Implementation, Monitoring and Review The performance of the Council against the objectives set out in this Corporate Plan will be assessed on a frequent and structured basis. The plan sets out the framework for the annual service delivery plan. Section 134A of the local government Act 2001 as amended by section 50 of the local government act 2014 requires that an annual service delivery plan be prepared setting out in detail the activities to be undertaken across all directorates to deliver on the objectives of the Corporate Plan .
Section 34 of the Local Government Act 2001 requires that the Council include a progress report on the implementation of the Corporate Plan in each year’s Annual Report. The Council complies with this requirement on an annual basis, presenting the report to members. In addition updates are provided monthly in the Chief Executives Monthly Management Report to Council.
The National Oversight and Audit Commission (NOAC) will assess the adequacy of the Corporate Plan and evaluate its implementation. A copy of the plan when adopted will be submitted to NOAC. The Performance Indicators as determined by NOAC will serve to monitor the performance of the Council on an annual basis. Set out in Appendix 4 are the KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS.