FEBRUARY 2-4, 2025
FEBRUARY 2-4, 2025
We’re excited to welcome you to THE shopping destination of choice for retailers.
Explore hundreds of top-selling products and discover new trends across a variety of categories. Whether you’re seeking established brands or fresh finds, the 2025 Philadelphia Gift Show has everything you need to grow your business.
No need to wait –discover unique vintage finds and immediate goods to take back to your store.
Unique, artisan gifts featuring handmade designs and Made in the USA products.
An unrivaled selection of resort, destination, and logo products to gear up for the tourist season.
Enter daily prize giveaways for a chance to win exciting exhibitor-sponsored gifts, merchandise credits, and more! Pick up your entry form and drop it off in the ballot box located in the Buyer’s Lounge.
Many exhibitors will be offering various discounts and promotions during the show. See the Show Specials section on pages 8-11 for more information.
Take a break from shopping and network with your peers at one of our social events. See our full Schedule of Events on pages 4-6 to plan your day.
2-4, 2025
The Philadelphia Gift Show is open to the trade only. New stores and/or buyers attending for the first time should be prepared to present the following to gain admission: business card; company credit card; company check; paycheck stub; tax ID number; company insurance card; company buyer’s club card; business invoice.
The attendee expressly assumes and releases Clarion Events, Inc., any affiliates, employees, agents, subcontractors, and third parties from all risks, claims, damages, losses, costs, and expenses, whether or not reasonably foreseeable, associated with, resulting from, or arising in connection with the attendee’s participation or presence at the event, including, without limitation, all risks of harm, damage, illness (including viruses or illness from any communicable disease), or injury (including death) to or related to the attendee and his or her person or property.
To maintain the professional environment of the show, children under the age of 14 years and strollers are strongly discouraged. Children are not permitted at all in the exhibit hall during move-in/move-out for safety reasons. Photography of any exhibit is expressly prohibited without the written consent of the exhibitor.
In keeping with the wholesale nature and intent of the show, cash & carry and the sale of merchandise for delivery at the point of sale are expressly prohibited. No merchandise will be permitted to leave the exhibit floor.
FEBRUARY 2-4, 2025
9:00 AM Exhibit Hall Opens Registration open 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Sponsored by
9:00 AM Coffee & Hot Chocolate Social
Buyer’s Lounge, Booth #1425
11:00 AM Daily Prize Drawing
Buyer’s Lounge, Booth #1425
Pick up an entry form at the registration desk, fill it out, and drop it in the ballot box in the Buyer’s Lounge anytime before the drawing for a chance to win a gift card or gift basket. Winners will be phoned at each drawing time and must be in the building to claim their prize.
One entry per buyer per day.
Sponsored by
11:00 AM AND 2:00 PM Popcorn Social
Buyer’s Lounge, Booth #1425
3:00 PM Daily Prize Drawing
Buyer’s Lounge, Booth #1425
Pick up an entry form at the registration desk, fill it out, and drop it in the ballot box in the Buyer’s Lounge anytime before the drawing for a chance to win a gift card or gift basket. Winners will be phoned at each drawing time and must be in the building to claim their prize.
One entry per buyer per day.
6:00 PM Exhibit Hall Closes
FEBRUARY 2-4, 2025
9:00 AM Exhibit Hall Opens Registration open 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
11:00 AM Daily Prize Drawing
Buyer’s Lounge, Booth #1425
Pick up an entry form at the registration desk, fill it out, and drop it in the ballot box in the Buyer’s Lounge anytime before the drawing for a chance to win a gift card or gift basket. Winners will be phoned at each drawing time and must be in the building to claim their prize.
One entry per buyer per day.
11:00 AM AND 2:00 PM Popcorn Social
Buyer’s Lounge, Booth #1425 Sponsored by
3:00 PM Daily Prize Drawing
Buyer’s Lounge, Booth #1425
Pick up an entry form at the registration desk, fill it out, and drop it in the ballot box in the Buyer’s Lounge anytime before the drawing for a chance to win a gift card or gift basket. Winners will be phoned at each drawing time and must be in the building to claim their prize. One entry per buyer per day.
