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Iluka residents are invited to participate in the preparation of a scheduled works program to improve drainage issues in the village.
A database being developed from the Iluka Urban Drainage Survey, as recommended by the Iluka Flood Risk Management Plan, will inform future improvements to the performance of the urban drainage system. Reports of past incidents, particularly in the first part of 2022 when rainfall events and groundwater levels far exceeded the design capacity of the stormwater drainage system, are welcome.
Scan the QR code to register a stormwater drainage event.
Groundwater Data Shows Increase In Levels
Inundation in Iluka from March 2022 onwards was exacerbated by unprecedented groundwater levels, which remained above previous records beyond May. Graphs showing recorded Iluka Groundwater Historical data and Iluka Groundwater data in 2022.
Iluka Drainage Investigation
A three-phase structured approach has been implemented in relation to overland flooding and local stormwater drainage in urban areas of Iluka during the March 2022 flood:
Phase One: Initial site inspections and assessments;
Phase Two (pictured): Environmental assessment and approval for open drain maintenance; investigation of options to upgrade capacity of existing stormwater drainage
Phase Thee: Detailed design of options for, and prioritisation of, identified alterations and upgrades.
Icope Action Plan
The Local Emergency Management Committee has endorsed the action plan of the newly formed Iluka Community Organisation Planning for Emergencies (ICOPE) Inc to improve disaster preparedness.
Participate in Communityled Resilience Teams (CRTs) training with Red Cross
Undertake Community Carers and Responders training with Plan C
Map vulnerable residents in Iluka
Develop a Community Managed Evacuation Centre (CMEC) Action Plan
Medium To
Establish CRT street coordinators
Develop an Iluka Community Emergency Action Plan
Purchase CMEC equipment
Create a website about prevention, preparedness, response and recovery from disasters
Create a disaster preparedness education booklet for residents and visitors
Host community parties to increase connectedness
Raising The Levee
An assessment completed in November identified some low spots along the Iluka levee wall. Funding opportunities are currently being investigated to raise the levee at these locations.