1 minute read



Clare County Council will be a professional, responsive and agile local government that will lead the social, economic, physical and rural development of our county, achieving a stable community at its heart.

There are a number of core values that the Members and Staff of Clare County Council will be guided by in pursuing the implementation of this plan and in our everyday service provision -

Democratic, Civic Leadership and Partnership:

Clare County Council will provide clear, effective, democratic, and civic leadership, informing, listening and responding to citizens and communities. We work with Elected Members, other agencies, and local communities in partnership to deliver on our objectives.

Quality Services / Customer Care:

Clare County Council is committed to delivering fair, effective, courteous, and timely services to dealing with customers without discrimination or prejudice. We strive for continuous improvement in our service delivery including internal and external communications, with a strong focus on our customers and citizens.

Social Inclusion:

Clare County Council respects equality and human rights in accordance with Public Sector Duty principles and the relevant equality legislation. We are committed to the principles of equality of access, participation, and outcome for all in relation to service delivery.

Transparency, Accountability and Professionalism:

We will maintain the highest standards of conduct and probity, be open, accountable, and objective in the public interest.

Value for Money and Efficiency:

We are committed to the most efficient and effective use of available resources to provide a quality service, whilst ensuring value for money


Clare County Council recognises that we have a leading role in protecting our environment and in securing its long-term sustainability for the future. We are committed to delivering on our ‘Climate Change Adaptation Strategy 2019-2024’.

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