6:00 PM Exhibit Hall Closes
FEBRUARY 2-4, 2025
9:00 AM Exhibit Hall Opens Registration open 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Sponsored by
9:00 AM Coffee & Hot Chocolate Social Buyer’s Lounge, Booth #1425
11:00 AM Daily Prize Drawing Buyer’s Lounge, Booth #1425
Pick up an entry form at the registration desk, fill it out, and drop it in the ballot box in the Buyer’s Lounge anytime before the drawing for a chance to win a gift card or gift basket. Winners will be phoned at each drawing time and must be in the building to claim their prize. One entry per buyer per day.
Sponsored by
11:00 AM Popcorn Social Buyer’s Lounge, Booth #1425
12:00 PM Last Day Lunch On Us!
4:00 PM Exhibit Hall Closes
For lunch on us, ask for a voucher at Registration.
FEBRUARY 2-4, 2025
FEBRUARY 2-4, 2025
A Cheerful Giver
*As of 12/11/24
Save 10%-20% on select products plus discounted shipping when you place your order during show hours.
Our Show Special is Free Freight on orders placed at the show.
Andreas Silicone 930
Order $360 and receive FREE counter display PLUS Free Shipping
Bentley Seeds 317
Orders written at the show that are $300 or greater will qualify for Free Shipping
Capitol Earth Rugs
• 5% off orders $350 - $749.99
• 10% off orders $750 - up
• 20x30 Oval Printed Rugs for $15
• Ship anytime
Chef Tim Foods
Take a wholesale case to your shop, or simply treat yourself to a bottle take home today!
Cimarron Creek Essentials
Place an order during the show totally more than $500 in your entire order will ship free.
D’Vine Foods 231
FREE custom private label (no set-up fee) - LOW opening order: 4 cases (12 units per case) - NO minimum reorders - SPLIT CASES among 2 different products: 6 of one thing/6 of another - 16 case orders get 1 free case of labeled mixed samples to match the order - 40+ case orders get freight cap at 10% and 1 free case of labeled samples. Customer determines the ship date. Nothing is billed until the order ships.
Fox Chapel Publishing 413
55% Discount (no minimums)
Free Shipping on orders over $200
Valid on all orders placed at the Show
FEBRUARY 2-4, 2025
Green Papaya, LLC
• FREE SHIPPING For orders placed at the show.
• FREE DISPLAY CASE For candle carousel purchase. 1 per order.
• One free sample carousel from order placed at the show.
Green Pastures Wholesale 238
Free Night Light Display for Order over $300
Inis the Energy of the Sea 114
Free Freight at $700 - Free Freight + 12 Free Lip Balms at $1400
Made and Assembled 824
Free Display(s) with Qualifying Purchase(s)!
MAE Wholesale 827
Receive reduced wholesale pricing for limited items for orders placed at the show.
Nova Toys LLC.
$250= Free Freight + N30
Ocean Beach Sportswear, Inc. 712
50% Off shipping on all asap orders as well as deals on our Ladies Vintage Wash AND Tie Dye!
Oyster Jewelry - Celebrate the Chesapeake
NNK Style 1135
FREE SHIPPING All orders over $300 shop free!
Pennybandz Your Pressed Penny Company 337
We’re offering free shipping on all Pennybandz product orders placed during the show—stock up on our best-selling accessories and pressed penny books, all with no shipping costs! Additionally, when you order a custom Pennybandz pressed penny machine at the show, you’ll receive free graphic artwork.
Pilgrim Imports Inc. 338
Come to our Booth #338 and receive a free pin!
Piper & Leaf Tea Company 801
Take 5% off any order of $300+
FEBRUARY 2-4, 2025
Samuel Lamont
• 15% Freight Cap for orders over $650
• Six free towels for orders over $650 ($60 value)
• Twelve free towels for orders over $1000 ($120 value)
• Eighteen free towels for orders over $1500 ($180 value)
Sinobrite, Inc.
• Free UPS Ground Shipping for orders over $400.00
• Last Show for low prices before Trump’s new tariff kicks in.
Slippery Elm, Ltd.
Place your opening order at the show and receive free shipping on every order, with no minimum order requirements, for 1 year. Offer applies to orders for Slippery Elm brand products shipped within 1,000 miles of our Ohio warehouse.
