100011 11010010 11010011 00001 01011110 01111001 01101101 10101011 10110000 11011001 01100110 11010111 10110110 00111110 11100 01001000 11101111 10000001 10000010 00010001 11001110 11011010 11101111 00101001 00001000 01100 00100001 01011010 01101101 10111101 11010001 10101111 10101101 01101010 00011010 11100000 01001 11101010 01100101 11110111 11100101 01101100 01100011 10000011 10011010 10111100 11111110 01010 10111100 11101100 01000111 10101101 11101111 11101011 00110000 10010001 11100111 10100100 11011 00001100 00100111 10010011 10001101 10001101 01111110 11010010 10001001 00001101 11011011 10000 01111110 11001110 10110010 11101101 00001110 00111110 01011011 11000011 01110010 01000000 00000 01011101 01010011 10010101 11000001 11001001 00011011 10111000 01001011 00111011 00101011 01100 10100000 00001101 01000011 11100010 11011011 01111010 11001001 01011100 01100101 01000010 01100 00011111 11000000 00101110 01101110 01011000 01100000 00110000 10111101 00101111 10110000 11111 11011000 10100000 01110000 00001010 01110010 11111111 10001000 10100011 11101010 00100110 11011 11011010 01110111 11011110 00000100 00100100 11001110 00000111 11111111 01101011 10110101 01110 10101010 00011000 01100010 00100000 01010001 00101111 11111001 10111100 00100101 01100000 10010 00000100 11110000 01101000 10111101 01101001 10100101 10001011 00001001 11110001 00001010 01101 01101100 11001101 10000011 11000100 10111000 00100110 00111111 10111010 11100000 01101101 00011 10110101 00110000 00101110 01100100 11011000 01101000 11001011 00000100 10101011 11011000 01001 01011110 00001110 00010110 00111110 00111110 10110000 10001101 11000001 11011000 00110101 00001 10101000 01000000 01100101 00100111 11110111 00110100 10010010 11000000 00011100 01101001 01011 00001101 01111011 10100011 11010001 01001100 00110111 11111101 10100110 10110010 11100101 10101 00011010 10001010 01110010 11001100 10111110 10101101 10111001 11000100 00000011 00100110 00010 01100000 11111100 11000110 10001111 10110000 11110101 10111000 01101000 01101100 01110010 11000 10111000 10100110 01010000 11011010 10100110 11111000 11010001 00100011 00111000 00111001 11100 01111111 01100110 11011110 11101110 01110000 00011001 01010110 10010100 10101001 10000000 10101 11111101 11111100 11011100 10111001 00011010 11110100 11111101 10011101 00010001 01011010 00001 10011101 01101001 11010011 11011011 10111111 10000001 00000111 10111001 01000100 10000101 01111 00011011 11000110 00010001 10010111 01101001 01001110 01100010 11001100 00111011 10101010 10010 11011011 10000111 00110101 10100010 01101101 00101110 10011101 11000011 01100000 11100111 11100 11111101 00101111 00010111 01001111 00100110 10111110 10111011 00100011 11110001 1101000102 10110 00011111 11001100 00001000 00001111 00110010 01001100 10110001 11100001 11011011 11111010 01100
Current Libraries The library is a multifunctional space to store, explore and gain knowledge. It is also a community that allows people to communicate amongst each other. A Library is a public space for citizens who live, work, or go to school in the city to have access to. It has operating hours and are different depending on the day of the week. It usually closes early on the weekends, but has longer hours during the weekdays.
