180 minute read
Funny Business
Naomi Bagdonas ’09 felt she could be her full self at CMC. “My CMC years were some of the most joyful, enriching, and mindbending—in the best way— of my life,” she recently recalled.
Now a leading expert on the intersection of humor and business, Bagdonas is the national bestselling author of, “Humor, Seriously: Why Humor is a Secret Weapon in Business and Life,” a lecturer at Stanford Graduate School of Business, and an executive advisor helping leaders build more innovative, collaborative, and joyful workplaces. Her work has been featured in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and in a new TED talk, coming in January. During the fall 2021 semester, she also returned to CMC as an Athenaeum speaker, helming an evening that spanned the virtues of humor and mined the depths of emotion, generating catharsis and connection.
To arrive at this ultimate CMC moment, however, Bagdonas—who studied economics and psychology as a Robert Day Scholar—initially embarked on a career as a strategy consultant, and earned her MBA from Stanford’s Graduate School of Business.
But while Bagdonas climbed the corporate ladder by day, she spent her nights training in improv and sketch comedy with the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre in Los Angeles, just for fun. For years, she kept the humor work siloed. After all, it didn’t exactly scream “transferable skills” to the Fortune 50 clients she advised.
But what began as a passion for Bagdonas—who was a member of CMC theater troupe, Under the Lights— grew into a mission. She realized how powerful levity can be in “supporting mental well-being, accelerating trust, unlocking creativity, garnering influence, and defusing tension, especially when the stakes are high.” Humor, as the title of her book proudly exclaims, is serious business.
Empowered by her brilliant mentors and fellow 5C alums, Kim Christfort (Pomona) and Jen Juneau ’97, Bagdonas and her team began deploying humor to their advantage at work. That’s when Bagdonas met Jennifer Aaker, a behavioral scientist at Stanford, and the two partnered to blend the science of humor with practical applications in business.
In spring of 2017, they launched a full-quarter class at Stanford called “Humor: Serious Business”—which gets the same academic credit as Financial Accounting. In addition to co-teaching in the MBA and executive education programs at Stanford, Bagdonas and Aaker co-authored, “Humor, Seriously,” sharing stories from their conversations with leaders of all stripes—from two-time NBA MVP Stephen Curry to U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to former Twitter CEO Dick Costolo. In the subsequent media tour, the pair promoted the book on “Good Morning, America,” NPR’s “Planet Money,” and in a private keynote address where they appeared on the bill between rapper/actor LL Cool J and former President George W. Bush—and somehow worked the phrase “Mama said knock you out” into their speech.
Turns out, embracing a way to be her complete self in the workplace has proven an effective strategy for Bagdonas. She credits CMC with introducing her to the idea that “you can piece together a portfolio of experiences and eventually a career comprised of what you love, what you’re good at, and what the world needs.”
And, right now, the world needs a hearty laugh or two—a way to find a balance, as Bagdonas puts it, between “gravity and levity.” Like a true CMCer, Bagdonas can support her argument that effectively piping humor into the workplace atmosphere “can make our organizations stronger and nimbler,” she said. It’s all in the science, she said. “When we laugh, our brains release this cocktail of hormones and endorphins, which give us a feeling similar to a runner’s high. We lower our cortisol levels, making us feel calmer—like 10 minutes of meditation—and more primed for connection. We also feel more trusting and energized.”
“If there’s one thing our research makes clear, it’s that we don’t have to take ourselves so seriously in
order to grapple Which again, takes us back to CMC. Bagdonas says she with serious can crack herself up just recalling “little moments” from her college days, such as impromptu dance parties in the senior things.” apartments, elaborate game nights behind Wohlford, and —from “Humor, Seriously” the ultimate intramural basketball league victory. Plus, there was the time that one of her friends thought adopting a hamster during senior week was a good idea. (Spoiler: It wasn’t.) On the evening of her appearance at the Ath, Bagdonas made the rounds beforehand, asking students, “What’s one thing that brings you joy about CMC?” she recalled. “And inevitably, the answer everyone came to was: ‘The people, the people, the people.’” Once again, Bagdonas had made a meaningful connection.

president’s message
Dear CMC Friends,
I write this still basking in the excitement of being on campus for ImpactCMC, our annual fall celebration of volunteers. More exciting than connecting with the other 120 volunteers in-person was the opportunity to see students exploring the campus once again. After hearing about our COVID testing plans and safety measures, I was worried that being in-person would feel stifled and procedural. But much like going to the airport these days, it was evident to me that our community is highly adaptable and cooperative. I came away with a sense of ease and renewal, both about what’s happening on campus today and where we’re headed as we honor and celebrate our 75th Anniversary.
The biggest piece of excitement from the weekend was the new integrated sciences program. We heard from Heather Antecol, Muriel Poston, and Ran Libeskind-Hadas—three academic leaders who will have an enormous role shaping the next chapter of CMC. Their message to the eager, invested audience: in addition to providing world-class science education for future health care professionals, climate change experts, and biotech leaders, the new program will provide significant enhancements on data and computation offerings for non-science majors, making sure that all CMC students graduate with technical and scientific fluency so that they can be future leaders in business, government, and the professions. You can learn more about where the interdisciplinary program is heading in this very magazine’s academic roundtable feature.
As a student who was chiefly interested in the social sciences and humanities, I was relieved to take a survey course called Great Ideas in Science to fulfill my GEs. At the behest of a wellmeaning family member (and my curiosity about how such a charming man as Professor Massoud could teach such a dry topic), I also took accounting. Honestly, I didn’t look forward to either of these classes. They both felt like taking my vitamins— something I knew I should do and far more appealing when disguised as a gummy bear. In retrospect, I see that I got off easy and managed to have a successful decade-long career in tech working directly with engineers in spite of my lack of familiarity with their field. But rather than figuring out topics like unstructured data, computer vision, or the difference between RCS vs SMS messaging with the help of patient coworkers and my liberal arts-trained “ability to learn,” I consider what my professional trajectory could have been had I been specifically trained to engage with more complex, technical topics.
It’s from this personal experience that I have great conviction about our future economics, government, literature, and philosophy students benefiting from this new program to understand scientific principles in the professions. I’m excited for the future business and creative minds to be upleveled so that they can be the dynamic leaders they were meant to be, especially in our ever-changing world. The integrated sciences program represents a higher standard of learning and pragmatism for CMC students. It is a continuation of what CMC has always done with the liberal arts and interdisciplinary learning. Truly, it’s what we’re really good at and how our students already learn best.
As this program takes shape, I encourage readers to think about their place in the evolving CMC story. There’s so much to look forward to! What are the most fulfilling ways you engage with the College? In the winter and spring months ahead, you’ll see that we’ve revived in-person chapter events with programs and receptions to celebrate the 75th Anniversary and the future of the College. I hope to see you at one of them and that you’ll help me celebrate CMC together!
Emily Meinhardt ’10
President Claremont McKenna College Alumni Association
class notes
Looking back at our 75th Anniversary column, I’d like to add some more reflections. I mentioned GARY SMITH and NEALE BRADWAY got to spend some extra “vacation” time in Laguna Beach courtesy of Dean Stuart Briggs. Gary left CMC to serve four years as a pilot in the Air Force. After his discharge, he returned to CMC, graduated with honors, and received from Dean Briggs, “Congratulations, you made both of my lists.” Neale and I were lucky to graduate when we did. TOM NATHAN survived Hurricane Ida’s 60 mph winds and 10 inches of rain that caused severe flooding, closed roads and bridges, and damaged homes and businesses. He wishes he could send California the much-needed water. The veteran smudge pot tender confesses he had no part in writing the infamous “Cess Pool” column, created and written by ROBERT “BOB”
HOWARD and THEODORE “TED” BURNETT, but just stuck to doing the sports column for the Analyst. Tom would still like to hear from ex ’55ers at tomseye@icloud.com. Here’s an old picture I came across. JACK ALLANACH ’56 on the left, me on the right as freshmen.
RICHARD “DICK” BAIRD checks in from ’57 North Laguna Beach, where he lives with wife of 66 years, Scripps graduate Nancy Pitts Baird. Dick comments that it’s “been a real Route 66.” Dick’s latest news is that he’s purchased a ’46 Columbia motor sailboat for his son, Chris, who lives in Lahaina on Maui. They are planning a world cruise for 2022. Chris’s son, Piersen, is close to becoming a pro golfer whose coach/caddy has him playing 36 holes six days a week, plus training. Dick and Nancy are both Elders and Deacons in the Presbyterian church—roles that have seen them make many trips to Kenya and Tanzania to develop Presbyterian churches and orphanages. Dick says the work has been so rewarding, but adds, “now it’s all about grand and great-grandchildren.” STUART HO writes of life with his wife, Liz: “active and mobile.” Stuart manages nine holes of golf twice a week (down from 18 before the pandemic). Liz has an interesting job, Stuart observes, working for a national public employees’ union (AFSCME) where she heads a 13,000-member local of blue-collar public workers whose former heads were “replaced” while on the job. Stuart writes of his two children: Peter has been chairman and CEO of Bank of Hawaii the past 11 years; Cecily, with her Aussie husband, Tony runs a small catering business she refuses to admit is struggling because of the pandemic. And Stuart admits, like most of us, “it’s the grandkids I love spending time with. Cecily and Tony’s Maile is 13 and a serious volleyball player. Peter and Michelle’s son, Kahn, is 15 and a junior team running back who, in his first game, averaged nearly 20 yards a carry. He’s also a straight-A student.” Stuart reports he’s warned Kahn he’ll never make it to his targeted university unless he becomes president of the poetry club. Lia, his sister, another 13-year-old, is a competitive equestrian. We heard from JACK STARK GP’11 that, as usual, he and
JIL (HARRIS) STARK ’58 GP’11 are spending most of their spring, summer, and fall at their 1924 cabin on beautiful Silver Lake. The fishing apparently has turned sour this season and thus Jack has been spending lots of time making willow walking sticks. Jil declares they are quite artistic, as well as being useful. Jil adds that they have enjoyed a beautiful summer with glorious days and a Harvest Moon that “lights up the whole area at night.”
News from FREDERICK “FRITZ” DELBRUECK: “I have finally ceased working, closed up my business, and am beginning to enjoy retirement. Lots of life changes, but time to enjoy Nancy and attend family events. We were especially glad to reconnect with our children this summer after a year’s separation due to COVID restrictions. Our first great-grandchild has arrived and it is a girl after two generations of boys—big news for the Delbrueck family and we are thrilled.” Congratulations to Fritz and Nancy on two counts. Looking at life from a different perspective, ALFRED “AL” SCHEID P’82 says “I am still working—will be 90 in February—and getting along fine. I had been working largely remote from the offices for several years so the pandemic didn’t change much for me.” Al remarks that recently his company launched a new wine that sells extremely well, called “Sunny with a Chance of Flowers.” Instead of the usual 12-14% alcohol, it has only 9.5%, is a zero-sugar wine, and has only 85 calories per serving. Aimed at the ladies, the wine is also selling well with men. Overall, Al says, wine sales this year are exceeding last year’s by a nice margin. At our press deadline, Al and his wife, Shirley, were looking forward to a Garonne River cruise and winery tour in Bordeaux during October. Brief notes and messages from your Class Liaisons: BERNIE MARSHALL and his wife, Mary Ann, Pomona ’61, have resumed their favorite pastime, short road trips to various spots in the western United States. Lots of wine-growing spots out of the way, including Sonoita, Ariz., Cottonwood, Ariz., and Amador County, Calif. They now look forward to joining Sally and SCOTT EVANS for tasting and fellowship in Sonoma County. PETER KEADY P’86 GP’21, another of our 89-year-old contingents, says that he also is going strong. Pete speaks proudly, and rightfully so, of his granddaughter, RACHEL KEADY ’21, who is about to graduate from CMC, having paid her own way entirely on her own from her personal savings earned in the restaurant industry. There is reason to celebrate coming generations! JOHN DEVEREUX was one of those in attendance at the Celebration of Life Remembrance for RUSTY GROSSE put on by Bebe and her family—all done in their normal classy style at the Grosses’ beautiful hacienda in Carlsbad. About 350 longtime friends were there including Marilyn and GARY NEUHOFF;
JACK GP’11 and JIL (HARRIS) STARK ’58 GP’11; RICHARD “DICK” HAUSMAN; Mary Ann and BERNIE MARSHALL; DEAN PAINTER and partner Jim Villnow; Lee Devereux; WALTER PARRY and friend Elizabeth; Shirley and AL SCHEID; Georgia Shannon, Pomona ’56; Anita and MIKE HOLMES ’56; and FRANK TYSEN ’55 and friend Marilyn Will. John was emcee for a portion of the proceedings and performed gracefully in his usual low-key, gentle manner. The theme for the afternoon was “A Life Well Lived.” John reflected later on what Rusty’s life—both during college and after—meant to him: “Rusty was like my brother, always keeping me going, reaching out and saying just the right things at the right time—a true leader whom we will all miss.”
Addendum: We hope our classmates read the CMC Currents e-newsletter dated Sept. 29. If not, please dig it out of your trash file and read on to the second item: “CMC is No. 1 for Free Expression” This seems a legitimate survey and is obviously a grand tribute to the spirit of the school, first imbued by George C.S. Benson, and continued by our classmate, JACK STARK GP’11, and his successors. You can also find an item about it in the front Hub section of this very magazine.
PETER KEADY ’57 P’86 GP’21
Ronald Moe ’59
Political science expert and analyst
Grace Tyler Moe was steadfast about where she wanted to house the complete writings of her late husband Dr. Ronald C. Moe ’59, a nationally renowned political science expert and analyst. “Claremont, Claremont, and Claremont,” she said. Thanks to Grace’s recent donation, the Ronald C. Moe Collection, including published writings and unpublished notes, will reside at CMC’s Rose Institute of State and Local Government. “I know he would be delighted,” she said. “Ron enjoyed his undergraduate days at the College, both academically and personally. He frequently recalled his time there throughout his life, and whenever possible attended his class of ’59 reunions. He also maintained lifelong friendships with many of his classmates.” Dr. Moe provided high-level policy analysis to members and committees of U.S. Congress, as well as senior congressional staff. He also authored more than 300 reports and confidential memoranda. After service in the U.S. Army Reserve as an intelligence officer, university-level teaching, and three years with the Executive Office of the President, Dr. Moe joined the Congressional Research Service (CRS) within the Library of Congress in 1973 as an analyst in American government. He was ultimately promoted to specialist in government organization and management at the senior level. Dr. Moe passed away in 2011.
GLENN HICKERSON writes: “My wife, Jane, passed away Feb. 7 following a lengthy period of dementia and other physical ailments. She died at home peacefully in her sleep. “Jane over the last several years was concerned she would die before me, and every few months would suggest that if that happened, I should reunite with Cheryl Ray, whom I had been engaged to before I met Jane and whom Jane realized I had feelings for. I would disabuse the suggestion by dodging and saying, ‘You’re not going to die anytime soon!’ “Anyway, after a couple of months I reconnected with Cheryl by email. She was living in Mendoza, Argentina, on a farm owned by her son, his wife, and two grandchildren. Cheryl built a home for herself on the farm, lived there the last two years, and came to San Francisco to reunite with me in June. We were married Sept. 11—50 years to the day and date we were to be married in a little Seattle church. Her parents, stern Mormons, saw me as a workaholic who would give her little time (right about workaholic). So, Cheryl married her ex-boyfriend and they went to the Peace Corps in Afghanistan. The marriage didn’t last long. “Cheryl has an affinity for education as an ex-high school English teacher, advisor for girls’ schools in Afghanistan to the minister of education for several years, and owner of a business in Walla Walla, Wash., that taught skills to men in the state prison who made products for her company which she then sold, and the men made more than they otherwise would have in prison. At the same time, she was raising Arabian horses in Walla Walla, following on her cattle ranching/ farming youth. We have embarked on what we think and expect will be a wonderful journey and rest of our life together. We give thanks to God every day!" OMER LONG says, “I use a cane to motor around! My wife has rather severe COPD! But like many, we just celebrated our 60th wedding anniversary! A good life!” Finally, BOB BEASLEY is still teaching in the Christian Reformed seminary in Kiev, Ukraine, yet the pandemic has kept him from it personally since 2019. He has taught via Zoom and plans to return to Kiev next April.
Dear Classmates, this is to inform you that ANDY SARKONY and I have decided to take on the role of being class liaisons for the class of 1961, a role performed so well by
our friend BOB SUNSHINE GP’18.
Rather than just bringing recent news of our fellow classmates’ comings and goings, I would like to create a “Memoir” of our class members, both living and deceased for our present enjoyment and posterity. This will be intended to be enjoyed primarily by ourselves, but we will share with the College to do what they want with it. Preliminary investigation indicates that there are some interesting stories out there worthy of being shared. Andy and I and others will be contacting you individually. To assist with that effort, we would appreciate you contacting us with your current contact information. Thank you for your help. Looking forward to talking with you in person or otherwise. Towards that end, please make plans to attend the all-class reunion, which will be held next May 26-29 at the College to celebrate our 60th anniversary, which ideally should have been held last year.
TOM THURESSON ’61 P’92 P’97 GP’24
1933 North Drive Glenview, Ill 60025 847-998-6150 tabinc1@comcast.net
ANDY KARKANY ’61 irkafirka@aol.com
LARRY FORD: “Fortunately, everyone in my family has stayed healthy during the pandemic saga. With careful navigation, we were able to drive back and forth between Sarasota, Fla., and our summer home in Salida, Colo. Probably like many others in our class, I am having big birthday events. This year was my 80th, which required celebrations for almost a month, including family events, dinners with good friends, fishing in the Everglades, and lots of good cheer. The past year also brought disappointment. My wife of 60 years has been fighting a 10-year battle with dementia and finally progressed to a stage where she needed to be moved to a memory center for better care. It turns out that Florida has a lot of memory care centers, so we found one that was extremely flexible which made the transition pretty smooth but emotionally difficult. I am adjusting to this new reality with excellent support from many good friends. I plan to continue using both houses and to add a few more fishing destinations.” DAVID FORREST: “I now live in a house at the very edge of a high bluff overlooking the Strait of Juan de Fuca and 19 miles across the water to Victoria, B.C. (alas, the famous ferry Coho is not sailing during the COVID crisis). I washed up on this shore after a series of illnesses and broken bones wherein an estranged brother and his wife took care of me. I am healthy and vaccinated now. Still a licensed psychologist, I volunteer at two agencies, one for the poor and one for grief counseling. I am also opening up a small private practice via phone and Zoom. Like many of my fellow ROTC graduates, I spent my service in Germany. Now my son, Chris, soon to be a full colonel in the Air Force, is stationed with his family in Stuttgart, where he is a chief in the Russia Strategic Initiative that reports directly to our European Command. They are really enjoying this new adventure, and I look forward to visiting them early next year. I learned some German the old-fashioned way, by correspondence! Chuss.” RICHARD “DICK” MCKAY writes: “Another year under the belt. December will be my 80th, but still mushing on. We are in the same great house in Rancho Palos Verdes that we have been in since 1972, remodeled once, and are looking for a second update soon. We still love the
location, so no changes contemplated. “The family is all great, kids and grandkids included. Even though we are scattered from California to Houston, we meet in Maui, Colorado, California, or Houston. We have been cautious but have continued moving around the country when it was permitted. “I know my bio always sounds like a travel log; it’s in my genes, I guess. As we all know, a lot of things were cancelled last year and overflowed into 2021, but the world opened to ‘safe’ travel in time for us go on our annual 2021 trip to Maui with the family in June. It was a bit different with restaurant limits, and the ‘approved partner’ testing before going, but otherwise a fairly normal Maui. Next, it was off in July to catch one of my bucket-list trips that was postponed from 2020—to Machu Picchu and then onto the new ship, Silver Origin, to spend a week in the Galápagos. Again, lots of testing accomplished in the U.S., Peru, and again in Ecuador before returning to the U.S. They were stricter in Peru and Ecuador wherever you went, but everything was open with masks required (sometimes double masks), hand sanitizer and temperature testing, and various limits on entering businesses. Silver Seas required a Covid vaccination to board the Silver Origin, which we thought was great, since we got vaccinated as soon as it was offered. All of that meant we did not have to wear masks on the ship nor on shore, unless we were near other travelers not from our ship, which was very infrequently. Both destinations were totally up to all the hype and beyond great. In August, we drove up to Carmel for the full week of Concours D’Elegance activities in Pebble Beach, and attended The Quail and the Preserve events as well as a day of racing at Laguna Seca. We had been before but never have spent the week and done it all—it was pretty darn cool. To round off the year, we are checking two more locations off the bucket list. On Nov. 1, we are flying to Dubai with a group of fellow pilots from the Torrance airport for a few days to check that out. I want to go skiing in Dubai and check out the Burj Khalifa, go figure. Then we will continue to Cape Town, South Africa, for a few days and then into Krueger Park for a photo safari. I figure we have to do this while the body permits. Besides, it’s fun. Take care!” PHILLIP SHIRES: “My youngest son, Bill, and I attended the Amelia Island Concours in March of 2020, blissfully unaware of how 2020 was going to play out (i.e., no more car events for the year). Renee and I both had mild cases of COVID before the vaccines became available. We think that we owe the infections to the international snowboarding event in Vail where we hang out in the winter months. We are, of course, fully vaccinated now.
“On other fronts, we sold our home of 20 years and my ‘clubhouse’ in Boulder and moved to the country in Longmont—8,400 square feet on three acres backed up to a small lake with our own beach and two docks. This is a clear refusal to recognize that we are old! I did sneak in a couple of motorcycle rides on my BMW to Taos and to Saratoga, Wyo., in 2020, and 2021 has been much better for my old car obsession with a Paso Robles tour in a 1923 Mercer and The Colorado Grand a couple of weeks ago in our 1957 Mercedes 300SL roadster. “Children and grandchildren are all doing very well and we are looking forward to spending the Christmas holidays in Puerto Vallarta, where I found a villa large enough to hold the whole gang.” JAMES “JIM” MASON: “This has been a momentous year for me so far. I retired from the Emergency Department at John C. Fremont Hospital in Mariposa, Calif., in January after 17 years. The last year was extremely difficult, as on top of all the usual stuff that comes into the emergency room, we had to deal with COVID cases. This required many changes as to how we dealt with patients and the use of our space to provide isolation areas. By January, I was pretty well burnt out and made the decision to retire, completing 50 years working in health and safety. In March, I completed my 80th trip around the sun and have been enjoying my retirement, keeping busy with volunteer work for the Mariposa County Sheriff’s Office, the Mariposa County Arts Council, and Henry W. Coe State Park. “I have been waiting to do some traveling. I had made arrangements to visit my sister who lives in Hilo, Hawaii, but had to cancel due to the COVID surge in Hawaii. Hopefully 2022 will bring the chance to do some traveling. Last Thursday, I had my third COVID shot. Get vaccinated!”
BARRY ZALMA: “I’m semi-retired and only work eight hours a day, five days a week with a five-mile walk break in the day to avoid my cardiologist. I have published a few books this year with the ABA, Thomson Reuters, and through Amazon, including The Homeowners Insurance Policy Handbook, It’s Time to Abolish The Tort of Bad Faith, Insurance Fraud Costs Everyone, California SIU Regulations 2020, The California Fair Claims Settlement Practices Regulations 2020, Zalma’s Mold & Fungi Handbook, Getting the Whole Truth: Interviewing Techniques for the Lawyer, Zalma on Insurance Claims—Second & Third Edition, The Insurance Examination Under Oath Second Edition, and Property Investigation Checklists Uncovering Insurance Fraud, 13th Edition.
“In addition, I have published more than 3,900 blog posts that digest recent insurance cases, as well as videos on YouTube and Rumble.com on insurance issues.”
LARRY FORD ’63 lford77@me.com
I regret to inform you that our classmate
RICHARD L. “DICK” SMITH P’86 died of complications from Lewy body dementia on Sept. 13, in Rocklin, Calif. He is survived by his wife of 32 years, Sharon Gayle P’86,
and step-daughters JENNIFER (SALTZMAN) ÜNER ’86 and Stephanie Lindsay, and grandson, Sam Ordonez. Dick was my closest friend from our freshman year. We both majored in accounting and economics, did the ROTC program, and went on to attend Loyola Law School in Los Angeles for a year while working together full time for an excellent small CPA practice, Graham L. Stephenson, in Brentwood, Calif. We then both headed off to the Army, where Dick served as commanding officer of a boot camp company at Ft. Bragg, N.C. In 1968, Dick returned to public practice for about 15 years, then moved on to become the controller of Interamerican Motor Company (IMC), a large distributor of replacement parts for most European automobiles, based in northwestern Los Angeles County. Dick retired from IMC in 2010, and he and Sharon relocated to Tehachapi, Calif., where he was able to pursue his favorite hobby of collecting pop and movie music in virtually every form and format, along with pre-war movies and a library of music and movie history and indices. As Dick’s health deteriorated, they relocated again in 2020 to Rocklin to be near family.
GREG SMITH writes, “Semiretired but still handling appeals in state and federal courts. President for too many years of my synagogue, have taken up oil painting, try to swim daily, and write an occasional article for the Los Angeles Jewish Journal. Kids and grandchildren spread from San Diego to Israel, but even with the coronavirus my wife and I have still been able to see them fairly regularly. About to be a greatgrandfather for the first time.” JOSEPH BRADLEY participated in a mini-reunion of the Class of 1965 on May 6. Ten classmates were joined by wine expert Sal Medina of Packing House Wines in Claremont, as well as JOHN FARANDA ’79, EVAN RUTTER ’06, and Jim Jacobs. South American wines were featured in the wine tasting. Classmates attending
MALCOLM STARR reports, “I see WILLIAM ‘BILL’ HOLLINGSWORTH ’62 periodically due to our mutual interest in cars, most recently at the Lime Rock (Connecticut) vintage car races over Labor Day weekend. He sold his Formula Ford two years ago (similar to one I raced in 1969). Happy memories.”
PETER HALL: “I am so proud of my children. They are all doing well and have reached milestones. My daughter graduated from Cambridge University in June with a first in international law (LLM) and received an award for outstanding performance. She is now working for the European Patent Office. The year before last, Caroline received an MALD from the Fletcher School with distinction. Similarly, my son Felix graduated in chemical engineering from Delft University and has started his masters at Delft in water management. To celebrate, Felix cycled 1,500 km on