Sun Day Greetings 22
FREE Displays or 15% off orders over $150We have an array of displays from countertop to floor including 24, 48 and 72 pockets. Make an impact with our acrylic spinners and have our cards look their best!
The Beach and Back Jewelry
Choose from several displays Free with selected purchase price points
The Penny Candy Store 931
• Get Free Shipping on your first order when you buy a full starter kit! Get a total of 36 display ready candy boxes plus a 3 foot rack shipped free to your store!
• Not ready for a full Penny Candy program? Buy 6 boxes of candy, get one free counter top display rack.
The Tea Can Company 426
$25 off shipping on orders over $700
Urban Charm 333
Free Custom Design - We offer low minimums on our custom products so that you can discover what sells best for your store needs.
FEBRUARY 2-4, 2025
Wallaroo Hats
Choose 2 Free Hats with minimum purchase of 12 hats placed at show; Choose 4 Free Hats with purchase of Hat Rack; Free Hats from curated list.
• Free shipping on wholesale orders over $300
• Any mix of Wild Kiwi products, Australian and Tibetan sheepskin rugs, New Zealand and Tibetan sheepskin cushions and sheepskin footwear
A. 10% in additional FREE PRODUCT *minimum $500 order required *up to a max of $250
YTM Clothing & Accessories/Missy & Tammy
Buy 12 shawls get one free. Best selling item, great sell through line!
Zaer Ltd. International 123
BUY MORE - SAVE MORE Quantity discounts available on nearly EVERY item. Some styles can be mixed and matched and still qualify for the discount. Discounts will vary based on item, quantities, and order size. Seek out Zaza to discuss various discounts opportunities at the show (for in show attendees ONLY).
Zhen Zhu
Purchase of 300.00 or more-FREE SHIPPING
*As of 12/11/24 COMPANY BOOTH #
ALM Gourmet Brokerage, LLC 331 almgourmet.net
Anchor Distributors 407 anchordistributors.com
Bendetti Optics 1326 bendettioptics.com
Bentley Seeds 317 bentleyseeds.com
Cimarron Creek Essentials.................. 319 .............. cimarroncreekessentials.com
Colosseum USA 812 Colosseumusa.com
Cork and Charm 1241 etsy.com/shop/CorkandCharm Country & Western Home Decor 1040
Desperate Enterprises 500 tinsigns.com
Dolma Inc. ............................................... 425 ............. dolmaimports.com Earth Sky + Water, LLC 1313 earthskywater.net
Egyptian American office .................... 416 .............. Everything Labeled 825 everythinglabeled.com ExClaymations! By Muse Inspiration Enterprises 1141 Monthlypin.com
Fan Creations 521 fan-creations.com
FBF Originals 440 fbforiginals.com
Freezepix 430 TheBouraouiGroup.com
Hicel Cnc 1133 hicelcnc.com
K & S Wholesale Inc. ............................ 401 .............. kandswholesaler.com
Made and Assembled 824 dolesorchardboxshop.com
MAE Wholesale 827 maewholesale.com
Mount Mansfield Maple Products 233 mansfieldmaple.com
NIC-Zoo Book 433 nic-zoobook.com
Nova Toys LLC. 907 nova-toys.com
Ocean Beach Sportswear, Inc. 712 oceanbeachco.com
Oyster Jewelry - Celebrate the Chesapeake NNK Style .................. 1135 ............. oysterjewelry.com
Piedmont Pennies 239 piedmontpennies.com
Piper & Leaf Tea Company.................. 801 .............. piperandtea.com
Rachels Best Soap 940 rachelsbestsoap.com
ResQ Jewelry 336 resqjewelry.com/pages/the-resq-team
Ruby’s Hottie Hot sauce 1338 Rubyhottiehotsauce.com
Seller Online LLC 623 selleronlinecraft.com
Skips Candies Nut Free ....................... 227.............. skipscandies.com
Skywater Sales, LLC. 1312
The Herbal Zen 323 theherbalzen.com
