Term 4 Newsletter

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What's on in Term 4

Monday 14 October: Term 4 lessons commence at CVCon & in Schools

Saturday 19 October & Friday 25 October: Illuminate, See Park - 6:30pm

Monday 28 October: Women of Song, Market Square - 7:00pm

Thursday 31 October: Illuminate, See Park - 6:30pm

Sunday 3 November: Alex Raineri, Salvation Army Hall - 3:00pm

Friday 15 November: We Will Rock You, CVCon - 7:00pm

Saturday 16 November: We Will Rock You, CVCon - 2:00pm, 7:00pm

Sunday 17 November: We Will Rock You, CVCon - 2:00pm

Sunday 24 November: St Cecilia’s Day Concert, CVCon - 3:00pm

Thursday 28 November: Visiting Artists Estampa, CVCon - 7:00pm

Friday 13 December: CVCon lessons in Schools finish for 2024

Saturday 14 December: Christmas on the Clarence, Memorial Park - 5:00pm

Sunday 15 December: Christmas at the Con, CVCon - 3:00pm

Friday 20 December: Lessons at CVCon conclude for 2024





Welcome to Term 4 at the Clarence Valley Conservatorium!

Term 3 saw many fantastic events and concerts for us at the CVCon. A big congratulations to everyone who undertook an AMEB in Term 3 - there were a lot of fantastic results among our students.

We also say congratulations to the students who sat for HSC music exams towards the end of Term 3. It’s an accomplishment to make it past this hurdle, we all know the amount of work that each of you has put in to your craft.

As we move into Term 4 we are excited to finish the year on a high note with several upcoming events and opportunities. We have our End-of-Year PAN concert scheduled for December, where students will showcase their progress and talent. Additionally, we’ll be hosting a series of concerts by visiting artists and by our students

Wishing everyone a fantastic Term 4 full of music, learning, and growth!

Student Reports

During term 4 the CVCon will once again be providing feedback to parents and students through Student Reports. CVCon believes that a report is an important part of the learning process and one that will help parents and students track their progress during their time with us.

Student Reports will include comments and feedback on the progress each student has made over the course of 2024. Please feel free to make email contact to discuss your students report.

Student Reports will be emailed to parents in the latter half of term 4.


Application forms for 2025 Music Scholarships are now available.

Scholarships are available for music students and are awarded to advanced students, and to students who demonstrate potential and commitment. Scholarships are also available for ensemble students. Students are required to prepare two pieces for their scholarship audition and be prepared to discuss their musical ambitions with the scholarship adjudicators.

The closing date for applications is Friday, 1 November 2024.

Music Scholarship auditions will be held on Friday, 8 November 2024.

The Scholarship PAN for awardees will be held on Wednesday, 27 November 2024.

Applications can be completed online.



2024 Jacaranda Festival

Come along to the 2024 Grafton Jacaranda Festival - there are so many opportunities to see the fabulous CVCon students and staff as well as visiting musicians performing in and around Grafton.

Saturday, 19 October - Illuminate (Jazz Ensemble, Concert Band, Sax Ensemble and Flute Ensemble)

See Park, 6:30-8:30pm

Friday, 25 October - Illuminate (Guitarchestra & Derecho)

See Park, 6:30-8:30pm

Monday, 28 October - Women of Song Market Square, 7:00pm

Wednesday, 30 October - Valley Schools on Show Market Square, 9:15am

Thursday, 31 October - Illuminate (Strings with Hats Off)

See Park, 6:30-8:30pm

Friday, 1 November - Venetian Carnival Memorial Park, 6:00pm

Piano Concert Alex Raineri

Hailed as “ a born communicator” (The Australian), award-winning pianist, Alex Raineri has toured extensively both nationally and internationally. With a touring profile in 2024 that includes performances throughout the USA, UK, Ireland, Finland, and the Netherlands, Alex will include NSW’s Northern Rivers and New England regions this November

A performer in high demand, Raineri has appeared as a feature artist in many major festivals and venues within Australia As a concerto soloist he has appeared with the Queensland, Tasmanian, Darwin and West Australian Symphony Orchestras, Orchestra Victoria, and others. Raineri also serves as Artistic Director of the annual Brisbane Music Festival and Brisbane’s inner-city music venue, FourthWall Arts. Presented in association with Music in the Regions.

Sunday, 3 November Salvation Army Hall, 3:00pm

St Cecilia’s Concert

The teachers of the Conservatorium join forces to honour the Patroness Saint of Musicians. Come along and see the wonderful musicians we have here on the teaching staff of the Conservatorium.

Performances will include a variety of solos and duets from CVCon teachers and guests.

Sunday, 24 November

Clarence Valley Conservatorium



Visiting Artists Series Estampa

This concert presents an eclectic mix of music from various cultures and genres. The band takes the audience on a musical journey, beginning with a lively Swedish contemporary folk cover of Vasen, followed by a sultry French gypsy bossa

The band also showcases their ability to weave together traditional and contemporary sounds, with a Swedish traditional wedding polska.

Presented in association with Musica Viva Australia.