Robert Day ’65 P’12
Philanthropist and CMC trustee
His name most notably graces the Robert Day Scholars Program and the Robert Day School of Economics and Finance. But the legacy of Robert Day ’65 P’12 is woven into the fabric of Claremont McKenna College, the alma mater he has generously supported and advanced over the past 50 years—most prominently as a visionary philanthropist and its longest-serving trustee. Day’s 50 years of service were recognized by the College and Board of Trustees at a dinner in Los Angeles this fall, and in early December, CMC announced the iconic Robert Day Sciences Center (read more on p. 37) in honor of his latest support. A native of Los Angeles, Day made his first donation to the College the year he graduated. In 1970, he joined the College’s Board of Trustees as its youngest-elected member; and in 1990, Day became the seventh trustee chairman and the youngest in CMC’s history. He remains active on the CMC Board of Trustees and serves as an honorary chair of the Campaign for CMC: Responsible Leadership in this, the College’s 75th Anniversary year. “Robert’s impact on Claremont McKenna College is incalculable,” said President Hiram E. Chodosh. “Through his extraordinary leadership for over a half-century, he has made so many critically important commitments. CMC will enjoy the dividends of these investments for generations to come.”
Photo: Robert Day, far left, as a student on campus
my wife’s old Gazelle racing bike from Rotterdam to Marseilles in five days. Quite a feat! My other daughter, Margaux, was promoted to partnership in a top law firm and published an article entitled, “Drug Pricing Considerations Under Biden Administration.” She graduated with high honors from Harvard Law and Stanford engineering and is living in Washington, D.C. And lastly, Taira has three wonderful children and after graduating with honors from Stanford and Kellogg School, served in executive level positions with VISA, and provides financial advice and consulting services.” JOHN GREEN P’94: “I am sorry to report that my wonderful wife of 54-plus years, Beverly Semple, Scripps ’68, passed away in August after a protracted fight with cancer. She was a great wife and mother and was the anchor of our family.” TONY WAIN: “Lorraine and I have successfully weathered the pandemic; our daughter, Jessica, contracted breakthrough COVID putting her out of action for 10 days, but she recovered fully. We stay in touch with
Deane and LORRIN WONG, Barbara and ALAN SULLIVAN, and Susan and LES EVANS (who own a terrific winery, Shadow Run, in Central California).” PHILIP CHRONES: “We are semi-retired. Spend time visiting family all over the U.S. CMC was a real experience for me: going to school with only smart, driven people was more than I expected.” SCOTT CAMPBELL: “There are quite a few people in the classes of ’66, ’67, and ’68 I remember well and to whom I would like—modestly—to be remembered. Living in Denmark nearly all my post-CMC life, I have only had the opportunity to see a few of you face-toface, primarily when you dropped by Copenhagen on trips going through Europe and Scandinavia, or when I have dropped by to see you in the States. I have been fortunate to revisit CMC a few times since graduation, including athletic hall of fame inductions and visits to professors or coaches. Each time it has been a surprise and pleasure to experience the new realities in CMC growth, not just in buildings and facilities, but more so in terms of ambition, competency, and collective self-assurance.”
MARK SHAPPEE: “Met with LES EVANS in September. He was kind enough to take a break from the grape harvest to host me for a tour and a wine tasting at his winery, Shadow Run, near Paso Robles, Calif. Les was part of the 3-2 program with Stanford. He still has a fondness for putting his civil engineering skills to work. He managed all the engineering for the grading (as well as Cat driving), getting permits, water and power management, etc., to get their winery up and running following retirement from a multicareer lifestyle in the Navy, public works engineering consulting, and city management. His wife, Susan, became the wine maker. Their focus has been on the Rhone blends, but they are now offering a wider range of reds, all of which we enjoyed while sitting under a tree and catching up. Other ’66 classmates have also made a pilgrimage to his winery in the past
including JAY GORUD, LORRIN WONG, TONY WAIN, and AL SULLIVAN. One of the reviews of the Shadow Run tasting room experience cited conversations with the Evanses stating their wines were ‘intelligent but unpretentious.’” Not a bad description of Les!
In memory of RUSSELL WOODWARD. Sadly, Russell passed away in 2008 from pancreatic cancer. Reported by his wife, Karen Woodward.
VAN SMITH offers a tribute to his good friend, Paul Bamford, who passed away in Sept. 2020: “We were a debate team freshman year and rolled all before us; successful because of Paul’s meticulous preparation and my bulldozer style. We won the Pacific Coast on the first time out, tied with AARON FULLER and DUANE QUAINI. Paul fired me for refusing to work. Why? My style was to ‘just grab some cards, stand up, and shout ’em down.’ By senior year, both of us in Marks, we started having exceptionally good discussions about his philosophy major. He was seriously smart and had been accepted at Dartmouth. This led to his suggesting that I attend Professor Steve Erikson’s class in existentialism at Pomona. That class, ‘Sartre was too bright,’ was too suffused with the smugness that Pomona-ooids seem to have felt toward CMC, perhaps with reason, for our squareness. I determined to learn to think in that way and over long years, may have succeeded. I owe Paul for that. My last contact was four or five years ago; we were delivering a car to Raleigh, N.C. I phoned him and he answered the call while in a cab on Broadway, on their way to celebrate his wife’s birthday and to take in a show. Very Bamford. A great guy.” JAMES “JIM” STEPHENSON: “Marcia and I have been married for 53 years so far; our two sons are now in their 40s. As the years have gone by, we gradually gave up on the expectation of grandchildren. In the meantime, we moved from our house into a new condo here in North Vancouver, British Columbia. Our two sons and their partners purchased condos in the same development. Then in 2019, each of our sons’ partners gave birth to our grandchildren, six weeks apart. We now have a two-year-old grandson speaking French and English and a granddaughter speaking Mandarin and English living close. Who said, ‘be careful what you wish for?’ As I contemplate my grandchildren’s lives in the face of polarization and global warming, I am ever more appreciative of what a magical time I spent at Claremont. Even with the tumult of the ’60s and the threat of the Vietnam draft, it was a quieter and more hopeful time.” STEPHEN MARTIN: “Things are getting back to normal but this last year has been busy for both Sharon and me. Some good things include skiing with my daughter Jennifer Alvarado’s family in Breckenridge, Colo. My two grandsons wanted to ski with Grandpa. With trepidation, I said okay. Grandpa had only skied once in the last 10 years. I needed new skis and boots and picked them up on sale. We had a wonderful time and each day my rhythm got better. I hope to have the kids come out to ‘my California mountain’ Mammoth next year to ski.” ROBERT “BOB” NOVELL: “Sharon and I got our vaccines this year and life has changed as we spent more time with friends than in 2020. We picked up more free time when Sharon and I stepped down from our involvement with the Reed Foundation, a charity supporting art education for high school students. Ruth Reed and her husband had created one of the Institutes at CMC and I had been involved in helping her for 20 years. I have followed JOE JOHNSON and his wife’s diet and exercise program for two years. I try to walk 20-25 miles a week and eat only twice a day. I still have a few more pounds to lose with a goal of reaching my Army weight. I continue to work and study daily. I have started to play competitive bridge again but am only an average player. I have also become reconnected with my Arcadia Rotary Club and renewed acquaintance with many good friends. My family has always been UCLA fans and this year it appears that the football team is finally showing signs of a comeback. My best wishes to all of you.” TED PARRISH writes: “I do enjoy keeping up with people I knew at CMC. It is something of a unique group who have accomplished and contributed much. And I always feel honored when I see CMC ranked in the top universities and colleges in the U.S. In my official retirement, I have written and published a novel. While not Melville or Hemingway, I do aspire to be a creator of good stories, pleasant to read, and worth some examination as a modest piece of literature. The title is Mending and is available at bookstores and online. If you read it, you may recognize parts of people in our class, including the writer, but the point is to look at people in general, not specifically. I included issues relating to business, interpersonal growth, and outdoor sports with a little mystery and mob stuff, some romance, and a healthy dose of observational humor—I hope. I enjoyed writing it and a second novel is underway.” LOREN SATTINGER: “On a personal note, my wife, Joan, and I both retired in 2012. Joan was a preschool teacher for over 20 years, and she had a much harder job than I ever had. In retirement, I keep busy driving for Meals-on-Wheels once a week. I am active in the Stonebridge Men’s Club, Veteran’s Club, and the Shalom Club. My grandchildren range in age from 4 to 22, with another one scheduled to arrive in December—a total of eight in all. They are all delightful.”
WILLIAM “BILL” SLAVIN, RONALD “RON” DOUTT P’94, and JOHN PETTIT P’91: “Bill reports that he recently scanned some old slides and found the picture of the ‘Sons of Berger,’ from 1964. Bill states that ‘I think this must have been after ‘The Toilet Bowl,’ since it doesn’t show the entire dorm.’”
Ron identified the EOB (Greek letters for Sigma Omicron Beta or Sons of Berger) members in the photo on the next page: Front row (left to right): JOHN PETTIT P’91 (a.k.a. Bunjar … hej, hej, hej!)—dorm academic events chair for 1966–67 and legendary prankster. As part of Berger’s annual awards dinner, Bunj was voted the dorm’s least likely to get married. (Turned out he was the first to tie the knot.) Retired print services business owner. PAUL SCRIPPS—Paul is a “speed writer” with a

fertile mind. After college he immersed himself in the family chain of newspapers, ultimately becoming editor and owner. An early part of that career path was his stopover at Berger Hall where he, along with a small group of energized dormmates, was talked into starting an irreverent dorm newsletter, The Berger Baiter. It would be fair to say that the newsletter occasionally (always?) pushed the boundaries of good taste as was defined at the time. It was also very popular. STEPHEN ‘STEVE’ GRIFFITH—transferred in from Stoughton Court, a gifted athlete who led the dorm to two Toilet Bowl titles in three years plus was dorm president in 1966–67. One of the first in our class to “retire” from his post as an international transportation executive. MICHAEL ‘MIKE’ STONE—left CMC early. Has sporadically remained in touch with some of us throughout his international business jaunts in the Australasia region. ROBERT LEWIS—“quiet competence”—his family’s home in Claremont was the site of our senior class goodbye party. Semi-retired from the family’s commercial real estate and residential housing construction enterprise. Back row (left to right): ROBERT ‘BOBBY’ MAZZA— deceased. RONALD ‘RON’ DOUTT P’94—transferred in from Stoughton Court, Berger Hall dorm president in 1965–66, and now a retired corporate CEO. JOHN MAZZA—a major force in the formative stages of EOB. Now retired from the portfolio management industry, where he launched the iconic Investment Business Daily financial newspaper. JOHN PYLES—as an ME major, John left CMC and Berger Hall early. A dependable prank participant, John ended up being an executive with a large international salt supply company and continues to be a part-time international business consultant. WILLIAM ‘BILL’ SLAVIN— transferred in from Stoughton Court and two years later transferred out to become RA of another dorm. Went to work for IBM and quickly became a Cracker Jack management consultant. In his two years at Berger the EOB capitalized on his formidable athletic skills. DANIEL ‘DAN’ COCKROFT (a.k.a. Roach)—a leader of the legion of helpers needed to pull off many of the EOB activities. For a while after college, we had lost track of him. It was, we believe, the lure of Mexican food and margaritas at El Cholo that enticed him to attend one of our periodic gatherings and history re-writes there. We believe he said that after CMC he’d gone into and retired from the education profession. Although decades had passed since we all had seen him, no time was lost reconnecting.” Watch this space in the next issue of the CMC Magazine for further exploits from EOB and Berger Hall in the ’60s.
GALEN GRIEPP—In memory of CAMERON ’68 HARTFORD: “He was a good man, always willing to help others, a good friend at CMC, and we remained in touch for several years after graduation. Cameron died March 13, 2019, while on an outing with the Claremont Senior Bike Group. Biking with these friends was his favorite sport. This was his last ride. He became legendary in the radio community for his speed and accuracy in Morse code. He practiced regularly, right up until his last week, and took satisfaction in establishing contact with operators across the globe. He earned his Bachelor of Arts degree at Claremont Men’s College 1968 and an MBA from USC 1969. He and Martha Hedquist SCR’68, were married in San Diego in 1969. Cameron served in the U.S. Army in Washington, D.C., from 1970 to 1972. After his Army service, the couple moved to Redlands before settling in Claremont in 1978. He began his business career in the insurance industry, followed by supervising production at Darbo Manufacturing Co., then working in textbook fulfillment at Houghton Mifflin. “He enjoyed working in amateur radio, and became a Claremont and North American legend, having co-founded and led the ‘Zuni Loop Field Day’ at Mt. Baldy’s Table Mountain Campground for 30 years. Only ham radio operators will know the fun and challenge of this annual competition. His fellow ham radio enthusiasts remember him as gracious, humble, kind, patient, and unstinting in his generosity when giving help and passing along his skills. A related focus of interest for Cam was radio antennae; through his work and experimentation he became a brilliant electronics designer and eagerly shared his innovative knowledge. Wire antennae were shot into the towering pine trees of the Zuni campground for the duration of competitions. Originally, slingshots were used for this, but in later years he developed an air compressor, which did a more efficient job. When wrapping up the event, the antennae were brought down without disturbing so much as a pinecone. One could always spot the Hartford home in Claremont because of the towering radio antenna that was covered with lights at Christmas time.” (This obituary appeared in the Claremont Courier.)
JONATHAN “JON” ANDRON P’96 P’10: “In memory of ROGER HAMMOCK. Roger passed away in July of 2020, from Covid-19.
“We all remember Roger as a thoughtful, kind, yet very clever young man. At ROTC summer camp at Ft. Lewis, Wash., he was the guy with the girlfriend who happened to have a lake house and ski boat. When the Vietnam War loomed over us in the ’68 to ’71 timeframe, Roger got a job driving the shore boat at Catalina Island. Since his employment was too far from an active military unit, he was relieved from attending regular training. He was the most caring, loyal guy one could ever know, but he suffered from underlying conditions in heart and kidneys which he could not overcome. He was a special guy, and he will be missed.” RODGER BAIRD P’11: “I’ve spent most of my time since March 3, 2020, doing my best to stay away from the mass ‘COVID idiocy’ still on the loose. This meant spending more time reading and writing, doing home projects, and learning the ins and outs of Zoom calls. I enjoy regular Zooms with CRAIGE CITRON, STANLEY
DONALD ‘DON’ BELL ’65 and PEARSON COTTON ’69 by phone. I recently reconnected with HARRY WRIGHT ’71 over Indy writing and Stag football. Once we were
vaccinated, JONATHAN ‘JON’ ANDRON P’96 P’10 and I were able to go fishing together on his boat again, now minus ROGER HAMMOCK, whom we lost. We are now also able to be with family members, a blessing as we were introduced to our newest granddaughter in June.” JEFFREY LASHER writes: “I am retired on a horse ranch eight miles outside of Cody, Wyo. Enjoying privacy, peace, the great outdoors right next to Yellowstone, good people, lots of dogs, and horses. I work as a volunteer with Downrange Warriors, preventing suicide among military veterans—Afghanistan, Iraq, and Vietnam—in the Cowboy State, which is also, unfortunately, the Suicide State. Current events have not helped. We are a busy bunch. I am also a Vietnam veteran, so have an understanding for what these vets have experienced. I have a horse ranch and family in Costa Rica and go back and forth, though travel has been curtailed with the pandemic. A shout out for my close friend, BRUCE FACER. Facer dropped out of CMC and led an amazing and unique life. He died at the age of 65 in Santa Cruz, Calif. You can Google his obit for details. He was a graduate of Iolani High School in Honolulu, Hawaii. His dad was a Navy captain stationed at Pearl Harbor.”
FREDRICK “FRED” LEVY: “My wife and I are happily retired, enjoying life in NYC and environs despite pandemic constraints. This year celebrating our 75th birthdays with a trip to Vietnam in February 2022, pandemic permitting. My best to all.” JAMES CAMERON P’05: “In reference to CMC’s 75th Anniversary magazine, my favorite coach (or teacher for that matter) was Coach Bill Arce P’80 GP’22. He was an exceptionally talented coach who worked tirelessly with his players to not only improve their baseball skills, but to make them better people.”
This issue has the usual good collection of reports from classmates, some of whom we haven’t heard from for a while, which makes it even better.
It’s great to hear from DAVID CASNOCHA P’11 this time. “Not much has changed for me. I remain a municipal finance lawyer at Stradling in San Francisco. We have spent all of the pandemic at our weekend home in the Santa Cruz Mountains, and I am still working remotely. Our sons are doing well—John is a corporate finance law partner at Goodwin Proctor in San Francisco; Alex works for the Department of State, recently completing his latest tour in Turkey, and soon heading to Austria to be a political officer at the Organization for Security
and Co-operation in Europe; and BEN CASANOCHA ’11 is a founding partner of Global Village, a venture capital firm. I have five grandchildren. We are healthy, vaccinated, and ready to cash in frequent flyer/credit card miles and go somewhere in the world.” DOUG ELWELL updates us as well. “Things continue pretty much apace for Allison and me back here in northeast Ohio. The only change of any particular note is the addition of a domestically bred red fox, Nigel, to our menagerie of horses, dogs, cats, and a singlewinged Canada Goose (named Ducky, of course). Our son, Scott, has remarried, and he and his new ‘instant family’ are happily ensconced at Fort Sill, Okla., as he winds up the final few years of his 20-year service. Allison and I are especially proud of the way that Scott has openly acknowledged and continues to deal with the psychological baggage that four tours in the Middle East have burdened him with. Much progress, all good. “I enjoyed the 75th Anniversary CMC Magazine, especially the ‘mini-bio’ of Stephen Davis. I emailed Stephen to thank him for the positive impact he had on me as an incoming, nervous vet re-entering academia for the first time in over four years. He wrote back, and there are tentative plans for a lunch together whenever I can get back out there. Good to hear from ALAN GREENBERG too. “I am living in Oceanside and retired after many years as a trial attorney and senior partner of a national law firm. I have a daughter and a cockapoo that I am blessed to have in my life. I am still an avid reader of military history and non-fiction political books. I was tangentially involved in San Diego County in an unsuccessful presidential campaign, an unsuccessful campaign for the 49th Congressional district, and a recent unsuccessful effort to recall Governor Newsom. I remain optimistic about the future of California, although I am looking at homes in Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, and Montana ‘just in case.’ MARK ROSENTHAL checks in too. “I am on lead for an NIH-funded coronavirus project. It’s a U.S. and European collaborative team and is going well. I hope Americans get on top of this problem with the new strain. I’m also wrapping up a 1,200-patient pain study using an electron-based device that is both diagnostic and therapeutic. The great news is that everyone improved, patients were able to stop opiate pain meds, and people showed stable improvement. I have ten more electron-based projects and a major estrogen-based project in the works.” And last in, just under the wire, is PETER NICHOLSON. “I recently retired (my second and counting) from the Metropolitan New York Golf Association Foundation serving kids via caddie scholarships, affordable public access for juniors, learning clinics, and competitive play opportunities. All good and very fulfilling for a guy who started golf at four years old and still enjoys the game. This followed 20-plus years working in marketing, communications, and sponsorship with a couple of watch companies and after an initial 18 years at New York ad agencies. Just missed the heart of the Mad Men era, but I rode those coattails! “Major highlight still was playing on the CMC golf team and graduating as an English major while penning Senior Thesis X190 titled, ‘The Strategy of Match Play Golf.’ God bless Harold McClelland and everyone’s favorite golf coach, Dean Clifton MacLeod, for green lighting that 48-hour masterpiece, which did not require a trip to Honnold Library! Yes, the bibliography was very slim. Can you still get away with that? “I was encouraged by CMC tennis legend and econ. major ANDY CRAWFORD ’71, who broke the ice with his groundbreaking thesis, ‘The Game of Squash Racquets.’ Never a dull moment gaming the system when absolutely required. “I’m now looking forward to some down time and golf in coastal Georgia and am planning on being at the 50-year reunion. Who is handling the tee times? What an honor to be part of the Class of 1973!” And a friendly reminder/sales pitch: Mark your calendar to attend our 50-year reunion in Spring 2023. We’ve formed a reunion committee of PAUL BENINGER P’09,
REID DABNEY PM’12, DAVE DENENHOLZ P’09 P’11, PAUL FISHER, HARVEY GOLDHAMMER, STEVE MCGANN, BRUCE PETERSON, BILL ROTHACKER P’09 P’17, LOWELL SEARS, DON WADDELL, and me. If you didn’t get a newsletter about the reunion this past summer, please let us know because that means the College doesn’t have a good mailing address for you. We’d like to see you at the reunion. More to come—you’ll be hearing from us as we prepare for the reunion. Stay well!
214-641-8648 kpgilbert@sbcglobal.net
In June, SKIP WEISS P’15 flew to L.A. to see his hapless Chicago Cubs lose two straight to the Dodgers (the Cubs did no-hit the Dodgers the previous night, however). TIM DONAHOE arranged the tickets, but the highlight was BRENT BAILEY joining us. We hadn’t seen each other in 45 years. Great time. KIM LEDBETTER shares a photo from the spring of 1973. “As you can see, it was taken at the Lady Luck Casino in Las Vegas during the CMC’s annual golf team trip to Las Vegas. BILL PHARR (our best golfer) is seated in the middle and BRUCE FLAXMAN ’73 is leaning in from the right. I’m on the left. I don’t remember the other two team members standing in the back. I also don’t remember if any illegal activities occurred on the trip, but the statute of limitations certainly applies. “I’ve played golf for more than 55 years. Not only did I have some great experiences on CMC’s golf team—we won the conference tournament in 1974—but being a golfer played a key role in my career. “During spring break of our senior year, I returned to Portland for a job interview with a senior vice president and head of the company’s division where I hoped to work. He was much older than me and a very serious fellow and also an actuary—something I hoped to become. “We went to lunch and I was worried about what we would talk about. It turned out that he was an avid golfer. So, we talked a lot about golf. I’ve often heard that you can learn a lot about someone on the golf course and I have found that to be true. I guess it is also true if you talk about golf during a job interview. “I was hired about a week later as an actuarial trainee. I became a senior vice president responsible for the same division my 1974 lunch partner led plus a few other divisions by the end of my 34-plus year career with that company. And I may owe of lot of my success to golf.” RILEY ATKINS writes, “Greetings from Portland, Ore.

