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Water Supply Fees

Water Supply Fees

Impounding Fees [continued]

Animal transported by Council – Per head – swine, goat, sheep or other

Animal transported by private carrier

Abandoned Motor Vehicle – Impound Fees – Removal Fee Abandoned Motor Vehicle – Impound Fees – Serving Notice Abandoned Motor Vehicle – Impound Fees – Storage – First Day Abandoned Motor Vehicle – Impound Fees – Storage – Subsequent Day Cost of Advertisement

Each Notice served by Post Letter in Reply to Postal Enquiry Other – Impound Fees – Each Article or Unauthorised Advertising Structure/Sign Storage – First Day Other – Impound Fees – Each Article or Unauthorised Advertising Structure/Sign Storage – Subsequent Day Other – Impound Fees – Removal Fee -Each Article or Unauthorised Advertising Structure/Sign – First Item Other – Impound Fees – Removal Fee -Each Article or Unauthorised Advertising Structure/Sign – Subsequent Item Other – Impound Fees -Each Article or Unauthorised Advertising Structure/Sign Serving Notice Sale of each Lot if of one owner Shopping Trolley Release Fee



Copy of Miscellaneous Reports on CD Copy of Technical Reports

Category Year 22/23 Fee Amount

(incl. GST) Pricing Code GST

Impounding Fees - Transport Charges $63.80 R N

Impounding Fees - Transport Charges At cost R N

Pound Miscellaneous Fees $473.20 R N Pound Miscellaneous Fees $95.90 R N Pound Miscellaneous Fees $65.20 R N Pound Miscellaneous Fees $23.05 R N Pound Miscellaneous Fees At cost + $7.00 U N

Pound Miscellaneous Fees $5.80 R N Pound Miscellaneous Fees $5.80 R N Pound Miscellaneous Fees $22.55 R N Pound Miscellaneous Fees $13.05 R N Pound Miscellaneous Fees $87.50 R N Pound Miscellaneous Fees $22.55 R N Pound Miscellaneous Fees $56.75 R N Pound Miscellaneous Fees $20.15 R N Pound Miscellaneous Fees $110.10 R N

Floodplain Information $55.00 U N Floodplain Information At Cost U N

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