1 minute read

Executive Summary

This Plan of Management (PoM) is intended to guide Council in the management and use of the Ferry Park Reserve, Maclean. It is a statutory document that aims to satisfy the requirements of both the Local Government Act 1993 and the Local Government Amendment (Community Land Management) Act 1998.

The land, Lot 434 DP 823599 is owned and managed by Clarence Valley Council and is:

Classified as community land;

To be categorised as General Community Use; and Natural Area –Foreshore; and

 Zoned SP3 Tourist under the Clarence Valley Local Environmental Plan 2011 (CVLEP). The land is best known as the Ferry Park Reserve. The existing building is known as the Lower Clarence Arts & Craft Centre.

The reserve also includes land that is road reserve under the control of Transport for NSW (land that is part of the Pacific Highway) and road reserve under the control of Council as the local roads authority (part of Cameron Street).

There is a licence held under the Crown Land Management Act 2016 over the pontoon adjoining the land parcel. Maintenance of the pontoon is the responsibility of Council’s Civil Services Section.

Cane Punt No. 6 and Ashby Ferry currently reside on this Reserve (CVLEP, Schedule 5, item I194). The structures have now deteriorated to the point where significant major work is required to make good. This PoM permits the removal and relocation of the cane punt and ferry provided that it complies with the CVLEP’s development approval process.

The operation of the Arts & Craft Centre and retail space is primarily the responsibility of the lessees of the building as outlined in the respective lease agreements. Council’s Open Spaces & Facilities section is responsible for the maintenance of the public infrastructure and the foreshore area.

It is acknowledged that the Ferry Park Reserve adjoins the South Arm Reach of the Clarence River and that native title exists in the riverbed below the high water mark. Works within the riparian area’s intertidal zone must be undertaken in consultation with the Yaegl Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation.

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