• Books • Computers • Internet/Wifi • Audio/Visual Resources • Host Special Events 03
00100110 10011100 11111100 01010100 01010011 01011010 11010011 0000
00000110 11110100 00000010 11000001 01001110 01011101 01001100 0010
11010010 11010011 00001101 00101111 11001111 01011110 01111001 0110
11010111 10110110 00111110 11100011 11101000 11011111 01001000 1110
11011010 11101111 00101001 00001000 01100100 00110110 00110110 0010
10101111 10101101 01101010 00011010 11100000 01001101 01010000 1010
01101100 01100011 10000011 10011010 10111100 11111110 01010000 0111
10101101 11101111 11101011 00110000 10010001 11100111 10100100 1101
10010011 10001101 10001101 01111110 11010010 10001001 00001101 1101
11001110 10110010 11101101 00001110 00111110 01011011 11000011 0111
01011101 01010011 10010101 11000001 11001001 00011011 10111000 0100
00110101 10100000 00001101 01000011 11100010 11011011 01111010 1100
01010101 00110011 00011111 11000000 00101110 01101110 01011000 0110
11111001 11101100 01011100 11011000 10100000 01110000 00001010 0111
00100110 11011011 00001111 11111000 11011010 01110111 11011110 0000
01101011 10110101 01110011 01110101 00100010 10101010 00011000 0110
10111100 00100101 01100000 10010011 10111100 11010110 00000100 1111 04
01010001 00101111 11111001 10111100 00100101 01100000 10010011 10111100 11010110 00000100 11110000 01101000 10111101 01101001 10100101 10001011 00001001 11110001 00001010 01101010 10111111 00111100 01101100 11001101 1 001110 00010110 00111110 00111110 10110000 10001101 11000001 11011000 00110101 00001110 11011000 00110011 10101000 01000000 01100101 00100111 11110111 00110100 10010010 11000000 00011100 01101001 01011000 10001000 111101 00101 01100000 11111100 11000110 10001111 10110000 11110101 10111000 01101000 01101100 01110010 11000010 11111010 00011100 10111000 10100110 01010000 11011010 10100110 11111000 11010001 00100011 00111000 00111001 1110011 1101 10110001 01110011 10011101 01101001 11010011 11011011 10111111 10000001 00000111 10111001 01000100 10000101 01111010 11110001 10101000 00011011 11000110 00010001 10010111 01101001 01001110 01100010 11001100 00111011 01 11010001 10110010 11100100 01110000 00011111 11001100 00001000 00001111 00110010 01001100 10110001 11100001 11011011 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There are 100 branches of Toronto Public Library in the GTA region. Anyone citizen can access this public space. To borrow something from this facility, people are required to register for a library card that is free of charge. Not only is the library to store and access books, it has transformed and developed into a communal space. As technology advances, there are more tools that can be accessed and for the community to connect with each other.
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00000001 01001100 01011110 11101000 00001000 01101010 01100011 10101101 00100111 11000000 00000010 00111011 11001001 01011000 01110000 11011010 01110101 01100000 00001001 00100110 01100100 00001110 00110011 01011000 10110010 10111001 10110000 01010000 01111111 10011001 01011010 10111001 01001110 10100010 00101111 01110000 01100000 01101010 10101001 01110100 00001101 11111100 11110100 11010010 01100110 00010001 01101101 11101010 01111010 10100100 01111001 00000001 01001100 01011110 11101000 00001000 01101010 01100011 10101101 00100111 11000000 00000010 00111011 11001001 01011000 01110000 11011010 01110101 01100000 00001001 00100110 01100100 00001110 00110011 01011000 10110010 10111001 10110000 01010000 01111111 10011001 01011010 10111001 01001110 10100010
01100101 00101101 01111001 11011111 01100100 00011010 10000011 11101111 10010011 01111110 11101110 00101011 01011100 01100000 00001010 01110111 00100010 10010011 11110001 00111111 11011000 00010110 10101000 10001000 11100101 11000100 11110101 11011010 01100110 01000010 00001101 01000100 01100010 01101101 00010111 00011111 10111101 00010101 00110101 10011110 11101011 01010100 00000010 11010011 11010111 11001110 10111101 01100101 11110111 11011101 10001010 01100101 00101101 01111001 11011111 01100100 00011010 10000011 11101111 10010011 01111110 11101110 00101011 01011100 01100000 00001010 01110111 00100010 10010011 11110001 00111111 11011000 00010110 10101000 10001000 11100101 11000100 11110101 11011010 01100110 01000010 00001101 01000100 01100010 01101101
00100100 11001000 01101101 01001000 00110110 11100000 10011010 11101011 10001101 11001110 11111100 01100001 01100101 00110000 01110010 11011110 10101010 10111100 00001010 10111010 01101000 00111110 01000000 11110110 10101101 00000011 10111000 10100110 11011110 11111101 10110001 10000101 11001100 00101110 01001111 11001100 10100111 01100001 00011110 10001110 11000100 01010011 11000001 00001101 10110110 11011010 11010001 11110111 10111100 10110101 10010010 00100100 11001000 01101101 01001000 00110110 11100000 10011010 11101011 10001101 11001110 11111100 01100001 01100101 00110000 01110010 11011110 10101010 10111100 00001010 10111010 01101000 00111110 01000000 11110110 10101101 00000011 10111000 10100110 11011110 11111101 10110001 10000101 11001100 00101110
Donald A. Barclay
Public libraries should promote the uniqueness of their spaces in much the same way that National Parks promote the unique spaces they preserve and make available to the public.