The Penny Candy Store 931 pennycandy.com
The Spicy Shark 1234 thespicyshark.com
Uniware Home Deco 807 uniwarehouseware.com
Wallaroo Hats 813 wallaroohats.com
White Squirrel Clayworks ................... 1132 ............. whitesquirrelclayworks.com
Wild Kiwi 713 kiwigearsheepskin.com
Wonderfouta 1330 wonderfouta.com
1 Brillant Gifts 1119 1brillantgifts.com
5th Street Branding .................................... 216 ........... 5thstreetbranding.com
A Cheerful Giver 201 acheerfulgiver.com
ABC 123 Accessories 1415 abc123accessories.com
ABW Designs 339 abw-designs.com
ActionEyz Eyewear Accessories .............. 720
Addvent 1100 addvent.us
AdventureKEEN 1008 adventurewithkeen.com
Age of Industry 1435
Ajuba Jewelry .............................................. 1030 ........ ajubajewel.com
Alina’s Exclusives 412 alinas.ca
A-Line Greetings, LLC 518 alinegreetings.com
ALM Gourmet Brokerage, LLC 331 almgourmet.net
AMANDA BLU ............................................. 913........... amandablu.com
Americana Souvenirs and Gifts 417 americansouvenirs.com
Anchor Distributors 407 thechosengiftproducts.com
Andreas Silicone 930 andreastrivets.com
Anju ............................................................... 501 .......... anjujewlery.com
Aunt Liz’s Attic 630 auntlizsattic.com
Aurora 1119 auroragift.com
Authentic Resortwear Inc 821 cupshe.com
b.young ......................................................... 1106 ......... byoung.com
BAMBOO TRADING COMPANY 913 bambootrading.co
Bates Family Farm, LLC 727 batesfamilyfarmllc.com Beacon 501 beacondesign.com
Belvedere 506 belvedereexclusive.com
Ben Kaufman 1119 bkaufman.net
Bendetti Optics 1326 bendettioptics.com
Bentley Seeds 317 bentleyseeds.com
Blossom Bucket 522 crossroadsfamily.com
Bluebirds of Happiness 1141 usingart.org/collections/ blue-birds-of-happiness
Brief Insanity 1119 briefinsanity.com
Bright Ideas, LLC 214 shopcwi.com
Bruce Julian Heritage Foods 235 brucejulianheritagefoods.com
BruMate 513 brumate.com
Bruno and Company 1119 brunoandcompany.com
C & C Studios Inc. 1030 fibrations.biz
Can’tdles 1232 cantdles.com
Capitol Earth Rugs 106 earthrugs.com
Carolina Gold Oil Co 531 carolinagoldoil.com
Carson Home Accents 513 carsongifts.com
Center Court 901 centercourtonline.com
CERTIFIED INTERNATIONA ..................... 913
Chala 501 chalahandbags.com
Cheap Carl’s 1401 cheaparls.com
Chef Tim Foods 1340 cheftimfoods.com
Cherchies Specialty Foods........................ 241 ........... wholesale.cherchies.com
Chippers the BARK with a Bite™ 422 sensationalsweets.com
Christmas Collection 123
Cimarron Creek Essentials 319 cimarroncreekessentials.com
Cliff Weil, Inc. .............................................. 720.......... cliffweil.com
Cloud 9 Sheepskin / Simply Natural Alpaca 1101 sheepskin.com
Coffee City 513
Cohasset Gifts & Garden 10 cohassetgifts.com
Colosseum USA .......................................... 812........... colosseumusa.com Commonwealth Soaps 513
Cork and Charm 1241 corkandcharm.com
COTT’N’CURLS 913 phillipdavidcompany.com
Country & Western Home Decor ............ 1040
Country Home Creations 530 chcdips.com
Crazy Daisy 22
CUDDLE BARN 913 cuddle-barn.com
Cuppa Inc ..................................................... 815........... cuppa.net
Cutting Edge Industries 1215 cuttingedgeindustries.com CWI Gifts 105 shopcwi.com
Davis & Davis Gourmet Foods, LLC 325 shopwacky.com
Dazzil ............................................................. 907
Desperate Enterprises 500 tinsigns.com
Devi Creations 117 devicreations.com
DM MERCHANDISING 913 247dm.com