Barb and KIM LEDBETTER and Mary and DAVID KITCH recently joined Marci and me for Mary’s 70th birthday dinner. The next year will be a celebratory 70th birthday year for most of us. The three couples get together regularly, and the guys often reminisce about our CMC Marks Hall days. Marci and I were scheduled to return to Japan this month to complete the trip we started in March 2020, cut short by the pandemic. However, the Japanese government had other ideas and the nation remains closed to foreigners. We’ll try again in October 2022. Also, my lovely wife kept threatening to toss my 1970 freshman orientation T-shirt unless I did something with it. It’s now safe in a shadow box that conceals its raggedy condition. How about a poll as to how many other ’74 classmates still have their prized possession?!” An excellent idea, Riley. Anyone with interesting memorabilia can send me a photo and I’ll share them in my next letter to the class. Be well. Stay well.
SKIP WEISS ’74 P’15 skipweiss@aol.com
VIK BATH writes: “Fifty years ago, my parents drove me to the Greyhound station in Dallas and sent me off to CMC. I went 30 miles to Ft. Worth, had an hour layover, and then was off to California. I had never been west of Fort Worth. When I got to the Pomona Greyhound station, I took a taxi to the city bus terminal, carried my suitcase on the bus, and they dropped me off at the corner of Mills and Sixth St. in the late afternoon. Mt. Baldy was barely visible. “I was a day early because of soccer camp, so there were no people. I carried my things past the towers, headed to Story House. I walked with Rod Stewart’s ‘Maggie May’ in my head (‘it’s late September, and I really should be back in school,’ etc.). Story House was a bunch of mailboxes, but Collins Hall was right there.
We're Still Alive
How The 1979 CMS Baseball Team Avoided Elimination— and Possible Tragedy

In the annals of CMS Athletics history, the 1979 Stag baseball team remains fairly anonymous. Take a walk through Roberts Pavilion and you’ll find a Hall of Fame plaque on the wall for All-America catcher John Pignotti ’80, who hit .356 and struck out only twice his entire senior season. There’s also a section in the middle of the primary trophy case which commemorates the storied career of head coach Bill Arce P’80 GP’22, the founding Claremont-Mudd athletic director who was in his 21st (and final) season coaching the team. The Stags were SCIAC runners-up and one of the last eight teams left standing in the NCAA Division III Tournament. But without a championship trophy on its resume, there isn’t much to tangibly commemorate the 1979 team—one of the more memorable in CMS baseball history given a whirlwind week at regionals featuring four games that all had thrilling finishes. Winning three of those first four games also turned a five-day trip to Oshkosh, Wisconsin into a six-day trip, and left the Stags one win away from a berth in the College World Series. However, that dramatic NCAA Tournament run—for very different reasons—has had a larger, lingering effect that is still felt some 40 years later. Beyond the walk-off homeruns and gutty performances that marked a wild postseason, the words “we’re still alive” endure in the memory of players who felt their emotions shift from survival on the field to survival in the rawest, most shocking sense of the word. On the afternoon of Friday, May 25, 1979, American Airlines Flight 191 crashed less than one minute after taking off out of O’Hare Airport in Chicago on its way to Los Angeles. The crash killed all 271 people (258 passengers and 13 crew members) on board, as well as two on the ground. It remains the biggest air disaster in U.S. history. The first word being spread around the hotel that night was how the Stags were supposed to be on the plane that had just crashed. All of them needed to call home immediately to let their families know they were safe, resulting in an anxious 20-player line at the lobby phone, not to mention some overwhelming feelings of relief. “I think a few of the guys got on their hands and knees and kissed the ground,” recalled senior captain Mitch Wolf ’79. Some conflicting information later circulated that the team was actually scheduled on a different flight. But there were no printed travel itineraries to verify what was correct, and there isn’t a uniform consensus among the Stags about what a parallel timeline might have looked like where they weren’t still playing baseball that day. All the Stags know for sure is that if they had suffered their second loss in the regionals sooner, they would have been flying home that day. Whether it would have placed them on Flight 191 isn’t a confirmed fact—but it still feels far too close to reality, even all these years later.
“A couple of us actually found out about the crash when our parents called us in tears at the motel, praying we’d still be there,” said Gary Birkenbeuel ’80. “They had our original itinerary, and they said we were supposed to be on that flight.” “I remember we were all amped up because we had just beaten (Cal State) Stanislaus (in an upset). Then we were told there was a plane crash out of O’Hare to LAX and that we were supposed to be on it, but because we had won and extended our stay, we were not on the flight,” Wolf added “Everyone went silent and it was very eerie. Our celebration stopped immediately. We were talking to ourselves and didn’t know what to say to each other. I remember calling home and my parents had no idea there was a plane crash.” For some of the younger players on the team, it was especially difficult to process what was going on. “We were young and some of us had just experienced our first plane flight,” said DJ Janssen ’82, a freshman on the 1979 team. “Winning a 3-0 game was just another ballgame, until we found out the ramifications afterwards and had to tell our parents we were alive.” The task of connecting to tell someone important information was difficult in an era in which land lines were the only option and most people didn’t have answering machines. Even after all the phone calls had been made and the worstcase scenarios were no longer bouncing through the minds of their loved ones, it was hard for the Stags to get their minds on baseball that evening. “The plane crash was all over the news and you could not help but watch,” Wolf said. “They were placing markers, little flags, where they found bodies and remains of the passengers. I kept thinking that could have been us and this is what our families and friends would be seeing. It was awful. At the time, it definitely made you think about life. It left a mark on me and is something I will never forget.” Some of the Stags have tried to piece together the alternate timeline from that day, looking for clues if they really were one untimely bad pitch, or swing and miss, away from being on Flight 191. Out of curiosity, Jim Dunstan ’80 has done some research into FAA reports and other documentation, and he believes that the Stags were supposed to be on board. He says that the number of empty seats on the flight, eerily close to the size of a college baseball team, gave him more than a little pause.
“For me, there have been some survivor guilt moments,” Dunstan said. “If I hadn’t had the walk-off against St. Olaf, we might have been out of the tournament and traveling that day. I know that there’s still some controversy as to whether we would have been on that plane, but my research indicates that we would have.
“Does it make you feel like you’ve been sent with a higher purpose? Maybe. I’ve always had a strong faith background, so I believe that we all are here for a higher purpose, so I can’t say I’ve walked through life trying to pinpoint that moment that I was saved for. At the same time, it certainly has driven me to live a well-lived life, and I hope I have.” To read the full story online, visit cmsathletics.org and click on CMC75: Great Moments under the History tab.

KENNETH GOTTLIEB, ALAN VIERGUTZ P’10 P’12, BRYAN HUSSEY, and DAVID DOSS, all on the soccer team, were outside, and they said Coach Stephen Davis was looking for me. “I moved into the phone room at Green Hall the next day. “September 1971 was when my world began to change, the moment I arrived on campus. “I’d like to hear from DAN BURG and JACK LUCAS, my suitemates from Green Hall in 1971, 50 years ago. “Question: Why was PHILO LANGE on the roof overlooking the Scripps pool in the spring of ’75? What was the plan? “I intend to help out as Liaison for the Class of ’75. I’d like to hear from any of you that want to contact me. I will answer you and I will have news the next time I write.”
P.S. There was a Zoom gathering May 16 with the following 20 attendees: VIK BATH, DAVE DOSS, CARY
First things first, or in this case 75th, which is obviously a big theme at CMC since this is the 75th Anniversary of the College. The average age of the Class of 1979 is currently around 65, so we are just 10 years behind our alma mater. While CMC can tear things down, spruce things up, and look through the files of teenage men and women, we, on the other hand, would be cancelled or look silly if we did the same. In 10 years, on our 75th, we will definitely not look or feel as good as CMC does now! Recently, I received a very nice note from DONALD “DON” LOGAN. “I thought of you, Clint, when I read a page in Wanting: The Power of Mimetic Desire in Everyday Life, by Luke Burgis.” Don gave a quote from the book: “‘My friends and my faith are both super important to me,’ one of my college buddies says. … But what will he do if one of his best friends schedules his bachelor party in Miami’s South Beach on a high holy day? Without a clear hierarchy, he’s more likely to choose according to the influences around him. His decision will be mimetically driven, not values driven.” Don remembered that because of the Jewish High Holidays, I chose my faith above the recent CMC reunion. Don, good memory, and you are right. Don wrote that “whenever I finish reading a book, I write a brief review of the book, or copy the parts that influenced me, in a Word file, which is now over 400 pages long.” But Don certainly does not always have his nose in books. Who would have thought that Don could sing, play guitar, and put together five music videos covering great hits! On YouTube, search: “Don Logan Runnin’ Down A Dream,” “Don Logan La Bamba,” “Don Logan Smoking in the Boys Room,” “Don Logan Jumpin’ Jack Flash,” and “Don Logan I Won’t Back Down.” I asked Don what the impetus of his creative outflowing was. He wrote, “I thought that in case I get hit by a bus tomorrow, my future grandchildren would want to see that their grandpa had a fun side, and that back in the ’20s (before possible political repression or, more likely, technology innovation) YouTube videos are an amusing way to learn things, or to sing and dance. I play the bass guitar in a cover band, and I sing these five songs. My Smokin’ in the Boys Room includes a photo of me smoking a cigarette as a 10-year-old in 1967, apparently trying to imitate James Dean. “My I Won’t Back Down video includes 23 seconds of Winston Churchill saying perhaps the most powerful words spoken in the twentieth century, when he basically says that he won’t back down at the gates of hell. The speech was June 18, 1940, and I think his contagious commitment and determination may have saved the world as we know it. (I wonder if CMC history majors agree.) Winston Churchill is my inspiration for that Tom Petty song; it sometimes chokes me up. “I would be interested to know how many ’79 classmates have posted videos to YouTube or TikTok? I would watch your stuff if you shared the YouTube titles! And if you haven’t already, I would encourage you all to post YouTube videos for your grandchildren, reading your favorite page from a book, singing, dancing, sharing your golf swing, your favorite car, your polo ponies, or replacing the hoses on your washing machine. Who knows, perhaps YouTube will still be around for your great-grandchildren’s enjoyment, too?” Well, in fact, Don, I too did some singing after CMC. I was in the Wharton MBA Follies for two years, and I was the lead singer of the Whartones, a rock band with a full horn section. More recently, I performed Chantilly Lace at a Wharton reunion.
Finally, I got a great note from KEVIN GOODWIN P’16, who wrote the following: “I watched the CMC Zoom about CMC going coed. I got to thinking about KATHY
(EVANS) HURLEY ’80 P’07 being the first woman freshman joining CMC and realized I was the last male freshman admitted. Fun fact to know and tell. Here’s the story: “KATHY (EVANS) HURLEY has the fabulous distinction of being the first woman admitted to the newly coeducational Claremont Men’s College. I believe I have the slightly less fabulous distinction of being the last man admitted in the last year of the male-only CMC. The administration may confirm or deny my claim, but I believe I am on pretty certain ground. “I took some time off after high school. Two reasons. First, I knew I was not ready to go to college and would likely fail if I did. Second, and related, I was an avid ski racer and wanted to pursue my dream of competing at the top levels in the sport. Well, after a year or so of banging nails as a carpenter under the hot sun in the summer and falling short of my fantasies on the slopes in the winter, I figured college was a good thing and that I would certainly succeed if I took that path. So, I applied to Dartmouth and Middlebury, both highly respected ski schools on the East Coast. Because applicants got three free uses of their SAT scores, I also applied to Claremont Men’s College based on Barron’s Guide to Colleges, which said there was a ski team and showed the famous picture of the College with a snowcovered Mt. Baldy in the background. “Being on my own, working as a carpenter during the day, and not really focused on all the fine points, my applications were made about a week after the application deadline. Dartmouth and Middlebury sent me nice letters pointing out that I had missed the deadline and encouraging me to apply next year. CMC sent me a nice letter pointing out that I had missed the deadline for the fall semester, but asked if I would be willing to start as a freshman in the spring semester of 1976.
“So, I started as a first-semester freshman in January 1976. I believe that makes me dead last in the race to be the last man admitted to a male-only CMC. It also means I totally won the big race—I got to attend a great school, made only greater by the admission of Kathy and all the terrific women who followed her, including my favorites,
my wife, EILEEN O’DONNELL GOODWIN ’81 and our daughter, MICHELLE GOODWIN ’16.”
JOHN ELLIS: “I was appointed to the Alaska State Salary Commission by the bipartisan majority in the Alaska House of Representatives, though most of my 30 years of public service was in the Alaska Senate. I send my best to the CMC Class of ’82! I connect
with MICHAEL “MIKE” ABBOTT and DEBORAH BONITO ’85 very often. And Nohemi, thank you for the time and effort you put into our Class Notes!”
NANCY (MCNICHOLAS) MATARRITA: “I am overjoyed to announce the birth of my first grandbaby, Teresa Grace, at the end of summer. It was love at first sight! I have transitioned from my position with Purpose Church. Bless you, Noehmi, and thank you for keeping us all in touch.”
PAMELA J. HINDS: “I’m now the chair of the Department of Management Science and Engineering at Stanford University, taking on an administrative role in addition to still doing the professorial thing, e.g., research and teaching.”
CATHERINE “CATE” DAPRON: “This past August, ANNE AMES was in California from Queensland, Australia, and SUZY PARKER and I visited her overnight in Solana Beach, sharing CMC memories and catching up on each other’s lives since our visit last year.”
LARRY “CHIP” ANDRÉ: “In current news, we left Djibouti in January. I was nominated to serve as ambassador to Somalia. It is a long process. I had my Senate hearing. Now I

Daniel Kelly ’82
Director of Pacific Neuroscience Institute Professor of neurosurgery at Saint John’s Cancer Institute
Microdosing. Mystical experiences. Magic mushrooms. These are not the typical topics one would expect a brain surgeon to explore. Yet, it’s what Dr. Daniel Kelly spoke about when he visited the Marian Miner Cook Athenaeum this semester. So, why would a neurosurgeon get into this line of work? Kelly’s answer: “Because I think that this is going to be a game changer,” predicting that the “psychedelic renaissance” will “transform the neurosciences and behavioral healthcare.” A biology and chemistry major at CMC, Dr. Kelly is director and founder of the Pacific Neuroscience Institute at St. John’s Providence, which is focused on cognitive, memory, and mood disorders. Internationally recognized for his work advancing techniques of minimally invasive “keyhole” and endoscopic brain tumor surgery, he also plays a major role in expanding clinical services and research avenues at the Pacific Brain Health Center and the Treatment & Research in Psychedelics (TRIP) program. Dr. Kelly said TRIP’s mission is to develop safe, effective, and FDA-approved psychedelic-assisted therapies for ailments like PTSD, depression, anxiety, and addiction. “And right now, we’re doing it through clinical trials,” he said. “We really want to try to understand some of the scientific questions around how do these drugs work? What are the underlying mechanisms?” However, Dr. Kelly cautioned that psychedelic-assisted therapy is not to be taken lightly. It requires “careful patient selection and screening, pre-treatment preparation, experienced clinicians, and the appropriate setting monitoring and safety measures.” He noted that “the mantra that is given to individuals who go on these journeys is trust.”