01000011 11101011 Are Libraries 10010001 needed? Do you guys believe that libraries are a waste of space No, it is a space where people can use the resources, especially the computers But they have short hours, especially on the weekends and that books can be found online. It’s important for the lower income families to have a space to access in the community and it is place for resources. I’m not trying to get rid of books because they still have books in public schools. Kids learn how to swipe before they can talk. Not everyone can afford an iPad or computer I think what she is trying to say is that although the lower income schools don’t have the best and newest technology, the schools might have a limited supply but it’s still something the kids can access. With the limited amount of housing in Toronto, these libraries cannot be accessed at night and is empty. Yeah, I guess these spaces could be used for something else other than store books. No, I think libraries are still important.
1 1 1
00001101 11000100 01110011
10100101 10010111 01000011 00001101 11101011 11000100 10010 10011100 11111100 01010100 01010011 01011010 11010011 00000 00000010 11000001 01001110 01011101 01001100 00101101 11001 00101111 11001111 01011110 01111001 01101101 10101011 10110 11101000 11011111 01001000 11101111 10000001 10000010 00010 00110110 00110110 00100001 01011010 01101101 10111101 11010 01010000 10101110 11101010 01100101 11110111 11100101 01101 01111010 11110111 10111100 11101100 01000111 10101101 11101 10110101 01101101 00001100 00100111 10010011 10001101 10001 11101001 11000000 01111110 11001110 10110010 11101101 00001 11101110 11111100 01011101 01010011 10010101 11000001 11001
0001 01110011 01111001 10001010 10010010 00110110 00100110 0001 01100101 00100100 10111101 11111111 00000110 11110100 1000 00011100 01011100 10100011 11010010 11010011 00001101 0000 11011001 01100110 11010111 10110110 00111110 11100011 0001 11001110 11011010 11101111 00101001 00001000 01100100 0001 10101111 10101101 01101010 00011010 11100000 01001101 1100 01100011 10000011 10011010 10111100 11111110 01010000 1111 11101011 00110000 10010001 11100111 10100100 11011101 1101 01111110 11010010 10001001 00001101 11011011 10000100 1110 00111110 01011011 11000011 01110010 01000000 00000010 1001 00011011 10111000 01001011 00111011 00101011 01100001
Libraries vs Cafés
Cafés have become a popular go-to destination for doing work, reading books, and quiet socialization. Starbucks; a famous worldwide coffee chain has created more than just a social space, but an experience. People are choosing the café over the library because not only does it provide drinks and snacks, but also because it has longer hours and comfortable environment compared to the traditional library. It stimulates intuitive and creative thinking which makes them so successful.
Are physical books a usefu resource?
What Students are Saying: “authentic experience” of reading books and I think it’s also the chemistry of our old-school brains. when I’m studying, or taking notes from a textbook, I can focus better on the physical copy rather than eBooks” “hold sentimental values if it’s a good book” “reading online hurts my eyes except textbooks, because I study better with them and I feel more connected to what I’m actually studying u know like I can ip pages and stuff, instead of scrolling which makes it harder to read” “I don’t buy books because I can’t afford it” “if someone gifted you a really good book that you have been dying to read, wouldn’t that be a special book to you rather than an eBook. There are just somethings that technology can’t replace” “I only buy coffee table books, and it’s because they’re so beautifully designed and well- thought out and can’t be presented the same way online”
10100101 10010111 01000011 15
1 case study: 1 1
Halifax Public Library The Halifax public library has recently transformed from a “dusty book warehouse” to a “community hub.” The city understood that design must follow as technology advances in time and has developed a library for the digital age. Compared to the original library that was built, it is now triple in size that includes performance spaces, cafes, gaming stations, music studios and much more. Halifax has designed this space to be more than just book storage but rather to embrace new work culture and promoting community engagement.
