1)Table of
1 3 5 7 9 11
Table of Contents
ICON: San Antonio
Kiwanis International
Calendar: Important Dates and Upcoming Events
Divisional Project
Key Club Partners
2 4 6 8 10 12
Letters from our Officers
Circle K
District and International Updates
Club Checklist
Club of the Month
Rustic Pathways and K Corps
13 15
Key Leader
Contact Information
2) Letters The Service Purpose will be featuring Letters from various officers within our Division, our District, and at the International level. Each Issue will always have a letter from our Lieutenant Governor, but will also feature one other officer, like the District Governor, our International Trustee, our International Vice President, our International President, etc. If you are a club officer and would like to write a letter to our division, feel free to send a submission to our LTG!
2) A Letter from our Lieutenant Governor Clarence Manglal-lan Hey, Key Clubbers!
Apologizes it's been awhile since I last came into contact with all of you. After attending this year's Key Club International Convention and our TexasOklahoma Summer District Board Meeting, Here is some important information for all of you! For our June edition of our Divisional Newsletter, we urge you to please be sure to read through it as it contains District and International Updates, Important Club information, Divisional project information, and Key Club partners and Key Leader information. And among all of it, with courtesy of the International and District Key Club board, we actually have two letters from our International President, William Sims, and District Governor, Sabrina Palma. Along with contact information for both our new District and International board. This year, I would like to visit each of your clubs at least 3-4 times this year. With that being said, I will be scheduling an official LTG Visit to both your general members and club officers sometime August-September, that way we will be able to contact business more efficiently and effectively. That is all I have for now, if you have any questions, comments, and/or concerns, feel free to contact me in any way. As always: I am here to serve YOU. I look forward to attending your Club meetings! Thank you and yours in service, Clarence Manglal-lan Lieutenant Governor , Division 1 North
2) A Letter from our International President William Sims Hello Division 1 North of the Texas Oklahoma District, My name is William Sims and I am your 2017-2018 International President! I am so excited for this new opportunity to serve y'all this year. Here is a little bit about myself. In case you could not tell by my use of "y'all," I am from the southern part of the United States, specifically Alabama. I love to play and watch sports, I can quote an embarrassing amount of Disney movies, and I love a good bacon cheeseburger. As a freshman, I was elected Lieutenant Governor. This was the beginning of what would be an amazing journey that would allow me to meet thousands of people and serve even more! As a sophomore, I was elected District Governor of the GREAT Alabama District. Serving as Governor allowed me to develop my leadership skills and meet people all around the world! Now, I am the International President of Key Club International. I still cannot believe it sometimes! I am thrilled to serve you this year! Last week the new International Board and all of the District Governors came together in Indianapolis for LeadCon. We became better leaders, became closer as an International Council, and had a lot of fun. After meeting the amazing District Governors and getting closer with my International Board, I can honestly say that this year will be an amazing one for Key Club International and the T-O District! If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or you just want to say hi! my email is wsimskci@gmail.com Have a great year!
2) A Letter from our District Governor Sabrina Palma Hey 1N! I’m Sabrina Palma and I’m excited to say that I’m your new District Governor for the remainder of the Key Club year! I’m an upcoming senior at Garland High School. Outside of Key Club you can find me at boba shops, natatoriums, and debate rooms. I hope to be able to visit y'all before DCON and not cry too much about college applications. I will be working with you and your president to make sure your club will be the best they can be. The Governor’s Project this year is focused on helping children and adults with disabilities. This ranges from working with Wounded Warriors Project to volunteering at your local Special Olympics. Every month will be dedicated to a different non-profit organization. For example, November will be dedicated to epilepsy awareness and October will be dedicated to adults and children with Down’s Syndrome. This year’s project allows you to be creative and more hands on, so I hope you and your club takes advantage by participating in the Governor’s Project this year! As the summer is coming to an end, the opportunity to trap freshman into joining Key Club is just around the corner. Now’s your chance to prepare to increase your club membership and start the school year right with Key Club. Ways to increase your membership is volunteering for your school’s freshman orientation and hosting Key Club socials for the incoming freshman. You can find more advertisements and strategies to increase membership through Clarence or the district website attokeyclub.com. Thank you for all that you’ve done and feel free to contact me with the information found below! Yours in Service, Sabrina Palma E: governor@tokeyclub.com C: (972) 762-1021
3) ICON: San Antonio ICON was a fantastic opportunity to spend time and bond with Key Clubbers in our district, meet and greet other Key Club members, officers, and advisers from all around the globe, an opportunity to learn more about Key Club, Kiwanis International, and the organizations it works together with, but to also learn the true meaning of servant leadership and what the domains of having the Courage to Engage, the Call to Lead, and the Heart to Serve truly mean. From volunteering at the multiple workshops and forums taught, meeting Key Club members, International officers, district officers from around the world, and exploring the city of San Antonio, ICON will always be a memory I will always cherish. Along with voting in our new International President, Vice President, and Trustees!