Christine Crockett ’01
Director of the CMC Center for Writing and Public Discourse
As Christine Crockett ’01 celebrates the Center for Writing and Public Discourse’s 10th Anniversary with the CMC community, she’s been thinking deeply about how writing shapes our world. “I often think of writing as a bridge,” said Crockett, who in addition to being the director of CWPD, teaches eighteenth and nineteenth-century British literature and freshman writing seminars. “Writing is the tool we use to create bridges across ideas, between people, and across experiences.” A literature and history major when she attended CMC, writing enabled her to explore chosen disciplines and share her perspective with others. It was also the key that unlocked her ability to identify, state, and defend a position on any given subject—”and that skill has remained relevant to all aspects of my life to this day.” Reflecting on the past 10 years for the center, Crockett says she’s proud of the vibrant writing culture at CMC. “I will talk to students majoring in the sciences or in quantitative fields, and they’re increasingly understanding how important effective communication skills are for them. I just love seeing that.” Since its inception in 2011, the CWPD has supported numerous students (some 1,500 consultations a year) via one-on-one peer tutoring. The center also offers extensive programming, multilingual writing support, and is the home for the new Writing Associates program, which pairs writing consultants with first-year seminars and GE courses. To mark the founding of the CWPD, as well as CMC’s 75th Anniversary, the center brought award-winning authors Sameer Pandya, Zadie Smith (in partnership with the Gould Center), and Charles Yu to campus this fall. Each writer spoke at the Ath and also gathered with students in a setting conducive to meaningful conversation. “These are folks who are really trying to push at their craft. I think it’s important for anyone who cares about writing to be introduced to living writers."
await the Senate to decide my fate. If confirmed, my family cannot join me there due to the security challenges. We are reviewing options for them.”
ROBERTO ANGOTTI reports, “Paisan brothers reunite at Casa Orlando. DAVID “DAVE” ORLANDO recently invited fellow
classmates ROBERTO ANGOTTI and JOE MARTINETTO over to watch a San Francisco Giants baseball game and enjoy an out-of-the-park homemade Italian dinner featuring fresh ingredients from his backyard. Molto grazie to Dave and Joe for letting this Dodger fan into the Bay area for the delicious meal and memorable gathering. “On another note, I served as the international Sister City ambassador between Fullerton, California (longtime home to Tommy and Jo Lasorda) and Tollo, Italy (birthplace of Tommy Lasorda’s parents). Fullerton celebrated the new Sister City relationship on Tommy Lasorda Day on September 22, 2021 by screening my National Italian American Foundation Russo Brothers Film Forum Award-winning Italian American Baseball Family documentary featuring Tommy Lasorda at the Fullerton Community Center. Attendees included Mike Scioscia, Eric Karros, Mickey Hatcher, Lenny Randle, Jim Hill, Vince Ferragamo, Fred Dryer, Laura Lasorda, Ann Meyer Drysdale, Drew Drysdale, and Joe Buscaino.”
LAURA (MAY) GRISOLANO writes “It has ’86 been so long since I have written one of these, I cannot even remember what to say! In highlight form: “It was so wonderful to see everyone on the Zoomunion! (Except that it reminded me how old we are.) As a new empty nester, I moved back to my hometown (Phoenix, AZ) in February of 2020 and have been so grateful for the sunshine and readily available year-round hiking. Huge thanks to my fellow AZ
alumni GORDON ’85 and DANA (WALTER) KEIG ’87, BEN SACKS ’18, and JEFF HOHL ’87 P’24 for the warm welcome.
“My mediation and conflict management practice (BridgeADR.com) has been busy dealing with the fallout of the quarantine and the rapid transition to remote work. It turns out that a year of zooming without regular face-to-face interaction allows small infractions to grow into larger resentments and serious interpersonal tension. I have also been doing a ton of executive coaching as people take a step back to think about what they want out of their lives and how to be even better versions of themselves.”
DAN O’KEEFE P’25 proudly moved his son LOGAN O’KEEFE ’25 into Marks Hall for the start of his freshman year and will be throwing around some weights on the track and field like pops did before him. Dan was also recently remarried to Michelle Berman. “Together for almost 10 years but recently decided to take the plunge. Why? I don’t know. I have two awesome stepdaughters: Anais, who lives in New York City and is store manager for Jenni Kayne Home, and Soren, who is a sophomore at Emerson College in Boston. My boys—Logan is at CMC and his twin Brady is at Santa Barbara City College. In August, ANDY SAUTER and GEOFF HOUGH got their families together for dinner and a night of live theater in San Francisco. Experiencing Hamilton in person was just as good with a mask on, and way better than watching it on TV at home! From DAVE STEFANIDES: “My wife, Barbara, and I are proud parents of two amazing girls—Dana, who is a junior engineering student at Santa Clara University, working on extending human life with a Stanfordbased bio-med startup so she can help her dad live forever; and Kira, who is a senior in high school in the midst of applying to over-priced colleges across the country. “We are also expecting a new baby, a darling boy—a red merle Australian shepherd due to come home the week before Thanksgiving. If you asked me which are better, kids or dogs, now having had both, I’d have to say … woof.”
LISA (COEL) HARRISON P’22 M’22: “Our son, ’90 Sam, is a senior at CMC, an RA in Green, executive vice president of ASCMC, and a starting player on the water polo team. Tom and I catch every possible game (we live in Orange County) and treasure our time back on campus as alumni and parents.”
From DANIEL MARKERT, we heard: “I retired from the Army after 34 years of service and completed my full-time assignment as the director of operations in the California National Guard, during an unprecedented year and half of emergency operations for the pandemic, riots, and wildfires. I am working out what to do next, either in technology, the defense industry, or emergency services. We have our youngest boy in high school and three boys in college at UC Davis, Chapman, and Biola.” And, MARC BIRENBAUM P’25 writes, “My wife, Jana Birenbaum P’25, and I proudly joined our daughter, MEG BIRENBAUM ’25, on campus to assist with her move-in to Fawcett Hall and attend the freshman and parent orientation events. While in town we were able to catch up with BRIAN BULLARD and his wife, Carrie, as well as RICHARD ‘RICK’ FRYE ’92 and his wife, Melissa, along with the usual trips to Costco, Target, and Trader Joe’s to stock the dorm room. “Less than a week later, Meg filled in for me when other classmates from ’91 and ’92 got together to cheer on the CMS soccer team against Westmont College. In attendance with her were prior Stag players SEAN