01100101 00100100 10111101 11111111 00000110 11110100 000000 01001100 00101101 11001000 00011100 01011100 10100011 110100 11001111 01011110 01111001 01101101 10101011 10110000 110110 00111110 11100011 11101000 11011111 01001000 11101111 100000 11011010 11101111 00101001 00001000 01100100 00110110 001101 10111101 11010001 10101111 10101101 01101010 00011010 111000 11101010 01100101 11110111 11100101 01101100 01100011 100000 01010000 01111010 11110111 10111100 11101100 01000111 101011 10010001 11100111 10100100 11011101 10110101 01101101 000011 10001101 01111110 11010010 10001001 00001101 11011011 100001 11001110 10110010 11101101 00001110 00111110 01011011 110000 11101110 11111100 01011101 01010011 10010101 11000001 110010 00111011 00101011 01100001 01100100 00110101 10100000 000011 01111010 11001001 01011100 01100101 01000010 01100111 010101 00101110 01101110 01011000 01100000 00110000 10111101 001011 01011100 11011000 10100000 01110000 00001010 01110010 111111 00100110 11011011 00001111 11111000 11011010 01110111 110111 00000111 11111111 01101011 10110101 01110011 01110101 001000 00100000 01010001 00101111 11111001 10111100 00100101 011000 00000100 11110000 01101000 10111101 01101001 10100101 100010 01101010 10111111 00111100 01101100 11001101 10000011 110001 10111010 11100000 01101101 00011001 00000110 01110111 101101
010 11000001 01001110 01011101 010 11010011 00001101 00101111 001 01100110 11010111 10110110 001 10000010 00010001 11001110 110 00100001 01011010 01101101 000 01001101 01010000 10101110 011 10011010 10111100 11111110 101 11101111 11101011 00110000 100 00100111 10010011 10001101 100 11101001 11000000 01111110 011 01110010 01000000 00000010 001 00011011 10111000 01001011 101 01000011 11100010 11011011 101 00110011 00011111 11000000 111 10110000 11111001 11101100 111 10001000 10100011 11101010 110 00000100 00100100 11001110 010 10101010 00011000 01100010 000 10010011 10111100 11010110 011 00001001 11110001 00001010 100 10111000 00100110 00111111 101 00110000 00101110 01100100
Edmonton Public Library
case study:
Other parts of Canada are also transforming their libraries to more than just books. Edmonton Public Library has newly renovated their space as well and it has become so inviting that it does not need to be identify as a library. Inside this space, there is a fireplace, an aquarium and even a space for reconnecting with Indigenous culture.
10100101 10010111 01000011 00001101 11101011 11000100 19
03 OCADU Library
case study:
I got to experience my school’s library as a fellow OCAD University student. As a school that motivates creative thinking, the OCADU library is not an inviting space. It is a standard library with books that take up half the space, computers, printers, desks, and limited study rooms. Although it has limited resources, the reference library can be found online and accessed through the student account.
11101011 01111001 00100110 01010011 01100101 00000110 01001110 11001000
11000100 10001010 10011100 01011010 00100100 11110100 01011101 00011100
100100 100100 111111 110100 101111 000000 010011 010111
001 010 100 011 101 010 100 100
01110011 00110110 01010100 00000001 11111111 11000001 00101101 10100011
Indigo Book Stores
case study:
A well-known book store in Ontario. They have integrated Starbucks in almost all of the chains and accessible Wi-Fi connection. People who are not consumers are allowed to sit in the aisles of books and read with a coffee in their hand. What makes book stores so attractive is that there can be book signings with authors and that they sell more than just publications. It is a family friendly space for all ages.
10010001 10001010 00100110 01010100 11010011 00100100 00000110 11000001 01001100 00011100 11010010 00101111 01111001 10110000 11010111 11100011 01001000 10000010 11011010 00001000 00110110 01101101 10101111 00011010 01010000 01100101 01101100 10011010 01010000 10111100 10101101 00110000 10100100 01101101 23
01110011 10010010 10011100 01010011 00000001 10111101 11110100 01001110 00101101 01011100 11010011 11001111 01101101 11011001 10110110 11101000 11101111 00010001 11101111 01100100 00100001 10111101 10101101 11100000 10101110 11110111 01100011 10111100 01111010 11101100 11101111 10010001 11011101 00001100
01111001 00110110 11111100 01011010 01100101 11111111 00000010 01011101 11001000 10100011 00001101 01011110 10101011 01100110 00111110 11011111 10000001 11001110 00101001 00110110 01011010 11010001 01101010 01001101 11101010 11100101 10000011 11111110 11110111 01000111 11101011 11100111 10110101 00100111
05 Ryerson SLC
case study:
The Ryerson Student Learning Centre was an extension of their existing library after students complaining about not enough space for them to study. They consider themselves a “21st Century Library� that has multi-functional space for students to study, work together and innovate. This building has 8 floors with different types of resources and closes late, which is perfect for Ryerson students. They do not call themselves a library as it does not contain books but is still a communal space for students.
