Adopted Budget 2019
Confirmation has been received that 90% of the additional costs associated with the various National Pay Agreements will be met centrally and recouped to Clare County Council by the Department.
Commercial Rates Commercial Rates is a significant contributor to the total budgeted income for the council. This budget has been prepared on the basis of no increase in the Annual Rate on Valuation (ARV of 72.99. This Annual rate on Valuation has remained unchanged since 2009. Additional rates income is provided for from rate buoyancy from additional commercial properties being valued and included in the 2019 rate book. The 2019 budget continues to provide for the two grant schemes linked to commercial rates. The Early Payment Incentive Scheme continues at the same level as 2018 and is a rates payment incentive scheme in respect of occupied properties. The purpose of this scheme is to encourage timely payment of rates and also to mitigate the impact of harmonisation adjustments for those who pay all rates due within certain timeframes. The table below summarises the payment incentive scheme proposed for 2019.
Rates Payment Incentive Grant (Occupied Properties)
Former Ennis Area
Lower of 9% of 2019 Rates Cost or €450 if lower
Former Kilrush Area
Lower of 12% of 2019 Rates Cost or €600 if lower
Former County Area
Lower of 3% of 2019 Rates Cost or €100
In addition the vacant property scheme continues to apply despite a low level of take up in the last two years. It is proposed to review both schemes in 2019 in the context of both take-up and scope to enhance the schemes.
Clare County Council