ANNE-MARIE D’AGOSTINO ’91 Amd_originals@yahoo.com
In her CMC Dean of Students role, DIANNA “DT” GRAVES helped welcome students back students after more than a year of online classes. She reports that they are as fun as ever, and it’s amazing to have life on campus again. DT caught up with CINDY (MARESSO) GRAY in October when they went to see the Athena volleyball team smoke Pomona-Pitzer in three sets. Cindy’s kids came along and cheered in force.
KRISTAL DEKLEER ’98 kdekleer@yahoo.com
Class of ’99 reports in busy and brilliant as usual!
Professor KRISTOPHER BURRELL sends tidings that some students are about to have a great semester learning. He writes, “I’ll be guest teaching for CMC Professor Diana Selig’s History of American Education classes on Oct. 26 through Zoom. I earned tenure and promotion to associate professor at Hostos Community CollegeCUNY on Aug. 25, 2020.” Dr. MEI-LIN PANG recently started working at Indian Health Center in pediatrics. She’s living in the Bay Area with her husband, two sons, and three rescue cats.
Memories of 9/11: 20 years later
This year marked the 20th Anniversary of the 9/11 attacks in New York City, Washington, D.C. and Shanksville, Pa. As part of this edition of Class Notes, we asked CMC alumni for personal recollections and reflections. Below is a compilation from several class years that shows the impact and emotion of that fateful day on all of us, no matter where we were in the world. Special thanks to Class Liaisons for making the ask and to everyone who submitted a memory for consideration so we could create this brief record of history in the magazine. We appreciated the opportunity to read them all.
Call to action
“I clearly remember Sept. 11, 2001. My wife and I were finishing up our packing for a trip back east from northern San Diego County. Our purpose was to visit our daughter, Kendra, whom we had not seen for over a year. She was a nurse working in the ER of Dulles Hospital near Washington, D.C. As we finished tidying up the house, the phone rang. It was our daughter. ‘Dad, I cannot talk. Turn on the TV.’ Then she hung up. I turned on the TV and my wife and I were quickly mesmerized by the horrible news about the Twin Towers and the Pentagon disasters. Minutes later, I had to turn off the TV as it came time to leave on our 45-minute drive to the San Diego airport. I recall driving down an on-ramp to the local freeway and turning on the radio. There was obvious chaos in the east. After listening for only a couple of minutes, it became obvious that our flight was going to be cancelled, as were most flights across the U.S. I turned around and took my wife home. We rescheduled the flight for a couple of weeks later.
“Kendra told us her story. She was at her home in Alexandria, Va., on her day off from work. She received a phone call from the ER supervisor of her hospital. A plane had crashed into the Pentagon. She was directed to immediately return to the hospital and be prepared to work a couple of shifts. There was an expectation that there would be a large number of casualties from the Pentagon crash. Plans were in place to scatter the patients to a number of hospitals closest to the Pentagon, including Dulles Hospital. My daughter grabbed her gear and took off in her car. She arrived at the freeway on-ramp to find that it was blocked by a police vehicle. She explained to the officer that she was a nurse who had been summoned to her job site at Dulles Hospital. The officer then personally escorted Kendra’s vehicle about 10 miles to her exit. Kendra said this drive was eerie. She and the police vehicle were the only vehicles on the freeway. It turned out that the number of casualties was relatively low and luckily few were transported to Kendra’s hospital.” —Richard Cline ’65
“In my job as a senior executive of Cummins Inc., I had to fly to New York City regularly to meet with Wall Street bankers and investors, to explain how well we were doing and to borrow money to help finance our growth and expansion. One of those trips to New York City happened that fateful day of Sept. 11, 2001. My wife, Tomy, came with me and was going to visit with friends while I was working.
“At 8:30 that morning, I was inside the World Trade Center, in Tower 3, right next to the two taller towers. I was giving a talk to bankers in a beautiful glass-filled conference room. From the 20th floor, I looked out the windows to see the New York skyline. I saw a plane in the distance and kept talking— but there was something strange about it. Instead of flying up and away, I saw the plane was flying lower and getting closer. I kept talking, but my mind was on that plane. For a final few seconds, I stopped and stared out the window because I could see the nose of the plane and I thought it was going to hit me! But it smashed into the tower right next to us. As it crashed, I saw the American Airlines logo and faces of people sitting by the windows.
“Before we could decide what to do, an announcement came over the loudspeakers of our building saying, ‘Don’t leave, this building is safe. Yes, a plane has crashed into Tower 1, but if you leave you could be hit by falling debris.’ I called my wife and told her I was OK. She turned on the TV and I returned to the group, reassured. Then, just as suddenly, the second plane hit the second tower. This time everyone ignored the loudspeaker and started walking down 20 floors of stairs. As we reached the huge lobby of the seven-building complex, it was abuzz with activity, but there was no panic. Evacuation was well organized by the police and thousands of people exited in rows, marked with yellow tape. Other rows were marked with red tape for the firefighters entering Towers 1 and 2. Of course, almost none of them made it out alive.
“The police wanted to get the crowd away from the towers as quickly as possible so thousands of us were guided into the nearest subway station. We had to walk around Tower 1 and I could see the tail of the American Airlines plane I had seen earlier. I also saw many people jumping from the tower, something I couldn’t understand at the time. We were directed into the subway and a car whisked us away. However, after just a few minutes, right after the third plane crashed into the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., the government turned off all power in downtown New York. All the lights went out, the subway stopped, and I was stuck there for over three hours.
“There was no phone service in the subway, so I couldn’t call Tomy, but being down in the subway probably saved my life because I was protected as the first tower and then the second collapsed. People were killed from the falling debris for blocks around. But Tomy hadn’t heard from me as she saw the two towers collapse on TV. She was going crazy. Finally, after three hours, the power was turned back on, the subway started up, the doors opened at the next stop, and we finally were able to leave the subway. As we emerged, it was total chaos. There was still no phone service and I walked 60 blocks back to Tomy and our hotel for the happiest hug of our entire lives.
“We couldn’t fly back to London and had to stay in New York City. The city was as closed as a ghost town for five days but, looking back, that helped me begin to process what had happened
and how close I had come. We went to four or five church and memorial services. Everyone was in shock. We witnessed many family members looking for missing relatives. They posted pictures along fences and buildings but sadly, if they hadn’t escaped before the buildings collapsed, none survived.
“One incident stuck in my mind. While all the shops and restaurants were closed, we did see a gift shop that was open with two men inside. We went in and as we entered, one man left and the other came up to us and said, ‘I’m the owner and I’m sorry, but we aren’t open. I just came in to do some paperwork, and the guy you just saw is a firefighter who works across the street. Sept. 11 was his day off and he was 100 miles away. The other 15 firefighters in his house were called 70 blocks to the Towers. None of them survived.’ The enormity of the situation hit us hard.
“After five days, we were able to fly back to London. As we walked into the lobby of our apartment complex, we saw our church’s pastor sitting and waiting patiently for us to arrive. He had heard about our plight and came over to make sure we were OK. We invited him in for a cup of tea, and I assured him we were fine. He responded saying, ‘Great, I’ll see you next week.’ I thought I was fine and went back to my usual hectic schedule of work and travel, but our pastor kept coming back because he knew that post-traumatic stress takes time to show itself.
“The fact was … I wasn’t fine, and Sept. 11 gradually forced me to think about my life and priorities. I was in denial. I kept having two visual flashbacks, seeing the nose of the airplane as it crashed, the passengers’ faces, and the people jumping from the tower. I struggled with questions such as, ‘Why was I saved?’ And ‘If I was saved, then what does it mean? What should I be doing with my life?’ It took about nine months of listening to a gentle whisper in my head but thanks to my wife and my pastor, I realized that the gentle whisper was telling me it was time to retire from my company.
“I took early retirement 18 years ago. We moved to Miami, our home away from home. Today, I am living out my life’s purpose: to help and serve others. I am as busy as I was in my business career, but I spend more time on what I want to do, helping and serving others to make a difference in the world. My nonprofit work caught the attention of President Gann and she asked me to become a member of the Kravis Leadership Institute and I have enjoyed participating with them for 10 years.” — John “Jack” Edwards ’66 P’01
An exceptionally long walk
“I had worked on the 85th floor of Tower 2 for six years. The World Trade Center was an amazing place and I always looked forward to going to work. On 9/11, I had my own wealth management business in New York City and very fortunately was attending a financial services seminar at the Pierre Hotel. The seminar host reported that a small plane had hit one of the towers, but shortly thereafter we all saw a live video of the towers on fire and then the shocking collapse.
“I walked 15 blocks back to my mid-town office. The streets were crowded with pedestrians all in disbelief. Public transit in and around Manhattan was shut down. My staff were all NYC residents and had to walk home. For some it was an exceptionally long walk. I lived in New Jersey and had a car parked at the Port Authority in NYC, which was shut down. (I was not able to retrieve my car for a week.) I left the office at mid-afternoon and walked to the west side of NYC hoping there would be ferry service across the Hudson to New Jersey. As we were crossing the river to the Hoboken Train Terminal, I saw Tower 7 collapse, the last building to fall. As we disembarked, everyone had to go through a portable shower because of the possible contaminants in the air. Men in suits and women in dresses were completely soaked before boarding trains in New Jersey to their destinations.
“I got home around 7:30 p.m. to my wife and son who had no way to contact me, but they knew I was at an uptown seminar that day and was presumably safe. It was a frightening, tragic, and incredibly sad day. The firm I had worked for years earlier on the 85th floor lost one-third of their staff. Some were close colleagues.” —Dale Jacobs ’66
Will always wonder
“I retired on Aug. 31 after a 35-year career with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Federal law enforcement personnel had to retire by the last day of the month they turned 57. My wife was still working and was in Washington, D.C., that day. We were having our driveway replaced and I was working in the basement at home. The report I heard was that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center in New York, but with no details. It wasn’t until the second plane hit that it became obvious that this was a deliberate act. I listened to the accounts on the radio. I had tried to call my wife, but couldn’t get through as cell service was overwhelmed. My son called me in the late morning to tell me my wife had contacted him to let him know she was OK, but was stuck in Washington as all transit had been shut down. I eventually was able to get in touch with her. She said she was at Union Station waiting for train service to resume. The one big thing I always wonder about is what would have happened if my retirement date had been in September or October of that year.” —Charles Bullock ’66
“Two of the most significant events I have lived through were the assassination of John Kennedy and 9/11. I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing on both. On the day Kennedy was assassinated, I was at a rifle range in Ontario for ROTC training. When I got back to the campus there was a strange quiet everywhere. The first thing I noticed was one of the political science professors walking and crying. I asked him what was wrong, and he told me what had happened. The rest of the day, we gathered around TVs to see what more we could learn.
“On 9/11, I was in Tokyo as a member of the Port of Stockton trade mission. Late that night, I received a phone call in my hotel room to turn on my TV. I watched in horror as the second plane flew into the second tower. Both towers were billowing smoke and I continued to watch in horror as they collapsed. With all air flights cancelled. we stayed in Tokyo until that Saturday and were on the first plane to land in San Francisco. The airport was deserted.” — Joseph “Joe” Johnson ’67
Lasting impression
“My younger son and I had just tuned into ESPN to check the Mariners’ standings (they once were a good team) when we got the news. I said something profound like, ‘this really changes things,’ at which time Stuart (15) looked at me and responded; ‘Well, duh.’ Living in Bellingham, Wash., the event seemed remote, notwithstanding the fact that we had close friends living in Manhattan. We called them to learn they had lost good friends. Then, some years later, a colleague showed up at Western Washington University whose father had worked for Cantor Fitzgerald. The last thing she remembers was his calling home to ask what he should pick up for dinner. Not so remote.” — William “Tom” Moore ’67
The fragility of life
“9/11 is forever burned painfully in my memory for incredibly personal reasons. I was living in Europe at the time and came home for a month. I was in Montana visiting my son, who was becoming a fly-fishing guide of some reputation in the Treasure Valley area (Madison River, Yellowstone River, Gallatin River, and surrounding streams). We fished all week and were taking a special trip to Anaconda, Mont., to play golf at the now-famous Jack Nicklausdesigned golf course built there with Superfund money to reclaim decades of environmental damage done by a tin smelter and its disposal of tailings. The course is built on reclaimed land and the ‘sand’ in the bunkers is sterilized tailing material. It is a truly magnificent course, delightful to play and a worthy effort. “We were playing the course on 9/11 and had seen the news clips before leaving for the two-hour drive to Anaconda. I frustrated my son by winning by one stroke. He had never been able to beat me since we started playing together when he was 11 years old. Now he was 31. But it was a spirited and loving competition ending in lots of smiles and hugs as well as a couple of beers as we returned to Bozeman. I had to leave the next day to return to Budapest, where I lived at the time.
“The departure from the airport was an amazing experience. My son and I shared an open conversation, and he gave me an almost fatal bear hug as I boarded the plane. We had indeed reached a new plateau of mutual respect and affection during the week. It was the best experience I ever had with him—and the last time I ever saw him. In mid-November, I received a call at 2 a.m. that he had been in a horrible accident, and it was doubtful that he would survive until I got there. I rushed to his side, but did not make it.
“At that moment, my life changed forever. So, while I cannot share the same degree of pain that the victims, survivors, and families, I can lay claim to a pain of similar nature and magnitude. When the tragic and painful events of 9/11 become insufficient to remind me of the fragility of life and family, I have my own related version to continually emphasize that message.” —Ted Parrish ’67
Anger and helplessness
“I was in my hotel room in San Francisco during a business trip with other executives from our custom publishing firm in Chicago. We were to have a meeting with one of our clients early that morning. I was up just before 6 a.m. and getting ready, having turned on the TV. I overheard the announcer saying that there was no more information about the plane that hit the first World Trade Center tower minutes before, and was watching the smoking building on the screen when the second plane hit. My first reaction was to shout at the TV, ‘now you’ve done it, now we’re going to war.’ I felt anger and helplessness at the chaotic scene, as I had retired from my 32-year active and reserve military career the year before. Throughout that day’s coverage, the flights crashing in Pennsylvania and into the Pentagon, I couldn’t help thinking about the loss of innocent lives, still only being estimated. Much later, I learned that many of those killed at the Pentagon, including Lieutenant General Tim Maude, were people I had worked with during my final two-week reserve duty the prior year.” — Richard “Dick” Baumer ’67
“I was at one of CIA’s northern Virginia training facilities working on several classes I was running for new intelligence analysts. One of them focused on counterinsurgency and counter-terrorism analysis. The first I knew of the attack was from television coverage of the first plane going into the tower. We all thought it must have been a terrible accident until the second plane hit. Then we knew this was a terrorist attack.
“My immediate concern and fear were for our son. His office was a block away from the Twin Towers and he was supposed to be meeting with a reporter that morning there. For several hours, we didn’t know whether he was dead or alive. We eventually were told to evacuate our building. My wife was working at her school; we had not been able to reach each other by phone and neither of us could get through to our son’s phone. Once home, we found we had a phone message from him letting us know he was OK. His meeting with the reporter had been cancelled and he and his business partner had fled their building after watching the second plane hit. He got through the debris cloud, eventually found a pay phone (cell phones weren’t working), and left a message. He made his way to the apartment of close friends a mile or so away. His friends were terrified because they were Muslims. To this day, the anniversary of 9/11 is a grueling day for us.” — James “Jim” Carson ’67
“Sharon and I were in London on 9/11. She was in the Chelsea Market area, and I was at a defense systems equipment international event in the Docklands when we heard reports of the attacks. Cells were down, but we contacted each of our three children by landline and knew they were safe. I had several people who worked for me in the Pentagon, but all were far away from the West Wall where Flight 77 hit. We were walking the Mall towards Buckingham Palace on Sept. 13 when we heard ‘The Star-Spangled Banner’ played in the distance. We later learned the Queen had directed it be played at the Changing of the Guard. Every Brit we met from Sept. 11 through 18, when we flew back to Dulles, expressed the sentiments, ‘we are with you.’ This included chatty cabbies, reserved government officials, and diners in restaurants who would ask if we were Yanks (how could they tell?), and then expressed their support. It was a different London to see flack-vested police and soldiers with automatic weapons on the streets.” —Aaron Fuller ’67 “My wife is an early riser (much earlier than I) and 9/11 was no exception. She was up at oh-dark-30 and came in to wake me up at 6 so I could be at work by 8. She said, ‘Something weird is happening in New York City,’ and turned on the bedroom TV. Well, I’m not all here first thing in the morning (takes me a while to reach 50% awake. All the coffee in Colombia will never make me a morning person). So, I sat on the edge of our bed, blinking back sleep, looked at the first burning tower, and was convinced I was watching some dystopian science fiction movie. I was thinking, ‘Wow, that’s some special effects they’ve got there!’ This was an impression enhanced when I saw the second plane hit the second tower on my way to our bathroom. I’m still trying to make sense of it when Karen screamed, ‘They’ve attacked New York!’ (Her favorite city in the entire world.) I didn’t know who ‘they’ were yet, but it was an ‘oh, crap’ moment all the same. We turned up the TV and listened while we got ready for our respective workdays. Aside from watching the latest horror, I remember talking about the possibility that we might be recalled to active duty, since we were both retired military at that point. It didn’t happen, but there was always the chance that it could. It was a dreadful day, and one hell of a wake-up call. I do not think I will ever forget the sight of the second plane flying so fast and low into the second tower, even if I only saw it from the corner of my eye.” — Dennis Mann ’67
Vivid perspective
“My initial memories of 9/11 are still vivid, waking up to the morning news and watching the plane hit the second tower while preparing for work. The immediate problem was trying to explain to my 10- and 11-year-old sons what they had just witnessed, and then dropping them off at school while I spent a nervous day at work. It got chaotic after that. I immediately found myself on a state science advisory committee, tasked with emergency response for lab testing, and strategic planning for ‘just in case’ scenarios. In retrospect, being 3,000 miles from Ground Zero made any problems that I perceived at the time quite insignificant. Today, I ponder the difference in responses in our society to two existential threats, ones that unite us, the other that divides us still.” —Rodger Baird ’68 P’11
“I remember 9/11 vividly. I worked in Midtown—watching out the window and on TV. I figured out with colleagues how to get everyone home with all transportation shut down. I walked through Midtown encountering a few panicking crowds responding to rumors of ‘other bombs.’ We sought refuge in Central Park. My wife was stuck in Cleveland, finally able to rent a car with a fellow healthcare worker that enabled them to be allowed to enter the city. Sadly, there were no survivors needing emergency care at her lower east side clinic. It took months to stay calm when hearing sirens.” — Fredrick “Fred” Levy ’68
Chaos and confusion
“I remember watching the planes fly into the Twin Towers on the news and waking my 11-year-old daughter and telling her we were watching history. The images on TV had particular meaning for me since I clerked for the New York state attorney general on the 72nd floor of one of the Towers, frequented the Windows on the World lounge on the 110th floor whenever I was in New York, and had many friends and colleagues who worked at the World Trade Center. I then dropped my daughter off at school, and when I picked her up, the news was chaotic and contradictory. Did planes crash into the White House, the Capitol, and the Pentagon? Was there gunfire in Washington? Where was the President? Would the economy collapse? It was a long, miserable, and unforgettable day.” —Alan Greenberg ’73
Keeping a reminder
“I was working in the legal department at Citigroup, and my office was on the 34th floor of 7 World Trade Center. My office looked out on the two World Trade Center towers and the plaza with the globe in the middle. Typically, I would arrive at the office around 8:15 a.m. and at about 8:45 a.m. (the time when the first plane hit the north tower), I would be outside grabbing a cup of coffee and a bagel from one of the ubiquitous coffee carts on the streets. But on Sept. 11, 2001, I was in Stamford, Conn., because I was changing jobs and joining UBS. I was meeting with my soon-to-be-new manager of the UBS capital markets legal group, and I was there to finalize my offer and set my starting date. So, I learned of the attacks like most Americans—by seeing the news on TV. Word got around very quickly at UBS, because traders there had been on the phones with traders at Cantor Fitzgerald, and suddenly the phones went dead. I tried reaching my colleagues at Citi by phone, but the phones just rang and rang. Later the phones stopped connecting completely. I ended up spending the day in the UBS offices watching with horror as the two towers went down and the attack took place on the Pentagon. “While I didn’t know any of the victims of the attacks personally, three people I was close to lost relatives that day. The son-in-law of my administrative assistant at Citi was a NYC fireman. You’ve heard the stories of firemen coming off shifts who went back out to the WTC. He was one of them. He died when his truck was crushed when the south tower fell. My new manager at UBS, the one I was meeting with that morning, lost his brother-in-law. He was at a breakfast conference at Windows on the World, and they were not able to get to the roof nor go down past where the plane had crashed into the building. Finally, my niece knew a classmate and her father who were on one of the planes that crashed into the WTC.
“While I did not experience the horrors of 9/11 first hand, I knew the WTC and its environs so very well, and it was hard for me when later I visited lower Manhattan to recall the time I spent there. I’ve kept the key to my office, and I share it and my stories of my days there every year on Sept. 11.” — Steve Thatcher ’73
Always in our memories
“At the time, I was coordinating the integration of TWA (which we had recently purchased) into American Airlines. I had just walked into my office at our DFW corporate headquarters that morning when a colleague came down from the executive floor and said the security director had run into the CEO’s office with a report of a plane crashing into the World Trade Center. We went into the conference room to see what was on TV and ended up staying there until early afternoon—stunned and silent, like most of the rest of the world. At one point, I commented that it was amazing the buildings were still standing. About 10 minutes later, they fell. Our six-story office building was eerily quiet. People spoke in hushed tones. Our airline operations center was across the street and was a beehive of activity, but most work in our building stopped that day.
“With our office located just south of the DFW Airport and with all aircraft in the country grounded, there were no sounds of planes landing or taking off. Very odd. About 5 p.m., that silence was broken by a loud fighter jet passing overhead. Our regular TWA implementation meeting was scheduled for that Friday, and we quickly changed its agenda to assess how the airline’s new situation was going to affect our cut-over plans set for two months later. That meeting was standing room only, and it turned out to be one of the most challenging and emotionally draining meetings I ever chaired. To the team’s credit, we integrated TWA into AA on schedule and without a problem. About a month after Sept. 11, hundreds of us attended a very touching AA-employeesonly memorial service for our colleagues lost that day. They are remembered every year.” —Ken Gilbert ’73
“I was driving my car to LaGuardia airport from Weston, Conn., the morning of Sept. 11. I had a flight to Chicago that day to go to a trade show. It was a beautiful sunny September day in NYC. As I came onto the Whitestone Bridge, I could see smoke billowing out from one of the World Trade Towers. On the radio, Don Imus speculated that it was a small plane that hit the tower. As I drove into the LaGuardia parking lot, I heard that a second plane and hit the second tower. Instead of going to the terminal, I went back to my car and drove back home as quickly as possible, and then spent the day watching television of the horrible news about the terror attack. I then found out about one week later that two of my graduate school classmates died on 9/11. We should never forget.” — Russell “Russ” Greenberg ’79 P’19
A hard, personal loss
“Unfortunately, having lived in New York, I knew many individuals in the financial industry who perished on 9/11. However, there is one in particular who hit me really hard. He was about my age, had a child born just around the same time as my daughter, Carly, and was just an amazing individual. He had a passion for the business. We spoke numerous times per day and, during the early days of my career, he always provided great advice. As our conversations were taped, I know about his last moments. It took me years until I was able to return to Wall Street.
“On a lighter note, I will never forget flying back to New York after 9/11. A flight attendant was glad to see me and mentioned that it provided her comfort that, in case something would happen, a friendly face would be able to assist. Well, for all of you who know me, I am not too sure how this skinny man could have helped, but at least I made someone more ‘secure.’” —Paul “Pablo” Herbert Nathan ’80 “On the morning of 9/11, I was sitting in my car, stuck in traffic on I-395 during a typical September rush-hour commute from suburban Virginia to my law office in Washington, D.C. I was less than half a mile from the Pentagon when a plane flew directly over my head, very low, and disappeared over the slight rise in front of me. I was listening to the radio and what was going on in NYC, and, as the plane flew right over me, I stiffened, thinking that’s not on final to Reagan National Airport. Seconds later, my Ford Probe GT was literally rolled backwards from the shock wave of American Airlines Flight 77 slamming into the Pentagon. They turned around all traffic in the HOV lanes to get us out of the area and I went directly to our church, to watch the Twin Towers fall and wait for word about the fate of my friends in the Pentagon. Amidst the horror, word trickled in that all our church friends were safe, and we rejoiced while still crying for those who lost loved ones. I, for one, will never forget that day, knowing that the world would never quite be the same. And it still isn’t.” —James “Jim” Dunstan ’80
One day difference
“On Sept. 10, I commuted into lower Manhattan from northern New Jersey via NJ Transit and PATH, as I had daily for several years. While I had left my Wall Street firm the year previous to join the ‘circus’—later called ‘Internet 1.0’—I was now doing consulting work for my old firm following the 2000 ‘tech’ crash. At about 8:30 a.m., I came out of the PATH station at the World Trade Center complex out onto the plaza surrounded by WTC 1 and 2 and the other buildings. The sun was out that morning and I was quickly and pleasantly reminded of the many meals that I had shared with my former colleagues over the years on the plaza.
“I walked across Church Street to the headquarters of my old firm. The building was once the headquarters of my firm’s long-time parent company, a company that my late father worked for in this same building. Over the entrance to that building was a bronze plate that quoted a famous Daniel Webster speech: ‘credit is man’s confidence in man.’ I spent the morning visiting with my former colleagues and then headed home. Scarcely 24 hours later, the World Trade Center complex was almost completely obliterated. The plaza that I walked through the previous day was now a massive ‘pile’ of building debris—and a graveyard of thousands. The familiar places that I had recalled so pleasantly the day before had ceased to exist forever; including, as it later turned out, my father’s building torn down for a high-rise residential building.
“As Virgil wrote centuries ago in a poem that Latin students (including me) frequently translated in class: ‘Nullas die umquam memori vos existe.’” —Jay Tremblay ’80
“My phone rang at an early hour on 9/11, and my sister was on the other end. She was calling from Argentina and had already seen TV footage of the first plane flying into one of the towers in New York. At first, I could not understand what she was talking about. She was very alarmed. When I turned on the TV, I understood what was happening. I had to take a test in downtown L.A. that morning, and so I went and took it, then went to work. There was a notice on the door of our suite telling us that the office was closed and we were to remain at home. When I got home, I felt a strange sense of unreality about it all—it felt like I was in a dream and I hoped to wake up any minute. I had been in New York around July 4 and walked right near the Twin Towers. I had been in them before, so I did not go into them again. About two months later it was 9/11.” — William (Bill) Jones ’83
A terrible tragedy
“I was in a training class at the Foreign Service Institute outside D.C. on 9/11. An instructor interrupted our session to tell us a plane had crashed into one of the WTC towers. A terrible tragedy. We resumed class. She then came back a short time later to tell us a second plane had crashed into the other WTC tower. It was an attack. Everyone was ordered to leave immediately. I then volunteered to serve on the task force, staffing the phones. There were many foreigners among the 3,000 murdered that day. We, at the State Department, covered liaison with their governments and families.” — Larry “Chip” André ’83
Aimless and numb
“Twenty years ago, I was working as an attorney in Rockefeller Center in Midtown Manhattan. After the second tower was hit, I vividly remember running to and lighting candles at St. Patrick’s Cathedral with a colleague and being jolted out of my prayers by the blood-curdling screams coming from outside on Fifth Avenue as the first tower fell. When I stepped outside, I observed strangers hugging strangers; we were crying in each other’s arms. Thereafter, we were all in utter shock. Friends were aimlessly walking the streets of Manhattan with friends not knowing where to go or what to do, many settling on sitting at bars. We were numb. The unthinkable had become the thinkable. And we have never been the same since.” —Teresa A. Gonsalves ’90 “On 9/11, I was awakened by our clock radio at 6:30 a.m. PST in Cupertino, Calif., with news that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center. We got up, turned on the TV, and watched the second plane impact the second tower. I turned and told my wife that was no accident, we have been attacked, and we are now at war. I was an Army infantry captain in the California Army National Guard, and aide to the commanding general. I called the command group office and asked if I needed to report in, and an audibly shaken major told me, ‘No, not now, but we will call you.’ My wife held our first child, Casey, then only 2 years old, and we knew our personal lives would be changed, but not exactly how nor for how long.” —Daniel Markert ’91
“I was a senior at CMC, and one of the resident assistants in the apartments. I woke to a phone call from Dean Jeff Huang telling me that something had happened and to turn on the news. He was calling all the RAs, so we were aware and could start thinking how to support any residents who might be impacted by the attacks. I had no idea what he was talking about (of course!). I hurried to the living room of my apartment, where my roommate Danielle (Neff) Wiener was already glued to the TV. She was home from her early morning cross country practice, and the team had heard the news in the van. Our other roommates, Deborah Hall and Dominique Wood, came to join us and watch the news (and the planes hitting the towers over and over) shortly later. Little did we know how much that morning’s events would change our nation and world in the days, weeks, and years to come.” — Kaitlin (Gibson) Waterson ’02
A disruptive start
“I will never forget the morning of Sept. 11. I had just started my senior year, and was living in the senior apartments with three of my good friends: Ashley Fluhrer Greenberg, Amanda (Engle) Carlisle, and Kristina (Sturman) Nelson. I woke up to my phone ringing; it was my mom telling me about the planes hitting the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. My first thought was, “we are under attack.” I got up, turned on the TV, and woke up my roommates. Our friends (the guys downstairs) came up, too. We all watched together as the towers fell. As you can imagine, senior year and the course of our lives were dramatically affected by that morning. Job offers were rescinded, the economy went into a deep depression, and our post-graduation plans all changed.” —Julianna (Gassman) Hayes ’02
“I remember getting a phone call from a track teammate telling me America was under attack. A dormmate had lent me a TV, so I turned it on in disbelief. There it was on screen. One tower had already collapsed. I had an 8 a.m. accounting class with Professor Marc Massoud P’89, so I went to Collins to get something to eat before class. There was a radio playing, and that’s when we heard the news of the second tower coming down. I went to class, not knowing what else to do. The Bauer classroom was full. Massoud walked in quietly and had everyone to stand. He then asked for a moment of silence for all of the lives lost in the attack and then he ended with, ‘We’re going to find the bastards that did this.’ He dismissed class for the day, and we went back to the dorms to watch the news.” —Aaron Rubin ’02
Surreal experience
“I remember that it was a Tuesday, because Tuesday mornings the football team had early morning team weightlifting at Ducey Gym. At 6 a.m. we were all up and trying to get our workout in while listening to the news in real time on the ratty old gym stereo. Pretty surreal experience. Looking back at it now, we were probably some of the first people on campus aware of what was going on.” —Mike Avent ’04
Comforting words
“I remember waking up on 9/11 and having some of my suitemates rush into the room saying to turn on the TV. I spent the next hour watching everything transpire and seeing the aftermath. What was surreal is that at 9 a.m. that morning, it was the first day of class for international relations with Professor Charles Lofgren. I walked over to class and the professor was being interviewed by Fox News about his opinions on the attack. When class started, he told us that this attack would not cripple our economy and only serve to strengthen our influence in the world. It was very comforting to hear his words and I’ll never forget them.” —Karl Kuenhold ’04
The sting of tears
“Like most mornings that semester, my alarm sounded around 7:30 a.m. and I tried not to wake my roommate—an impossible task in the room we shared in Marks. I gave myself just barely enough time to brush my teeth and hair, throw on a skirt and shirt, grab my car keys, and drive to my work study internship at the City of Claremont human services department—the Claremont equivalent of Parks and Recreation. When I started my car, the radio was already tuned to some kind of top 40 countdown show. I was more than halfway to work before I realized that there was no music playing. When I finally heard what the announcer was saying—planes crashed, America under attack, suspected terrorism—I pulled the car over. On the radio that morning, there was little concrete information and the numbers they were throwing around included the total number of people who worked in the World Trade Center, up to 50,000 people. Sitting there on a side street just north of Foothill Boulevard, I felt tightness in my throat and the sting of tears forming in my eyes. I sat there a minute, maybe two, and in the end there were no tears. I drove on to work.
“When I arrived, the City’s buildings were all closed to the public and most of the staff were in emergency meetings developing response plans. No one could decide if I should stay, and none of my normal photocopying and alphabetizing duties seemed to be a high priority, especially given my in-between status—not staff, not ‘the public.’ I sat on a bench in the reception area, waiting for an answer for maybe 20 minutes before someone I barely knew said that maybe I should just go home.
“When I got back to campus, I stopped at the Hub, where students had gathered to watch the news. That was the only time that day that I saw video footage of the WTC fall. I wandered back to my dorm, found some friends, and let myself cry. The only class I had on Tuesdays was a ‘science for non-science majors’ class called The Living Sea. I remember the professor announced that they had been asked to lead discussions about what was happening, and she asked if any of us had anything we wanted to say or discuss. A room full of confused 18- to 22-year-olds, unsurprisingly, had very little to say or discuss, so she decided to give her prepared lecture on phytoplankton. I dropped the class a few weeks later.” —Jana Hardy Kinsey ’04
Shaken to the core
“I very clearly remember waking up the morning of 9/11 in Wolford Hall and being shaken to the core. I don’t think I really believed there was anything I could do myself to help make our forever-altered world safer until I was studying abroad a year or two later. I was in a classroom with foreign students where the class and the professor mocked the American response to 9/11, essentially arguing that it wasn’t very many people who died and “America had it coming.” I was alone and not expecting that. I looked around and felt all eyes of the classroom on me waiting. I was scared and didn’t respond. I didn’t speak up. I didn’t argue or counter that terribly incorrect narrative.
“I carried that shame with me for some time. During law school, I had the opportunity to apply for the Navy Judge Advocate General’s (JAG) Corps to serve as a lawyer and as a naval officer. During my time as a JAG, I served as a prosecutor and adviser
to commanders at sea and on shore. I deployed with Army’s 82nd Airborne to Afghanistan. I also served at JTF Guantanamo, Pacific Fleet in Hawaii, and in Korea. Based on my experiences in Afghanistan, I decided I could be of better use in the medical field. I went to school at night to complete my prerequisites and was accepted to medical school in 2016.
“I graduated in 2020 and was accepted to residence in orthopedic surgery. I chose orthopedic surgery because it is a mission-critical specialty in the Navy and because I enjoy helping wounded service members recover from their injuries. The lessons about civic duty and leadership I learned at CMC set me on this path. I am grateful to have attended a college where I learned I have purpose and the ability to make a positive impact.” —Jasmine Scott ’04
A defining moment
“Tuesday morning at 6 a.m. in Claremont is a pretty quiet time. It’s especially quiet in Boswell during the first few weeks of your college experience. Your first-ever roommate, who is from Texas and isn’t sure she likes you (she doesn’t), is not a morning person, but you barely even know that yet. You’ve stayed up with your suitemates a total of one time, and honestly, you don’t know all their names, let alone their stories. The early motions of your freshman year are full of mumbled, awkward moments—it’s a bit of a dazed-out blur. This is, perhaps, how you end up with an 8 a.m. Italian class at Scripps several days a week. You don’t know how this place works yet.
“Jackie Dadakis starts banging on everyone’s door on the second floor, you hear her yelling, ‘Get up and turn on the TV,’ before she’s made it next door to you. And even though you don’t know her yet, you know something is wrong. The World Trade Center is on fire. On your first trip to New York, six years prior, you went to the Observation Deck. Were there people up there?
“You learn that Jackie is from Connecticut. Someone called her— her mother?—and told her to turn on the TV. As soon as she saw it, she went tearing down the hallway knocking and shouting. You’re grateful for that, but confused. You make it to the television after the second plane, but before the Pentagon is hit. You have no idea what to make of what you’re seeing with your own two eyes.
“You’re from Florida, the only student from the state, and your dad travels for work—several different places, you can’t keep track. He’s in New York all the time. You go to class. Will you have to try to talk about this in Italian? You don’t even have the words in English. You arrive before the professor, but there are students in the classroom looking stricken, shocked, some in tears. Your phone rings (text wasn’t a thing). It’s your dad and he’s fine, but he has no answers or information. No one does. You ask if you should “Until it wasn’t, 9/11 was a perfectly random date. I can’t speak for all of my deeply intelligent classmates, but most people couldn’t point to Afghanistan on a map. We had never heard of Al-Qaeda or Osama Bin Laden. OK, maybe the professors had, but we were 18. We lived through the Gulf War, so we had a frame of reference for Iraq, but the concept of the country being under attack and going to war was thoroughly foreign to us. Everything was.
“Information was sketchy for a while after, and theories ran rampant. You couldn’t get away from the footage, and I think many of us can never unsee ‘the falling man’ image. Yet, it was a bizarrely bonding experience in some ways. We knew it was important and would define some part of our lives. This was our ‘where were you when?’ event, like the moon landing, JFK assassination, or Pearl Harbor. There was a lot to talk about it in Gov20. We would be named the most politically active campus in a year. We would have friends and family who would join the military to defend our country. We would vote for a president in three years. We would have a voice. We would play a role.
“Jackie, her other next-door neighbor, Anneke Jong, and I would go on to create the Claremont Port Side along with Sydney (Rosencranz) Isaacs (she didn’t live in Boswell her freshman year, but she was still cool). Jackie was class president our senior year, and helped select a graduation speaker who talked about that fateful day because of the impact it had on the class. Twenty years later, I still remember her waking me up on September 11th. Twenty years later, we’re still friends.” —Adrienne Cohen ’05
“I remember my father and mother standing in our living room in complete silence as tears ran down their faces. We spent the entire day watching lists of names scroll down the TV screen. At the time, I don’t think I knew if we were praying my uncle’s name would show up, or praying that it wouldn’t. All I remember was praying. At one point I asked my father if my grandfather was there. He was a firefighter in New Jersey (amongst other things), and by all accounts one of the greatest men who ever lived. I knew that if he could’ve gone there, he would have. He’s one of the main reasons I chose to join the Marine Corps after graduating. To him it was always service before self. Now it’s my turn to serve.” —David Miller ’19
More 75th memories
As part of our 75th Anniversary, we're still seeking reflections about mentors who had a personal impact on you while at CMC. Please send your note of thanks or special memory to cmc_magazine@cmc.edu for possible future publication.
AUSTIN SHEPPARD has taken a new gig at Booking. com (Booking dot yeah?). This means he’s furiously unpacking after relocation from Shanghai to Manchester, England, where his two sons will join him to finish out high school. LANCE LANFEAR writes that he’s “excited to report that Gentefied season two on Netflix (that I produced) is dropping Nov. 10! I’m so proud of that work. And I’m currently working on an Apple TV+ kids show that’s incredible as well, but stuck under NDA for now. Also, very excited to report my third child, Dylan Maverick Lanfear, was born a few months ago and is excited to join the Lanfear baseball team with his older brothers!” (A side note from your scribe, Kris, Mei-Lin, Lance, AND Austin were all my freshman dormmates at the illustriously silly Marks Hall. Sorry, again, about all that supposed quiet, Class of ’95. But I’m so proud of all of us!) Last, but certainly not least, JEFFREY STEIN reports, “I got married on Aug. 8 to my beloved Maia Monasterios, an Emmy-winning filmmaker of conscious media. We are living in Marin County, traveling, and making film and other art together. I also founded a venture-backed tech startup, Deep Discovery, building AI to support investigative journalism.” (I’m proud of you, too Jeff!) That’s it for this quarter from the Class of ’99. Louis and I wish you and your families both sanity and health. Until next time!
JANA HARDY KINSEY wrote in with her first-ever class update, “I live full time in Arusha, Tanzania, with my husband, two kids, three dogs, six jersey cows, and 200 chickens. I work as an investment director with the David Weekley Family Foundation, managing a portfolio of philanthropic investments. After graduating from CMC in 2004, I moved to New York City to work in municipal government, then at a public policy think tank. I then went to Stanford Law School, eventually finding my way to international development work, first by way of the legal/human rights nonprofit International Justice Mission and then the UN International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda before focusing on women’s property rights advocacy at Inherit Your Rights and adolescent girls’ mentoring at AfricAid, Inc.” JASMINE SCOTT wrote in with the following: “After passing the California Bar and serving as a judge advocate in the Navy for eight years, I went to medical school to become a physician. I am now a second-year resident in orthopedic surgery. I have a 16-month-old daughter, Alexandra, and live in San Diego with her and my husband, Bill. JON ATABEK also provided the following note: Jon was “duped” into coaching his 5-year-old’s soccer team, but actually loves it. He took on cycling, like an old man, and again, loves it. He took on a law partner—Molnar Atabek LLP to be announced soon. Dadding hard, working hard, in that order. ABBIE (JOHNSON) WEIBEL and her husband, Jay, welcomed their second child into the world on April 14. His name is Hawkin Louis and he is a mellow guy full of smiles!
husband, Joel, welcomed their first baby on June 8. Maya Cassiopeia Doergel is beautiful, strong, curious, and silly. SCOT
MATAYOSHI shares that BYRON KOAY just welcomed a son, James Calvin Jing Koay. HAYES HUMPHREYS shares that he and his wife, Jessica, welcomed Flynn Griffin Humphreys, their “second (and final!) son,” on Aug. 6. In other news: Hayes told his first child the other night that he was “just resting his eyes,” and subsequently spent the weekend researching retirement communities because he is old. Maya, James, and Flynn, welcome to the CMC family! KYLE ELLISON writes in to share that he expanded his paddleboard business, Wai Mauna SUP Tours, to a second location in Driggs, Idaho, and continues to run the original in Asheville, N.C. In September, he took a 3,000-mile cross-country road trip with three kids in the backseat, during which they climbed the highest mountain in eight different states and surfed on Lake Superior. His family is currently deciding to spend the winter in either Baja or Botswana before returning next summer to expand the paddleboard business to additional locations outside Jackson Hole. In the meantime, he continues to freelance, writing as an expert on Maui travel. MAX GOKHMAN shares that after seven years as head of asset allocation at Pacific Life, he started as the chief investment officer of AlphaTrAI, a new hedge fund harnessing artificial intelligence to harvest performance. I’ve seen Max all over LinkedIn, as he has made several TV appearances discussing the market and gave an interview to Insider entitled: “A CIO who nailed the March 2020 market bottom for a $33 billion money manager breaks down why cybersecurity stocks are his ‘favorite’ area of the market right now—and shares two he likes as he takes the helm at an AI-driven hedge fund.” On Aug. 29, NATHANIEL “NATE” PETERS married his best friend and dazzle partner, Vaani Ganeson, at Rosario Headland overlooking the Strait of Juan de Fuca in northwest Washington. She was his first Tinder date in the winter of 2015, and they’ve been stoking that fire ever since. Congrats, Nate! ANNIE (DAUN) MEYER wrote in with the most significant update: “IMPORTANT LIFE UPDATE—I got to visit with KBlair06 in S.F.!”