The Future o Educat
00101 10010111 01000011 0 01011 11000100 10010001 0 11001 10001010 10010010 0 25
of tion
Online education is a trending way to learn, especially for people to develop new skills but do not have time to go to a physical school. Programs such as and Coursera are available at anytime and anywhere which is why it makes so appealing for older generation. With online education, resources and materials can be accessed online with a click of the mouse.
00001101 01110011 00110110 26
The Future of Books There is a huge controversy around holding a physical book where it has sentimental value whereas digital books where it can be accessed anywhere and its benefits towards the environment. We are currently in a transition period where both types of medium are still available. Although technology advances towards a new medium or storytelling, there is still a strong community behind tangible books.
101 100 010
The Future of Spaces Startups and freelancers are becoming very popular and they may not have a rented space for their work, hence, communal work spaces are becoming a trend in cities as it gives people the ability to have flexibility in movement. Many co-working spaces include amenities, such as, coffee, tea, private rooms, and meeting rooms. All types of members can use this space (non-profit organizations, for-profit organizations, entrepreneurs, artists
• WeWork • Centre of Social Innovation • VerkSpace • Workplace One • District 28
100101 010111 000011 30
10100101 10010111 01000011 00001101 11101011 11000100 10010001 01110011 01111001 10001010 10010010 00110110 00100110 10011100 11111100 01010100 01010011 01011010 11010011 00000001 01100101 00100100 10111101 11111111 00000110 11110100 00000010 11000001 01001110 01011101 01001100 00101101 11001000 00011100 01011100 10100011 11010010 11010011 00001101 00101111 11001111 01011110 01111001 01101101 10101011 10110000 11011001 01100110 11010111 10110110 00111110 11100011 11101000 11011111 01001000 11101111 10000001 10000010 00010001 11001110 11011010 11101111 00101001 00001000 01100100 00110110 00110110 00100001 01011010 01101101 10111101 11010001 10101111 10101101 01101010 00011010 11100000 01001101 01010000 10101110 11101010 01100101 11110111 11100101 01101100 01100011 10000011 10011010 10111100 11111110 01010000 01111010 11110111 10111100 11101100 01000111 10101101 11101111 11101011 00110000 10010001 11100111 10100100 11011101 10110101 01101101 00001100 00100111 10010011 10001101 10001101 01111110 11010010 10001001 00001101 11011011 10000100 11101001 11000000 31 01111110 11001110 10110010 11101101 00001110 00111110 01011011 11000011 01110010 01000000 00000010 11101110 11111100
C o
10100101 10010001 00100110 11010011 00000110 01001100 11010010 01111001 11010111 01001000 11011010 00110110 Between the chaos of space and digitalization, the library is already 10101111 transforming into more than just a space for books. It has become a space for people to interact and create. 01010000 In order to achieve this, the community and libraries have to work together to constantly innovate so that the space stays relevant. As 01101100 technology advances, this opportunity becomes clear and close as an achievable goal. 01010000 10101101 10100100 10010011 00001101 11001110 11000011 01011101 10111000 00110101 01111010 01010101 01011000 11111001 00001010 00100110 11011110 01101011 00011000
o n c l u s i o n
10010111 01110011 10011100 00000001 11110100 00101101 11010011 01101101 10110110 11101111 11101111 00100001 10101101 10101110 01100011 01111010 11101111 11011101 10001101 11011011 10110010 01110010 01010011 01001011 10100000 11001001 00110011 01100000 11101100 01110010 11011011 00000100 10110101 01100010 32
0010111 01000011 00001101 1000100 10010001 01110011 0001010 10010010 00110110 0011100 11111100 01010100 1011010 11010011 00000001 0100100 10111101 11111111
10100101 10010111 01000011 00001101 11101011 11000100 10010001 01110011 01111001 1 01100101 00100100 10111101 11111111 00000110 11110100 00000010 11000001 01001110 0 11001111 01011110 01111001 01101101 10101011 10110000 11011001 01100110 11010111 1 11011010 11101111 00101001 00001000 01100100 00110110 00110110 00100001 01011010 0 11101010 01100101 11110111 11100101 01101100 01100011 10000011 10011010 10111100 1 10010001 11100111 10100100 11011101 10110101 01101101 00001100 00100111 10010011 1 11001110 10110010 11101101 00001110 00111110 01011011 11000011 01110010 01000