DNS Designs................................................ 305 ......... dnsdesignsandmore.com
Dolma Inc. 425 dolmaimports.com
Dony Simon Plus 230 donysimonplus.com
DOT & DASH 913 dotanddashdesign.com
DRINKS ON ME ........................................... 913........... drinksonme.com
Dugout Mugs 717 DugoutMugs.com
Duke Cannon 501 dukecannon.com
D’Vine Foods 231 dvinefoods.com
E & S Pets 301 esimports.com
Earth Sky + Water, LLC 1313 foldingguides.com
East Shore Pretzels 331 eastshorefoods.com
Egyptian American Office 416
Elite Fashion Accessories Corp. 1140 elitereligiouscraft.com
Emily Burke’s Art 1039 emilyburkeartwork.com
Esschert/Province 513
Everything Labeled 825 everythinglabeled.com
Eye Decos 1241
Fan Creations 521 fan-creations.com
FBF Originals 440 forbarefeet.com
Feridies 331 feridies.com
Fox Chapel Publishing 413 foxchapelpublishing.com
Freezepix 430 freezepix.com
Fusion Gourmet 331 fusiongourmet.com
Gib Carson Associates 513 thecarsoncompanies.com
Gift Essentials 501 giftessentials.com
Grasshopper 513 grasshoppergifts.co.uk
Grasshopper Mermaid ............................... 513........... grasshoppersmermaid.com
Green Monster Sales LLC 906 gmsalesllc.com
Green Papaya, LLC 900 shopgreenpapaya.com
Green Pastures Wholesale 238 greenpastureswholesale.com
GRIT .............................................................. 913
Guitar Pick Holder 931
Güven Gift & Display Boxes 1035 cleargiftboxes.com
H D Coller Company 1200 hdcollercompany.com
Hanna’s Handiworks, LLC ......................... 731 ........... hannashandiworks.com
Hicel CNC 1133 hicelcnc.com
History & Heraldry 1119 historyandheraldry.com
History America 800 historyamerica.us
Huckle Bee Farms 331 hucklebeefarms.com
Hyascent ...................................................... 726.......... hyascent.com
I- Reversibles 1327 reversibles.net
Inis the Energy of the Sea 114 inis.com/us
IrieVeda 1033 irieveda.com
J & X International ...................................... 330 ......... jxinternationalcorp.com
JEN & CO 913 jencohandbag.com
JILZRAH 913 jilzarah.com
Joy Accessories By Joy Susan 1319 joysusan.com
K. CARROLL................................................. 913........... k-carroll.com
Keepers of the Light 201 acheerfulgiver.com/collections/ candles-keepers-of-the-light-candles
KIPOD 907 kipodtoys.com
KIYMET Handcrafts LLC ............................ 1130 ......... kiymethc.com
Klara’s 331
KMI International Corp. 1400 floralkmi.com
Laser Gifts 1119 lasergifts.com
LED Fireplaces ............................................. 238
Leon Global Group LLC 1430 tlsglobalgroup.com
Lipco Group 622 lipco.biz
Little Blue House 501 hatley.com/pages/little-blue-house
Lynch Hospitality Group, LLC .................. 1139.......... facebook.com/egbearsusa
Mad Men 501
Made and Assembled 824 madeandassembled.com
MAE Wholesale 827 maewholesale.com
Maple Landmark Woodcraft 806 maplelandmark.com
Marian Imports Inc 831 marianimports.com
Maya J 501 mayajnyc.com
Mike Berin 513
MJ Mitchell Consulting LLC 816 lanilauhawaii.com
Mose Pose 1106
Mount Mansfield Maple Products 233 maplewholesaler.com
MrSpinner Inc 504 mrspinner.com
Muse Inspiration Enterprises LLC 1141 exclaymations.com
Natto USA Corp 935 nattousa.com
NATURAL INSPIRATIONS 913 naturalinspirations.com
Nature Planet 513 natureplanet.com
Nature Planet/Wishpets 513 na.natureplanet.com/wishpets
Nature’s Retreat 1219 facebook.com/NaturesRetreatWholesale
Needle & Threads of West Palm Beach 1007 us.needleandthread.com
Nicole Brayden 501 nicolebrayden.com
NIC-Zoo Book 433 nic-zoobook.com
Northeast Specialty Foods 512 nesfoods.org