“I (KEVIN BLAIR) recently spent a guys weekend in
Denver with CHRISTOPHER ‘CHRIS’ BOURNE, MICHAEL ‘MIKE’ KARP, CODY HILL, and PAUL BOOKS. We drank lots of craft beer, sipped swanky cocktails, watched lots of baseball and football, hiked, and reminisced about the wonder that is JEFFREY ‘JEFF’ MODEL.”
KYLE RAGINS: “I now have a four-month-old named Gaël! I bought a house in Manhattan Beach, where I regularly have sushi nights (+/- sake bombs) with MARCO DE LA TORRE. I had a great outdoor COVID birthday at the beach celebration for CAMILO CUELLAR with NICK WARSHAW in attendance from the Bay Area. I also enjoyed going backpacking in the Sierra Nevada with NATHAN BARRYMORE recently. I am working for L.A. County trying to run a health system dedicated to delivering healthcare to the poor of the greater Los Angeles area. I have survived the COVID pandemic without getting sick thus far (thanks to all three vaccine

Lydia Li ’13
Climate investor at Generate Capital
The first person Lydia Li ’13 told—upon learning she’d made the Forbes Under 30 list earlier this year—was, of course, her mom. But Li also reached out to someone she hadn’t seen in a while: her former CMC professor and mentor Marc Massoud P’89. “Not showing off. Just wanted to make you proud,” Li wrote to him in an email with the Forbes link. It was Massoud, the Robert A. Day Distinguished Professor of Accounting, who’d first spotted Li’s talent for investing. He’d been a bit skeptical of a government-econ double major enrolling in his “Accounting for Decision Making” class. But she knocked his socks off, delivering a presentation that still rings in his ear. Massoud nudged her toward a career in investment. An investment professional with Generate Capital, Li was credited with making headway in the pernicious “valley of death problem,” which deters traditional investors from funding emerging technologies. She bridged the chasm by immersing herself in renewable energy research, acquiring special expertise in the hydrogen fuel cell niche. Her technical and financial analyses made it possible for Generate Capital to underwrite more than $200 million in power, transport, and waste sector investments, including several first-ofits-kind hydrogen infrastructure and fuel cell projects. Looking ahead, Li sees herself starting her own investment platform or fund to breathe life into “things that I believe in.” If not hydrogen fuel cells, maybe sustainable plastics or carbon capture. “One day, I want to be the decision maker,” Li said. “There aren’t enough women who are making investment decisions.”
doses) and have been taking care of people in the emergency department throughout. From my firsthand experience, I can, unfortunately say, COVID is very real (not a conspiracy) and sadly, many of my patients have died from it (though many have also been saved as well, thankfully!) “I am looking forward to visiting DAVID PEZZOLA’s house in Belize with MATTHEW LEWIS, MAX WILSON,
MARCO DE LA TORRE, ERIK HANSELL, and NATHAN BARRYMORE in 2022. Amazing that it’ll be 17 years since we started at CMC and I’m still hanging out with all these amazing CMCers!” ANGELA MERIQUEZ VAZQUEZ: “This past year, I was appointed to the state’s Redistricting Commission, the independent body charged with redrawing California’s congressional, state legislative, and Board of Equalization districts. www.wedrawthelinesca.org/ angela_v_zquez.” YOHEI NAKAJIMA: “As an update, I started my own VC firm Untapped Capital and am enjoying the great PNW with my two daughters.”
LAUREN GONZALEZ finished her Ph.D. in genetics at Yale University in July, after researching the role of maternal RNAs in embryonic development for the last five years. She is now specializing in scientific writing as a research development fellow in two stem cell labs at Yale, but nevertheless hopes to get back to California soon!
KATHERINE RODRIGUEZ: “I got married Oct. 10!”
UGOCHUKWU “UGO” NWASIKE: “CMC Family, I’m excited to share that after three years as a private equity attorney in New York City with Kirkland & Ellis LLP, I’ve relocated back to Southern California and have joined the corporate practice group of Fenwick & West LLP in their Santa Monica office. In this new role, I’ll be representing tech and life sciences startups of all stages as well as venture capital firms that regularly invest in these spaces. I’d love to connect/re-connect with any Stags or Athenas in the L.A. legal or business community.” ANGELICA FERREIRA and her fiancé, Joseph Garcia, recently relocated back to their hometown of San Diego, Calif., after living in Las Vegas, Nev., for three years. Angelica is working on creating and scaling a freedom ecosystem alongside Stephanie Chick, founder of 7 BEhaviors for Living Free. They just launched a free freedom masterclass to help individuals find freedom in their personal and professional lives. Finally, a group of 2014 alumni reminisced on their senior year fall break at the Acacia eight years ago. Not one Lime-A-Rita was left in all of Palm Springs, the mystery of the shopping cart in the pool still remains, and still TBD if the ticket for noise was ever paid.

