Budget Report 2019

Page 91

Appendix 3 8 November, 2018 Multi Annual Capital Programme 2019 –2021 & Section 135 of The Local Government Act 2001 Don Chathaoirleach agus gach Ball den Chomhairle A Chomhairleoir, a chara This report outlines the proposed capital programme and long term strategic objectives in capital for the period 2019 to 2021. The proposed projects outlined in this report will see investment in excess of €110m across all service areas. Progress on the delivery of these projects is entirely dependent on the availability of adequate funding from the exchequer together with development levies and the councils own resources. The commitment of funding is imperative prior to the commencement of projects listed in this capital programme. On 30th May 2018 the Taoiseach launched Project Ireland 2040 funds for rural development, urban regeneration, climate action and innovation. This council has made a number of applications and is waiting on the outcome of the grant assessment process. The Urban Regeneration and Development Fund of €2billion nationally is designed to leverage a greater proportion of residential and commercial development supported by infrastructure, services and amenities, within the existing built up areas of our larger urban settlements. The fund will target the five cities and other larger urban centres. 59 eligible cities and towns have been identified which include Ennis and Shannon. The Rural Regeneration and Development Fund of €1billion nationally is designed to deliver strategic outcomes of Project Ireland 2040 and in particular to strengthen rural economies and rural communities, by rejuvenating smaller towns and villages, helping to diversify employment opportunities in rural areas, supporting the development of rural communities and improving their quality of life. The fund will target towns and villages with a population of less than 10,000. The National Development Plan (NDP) has confirmed the establishment of a new Large Scale Sports Infrastructure Fund (LSSIF). An initial amount of €100m nationally has been provided in the plan for the period 2019 to 2027. State aid rules will apply to the programme and priority will be given to projects that are sponsored by a local authority and/or a National Governing Body (NGB).

Clare County Council


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