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Clarence Valley Council
The Disability Inclusion Amendment Act 2022 has been assented. The Department of Community and Justice’s Disability Inclusion team will be updating the DIAP Guidelines and has provided an opportunity for local councils to attend a webinar (29 September 2022) to learn more about the amendments and assist in planning your DIAPs. The DIAP has been extended for 2022/2023 so the new guidelines can be reviewed to create a plan to ensure we consult and co-design with people with disability, staff and the community. See out plan below to create a 2023/2024 to 2027/2028 plan.
Our steps for development and implementation
1. Allocate executive ownership and responsibility 2. Map our functions, facilities, services and information sources 3. Determine governance and accountability arrangements 4. Consultation and co-design with people with disability, staff and community 5. Undertake disability inclusion action planning 6. Develop risk mitigation strategy 7. Prepare a monitoring and reporting strategy 8. Plan for continual engagement 9. Final draft plan to CVC Access Advisory Committee and Council for public exhibition and feedback prior to adoption 10. Publish Action Plan
11. Promote the Action Plan to staff and the community 12. Monitoring and evaluation
Disability Inclusion Action Plan
Key milestones
August – 2022/2023 DIAP to CVC Access Advisory Committee and feedback to Council
September – Webinar for key internal stakeholders and Executive ownership and responsibility
Oct - Map our functions, facilities, services and information sources and determine governance and accountability arrangements
Nov/Dec - Consultation and co-design with people with disability, staff and community
Feb - Undertake disability inclusion action planning, develop risk mitigation strategy, prepare a monitoring and reporting strategy and plan for continual engagement
March – Final draft to CVC Access Committee and CVC staff
April – Final draft to Council for endorsement for public exhibition
May – on public exhibition
June – update to Council for adoption
Clarence Valley Council