4) Circle K Hey, Key Club Seniors! Thank you for all your service to our organization and division. Ready to leave high school, but not Key Club? Don’t worry… The Key Club spirit of service and Leadership continues beyond Key Club and High School. Don’t forget to join Circle K! The Kiwanis Service Leadership Program of College Students (The Collegiate version of Key Club.) With more than 12,600 members in 500 clubs in 17 countries, Circle K is the one of the, if not the, largest collegiate service organization of its kind in the world! With infinite leadership and fellowship opportunities, Circle K is an organization you don’t want to miss out on!
5) Kiwanis International Another option is to join Kiwanis International straight away! Like Key Club and Circle K, Kiwanis International is an international service club that focuses on volunteering in the community and serving others! You can help in the fight to make a world of difference in our homes and communities today. Kids need Kiwanis, with over 600,000 volunteers who serve through local clubs, Kiwanis needs your creativity and your passion in making a difference. You can also consider donating to help Kiwanis make the future of our younger generations brighter. All proceeds go straight to supporting Kiwanis service projects and youth programs. Kiwanis International helps at heart, by brining the world together, one community at a time. Each community has different needs, and you can be the empowerment the world needs. Join today!
6) District Update At our recent District Summer Board Meeting, we elected two New members to District Staff. First, Sabrina Palma, now our Immediate Past District Treasurer, was elected District Governor, and Foster Hillis, now Immediate Past Lieutenant Governor of Division 18, was appointed District Treasurer, in place of Sabrina Palma, both effective immediately, Dajah Brooks, our current District Convention Liaison, is no longer our Interim/Acting Governor. Congratulations to both of them! Be sure to update your club newsletters and contact information. Second, David Minter, Lieutenant Governor of Division 10, has been appointed as Key Leader Liaison, he will still continue to serve as Division 10’s Lieutenant Governor. For more information about Key Leader, please be sure to see the Key Leader Camp Article in this newsletter, and contact LTG David Minter. We will provide more information about the District Governor, Sabrina Palma,’s Project in the future.
6) International Update At ICON San Antonio, we elected our new International Board officers. First, William Sims, Immediate Past District Governor of the Alabama District, has elected International President. Second, Minyoung Kim, Immediate Past District Governor of the Georgia District, has been elected as International Vice President. Third, Saul Ontiveros, an Immediate Past Lieutenant Governor in the Southwest District, has been elected our Texas-Oklahoma District International Trustee! Finally, other International Trustees include Lindsey Banks, Luke Gilmore, Emily Rice, Caleb Neale, Alisa Nguyen, Jack Nannie, Rohan Mekala, Jared Dutko, Audrey Dilgarde, and Nhung Tran. Congratulations to all of these individuals! Our International President, William, Vice President, Minyoung, and our Trustee, Saul,’s contact information will be given in our next newsletter edition. Also, be sure to note that Roy Hedeen is our current Key Club International Director.
7)Calendar: Important Dates and Upcoming Events August September
• Fall Regional Training Conference • All Club Officers and Aspiring Officers • Date, Location, TBD
• Third Divisional Council Meeting • All Key Club Officers • Date TBD • Westside YMCA
8) Club Checklist Hey, Club Officers! Use this monthly checklist to ensure that all duties and responsibilities are fulfilled. Update and send Club Officer Contact Information on Texas – Oklahoma Key Club website
Send in a maximum of 10 articles (3 articles minimum) every month to District Editor
Send Monthly Reports and Task of the Months to District Secretary
Ensure that new Club Officers are fulfilling their proper responsibilities
Begin making Key Club plans for the upcoming school year
Begin drafting member recruitment plans for the upcoming school year
Carry out Key Club Summer Plans (Key Club remains active during the summer)
Look over Divisional Project Plans
Maintain communication with your local Kiwanis Club (Keep in contact with at least 2 Kiwanis Clubs)
9) Divisional Project: K – Family Konnections
Our Divisional Project, K –Family: Konnections, will focus on working together with 4 of the main Kiwanis Family Organizations other than Key Club. Specific club officers will be assigned to specific Connections, and our Lieutenant Governor, Clarence Manglal-lan, will work on all. • Kiwanis Club: The Kiwanis Clubs in our area are our main source of support and sponsorship. Kiwanis International is basically the adult version of Key Club. • Circle K: Our area is included in Kiwanis Division 1; however, in Key Club our Division is split into 2 sections, 1 North and 1 South. Currently there is no Circle K Club in Division 1. Our goal this year is to establish at least 1-2. We can accomplish this by getting in contact with current college/university students, and/or former Key Club Alumni to help begin the charter process. • Builder’s Club and K-Kids: The Kiwanis Family starts way before high school, with K-Kids focusing on Elementary schools, and Builder’s Club focusing on middle/junior high schools. Our Division currently has little to none. By chartering either, it will help boost our membership in the long run future of our division.
