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Welcome to Term 2, 2023
The CVCon family sends our congratulations to Jill Carter and her partner Leo on their new arrival. Baby Oliver was born at the beginning of March.
At the beginning of term 1 we welcomed Elysha West to the CVCon to teach singing. Elysha is based downriver and we are looking forward to being able to offer singing lessons in downriver areas - contact us now to register. Inanna Sage will make a welcome return to the CVCon in May as our new violin tutor. Inanna is a long term member of the CVCon family and we are pleased to have her here as a violin tutor.
We're still on the lookout for some musicians to join the new CVCon Rock BandGuitar, Bass Guitar, Piano (Keys) and Drum students will join together to create our newest group at the Con. To register your interest you can use the online form.
From all of the staff at the Clarence Valley Conservatorium we are still celebrating with our Director, Adam Wills on his recent and very notable achievement on receiving the prestigious 2023 Clarence Valley Citizen of the Year Award. We are all very proud of Adam's success, amazing talents and leadership skills, we again say to you, "Congratulations Adam on a well deserved award!"