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Audit Class Schedule
Only classes on this schedule are open to visitors. Times, locations, and instructors are subject to change. Changes will be posted in the Hospitality Center located in Founders Room, Bauer Center North.
Building Codes:
AD=Adams Hall, AD DAVD=Adams Hall: Davidson, BC=Bauer Center, FOR=Bauer Forum, KRV=Kravis Center, LC=Lower Courtyard, PICK=Pickford Auditorium, RN=Roberts Hall North, RS=Roberts Hall South
Course, Location, Professor
8:00-8:50 a.m.
Organic Chemistry, BC 36, Hurlocker Linear Algebra, RN 15, Nelson
8:10-9:25 a.m.
Intro to American Politics, RS 104, Busch Intro to Psychology, BC 24, Krauss Cognitive Psychology, RS 103, Cook
9:00-9:50 a.m.
Basic Principles of Chemistry, FOR, Warter Organic Chemistry, AD DAVD, Ung Discrete Structures, BC 36, Shaar Continuing Introductory Korean, RS 105, Staff Calculus I, RN 12, Kao Calculus II, RN 15, Nelson Statistical Inference, KRV 165, Huber Introductory Spanish, KRV 100, Gonzales Intermediate Spanish, RS 102, Altamirano
9:35-10:50 a.m.
Intermediate Microeconomics, BC 35, Gelman Statistics, BC 34, Raviv Investments & Valuation, BC 24, Hughson Environmental Economics, BC 25, Evans Individual & Society S. Asia, KRV 321, Kumar Intro to American Politics, BC 23, Courser Intro to Int’l Politics, RN 103, Favretto Disasters Ancient Medit, KRV 103, Lieberman Calculus I, RN 105, Fukshansky Philosophical Questions, RS 104, Antill Organization Psychology, KRV 102, Day Decision Making & Memory, RS 103, Cook End of the World, KRV 167, Velji
10:00-10:50 a.m.
Introductory Arabic, LC 63, Frangieh Intermediate Arabic, KRV 164, Thomas Principles of Chemistry, FOR, Warter Organic Chemistry, BC 36, Wenzel 20
Introductory French, RN 102, Dahi Introductory French, LC 61, Aitel Introductory Korean, RS 105, Staff Advanced Korean, KRV 109, Hong Calculus I, AD DAVD, Valenza Calculus II, RN 15, Nelson Calculus III, RN 104, Aksoy Differential Equations, RN 12, Kao Intensive Intro Portuguese, KRV 166, Valencia Introductory Spanish, KRV 100, Gonzales Intermediate Spanish, RS 102, Altamirano
11:00-11:50 a.m.
Introductory Arabic, LC 63, Frangieh Basic Principles of Chemistry, FOR, Fucaloro Intermediate Microeconomics, BC 35, Gelman Introductory French, RN 102, Dahi Calculus III, KRV 102, Ou Linear Algebra, KRV 165, Nelson Advanced Linear Algebra, RN 104, Aksoy Intensive Intro Spanish, KRV 100, Gonzales Intermediate Spanish, RS 102, Altamirano
11:00 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
Intermediate Microeconomics, BC 1 , Tocoian Ethics, Econ. & Public Policy, BC 36, Wright Statistics, BC 34, Raviv Econometrics I, RN 12, Vossmeyer Religion and Modernity, BC 2, Michon Fixed Income, BC 24, Yu Africa in France, LC 61, Aitel The Art of Attention, KRV 321, de la Durantaye Intro to American Politics, KRV 164, Shields The United States Congress, RN 15, Pitney Chinese Politics, KRV 103, Pei Conflict Intervention, BC 25, Favretto Pseudohistory, KRV 109, Wang Elizabeth I & Shakespeare, KRV 166, Cody Shakespeare’s Comedies, RS 103 ,Lobis The Age of Chivalry, RS 104, Rentz Calculus I, RN 105, Fukshansky Fundamentals of Logic, LC62, Kind Research Methods, KRV 161, Umanath
Christianity & Politics: East Asia, RN 103, Chung-Kim Advanced Spanish, RS 105, Hernandez
1:15-2:30 p.m.
Modern Arab Culture & Thought, KRV 100, Thomas Principles of Economic Analysis, FOR, Ozbeklik Accounting for Decision Making, RN 105, Ganguly Intermediate Microeconomics, BC 35, Tocoian Intermediate Microeconomics, BC 25, Willett Statistics, BC 34, Raviv Public Economics & Welfare, BC 1, Grant Islam and the West, RN 104, Hamburg Fixed Income, BC 24, Yu Dev. of the Short Story, BC 23, Wyman Intro to American Politics, RN 103, Lynch Comparative Government, KRV 167, Camp Foreign Relations of the U.S., RN 15, Favretto Black Intellectuals: Debate Race, KRV 168, Shields Roman Empire, KRV 321, Lieberman Elizabeth I & Shakespeare, RS 104, Cody Love Songs, RS 102, von Hallberg Poetry and Philosophy, LC 63, de la Durantaye Calculus I, BC 36, Ibragimov Philosophy of Mind, KRV 103, Kind Environmental Ethics, LC 61, Antill Advanced Portuguese, KRV 161, Valencia Economics Seminar, KRV 166, Shelton Introduction to Psychology, KRV 102, Harris Abnormal Psychology, RS 103, Hwang Advanced Spanish, RS 105, Hernandez
1:15-4:00 p.m.
Leadership, KRV 451, Conger
1:15-4:15 p.m.
Genomics & Bioinformatics, KRV 164, Finseth
2:45-4:00 p.m.
Intermediate Microeconomics, BC 34, Wright Intermediate Microeconomics, BC 25, Willett Strategic Cost Management, RN 105, Ganguly Economic Development, BC 2, Flory Econ. of Entrepreneurship, BC 22, Tocoian Public Economics & Welfare, BC 1, Grant Dev. of the Short Story, BC 23, Wyman Intro to American Politics, RN 103, Lynch Public Policy Data Lab, RN 15, Courser and Rose East Asian Political Economy, KRV 321, Pei Policymaking in Internatl Orgs, LC 61, Ascher Modern Russian Hist., RN 104, Hamburg Murder Imperial China, RS 104, Wang Milton, RS 105, Lobis Number Theory, AD DAVD, Fukshansky Moral & Political Issues, KRV 109, Rajczi Economics Tutorial, KRV 166, Shelton Intro to Psychology, KRV 102, Harris Intro to Stats for Psychologists, RN 12, Levin Research Methods, KRV 165, Umanath Meditation/Mindfulness, RS 103, Hwang
2:45-5:30 p.m.
Advanced Fiction Writing, RS 102, Gaitskill Psychosocial Determinants, KRV 167, Doan
4:15-4:55 p.m.
Advanced French, RN 103, Staff
4:15-5:30 p.m.
Economic Development, BC 2, Flory Intro to American Politics, LC 61, Kesler African-American Poetry, KRV 321, von Hallberg Philosophical Questions, RS 105, Huang Moral Psychology, RN 102, Antill Bioethics, KRV 109, Rajczi Hindu Goddess Worship, BC 1, Humes
5:00-5:45 p.m.
Intermediate French, RN 103, Staff
6:00-9:00 p.m.
Stochastic Operations, KRV 165, Huber Stochastic Operations, KRV 165, Huber Analysis of Key 20th Cent Battle, BC 1, Kanakis and Rodriguez-Hardman
6:30-10:00 p.m.
Computational Engineering, RN 12, Gould