Thursday 28 November 7:00pm

Christmas at the Con

Our final Ensembles Concert for 2024 includes a special celebration of Christmas.

You'll have the opportunity to sing some of your favourite carols as well as hearing Christmas music (and some non-Christmas music) performed by the wonderful ensembles of the Conservatorium.

The evening will culminate in a massed performance, showcasing the talented musicians and staff of the Clarence Valley Conservatorium.

Sunday, 15th December 3:00pm

Clarence Valley Conservatorium


Interm4we'retakingexpressionsofinteresttostartastringgroupforthosewhohavebeenlearninga stringinstrumentforashortamountoftime.

Forstudentswhohavebeenlearningforashorttime,ourneweststringgroupprovidesanurturingand engagingenvironmentwheretheycanplaystringinstrumentsliketheviolin,viola,cello,ordoublebass.




Beginner-FriendlyApproach:Inannaisskilledatintroducingmusicconceptsinawaythatisaccessible andenjoyableforlearnersofallages.

MusicalExploration:Throughadiverserepertoireoftunes,ourmusicianswilldiscoverdifferent genresandmusicalstyles. 2.


EnsembleExperience:Playinginagroupisnotonlyeducationalbutalsoincrediblyfun.OurBeginner StringGroupprovidesampleopportunitiesformemberstolearntolisten,followaconductor,and playtogetherwiththeirpeers.Theywillexperiencethejoyofcreatingbeautifulharmoniesaspartofa team.


ConfidenceBuilding:Webelieveinempoweringstudentsthroughmusic.Regularperformances, recitals,andinformalgatheringswillallowmemberstoshowcasetheirprogressandbuildconfidence. Oursupportiveenvironmentensuresthateveryyoungmusicianfeelscelebratedandvalued.

5. RegisteryourinterestHERE.

LifelongBenefits:Learningamusicalinstrumentoffersnumerousbenefitsfordevelopment.Itenhances cognitiveskills,promotesdisciplineandperseverance,improvescoordination,andboostsselfexpression.

Choirs, Ensembles & Groups at CVCON


Good Vibes Choir 1.00-2.30 Brenda Little

Theory for Juniors 4.00-4.45 Peter Morgan

Con Kids Chorus 4 00-4 45 Lois Johnston

Concert Band 4.45-5.30 Peter Morgan

Con Youth Chorus 5.00-6.00 Lois Johnston

Jazz Ensemble 5.40-6.40 Peter Morgan

Con Chorus 6.30-7.30 Lois Johnston


Forget Me Nots Choir 10.00-11.30

Jenny W & Leigh R

Pre-Instrumental 4.00-4.30 Wesley Chegwidden

Rock Band 4.30-5.30 Wesley Chegwidden

Beginner Strings 4.45-5.30 Inanna Sage

Guitarchestra 5.30-6.30 Luke Gough

Adult Combo 6 30-7 30 Kris Edwards


KISS Vocal Group 12.00-1.00 Lois Johnston

Squeeze Box Circle 1.00-2.00 Greta Enns

Pre-Instrumental 3.30-4.00 Wesley Chegwidden

Piano Ensemble 4 00-4 45 Jayne Logan

String Ensemble 5.30-7.00 Sarah Nicholls


Kidzjam 10.30-11.00 Wesley Chegwidden

Pre-Instrumental 3.30-4.00 Wesley Chegwidden

Flute Ensemble 5 30-6 15 Sharon Davidge


Lunchtime Drum Circle 12.30-1.30 Luke Gough

Ensemble/Theory (Seniors) 4.00-4.45 Peter Morgan

Adult Flute Ensemble 4.00-4:45 Sharon Davidge

Sax Ensemble 4 45-5 30 Peter Morgan

Who's Who at Clarence Valley Conservatorium


Chairperson - Jenny Worrell

Vice Chairperson - Calvin Terry

Treasurer / Public Officer - Mark Thompson

Members - Paul Kennedy, Yvonne Ledingham, Fran McHugh, Deborah Wray


Director - Adam Wills

Administration Manager - Vicki Forbes

Finance Manager - Carolyn Maunder

Programs Co-ordinator - Kris Edwards

Projects Officer - Roslyn Kennedy


Clarinet, Saxophone, Bass Guitar, Adult Combo (Ens) - Kris Edwards

Clarinet, Saxophone - Peter Morgan

Flute, Fife, Piccolo, Panpipes - Sharon Davidge

Guitar: Classical, Folk - Ryan Enns

Guitar, Electric Guitar, Ukulele, Music Production - Luke Gough

Guitar, Bottle Neck Slide Guitar, Banjo - Robert Hughes

Guitar, Ukulele, Banjo, Harmonica - Damien Sullivan

Percussion - Adam Wills

Percussion, Rock Band - Wesley Chegwidden

Piano, Piano Accordion - Greta Enns

Piano, Flute, Accompanying - Jayne Logan

School Groups - Elizabeth Moore

Strings n Things (Ensemble) - Sarah Nicholls

Violin, Piano - Inanna Sage

Voice, Choirs - Lois Johnston

Voice, Choirs - Elysha West

Choirs - Brenda Little

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