GRACE STEWART is in her final year of the Master of Music in Opera Performance program at Cal State Long Beach. Following three years in Speaker Pelosi’s DC office, STEPHANIE WONG left Washington, D.C.! She is now halfway through a Master of Urban Planning program at USC’s Sol Price School of Public Policy. Her goal is to bridge the gap between sound and equitable planning strategies and policy in California. In her off time, she tries to visit JOEY YAMADA ’18 and TANVI GANDHAM ’18 in San Francisco and catch up with Claremont Women’s Rugby friends in LA. After graduating, VANESSA LIU spent three years doing management consulting with BCG in Los Angeles. She then transitioned into a year-long role with Save the Children International as a product manager on the Migration and Displacement team. In June 2021, Liu started a two-year break from the workforce to pursue a dual degree in MBA and Masters in Design Innovation from Kellogg School of Management. MEHRON “MAC” ABDI is living the NYC dream with ALEX
CENSULLO and LAURA REIFSNYDER ’18 in Manhattan’s East Village. They have a disco ball at their place, and they recently came upon an Xbox Series S. They may even get a cat. Things are looking good.
PARKHURST “PARKER” MALLCHOK moved from San Francisco to Boston!
ALEX LOMBARDO earned his M.S. in geochemistry from UC Davis in September of 2020 and has worked as a ski instructor and the manager of a hostel since then. Both 2020 and early 2021 were filled with injuries and health scares, which briefly made him consider getting a “real job,” but on further reflection, this seems like a bad idea. ALEJANDRA VÁZQUEZ BAUR lives in New York City and just started a new position as a Policy Entrepreneur at Next100—a progressive policy think tank for and by the next generation of policy leaders–where she will work on expanding systemic educational supports for immigrant students and multilingual learners. CALLA CAMERON is in the middle of a Ph.D. in Latin American history at Georgetown University. She just found out that she won a Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Award, which she’ll use to travel to Lima and Ayacucho, Peru, in 2022 to do research on human rights and transitional justice.
Throughout the pandemic, AUSTIN MELODY has been living in the Marina District of San Francisco. He has been working at Komodo Health for almost two years now, and recently took on a role as chief of staffprimarily overseeing the growth and operationalization of their sales organization. Outside of work, he has been enjoying time with his partner, doing day/ weekend trips around the broader Bay Area in their new car. When they’re in the city they spend a lot of time with friends, going to concerts, and trying out new restaurants around the city. He misses you all! KELLY NGO moved back to SoCal and is at UC Irvine School of Medicine, c/o 2025. KAYLILANI MINAMI recommitted her life to Jesus! She is currently in her second year of online ministry studies at Cottonwood College, CA, and she is spending sweet time with family. Still hitting up Bible studies and batting cages (soon) with the engineer extraordinaire CASSANDRA DAVIS. She’s beyond grateful for abundant love, joy, peace, and hope in this season. Minami says, “May you all be blessed, too!” ABHISHEK BIYANI is running his own fashion business. He says it’s been great, but he’s looking to see new perspectives and learn more. After CMC, NICOLE SOUTHARD went to Stanford University, where she received a master’s degree in international policy studies (MIP) and graduated in 2019. Since then, she has found her way to USAID, first as an information officer at the Office of Food for Peace, which later merged with the Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance to become USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA). She is currently a senior information officer with BHA, serving on their Asia and Latin America portfolio. It is a truly rewarding and unique experience. Her day-to-day often consists of monitoring sudden-onset disasters and writing a variety of internal information products for both USAID and State’s Bureau for Population, Refugees, and Migration. These documents include policy briefing documents, flash situation updates, disaster alert cables, and humanitarian impact assessments for USAID senior leadership, and occasionally fact sheets for public consumption. As an information officer, she spends approximately 30 percent of her time working from the D.C. headquarters, and the rest of her time is spent on deployments across the Asia/ Latin America region, serving on sudden-onset and/or complex emergency response teams (DARTs) to draft all the information products relevant to that particular response for inter-agency policymakers. Most recently, she served on the Venezuela regional crisis response team, and on September 1st she arrived in Bangkok to start her rotation as the Asia regional information officer covering sudden-onset disasters in the AsiaPacific region. Southard says, “It’s a really wonderful position and team of folks here at BHA. The information officer position is constantly challenging me to learn about new crises, regions, and operating systems within the UN and NGO humanitarian response architecture--with many interesting adventures and travels along the way!” DANIEL PADILLA M’17 recently moved to Boulder, Colorado for a secondment at RMI—working to fight VIVAN MARWAHA just published his book, What Millennials Want (Penguin Viking), that investigates the economic aspirations, social views, and political attitudes of Indian millennials! He interviewed more than 900 millennials in India for the book and is thrilled with the reviews and response. CHRISTOPHER WHITE is living in Washington, D.C. and just started part-time in a M.A. program at Georgetown focused on national security studies. He is still working at Accenture Federal Services (AFS). SARAROSE BOCKIAN writes: “2020-21 has been wild, as I’m sure is true for most of you, too. While I spent a lot of my free time in 2020 exploring and reacquainting myself with the beautiful outdoors of North Carolina, I also spent a lot of time exploring and re-acquainting myself with the dim and at-times cob-webbed interior space of my mind. As so many of us were forced to do, I found myself looking inward a lot and asking myself the big questions. Am I happy? Is this where I want to be/what I want to be doing in life? Do I enjoy my job, my surroundings, my community? And the answer to many of those questions was **crickets**. “I’m sure my fellow CMCers would agree with me in wanting the soundtrack to life’s biggest questions to be something more exhilarating, more profound than **crickets**. Fireworks sound too cliché, so how about the roaring of a river as it weaves and cuts through million-years-old stone, following its natural, predestined path, while at the same time forging a new and never before imagined tract? “So that’s how much of my 2020-21 was spent. I came to terms with some big life questions and had to start the work of removing the stubborn old blockades that were impeding my rivers’ flow. Then we made some hard cuts and turns and now we are here, flowing in a whole new direction--or at least facing a new one. Of course, in COVID, nothing ever happens fast and crises sprout like wild mushrooms after a hard rain. (BTW—if you’re into mushroom foraging, I highly recommend checking out any of North Carolina’s beautiful state parks after a nice rain. They are a great place to lose yourself in.) I’ll be starting grad school at University of Miami next fall, pursuing my MFA in motion pictures and screenwriting. For now, I’ll be in North Carolina with my growing family of furry babies (emphasis on ‘furry’) working and getting ready for yet another crosscountry move! “Enough about me, how are YOU doing, CMC fam?? I’m excited to hear about your journeys, discoveries and revelations and see where you’ve ended up over the years (I can’t believe it’s been years (plural) can one of those Mudd kids invent time travel already pls??) If you are in North Carolina or just passing by, please reach out! I’d love to connect.
“Peace out from your favorite summertime wine (Rosé).” In the past year OLIVER MAUSNER finally achieved his dream of becoming a full-time music producer. He just played his first major festival, Lost Lands in Ohio—one of the biggest bass festivals in America. He is in the middle of a mini tour of California before gearing up for some major releases on Excision’s label and Trap Nation to end the year! “So excited about how things are going!” He says, “Also playing poker professionally on the side.”
ANOUSH BAGHDASSARIAN writes: “Hi everyone! I am in my last year at Harvard Law School and have had such a wonderful experience here. Before this I got my Master’s in human rights studies from Columbia University and worked at the United Nations. I have loved keeping up collaborations with people from Claremont including writing a piece for the Yale Journal with a CMC classmate, SHERIN ZADAH, and continuing work on my archive, Rerooted, with my Pomona peer, Ani Schug! Check it out at rerooted.org. I love keeping up with what everyone else is doing and can’t wait to see you all at our five-year reunion this year!” MICKY FERGUSON is living in Los Angeles and working in post-production for scripted television. Her current project is Lost in Space for Legendary, which will be releasing its third season on Netflix on December 1st. Her past credits include Homeland, Debris, and For The People. She also frequently hosts outdoor movie nights, so if you’re ever in the Los Angeles/Pasadena area, feel free to reach out to her for an invite!
KATIE AHMANSON: “I’m currently in my second year of the Masters of Heritage Conservation program at the USC School of Architecture, and will be graduating in 2022.”
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Our next anniversary: CMC at 100
What will CMC look like in 2046 as it celebrates its 100th Anniversary? “Who cares, as long as In-N-Out Burger is still good and is close by the campus,” joked Clinton “Clint” Greenbaum ’79. As a fun (and as serious as you wanted to take it) exercise, we had Class Liaisons ask fellow alumni what they might expect, predict, or hope for when CMC celebrates its centennial in 25 years. Here are a few of our favorite responses. Send your own to cmc_magazine@cmc.edu and we’ll continue to print answers throughout the 75th year.
“Leadership training, global thinking and positioning, and climate change are keys to CMC’s future, as is networking with leading academic and research institutes worldwide. CMC needs an expanded curriculum beyond national boundaries, including an active continuing education program with fellow alumni. Environmental sustainability and poverty alleviation are paramount along with a new paradigm of thinking, acting, and continuing with sports and lifelearning skills.” — Peter Hall ’66
“CMC is a much different institution today than the one we experienced. I applaud the fostering of close faculty-student relationships, the informal availability of faculty members—and the financial assistance bringing male and female students of so many races, creeds, and nationalities to learn together. This is the only way we are going to save this planet.” — Jeremy Lasher ’68 “CMC will still be full of smart, curious, intellectually energetic students, and will be more ethnically diverse. Public institutions of higher learning will rely on virtual reality (in terms of instruction) with pods of students strategically located throughout the country. As a result of electronically enhanced means of communication, human consciousness will continue to be transformed, though we won’t notice it that much because we will already have partially adapted to this new paradigm. Such is my guesswork.” — William “Tom” Moore ’67
“I was a transfer student and only attended CMC for two years, but the experience changed my life. My eyes were opened to a wider world and my thinking was challenged in a very constructive way. We all have turning points in our lives and CMC was one for me. That is the environment I hope will remain and be celebrated on our 100th Anniversary. I hope graduates in the Class of 2046 will someday look back on their CMC experience and, like me, say it was a turning point for them, too. I hope they will say they learned critical thinking skills, how to see the big picture, and how to work collaboratively to solve problems. And most importantly, how to be leaders in whatever endeavor they choose.” — Dale Jacobs ’66
“From both a long-distance and longtime perspective, I can at best express a naïve wish for the CMC of the future. It would be exciting for me to see if a college with such a position, development approach, and financial endowment can contribute significantly to the realignment and stabilization of a new democracy in the United States. In my view, it would be a democracy based on updated values of integrity, equality, and cooperation across lines of dissent. The CMC strategy of free expression appears to be a significant step in this direction, although it may be a difficult strategy for CMC to navigate by in the stormy waters of educational competition. At the end of the day, however, CMC graduates are those who will move on into all areas of work, influence, and can make things happen in the real world. In this effort, CMC education could indirectly help us decode a recurrent pattern of failure in American enterprise.
“The United States has been a lighthouse of international development for a century. Seldom has this leadership role been more sorely needed than at this moment. The breakthrough barriers to a new democracy pose significant challenges to creative thinking and activity in all areas imaginable, but the benefits in 2046 will have qualities that are unimaginable today in their significance. This is my wish for the CMC of 2046. Good luck—you can make a difference!” — Scott Campbell ’66
“I would like to see CMC in 2046 with an established reputation for understanding, endorsing, and teaching centrism in politics and education. The biggest value I carried away from CMC was the ability and inclination to explore all sides of a question from as many sources as I could lay my hands on. It was also important I learned to evaluate sources of information with an open and fair mind. That ideal needs to be resuscitated and reemphasized in the way we deal with each other politically and socially.” — Ted Parrish ’67
“CMC has done an excellent job of planning for diversity, sustainability, endowment, and a small enrollment, but even with the many options for scholarships, grants, loans, and work-study, the cost is far beyond what most Americans can afford. My hope is that the school can continue to be successful with the first four successes and find ways to help bright, deserving, at-risk students access the marvelous education CMC provides. The recent funding initiative, the Kravis Opportunity Fund, demonstrates true financial aid creativity by placing resources into the pockets of need-based students. It is my sincere hope that this creative endeavor will become a primary focus of CMC fundraising and financial aid at 100. (Perhaps there will be a way to clone Henry Kravis ’67 and George Roberts ’66, as well.)" — Robin Bartlett ’67
“I hope that CMC will be very much the same in 2046 as it is in 2021, and as it was in 1978 when I arrived as a transfer student—a college dedicated to producing leaders in all areas of society. As our society moves more and more to an information-based economy, I hope CMC remains in the forefront, training its students in the impacts of technology on our republic, while holding fast to concepts of individual liberty and freedom that have served us so well for over 200 years.” — James “Jim” Dunstan ’80
“Remote learning will have advanced to be on par with in-person. In-person residence requirements remain in place; learning to deal with others is a part of the college experience. North quad dorms will be the in-vogue choice; trying to recreate dorm living of 100 years earlier. An exception to such, Collins will offer meal delivery to your room’s door. The Collins app, at first ridiculed, will be as popular as Facebook. Days without social media will be one of the challenges between dorms. Sports uniforms will have in place holographic technology. A running back in the open heading for a touchdown, a baseball player after hitting a home run—their jersey will display a running Stag. These Stags will be visible to spectators wearing the ‘See the Stag’ glasses.” — Arthur “Art” Dodd ’80 “My work, our 75th Anniversary celebration, and the exciting plans for our new integrated sciences program have all led me to think a lot about what CMC will be like when we are 100. I’m certain our mission to train leaders will remain unchanged. But leadership in 2046 may require a whole new set of skills. I suspect that conscious capitalism will be even more important as we balance the needs of the planet and our whole civilization with the benefits that come from business and innovative entrepreneurship. I am hoping we can prepare and send more CMCers into public office to ensure that our brand of open dialogue, pragmatism, innovation, and ethical leadership can help bring public policy to a wise middle. My CMC education gave me an invaluable compass. Whenever I’ve been stuck in life, I ask ‘What would John Roth do?' With faculty like Professor Roth, our amazing students, and the best alumni anywhere, I’m confident CMC’s Century Anniversary will be even better than our 75th!” — Laura (May) Grisolano ’86
“I think in 2046, CMC will have expanded access, support, and scholarships to reach many, many more low-income and underrepresented students! Also excited to see how the campus will evolve in its beauty and how the Athenaeum brings in a strong list of future scholars and headliners. And hoping in 2046 that alumni and student connections are even more robust and frequent!” — Teagan Knight ’19
“When CMC celebrates its 100th Anniversary, the campus may be bigger and brighter but the student body will remain just as thoughtful, passionate, and purpose-driven as before. I very much hope the strong sense of community and ‘work hard, play hard’ lifestyle persists.” — Adele English ’19
“In 2046, CMC shall continue to be the happiest college in the world.” — James Jiang ’19
In Memoriam
Glwyn S. Chase, Jr. ’50 of Ojai, Calif., died September 20, 2015. He arrived at CMC after serving in the U.S. Army during World War II. When the war ended, Chase was shipped to Japan, where he was involved in reconstruction activities during the post-war occupation. After his honorable discharge, Chase attended CMC, where he studied business administration. He then worked for the family business, Chase Bros. Dairy, near Oxnard. Chase was active with the Dairy Institute of California, taking part in legislative and regulatory matters for the dairy and milk processing industry. He also filled a term as president of the American Independent Dairies Association, which monitored and acted on legislation and regulation on a national level. An avid horseback rider, Chase was an active member of Los Rancheros Visitadores for more than 30 years. He is survived by his wife, Heloisa, and three sons.
Philip W. Marshall, Sr. ’50 of Mount Vernon, Wash., died April 26, 2021. A native of Pasadena, Calif., Marshall served in the Army Signal Corps in WWII before enrolling in CMC’s first four-year class. Working for several Seattle-area companies as either treasurer or controller in the accounting and financial management fields, he developed the first pre-paid dental plan now known as Delta Dental. Marshall made a number of generous planned gifts to CMC that have augmented the College’s financial aid endowment funds. His wife, Sally, predeceased him and he is survived by two children.
Burnet (Tig) Wohlford ’50 of Rancho Santa Fe, Calif., died January 31, 2021. While at CMC, Wohlford worked on his family’s ranches, traveling back and forth from Claremont to Escondido during the winter months to assist with smudging during freezes. When the Korean War broke out, he joined the National Guard 40th Division in order to finish college. After graduation, his division was called up and he spent time in northern Japan and Korea. When his enlistment term was over, he returned to Escondido and began assisting his father—who was a founding trustee of the College and the namesake of Wohlford Hall—in the operation of the family farming business. Wohlford managed the family groves and developed new citrus and avocado properties in the Escondido area. During his career, Wohlford was active with many agricultural associations and organizations, including as president of the Escondido Lemon Association and the Lemon Administrative Committee in Los Angeles. He was a founder of North County Bank and served on the bank’s board until it merged with Wells Fargo in 2000. Wohlford was also a longtime member of Escondido Rotary and served on advisory boards at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. He is survived by his wife, Anne, and three children.
Thomas A. Finegan ’51 of Nashville, Tenn., died September 21, 2020. After graduating summa cum laude from CMC, Finegan went to the University of Chicago to study toward a Ph.D. in economics, but was interrupted by a call to active duty from the U.S. Navy. He served as a payroll officer on a submarine repair ship and later on a radar picket destroyer. After the Navy, Finegan returned to the University of Chicago and earned his Ph.D. His first academic appointment in 1960 was as assistant professor at Princeton University, where he remained until 1964, when he moved to Vanderbilt. He served on many committees at Vanderbilt’s College of Arts & Science, was department chair in the 1970s, and later director of graduate studies and director of undergraduate studies. Finegan co-authored The Economics of Labor Force Participation, which cemented his reputation as one of the leading experts on an emerging trend in the economy at the time, the increasing labor force participation of married women. He retired from Vanderbilt in 2000, after 36 years on the faculty, although he continued to conduct research and publish until well into his 80s.
Kirk Kroloff ’52 P’79 P’86 GP’12 of Paradise Valley, Ariz., died December 7, 2020. Kroloff majored in political science at CMC. He was an entrepreneur and a business leader, serving as executive vice president at World Wide Wheat LLC, where he worked on research efforts for the development of better wheat, barley, and oat seeds to benefit U.S. consumers and third world economies. Known for turning around troubled companies, Kroloff also served as president and chief executive officer of Delta Dental Plan of Arizona. While at Delta, he began a program to pay employees to take college courses for self-improvement at accredited institutions due to his belief in an educated society. A devoted family man, Kroloff was a U.S. Marine and a proud Arizona native. He is survived by his wife, Gerry, their four sons, including Mark ’79 P’12, Kirk ’86, and a grandson, Logan ’12.
Kenneth Rammell ’53 of Blythe, Calif., died May 15, 2020. He was a certified public accountant for 40 years. Rammell is survived by a son.
Louis B. Robin ’53 of Thousand Oaks, Calif., died May 18, 2021. While a student at CMC, Robin negotiated and arranged to have Duke Ellington and his Orchestra play a concert at Bridges Auditorium. Later, he arranged for Count Basie and his Orchestra to perform at CMC, and an idea for a career was born. In 1957, Robin and Allen Tinkley ’54 founded Concerts, Inc., which later became Artist Consultants Productions. Under Robin’s direction, the company produced or promoted more than 4,000 concerts worldwide during a 52-year period. The company also produced feature films, theatre in the round, and an off-Broadway show in New York with Monty Python. They also promoted more than two dozen summer series concerts at the Hollywood Bowl, featuring such stars as Barbra Streisand, Judy Garland, Tony Bennett, Sammy Davis, Jr., Peter, Paul & Mary, Janis Joplin, and Jimi Hendrix. Robin also promoted shows with Chicago, Queen, the Rolling Stones, and in August of 1965, perhaps his biggest—the Beatles. In 1973, Robin began a 30-year run personally managing Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash until their passing in 2003. He continued to supervise the business affairs of the Cash estate, dealing with record companies and music licensing, until he retired at age 88. Robin is survived by his two sons. David C. Anderson ’54 of Kula, Hawaii, died July 28, 2021. After graduating from CMC, Anderson served as an Army officer, and while stationed in Germany, was positioned as the social director at the officer’s club. Anderson worked for Finance Factors in Honolulu and had a long and successful career as a general contractor and real estate developer. Anderson and his wife also ran a spa in Kaaawa and sailed their boat frequently off Waikiki. He was a member of Outrigger Canoe Club, Pacific Club, Maui Country Club, Hawaii Yacht Club, and Los Rancheros Vistadores, among other organizations. Anderson is survived by his wife, Bodil, and two children.
William B. Barrington ’54 P’84 of Corona del Mar, Calif., died December 21, 2020. He studied accounting at CMC and earned a master’s in business from Claremont Graduate University. He served as CMC Alumni Association president from 1972-1973, when he also served a term as an ex-officio member of the CMC Board of Trustees. He returned as an alumnus trustee from 1977-1980 and received the Jack L. Stark ‘57 GP’11 Distinguished Service Award from the CMC Alumni Association in 1980. Barrington was the owner of Barrington & Associates, a commercial real estate firm. He is survived by his wife, Bonnie P’84 (Pomona ’56), and three children, including Laura L. Barrington ’84.
Herbert S. Johnson ’56 of Camarillo, Calif., died April 9, 2021. He graduated from CMC after serving in the Air Force during the Korean War. After college, Johnson moved to Ventura with his wife, JoAnn, and began his accounting career at County Stationers. Eventually he went to work as a civil servant at Pt. Mugu Air Force Base and later Pt. Hueneme Naval Base, retiring in 1989. He is survived by three children.
Dr. Harry (Ed) E. Reynolds ’56 P’84 of Boise, Idaho, died June 4, 2020. He studied business administration at CMC. Reynolds is survived by his wife, Mary Ann, and two children, including Katherine Ehrensberger ‘84.
R. Ernest (Ernie) Smith ’56 of El Monte, Calif., died January 13, 2021. He leaves behind an impressive athletic legacy as a CMS Hall of Famer. While at CMC, Smith was a three-year track and field letter-winner and a two-year football letter-winner. He was the first great all-around thrower for CMC, reaching distances of 52-4.5 in the shot put, 146-8 in the discus throw, and 206-10 in the javelin throw. When his career concluded, he held the school records in all three events, and—remarkably, 65 years after graduating— he still ranks fifth in both the shot put and the javelin in CMS history. Smith was also a national qualifier in the javelin (1955 and 1956) and shot put (1956), and competed in the shot put in the 1956 Olympic Trials, after serving as the team captain of the PomonaClaremont Track and Field team. As a football player, Smith was a two-way player competing on both the offensive and defensive lines, and helped his teams to multiple SCIAC Championships. He was also a member of the first undefeated Pomona-Claremont team in 1955. Smith’s family helped fund the school’s first tennis courts, and he continued the tradition of giving generously to CMS Athletics, including joining his classmate, Gary Biszantz ’56, to support the gift of the new state-of-the-art Biszantz Family Tennis Complex. When not involved with track and field,
Smith worked his entire adult life for Ben F. Smith, Inc., the construction company founded in 1928 by his father. Smith is survived by his four children.
Richard (Dick) M. Davis ’57 of Santa Barbara, Calif., died September 15, 2018. He is survived by his wife, Donnalee.
Russell (Rusty) W. Grosse ’57 of Carlsbad, Calif., died May 5, 2021. He met many of his lifelong friends playing on championship football teams for the Pomona-Claremont Sagehens. Named the “Iron Man” of the 1955 SCIAC Championship team, and co-athlete of the year during his senior year, Grosse was inducted into the CMS Hall of Fame in 2001. Grosse, a government major, excelled as a leader off the field, serving as ASCMC president in 1956-57. For a personal essay published in CMC Magazine’s special 75th Anniversary issue earlier this year, Grosse wrote fondly about his time at the College, which included classes at professor’s homes, fun parties in Pasadena, and spirited orange fights from Appleby to Wohlford Hall. He especially loved and remained close to his classmates, writing that ‘The Class of ’57, as a group, was like walking through a dog pound of different personalities, ages, and family backgrounds. We are still the closest and most active of all of the CMC classes.” In 1954, while driving slowly through the Pomona campus, Grosse met Mary ‘Bebe’ Mooney, and the two married in 1958 when Grosse was attending Stanford Law School. After earning his LLM, he joined a law firm in Oceanside and soon became a partner at the firm, Andreasen, Gore, Grosse, and Thompson. Next, he became president of Sproul Homes, a Colorado-based real estate development company, expanding its building projects throughout the Western states. Grosse returned to Carlsbad and developed his first of several shopping centers, starting the company that became Foursquare Properties, Inc. By the time Grosse was in his 60s, he had developed over three million sq. ft. of commercial property and 4,000 residential homes throughout the west. Grosse was especially proud of his involvement in building the YMCA Aquatic Park facility on the Agua Hedionda Lagoon in Carlsbad. Grosse is survived by his wife, Mary, and four children.
R. R. (Ron) Higgins ’58 of Del Mar, Calif., died August 22, 2021. After graduating from CMC with a degree in economics, Higgins built a 34-year career as an administrator in numerous positions at San Diego Gas & Electric. After retiring, Higgins volunteered at the Birch Aquarium at Scripps, as well as at the Del Mar Community Center and with the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department in North County. He is survived by his wife, Lois, and two daughters.
Charles (Chuck) F. Lehman ’58 of Denver, Colo., died February 17, 2021. He served with the U.S. Army in Alaska, 1954-55, before studying accounting and business administration at CMC. Lehman then began a career in finance that spanned 28 years, working with United California Bank, First Interstate Bank of California, and First Interstate Bank of Denver, before retiring from Wells Fargo Bank in Denver. A pioneer in digital technology, Lehman initiated the use of microcomputing composition and remote transmission of banking data over telephone lines. He is survived by his wife, Donna, and two children. David J. Porteus ’59 of Honolulu, Hawaii, died February 13, 2019. After studying business administration and graduating from CMC, Porteus joined the Army and served three years before returning home to Honolulu. He married his wife, Karen, and they raised three children on the marina in Hawaii Kai. A well-respected businessman, Porteus worked his way up through AMFAC Financial and became president of GECC Financial. In his spare time, Porteus was an active member of Lanikai Volleyball for more than 50 years. He is survived by three children, and siblings, including Evan Porteus ’64.
Frank A. Frye III ’60 of San Diego, Calif., died July 19, 2021. He received his degree in public affairs and government from CMC. Nicknamed “Punch” because of his soccer goal keeping—he could hand punch the ball from one end of the field to the opponent goal line—Frye was an important part of winning teams during his time on campus. He also excelled at javelin throw and is remembered fondly by classmates. Frye passed away in Baja California, where he and his wife had been living for 21 years.
Jean M. Goity ’60 P’85 of Palo Alto, Calif., died June 15, 2021. He studied business administration at CMC and was class president. Goity also served in the U.S. Army for two years before attending CMC. Raised in La Puente, Calif., he was the son of Basque immigrants and worked on his family’s avocado ranch while attending Whittier High School. After CMC, Goity worked in investor relations, including two decades at Utah International/BHP. Baseball was one of his greatest passions—he played second base at CMC, and later in Palo Alto recreational leagues after graduation. He became a staunch supporter of the San Francisco Giants and organized annual trips to Arizona for Spring Training games. Goity was proud of his Basque heritage and enjoyed visiting relatives in and around his ancestors’ home region of Ustaritz, France. He is survived by two sons, including Roland Goity ’85, and a daughter.
Peter H. Mattson ’60 of Hillsborough, Calif., died March 17, 2021. He and his late wife, Patti, founded Mattson & Co. in 1977, one of the largest independent developers of products for the food and beverage industry. An employee-owned enterprise, Mattson clients included Starbucks and Mrs. Fields. Mattson was a conservationist, who supported several organizations, including the Sonoma County Land Trust.
Richardson Morse ’60 of Camarillo, Calif., died March 14, 2021. He was a drama major at CMC and became a professional actor, with a number of appearances to his credit, including films like Contact and National Security, as well as TV roles in Murder, She Wrote, The Practice, Falcon Crest, and Simon & Simon. He also directed House Made of Dawn in 1972.
Arthur (Art) J. Swerdloff ’60 of Marina Del Rey, Calif., died September 27, 2020. He studied public affairs at CMC and earned his law degree from UC Berkeley. Swerdloff served as a captain in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War and was awarded Best Training Commander. His law practice centered on estate planning with an emphasis on helping families with special needs children. In later years, he trained to become a life coach.
Dr. William (Bill) C. Robinson ’61 of Maryville, Tenn., died January 9, 2021. He studied public affairs and international management at CMC, and played on the swim and water polo teams. After receiving a master’s degree in international relations at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy in 1962, Robinson served in the U.S. Army. He later earned a master’s of library and information science from USC in 1965, and a Ph.D. in library and information sciences at the University of Illinois in 1973. A faculty member in the graduate school of information sciences at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, “Dr. Bill,” as his students affectionately called him, taught and mentored hundreds of graduate students in library science. In his almost four decades at the university, Robinson won several awards for his teaching and service.
Michael (Mike) F. Shore ’61 of Santa Paula, Calif., died July 7, 2021. He studied public affairs at CMC. After graduating, Shore was drafted in the U.S. Army and spent two years serving with the transportation corps in La Rochelle, France. He met his wife of 58 years, Mary Frances Matlock, while serving in France. Shore spent his career farming in Santa Paula and Ojai, packing specialty fruit. He joined the Young Farmers and Ranchers of Ventura County, and eventually served on several farm-related boards. He was a founding member of Ojai Valley Pixie Growers Association. He is survived by his wife and four children.
Read S. Redwine ’62 P’93 of Mill Valley, Calif., died January 2, 2021. He studied business administration and economics at CMC. After graduating, Redwine married Harriett Page, who attended Scripps College. The couple moved to the San Francisco Bay Area in 1965, where Redwine began a successful career in commercial real estate with the Edward Plant Company. He was involved in the redevelopments of Stonestown Galleria, Hillsdale Shopping Center, Stanford Shopping Center, Crocker Galleria, and the Embarcadero Center, among others. Redwine was a life-long outdoorsman, ever exploring and seeking adventure in the best of Northern California and the world. He enjoyed hunting, fishing, horseback riding, golf, and scuba diving. Redwine is survived by his wife, Harriett, and two sons, including Kent Redwine ’93.
Russel F. Ahrens, Jr. ’63 of Lakewood, Colo., died December 13, 2020. He earned his degree in art at CMC. After graduating, Ahrens pursued a career in advertising, leading two Denver ad agencies. He was an avid golfer, painter, and writer—his homes were filled with paintings, many his own creations. Ahrens also penned several published books. He is survived by his two sons.
Tom A. Murphy ’63 of San Diego, Calif., died September 2, 2021. He received his degree in economics from CMC and a master’s degree in finance from Denver University. Murphy worked for HewlettPackard, and later in Denver real estate. He also wrote a book, 50 Northern California Bicycle Trips. Murphy enjoyed tennis, mountain-biking, lawn bowling, and the occasional round of golf. He also loved nature,
hiking, and bird-watching, and was a member of both the Sierra Club and National Audubon Society. Murphy is survived by his wife of 34 years, Eva, a son, daughter, and stepson.
Terry G. Spragg ’63 of Manhattan Beach, Calif., died December 20, 2020. He earned a political science degree at CMC. Classmates recall his boundless energy, unrelenting optimism, and big smile. Spragg is survived by his wife, Judy Dee, a son, and two daughters.
William F. Benkovsky ’65 of Seal Beach, Calif., died January 3, 2021. He studied business administration and economics at CMC. After working at the city of Seal Beach, Benkovsky became a full-time writer and poet, publishing the novel, Soul Path.
Roger E. Garriott ’65 of Fountain Valley, Calif., died May 16, 2020. He earned degrees in managementengineering at CMC and electrical engineering from Stanford University, along with a master’s from Brigham Young University. Garriott worked for several corporations before launching his own business. He enjoyed camping, working in the yard, and spending time with his family. Garriott is survived by his wife, Diane, and four children.
David S. Hornbeck, Jr. ’65 of Salt Lake City, Utah, died May 22, 2021. He majored in managementengineering at CMC, earned a bachelor of divinity from Union Theological Seminary, and a master’s degree in library science. He worked at the University of Utah Marriott Library for nearly four decades. Hornbeck was a proud descendant of old New York Dutch heritage and a lifelong member of the Holland Society. He served as lector of All Saints Episcopal Church for many years and volunteered at the Pantry of St. Paul, where he was also an usher and greeter. He is survived by his wife, Alice, a daughter and a step-daughter.
John T. Bruns ’66 of Richmond, Va., died May 12, 2020. He earned a degree in mathematics at CMC, and received a master’s from Johns Hopkins University. Bruns had a long career with the IBM Corporation, which he joined in 1967. After his retirement, he moved from Maryland to Richmond, where he enjoyed pursuing his creative interests in writing and photography. He is survived by his wife, Joan Trimble Bruns (Scripps Class of 1967), and two children.
Paul V. Bamford ’67 of Raleigh, N.C., died September 8, 2020. He earned a degree in philosophy at CMC, a master’s in management from North Carolina State University, and a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of North Carolina. He enjoyed all sports, especially UNC men’s basketball. Bamford loved to travel, with his favorite destinations being Italy, Spain, Costa Rica, and Alaska. He is survived by his wife, Linda, and a daughter.
Eric C. Eggen ’67 of Hiawassee, Georgia, died January 27, 2021. He earned a degree in economics at CMC. Eggen is survived by his wife, Julie, and three sons.
David F. Zoerb ’68 P’95 of Oostburg, Wis., died April 23, 2021. A lifelong athlete, he attended CMC, playing on the football team before transferring to the University of Wisconsin. Zoerb was passionate about higher education. He served numerous volunteer roles, including as the national president of the Wisconsin Alumni Association. Zoerb especially loved helping young people find their path to college. He is survived by his wife, Carol, and his daughters, including Heidi Zoerb ’95.
Richard M. Sherman ’69 of Newport Beach, Calif., died July 2, 2021. He earned a degree in literature at CMC, a master’s degree in urban planning from Occidental College, and a law degree from UC Berkeley. Sherman worked at Irell & Manella, LLP, where he practiced real estate litigation, securities litigation, and appellate work. He served as the managing partner of the Newport Beach office. After retiring, Sherman served as executive vice president and general counsel of The William Lyon Company and its related companies for five years. He was general counsel and senior vice president of AirCal, a regional airline acquired by American Airlines. Sherman’s laughter was infectious, and his sense of humor and love of pranks delighted many. He is survived by his children.
Greg R. Hubbard ’70 of Seattle, Wash., died May 4, 2021. A history major at CMC, Hubbard also studied law at UCLA. He worked as a deputy prosecuting attorney and had a true love for life. He is remembered by family as a beloved husband, brother, stepdad, mentor, and friend.
Andrew G. Lockert ’70 of Portland, Ore., died January 5, 2021. A psychology major at CMC, Lockert was a seeker with a deep sense of adventure and magic. His travels took him from a college trip to Morocco to scuba diving in Mexico and salmon fishing with his dad in the wilds of Alaska. Lockert joined the family’s Knapp Lumber Sales business in 1976, creating great success and eventually replacing his father as president in 1990. His success in this business was a great source of pride to him. He was smart, quickwitted, and had a wonderful sense of humor.
Gregory M. O’Leary ’70 of Seattle, Wash., died September 18, 2020. He grew up in El Cajon, Calif. and attended CMC as a literature major. O’Leary received a Danforth Fellowship for graduate study at Stanford University, where he earned a master’s in English and met his wife, Mary. After attending law school at UC Davis, he worked for Alaska Legal Services in Ketchikan and Anchorage. He then moved to Seattle, where Mary and Greg were married in 1981, ten years after they first met. O’Leary was regarded as an authority on issues raised by the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. He eventually went into solo practice with a focus on natural resources law. An avid hiker and backpacker, O’Leary met every summer with college friends in the Eastern Sierra. He is survived by his wife, Mary, and a son.
Selton L. Peters ’70 of Los Angeles, Calif., died January 14, 2021. He graduated with a philosophy degree from CMC after two years at Chapman University. Peters earned his master’s and doctor of philosophy from Brown University, which led to a teaching career spanning three decades at various colleges. He was the author of “Emergent Materialism: A Proposed Solution to the Mind/Body Problem” and also worked at Mole-Richardson Company for several years. Peters generously donated his body to the UCLA Donated Body Program “to benefit humankind in a most unique and vital way.” He is survived by his wife, Lula, and a daughter.
Lynn A. Christianson ’71 of Minneapolis, Minn., died December 7, 2020. A science major at CMC, he was drawn to helping kids at an early age, which led to working in pediatrics while a resident at the Mayo Clinic. Christianson went on to practice pediatric anesthesia at Minneapolis Children’s, Gillette Specialty Care, and Children’s West Surgery Center. He brought to his work and relationships a quiet brilliance—a mind for learning and retaining information, and a receptivity to different ways of conveying truth. He also had the ability to put those around him at ease. Christianson was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2003, and took great joy in using his energy to spend time with family on bike rides and trips. He is remembered by family members for his encyclopedic knowledge, piano playing, handwritten letters, one-liners, and fondness for late-night kitchen indulgences. Christianson is survived by his wife, Kate, and two children.
Richard W. Green ’71 of Eden Prairie, Minn., died May 15, 2021. He graduated from CMC with a sociology degree and was an active member of his class reunion committee. An entrepreneur who started multiple businesses, he is remembered fondly for his sense of humor, which often influenced toasts and speeches. He also loved basketball, golf, and tennis. Green is survived by his wife, Pam, and three children.
James L. Lambert ’71 of Bakersfield, Calif., died November 21, 2019. An economics major at CMC, Lambert also attended the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth and was CFO of Goodwill Industries of South Central California. He is survived by a brother, John Lambert ’73.
Rex D. Huxford ’72 of Las Vegas, Nev., died December 16, 2020. A lifelong athlete and standout basketball player for CMC, Huxford graduated with an economics degree. He worked as a USPTA professional tennis coach before retiring and was tied for first place in the 2017 Nevada Senior Games for doubles. Huxford is survived by his wife, Leticia, and three children.
Stephen A. Smith ’72 of Coronado, Calif., died September 22, 2020. He was a history major at CMC.
Steven T. Hirahara ’73 of Los Osos, Calif., died November 17, 2020. He was a literature major at CMC.
Bretton G. Sciaroni ’73 of Washington, D.C., died March 12, 2021. A political science major at CMC, Sciaroni also received his master’s in international relations from Georgetown and a law degree from UCLA. He worked at conservative policy groups including the Hoover Institution, the American Enterprise Institute, and as an appointee of President Ronald Reagan at the Commerce Department before joining the Intelligence Oversight Board. He also served as a Reagan administration lawyer, later to become publicly embroiled in the Iran-Contra Affair, and pivoted into an influential power broker in Cambodia. He is survived by his wife, Bui Thai Hoa My, and a daughter.
Christopher D. Smith ’74 of Highlands Ranch, Colo., died February 9, 2021. He graduated with an economics degree from CMC after serving in the 173rd Airborne, U.S. Army. Smith started his career with Computer Sciences Corporation and later worked for Galler Associates, Electronic Data Systems, and Lockheed Martin. He eventually retired from Qwest and also ran his own photography business for several years while volunteering as a reserve deputy for the Douglas County Sheriff’s Department. In his free time, Smith continued his photographic pursuits, travelled extensively, read ferociously, and spent time with his family. He is survived by his wife, Paula, a daughter, and a son.
William A. Barr ’74 of Greenville, S.C., died March 12, 2021. An economics major at CMC, Barr also studied at the London School of Economics and the University of Chicago. While at CMC, he played football and was active in ASCMC leadership.
David R. Graham ’75 of Bingen, Wash., died February 21, 2021. He studied science and economics at CMC. Graham loved to coach and play baseball with his sons and FaceTime with his grandchildren. He also helped in the family business and was active with his local church. Graham is survived by his wife and children.
Bruce A. Johnson ’76 of Eugene, Ore., died April 24, 2019. He was a mathematics and philosophy major at CMC.
Robert (Bob) C. Muirhead ’76 of Yorba Linda, Calif., died January 22, 2020. He received an academic scholarship to CMC and naturally gravitated toward accounting. Muirhead also joined the study abroad program in Lugano, Switzerland. Despite having never been on an airplane, he relished the opportunity to study in a foreign country, and thanks to his sharp accounting mind, quickly calculated how to stretch his student budget. He worked at Miller Giangrande LLP for most of his career and was promoted to partner and managing partner until his semi-retirement.
Jeffrey Glass ’79 of Castro Valley, Calif., died May 17, 2021. An economics major at CMC, he swam competitively and was an All-American who competed at Nationals. Glass later earned an MBA in finance from UC Berkeley, and though an analytical clipboard-toting spreadsheet lover, had a passion for music, art, architecture, world travel, and the outdoors. On his final hike the day before he passed, he was engrossed in photographing what most hikers would walk past: a backlit orange madrone leaf, a ginormous black beetle; and a sheath of fallen branches whose dead leaves spilled in a waterfall pattern. Nothing escaped his notice and his curiosity was unquenchable. Ever the entrepreneur, Glass also founded several startups and was awarded a patent for technology he developed. Most recently, he was the co-founder of 415 Advisors, a financial services company enabling investors to defer capital gains taxes for 30 years. He is survived by his wife, Karen. Daniel R. Addison, Sr. ’82 P’21 of New York, N.Y., died August 31, 2021. He graduated with a political science degree from CMC, and later received his master’s in government from Claremont Graduate University and a JD from the Catholic University of America. As a newly minted lawyer, he began a 30-year public and private legal career in the energy and natural resources sector. His public service was distinguished by a series of presidential and gubernatorial appointments, among them: by President Ronald Reagan for the General Services Administration; by President George H.W. Bush for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; and by Governor Pete Wilson for the California Department of Conservation. Addison moved to Washington, D.C. to join Patton Boggs, LLP, where he quickly rose to become a partner. His leadership roles included a number of complex matters that played out at the busy intersection of law, politics, and business. Addison’s work ultimately drew the attention of the global energy company CITGO Petroleum, which hired him to serve as general counsel. He also served on several of CITGO’s governance committees before retiring in 2018. An accomplished athlete, especially in football, Addison exemplified his high school motto— “Don’t flinch, don’t foul, hit the line hard”—with high character, a noble spirit, a hearty laugh, and a ready smile. He is survived by his son, Daniel Addison ’21, an economics and engineering major at CMC, and daughter, Alexa. In lieu of flowers, the family requests celebrating his life with a donation to Claremont McKenna College, 400 N. Claremont Boulevard, Claremont, CA, 91711, or at cmc.edu/donate. Choose “Other” in the “Designation” drop down and type in “Daniel Addison, Sr.”
John K. Hays ’82 of San Francisco, Calif., died January 27, 2021. He was a literature and political science major at CMC.
Tor K. Perkins ’86 of Mill Valley, Calif., died May 28, 2019. He was a literature and physics major at CMC.
Thomas B. Deane ’88 of Cornelius, N.C., died November 5, 2020. He was a philosophy, politics, and economics major at CMC.
Paula C. Littlewood ’88 of Seattle, Wash., died December 14, 2020. She majored in political science and history at CMC, graduating magna cum laude. Littlewood traveled throughout China, taught English in Taiwan, and explored as much of the region as possible, laying the groundwork for a lifelong interest in the Chinese language and culture. She completed her JD and received a master’s in International Studies (Chinese) from the University of Washington, and later worked at the UW School of Law as an assistant dean, overseeing fundraising for a new building and coordinating several aspects of law school administration. She also worked as deputy director and then executive director of the Washington State Bar Association. During her 16 years at the Bar Association, Littlewood managed the implementation of innovative programs and was passionate about furthering access to legal representation for all people. She also served on many national and international boards working to reform the regulation of the practice of law. Littlewood received multiple honors for her work in the legal profession and served on the boards of several nonprofit organizations. An avid volleyball player, she also was the head coach at Lincoln High School and Hamilton Middle School in Seattle. She is survived by her two children.
Andrew W. Kittell ’93 of Coronado, Calif., died January 6, 2021. A mathematics major at CMC, he also attended Columbia Business School, which led him to Bear Stearns and J.P. Morgan Chase in New York and Houston. Kittell was always active, seeking adventure on ski slopes or surf breaks, training his large dogs to tow him at high speeds on his RipStik, road tripping to national parks, playing ice hockey, bouncing his racquetballs off of any available flat surface, or simply engaging in a spirited game of hearts with his family. He was mathematically inclined and enjoyed solving challenging puzzles and playing games of all types. Kittell is survived by his wife, Luan, and two children.
Nadeem U. Farooqi ’15 of Rancho Cucamonga, Calif., died December 4, 2020. A philosophy, politics, and economics major and Robert Day Scholar at CMC, he was a gifted social entrepreneur who worked tirelessly to advance access to mental health services and medical care to those who needed it. Friends remember him as an extraordinary connector and relationship builder; someone who made every person he met feel valued and cared for. Farooqi loved CMC and often referred to it as the best time of his life. He was studying at UC Berkeley for his master’s. Outside of the classroom and workplace, Farooqi spent his time debating, traveling, researching international and domestic politics, dancing, singing, skydiving, sharing cheesy puns, and hugging his friends.
Pedro Urena ’19 of North Fort Myers, Fla., died January 8, 2021. He earned his degree in media studies and government at CMC, and was passionate about pursuing a career in the entertainment industry as a musician, screenwriter, actor, or videographer. Urena also actively spoke on being aware of and fighting social inequality. While growing up in the Bronx, N.Y., Urena played baseball, basketball, and participated in school plays and math team competitions. He was later selected to be part of the Fieldston Enrichment Program, where he continued to strive amongst some of New York City’s brightest intermediate students, eventually leading to a full scholarship to his dream high school, the Thacher School in Ojai, Calif. While there, his passions for art and social justice carried him to explore further connections at CMC—for instance, his senior thesis was on mass incarceration reform. Urena is remembered by family and friends as a bright light with an amazing capacity for love.
Granville Henry, professor emeritus and a member of CMC’s faculty for more than 50 years, died July 28, 2021. He taught mathematics, science, computer sciences, as well as philosophy and religion at the College. A former Methodist minister, Henry was interested in exploring the underlying unity of truth between science and religion. His book, “Logos: Mathematics and Christian Theology,” was honored as an “outstanding academic book” by Choice, a journal published by the Association of College and Research Libraries. Henry earned his undergraduate degree in physics at Duke University; bachelor of divinity at Candler School of Theology; master’s in mathematics from Emory University; and a Ph.D in theology and philosophy of religion at Claremont Graduate School. In addition, he served three years of sea duty as an officer in the U.S. Navy. Henry joined the CMC faculty in 1964 and built a reputation for being well-liked and appreciated by his students. He and his wife, Tess, who predeceased him in 2020, were married for 62 years. Together they had four children, including Conner Henry, who was an assistant CMS basketball coach from 2001-2006 and also served as associate director of the career services center at CMC.

