Adopted Budget 2022
Capacity/Capability and Effective Management. The Council’s Corporate Plan and Management Team Plan also guide the activities of the Department. The Human Resources Department operates across a number of key areas of activity: • Workforce Planning and Management Recruitment and selection is a key function of the Department and is continuous across all grades. During 2021, the Council recruited six graduates under the 3-year national Graduate Recruitment Programme. Co-operative placements with the local third level institutions continued during 2021 and provided invaluable work experience opportunities. The Department initiated an additional Apprentice Mechanic apprenticeship and continues to develop its relationship with Employability Clare in providing placements within the workforce. The Human Resources Department continues to work closely with the Fire Service to meet the continuing demand for retained staff in that department across the county. •
Learning and Development An extensive programme of e-Learning and on-line training continues to be procured and developed and was rolled out during 2021. As a result of the easing of some COVID-19 restrictions, some training programmes have resumed within a classroom setting with all the necessary COVID-19 protocols in place. In addition to formal training courses, on-line interview training was provided through the community based Junior Achievement Programme. The Learning and Development team monitors and maintains the Performance Management & Development System (PMDS). This system plays an important role in setting targets for staff, clarifying roles and responsibilities within departments and identifying and evaluating learning and development activities. The Human Resources Department also retained its National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI) ‘Excellence Through People’ award in 2021, achieving a gold standard’.
Employee Welfare The confidential Employee Welfare Service aims to make a number of supports available to employees and presents an opportunity for early intervention should issues arise. The Council’s Employee Assistance Policy provides details of the free and confidential Professional Counselling Services available to staff at times of need, as well as the opportunity to discuss any difficulties with the Employee Welfare Officer. Wellbeing initiatives were developed to support National Workplace Wellbeing Day and World Mental Health Day etc. The ‘Flu Vaccination’ was also made available. 57