9) Connections – Officers Assigned
ConnectionsOfficers Assigned
Circle K – All Club Presidents
Work with corresponding Kiwanis Club to scope out a potential College in the Fort Worth (Division 1 North / Region 7) area for a Circle K Club Goal: Charter 1 to 2 Circle Ks
Kiwanis Club – All Club Officers
Increase Key Club member participation by requiring each member in the division to participate in at least 2 Kiwanis related meetings, events, and/or activities throughout the year. Goal: Have at least 1-2 Key Club members from each Club present at all Kiwanis related meetings, events, and/or activities.
Builder’s Club – All Executive Officers K-Kids – All Club Officers
Work with corresponding Kiwanis Club to scope and charter at least 1-3 Builder’s Club in a middle school within a Club’s school district Goal: Each Club charter at least 1-3 Builder’s Clubs in their respective school district Work with corresponding Kiwanis Club to scope and charter at least 1-3 K-Kids in an elementary school within a Club’s school district Goal: Each Club charter at least 1-3 K-Kids in their respective school district
10) Club of the Month With the addition of our new newsletter, we will be featuring a Club on our newsletter every month, in recognition of the shining and most outstanding club in our Division monthly. How to get featured as club of the month you may ask? Be active, keep your members busy with volunteer services and projects, keep up to date and communication with our Lieutenant Governor, Clarence Manglal-lan, send in plenty of pictures of events and activities, etc. Do all of this and your Club may be featured as Club of the month!
11) Key Club Partners
12) Rustic Pathways and K Corps Rustic Pathways One of the worlds leading providers in superior quality international community service, education, and adventure programs for students around the world. With programs to Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, the Fiji Islands, Thailand, and so much more! Discover your home away from home with Rustic Pathways! K Corps Kiwanis International’s Youth Exchange Program for Kiwanis-family teens. It’s a fantastic opportunity for youth connected with Kiwanis and for families and Kiwanis Clubs as well! Through the program, clubs, families, and youth will develop strong global relationships and intercultural communication skills by doing what Kiwanis members do – attending meetings, experiencing fellowship, raising funds for various causes, and participating in service!
13) Key Leader Key Leader is a life-changing event that focuses on service leadership as the first, most meaningful leadership development experience. Key Leader is designed to open doors to all student leaders and those with leadership potential. The Five Keys of Key Leader are personal integrity, personal growth, respect, building community, and pursuit of excellence. A Key Leader will learn the most important lesson of leadership – it comes from helping others succeed. Information: November 10-12 at Pineywoods Baptist Camp in Woodlake, Texas
For more information, please contact Rene Ford: Email tokeyleader@gmail.com or Facebook at TexasOklahoma Key Leader
14) Newsletter Have any suggestions for The Service Purpose? Feel free to contact Lieutenant Governor Clarence Manglal-lan, as our newsletter is open to all suggestions! If you have any pictures of any Key Club related event, meeting, conference, activity, etc. Please be sure to send it to Lieutenant Governor Clarence Manglallan, and to our District Editor, Stephanie Tran, as well! Both our Division and our District would like to have as many photos as possible to feature on our newsletters.
16) Contact Information
District Governor Sabrina Palma governor@tokeyclub. com
District Secretary Shelby Morton secretary@tokeyclub .com
District Treasurer Foster Hillis treasurer@tokeyclub. com
Lieutenant Governor Clarence Manglal-lan ltg1n@tokeyclub.com
District Editor Stephanie Tran editor@tokeyclub.co m
District Convention Liason Dajah Brooks cl@tokeyclub.com
District Technology Producer William Chao tp@tokeyclub.com
Texas-Oklahoma International Trustee Saul Ontiveros saulontiveros.keyclub@gm ail.com
International Vice President Minyong Kim Minyoungkim.kci@gm ail.com
International President William Sims wsimskci@gmail.com
Region 7 Adviser Corey Nieman CoreyNieman@misdma il.org
District Administrator Kenyon Black administrator@tokeyc lub.com
District Assistant Administrator Ryan Edmoundson aafinance@tokeyclu b.com
District Assistant Administrator Kelly Poland aaevents@tokeyclub .com
International Director Roy Hedeen rhedeen@Kiwanis.org
See you again next time!