Norene Black of San Bernardino, Calif., died October 18, 2020. She was a longtime database and records administrator in the Office of Advancement Services at the College. Her service was recognized with her election to honorary membership in the CMC Alumni Association.
Nicole Hamon of Claremont, Calif., died August 9, 2021. She courageously fought a 20-year battle with breast cancer. For 18 years at CMC, Hamon advised, assisted, and sent thousands of students from The Claremont Colleges to study abroad programs in many countries around the world, as well as to CMC’s Washington D.C. program. Several times a year, she would travel to some of these countries to examine the programs for herself, to learn more about the opportunities, and to meet with her students. During her lifetime, she traveled to 57 countries. Hamon was recognized for her service to decades of CMC students by the CMC Alumni Association, which accorded her an honorary membership. She is survived by her husband, Richard, and two sons.

Robert L. Emett ’50
Life trustee
Robert L. Emett ’50, a member of the first four-year class of 1950 and a life trustee of Claremont McKenna College, died on December 20, 2020. He was 93.
Emett was one of CMC’s most generous benefactors. He funded a scholarship, a loan fund, and the renovation of the student union, which subsequently was renamed the Emett Student Center.
Emett served as a CMC trustee for 33 years and life trustee since 2001. He was president of the Claremont McKenna College Alumni Association in 1963-64, and the recipient of the CMC Alumni Association’s Jack L. Stark ‘57 GP’11 Distinguished Service Award and the Association’s Eugene L. Wolver Jr. ’51 Lifetime Service Award. He was honored with membership in the Claremont-Mudd-Scripps Track and Field Hall of Fame, having set conference and school records in discus and hurdles.
“Bob Emett was a trail blazer serving as the first CMC alumnus elected as a regular member of the College’s Board of Trustees,” said David G. Mgrublian ’82 P’11, chair of CMC’s Board of Trustees. “In his role as trustee, Bob always focused on what was best for the student body. This commitment is best exemplified by his Emett Student Center, home of the ever-popular Hub and the Soll Center for Student Opportunity.”
Emett was actively involved in politics and civic life. He was a delegate to three Republican national conventions and served on the boards of numerous nonprofit organizations, including the Los Angeles County Mental Health Association, the John Tracy Clinic, and the YMCA of Metropolitan Los Angeles. He was founding chairman of the San Fernando Valley chapter of the Young Presidents’ Organization.
Emett’s military service included duty as a Navy seaman in the South Pacific during World War II on an escort carrier, and in the Air Force during the Korean War as a first lieutenant, serving as a crash boat commander.
He often told a story of where he was when he heard that Claremont Men’s College was opening 75 years ago. Emett, then a Navy seaman, was being treated for combat-related hearing problems at the Long Beach naval hospital after WWII ended. He cajoled a visiting entertainer into giving him a pass so that he could come and go as he pleased.
He was eventually caught and ordered into the brig for a few months. It was during his confinement that he received a letter from his father about Claremont Men’s College, whose founders were counting on returning servicemen to help fill classes.
“I decided not to be in the brig again,” Emett recalled, and sent off his application. He studied business administration and graduated with the Pacesetter Class of 1950.
Emett served for 25 years as chief executive officer of Los Angeles-based Emett & Chandler, one of the nation’s largest insurance brokerage companies. He and his wife, sculptor Mary Anne Emett, were longtime residents of Orange County.
David G. Mgrublian ’82 P’11
Chair of the Corporation and Board of Trustees CEO, IDS Real Estate Group
Hiram E. Chodosh
President of the College
Regular Trustees
Peter K. Barker ’70 P’01
Board Chair Emeritus, Claremont McKenna College Retired Chairman of California JPMorgan Chase & Co. Retired Partner, Goldman Sachs & Company
James B. Bemowski ’76 P’07 P’09 M’10
Retired, Vice Chairman of the Doosan Group & CEO of the Doosan Corporation Business Operations
A. Steven Crown ’74
General Partner and Co-President, Henry Crown & Company
Tina Daniels ’93
Director of Agency Measurement Analytics Solutions, Google
Cary Davidson ’75
Co-Founder and Managing Partner, Reed & Davidson, LLP
Robert A. Day ’65 P’12
Board Chair Emeritus, Claremont McKenna College Chairman, The W.M. Keck Foundation Chairman, Oakmont Corporation
Hon. David Dreier ’75
Founder and Chairman, Fallen Journalists Memorial Foundation Retired Chairman, Tribune Publishing Company Member of Congress (1981-2013)
Steven L. Eggert ’82 P’15
Founder, Anton DevCo, Inc.
Elyssa M. Elbaz ’94
Manager, Elbaz Family Foundation
Laura M. Grisolano ’86
President and CEO, Bridge Mediation & Leadership Solutions LLC
E. David Hetz ’80 P’10
Chief Executive Officer, Prager & Co., LLC
Gregory K. Hinckley ’68
Retired, President of Mentor Graphics Corporation
John M. Isaacson
Chairman, Isaacson, Miller
Susan Matteson King ’85 P’18
Board Director, Private Investor, and Senior Executive
Jeffrey S. Klein ’75 P’08 P’11 P’14
Retired Executive Chairman, 1105 Media, Inc.
Henry R. Kravis ’67
Co-Founder and Executive Co-Chairman, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
Duane K. Kurisu P’08
Chairman and CEO, aio
Michael Larson ’80
Chief Investment Officer, Cascade
Tao Li ’02
Co-Founder and Managing Partner, Teng Yue Partners
James B. McElwee ’74 P’12
Private Investor
AMB C. Steven McGann ’73
Founder, The Stevenson Group Retired U.S. Ambassador
Harry T. McMahon ’75 P’08 P’09
Board Chair Emeritus, Claremont McKenna College Senior Advisor, G100 Companies
Marci Lerner Miller ’89 P’19 P’20
Partner, Potomac Law Group, PLLC
Akshata N. Murty ’02
Director, Catamaran Ventures UK
Robert C. Nakasone ’69 P’98
Retired CEO, Toys “R” Us, Inc.
Paul Nathan ’80
Founder, Ledex Consulting Corporation
Donna Wengert Neff P’21
Private Investor
Douglas L. Peterson ’80 P’14 P’15
President and CEO, S&P Global
Fredric J. Prager P’99 P’01
Managing Director, Prager & Co., LLC
Rey Ramsey
Managing Partner, Centri Capital
G. Jeffrey Records, Jr. ’81
Chairman and CEO, MidFirst Bank
George R. Roberts ’66 P’93
Co-Founder and Executive Co-Chairman, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
Richard J. Romero ’89
President & CEO, Oremor Management and Investment Co.
Rossi A. Russell ’71
Attorney at Law
John Shrewsberry ’87 P’24
Private Investor Retired CFO, Wells Fargo
Bruce A. Soll ’79 P’12 P’15 P’17
Counselor, Soll Advisors
Kenneth J. Valach ’82
CEO, Trammell Crow Residential
Shaw B. Wagener ’81
Chairman, Capital Group Private Markets
Christopher V. Walker ’69
Founding Partner, Leonard Green & Partners
Alumni Trustees
Tanya Remer Altmann ’94
Founder & Pediatrician, Calabasas Pediatric Wellness Center
Tendo Nagenda ’97
Vice President, Netflix
Harriet B. Nembhard ’91
Dean and Roy J. Carver Professor, University of Iowa College of Engineering
Ex Officio Trustees
Nicole Heath P’22
President of the CMC Parent Network Board, Claremont McKenna College
Emily Meinhardt ’10
President of the CMC Alumni Association, Claremont McKenna College Interior Designer, Studio Hardt
Life Trustees
Gary E. Biszantz ’56 P’08
Former Chairman, Cobra Golf, Inc.
Barbara W. Boswell
Vice President, Boswell Family Foundation
Abbott L. Brown P’00
Chairman and CEO, Ridgestone Corporation
Richard E. Butler
Retired President, Kilkenny Consulting Corp.
Joseph T. Casey P’81 P’85 P’88 P’95 GP’20
Retired, Executive Vice President and Director of Litton Industries, Inc.
Marvin W. Drew ’51 P’75 GP’05
Private Investor
Thomas C. Leppert ’77
Former CEO, The Turner Corp, Kaplan, Inc And Castle & Cooke Properties Former Dallas Mayor
Perry A. Lerner ’65 P’89 GP’19 GP’20
Chairman & CEO, Crown Global Insurance Group, LLC
Robert J. Lowe ’62
Board Chair Emeritus, Claremont McKenna College Founder and Chairman, Lowe Enterprises Inc.
Thomas M. Mitchell ’66
Retired Chairman and CEO, Provident Investment Counsel
Kenneth M. Novack ’67
Founding Partner, Schnitzer West
William Podlich ’66
Retired CEO, Pacific Investment Management Co.
Jack L. Stark ’57 GP’11
President Emeritus, Claremont McKenna College
Buzz Woolley ’59 P’90 P’92
Retired President, Girard Capital, Inc.
Honorary Trustees
John V. Croul ’49
Retired, Co-Chairman, Behr Process Corporation
Glenn L. Hickerson ’59
President, Hickerson Associates
Thomas Rozwadowski
Anibal Ortiz
Jay Toffoli
Anne Bergman Jeremy Kniffin Valerie Ramos Gilien Silsby Malia Whitenack
Class Notes
Rebecca Pelen Evan Rutter ’06 John Faranda ’79
Vice President for Advancement
Michelle Chamberlain
Fall 2021
CMC Volume 44, Number 2 Published by Claremont McKenna College Claremont, CA 91711-6400
Claremont McKenna College, CMC, and Leaders in the Making are registered trademarks of Claremont McKenna College, and all applicable rights to use of the trademarks are reserved. Claremont McKenna College does not discriminate on any illegal basis in the administration of its admission, educational, or employment policies and practices. Claremont McKenna College is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. To read online, go to www.issuu. com/claremontmckennacollege. Copyright © 2021, Claremont McKenna College

parting shot
Mehrezat Abbas ’25 practices the art of casting on Parents Field during a phy–ed course on fly fishing.


A collective effort
It takes a village—and that’s especially true at CMC. Through all of the adjustments and challenges, protocols and practices that have guided our successful return to campus this fall, we could not have done it without our full community. A special thank you to CMC staff who have worked diligently, often behind-the-scenes, to prepare campus for students to enjoy a safe, fulfilling residential experience once again. Taking our shared responsibility seriously starts with each one of us.