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Economic Development
Economic Development
The key focus of the Economic Directorate is the promotion and harnessing of the opportunities for economic development in the County. In particular, the focus is how we can facilitate a pro-active economic environment where businesses locate and grow and create sustainable employment to support our communities and enhance the economic value of County Clare.
In 2019 the preparation of the Ennis 2040 Economic and Spatial Strategy has continued apace and a final draft will be completed in Q4, 2019. The requirement to complete a project strategic environmental assessment, an appropriate assessment screening and a flood risk assessment have set the project schedule back three months.
Ennis is a sub-regional economic driver and the town’s economic success is important for the entire County. The Ennis 2040 Strategy will be used by the Council to bid for future Ennis town and environs infrastructure and economic development funding (Urban Regeneration and Development Fund (URDF), European Investment Bank (EIB), County Enterprise Board (CEB), etc.). The identification of Ennis as a key town in the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES) and the development of Ennis as a strong enterprise and retail destination is the key focus of the Strategy, which during 2019/20 will be incorporated/varied into the County Development Plan.
During 2020, the work of the Clare Economic Forum will focus on the implementation of the Ennis 2040 Strategy, site assembly and the delivery of jobs/economic projects for the County. In this regard, the programme of work will include the submission of new applications for funding under Urban Regeneration and Development (URDF) and Rural Regeneration and Development Funds (RRDF) and other sources. Subject to the funding becoming available, the delivery of those projects will commence in 2020.
A key area of focus for 2019 has been the development of third level educational facilities/campus in County Clare and to collaborate with such institutes in the provision of a knowledge and innovation based economy for Ennis town and the County. During 2020, we will positively pursue and facilitate the development of another third level campus in Ennis, incorporating education, enterprise and economic development opportunities.
The Council is actively involved in promoting the Atlantic Economic Corridor (AEC) concept which aims to identify and connect the economic hubs, clusters and catchments of the region to attract investment, support job creation and contribute to an improved quality of life for those who live on the western seaboard. The Council has appointed an AEC officer and the priorities for 2020 will be the completion of an Enterprise space audit for a number of the towns in Clare and to work with the AEC task force at a national level to identify infrastructure gaps and to promote economic development in Clare.