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Other fees
Event booking fees [continued]
Eventbrite Online Booking Fees (may vary on ticket price)
Other fees
Image Reproduction - Per Work - for artists in the collection where copyright resides with the artist Image Reproduction - Per Work - for artworks in the collection where copyright is assigned to the Gallery Stationery Per Person (meeting stationery supplies) Photocopying/Printing - A4, B & W, double sided Photocopying/Printing – Single Sheet A3 Photocopying/Printing – Single Sheet A4 Printing – Colour Single Sheet A4 Printing – Colour Single Sheet A4 – Double Sided Security Hire Security Callout Fire Alarm Callout
Category Year 22/23 Fee Amount
(incl. GST) Pricing Code GST
Grafton Regional Gallery Event Value Approx fee payable $0 to $6 $1.00 $6 to $20 $1.50 $20 to $50 $2.00 $50 to $75 $2.50 $75 to $100 $3.00 Over $100
$5.00 U Y
Grafton Regional Gallery $220.00 U Y Grafton Regional Gallery $33.00 U Y Grafton Regional Gallery $5.00 U Y Grafton Regional Gallery $0.75 U Y Grafton Regional Gallery $0.60 U Y Grafton Regional Gallery $0.35 U Y Grafton Regional Gallery $1.25 U Y Grafton Regional Gallery $2.50 U Y Grafton Regional Gallery At Cost U Y Grafton Regional Gallery At Cost U Y Grafton Regional Gallery At Cost U Y