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Physical Development
Notwithstanding the inevitable delays to delivery when construction activity ceased during the lockdown period, Housing capital delivery remains a major priority and the Council continues to partner with the Approved Housing Body sector to plan and deliver the much needed social housing infrastructure to meet demand in the County. This activity will be stepped up significantly during 2021 as upwards of 150 new homes will reach completion.
This Council is continuing to provide significant resources in the delivery of homeless services and has achieved considerable success in the number of exits from homelessness since taking over responsibility for emergency accommodation in 2019. During 2021 it is planned to extend the current service provision in this area to include a low threshold facility as a measure to address street homelessness in the County town.
The 2020 plan to become one of the first local authorities to be compliant with the statutory requirements of S.I. 137 2019 Minimum Rented Standards has had to be deferred to 2021 due to the impact of COVID-19 restrictions.
The ongoing investment required for the management and maintenance of social housing stock continues to pose a challenge and it is becoming clear that the annual ring fencing of housing income must be considered as a buoyant means of funding maintenance of our housing assets as the stock levels increase.
The County Library project will recommence in 2021 and is anticipated to be completed in 2022. The completed facility will greatly enhance the cultural offering in the County town.
This Council will continue to support and invest in the recreational facilities in the County to ensure Clare is recognised as a centre of excellence for sport and recreational facilities.
Physical Development
The Project Management Office continues to manage a wide variety of Capital projects throughout the County, as well as through Section 85 agreements with Limerick City and County Council in respect of the Limerick Northern Distributor Road (LNDR) and with Tipperary County Council in respect of the Killaloe Bypass, Shannon Bridge Crossing and the R494 Upgrade scheme.
The main Clare projects include:
• The Ennistymon Inner Relief Road (Blakes Corner) • Ennis South Flood Relief Scheme • Shannon Town and Environs Flood Relief Scheme • Catchment Flood Risk Assessment and Management (CFRAM) Projects in Kilkee,
Springfield, Kilrush and Bunratty
• N19 Shannon Airport Access Road Project • N85 Realignment Project at Kilnamona • The West Clare Greenway Project • The Doolin Pier Visitor Services Building • Along with a number of Minor Works Schemes, Coastal Protection schemes and feasibility studies
We will continue to work throughout the year with the various Government Departments (Department of Transport, Department of Housing Local Government and Heritage, Office of Public Works (OPW), Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) and other interested relevant stakeholders in achieving our aims.
The Limerick Shannon Metropolitan Area Transport Strategy 2040 (LSMATS) has been developed by the National Transport Authority in collaboration with Limerick City and County Council, Clare County Council and Transport Infrastructure Ireland. LSMATS will be instrumental in the regeneration and transformation of Limerick City and the wider Limerick Shannon Metropolitan Area.
In the coming years, once complete, this strategy will be used to inform and prioritise funding for transport infrastructure in the Limerick Shannon Metropolitan Area as the major growth engine for the Mid-West. It is a 20-year strategy up to 2040 and will be reviewed in 6 years. It considers all modes of transport for the 20-year period including walking, cycling and public transport. Towns in the Clare Area included in the strategy along with Shannon and the Airport are Bunratty, Cratloe, Sixmilebridge, Ardnacrusha, OBriensbridge, Parteen and Clonlara.
A key focus of the Physical Development Directorate is to maintain and improve the condition of non-national road infrastructure through Department Grants and own resources.
The General Design office is responsible for the delivery of projects for all Directorates, including the development of DigiClare Hubs, Quin Rd Campus development, Co Museum development, Cliffs of Moher Walking Paths and mapping for Ennis South Flood Relief scheme and Killaloe Bypass.
The regeneration of Parnell Street, the Lanes and Bow-ways secured funding as a category A project under the Urban Regeneration and Development Fund (URDF) under Project Ireland 2040. During 2020, consultants were appointed as contractors for the scheme, and works commenced on site in July 2020. The anticipated completion date for the project is mid-2021.
The regeneration of O’Connell Square, High Street, Barrack Square and Old Barrack Street secured funding as a Category B project under the Urban Regeneration and Development Funding under Project 2040 to undertake detailed design. Part VIII