Nova Toys LLC............................................. 907 ......... nova-toys.com
Oak & Vale
(Handcrafted by Design LLC) 20 oakandvale.com Oak Street Wholesale, Inc. 435 oakstreetwholesale.com
Ocean Beach Sportswear, Inc. ................. 712 ........... oceanbeachco.com
OMG! Pretzels 431 omgpretzels.com
Outset Games, Cobble Hill Puzzles and Crystal Art Crafts .......................... 617........... outsetmedia.com
Oyster Jewelry - Celebrate the Chesapeake NNK Style 1135 oysterjewelry.com
Pamela Cassidy Designs 418 pamelacassidydesigns.com
Papillon 1106 papillonwholesale.com/ collections/gifts-accesories
Park 501
Peanut Shop of Williamsburg 331 thepeanutshop.com
Pennybandz Your Pressed Penny Company............ 337 .......... pennybandzwholesale.com
Peruvian Trading Co., LLC 19 peruviantradingcompany.com
Pet Gifts USA, LLC 327 petgiftsusa.com
Pewter Pets 613 pewterpets.com
Philip David Company................................ 913........... philipdavidcompany.com
Pickbandz the Ultimate 337 pickbandz.com
Piedmont Pennies 239 piedmontpennies.com
Pilgrim Imports Inc. 338 pilgrimimports.com
Piper & Leaf Tea Company........................ 801 .......... piperandleaf.com
Pizza Patties with Pizazz™ 422 sensationalsweets.com/shop-2/ Pizza-Patties-with-Pizzaz™-c174547101
Pretzel Pete 331 pretzelpete.com
Pucker Butt Pepper Company .................. 218........... puckerbuttpeppercompany.com
Puffin 501
PUPPIE LOVE 913 puppielove.com
R.S. Covenant, Inc. 913 rscovenant.com
Rachels Best Soap ...................................... 940 ......... rachelsbestsoap.com
Rain Jewelry 513 rainjewelry.com
Rapti Fashion 1106 raptifashiondirect.com
Red Rocker 331 redrockercandy.com
ResQ Jewelry 336 resqjewelry.com
Road Runner Marketing 627
Rob with Love 331
Roberts Sales Corp 15 roberts-sales.com
Ruby’s Hottie Hot sauce 1338 rubyhottiehotsauce.com
Safari Ltd. 31 partners.safariltd.com
Samuel Lamont 33 samuellamontusa.com
ScentCo 1119 scentcoinc.com
Seller Online LLC 623 selleronlinecraft.com
Sensational Sweets / Creative Cookie, Etc. 422 sensationalsweets.com
Shana Apparel 1106 shanaapparel.com
Shine Mark Accessories 716 shinemarkonline.com
Sibbett Studio 1230 myjigsawjournal.com/tag/ sibbett-studio
Silver Forest 501 silverforest.com
SIMPLY NATURAL 1101 simplynatural.shop
Sincere Surroundings 501 sinceresurroundings.com
Sinobrite, Inc. 300 sinobrite.com
Sister Bees ................................................... 1235......... sisterbeeswholesale.com
Skips Candies Nut Free 227 SkipsCandies.com
Skywater Sales, LLC. 1312
Slippery Elm, Ltd. 306 slipperyelm.com
Smuggle Your Booze .................................. 533.......... smuggleyourbooze.com
SNOOZIES 913 getsnoozies.com
Soruka 501 soruka.com
South Beach Bubbles 1119 southbeachbubbles.com
SPECIAL T IMPORTS .................................. 913........... specialtimports.com
SPOONTIQUES 913 spoontiques.com
Spring Mountain Apparel 405 springmountainapparel.com
Stickers Northwest 501 stickersnorthwest.com
FEBRUARY 2-4, 2025
Stony Creek at Home, Inc 313 stonycreekathome.com
Streamline .................................................... 1119........... streamlinenyc.com
Sun Day Greetings 22 sundaygreetings.com
Sweet Jubilee 331 sweetjubilee.com
SWIG 913 merch.swigdrinks.com
Taff Treats..................................................... 1434 ........ tafftreats.com
Talla Imports 100 tallaimports.com
Tangico 1119 tangicousa.com
The Beach and Back Jewelry 813 thebeachandback.com
The Handcrafted ......................................... 324.......... thehandcrafted.com
The Heartbeat Brand 207 heartbeatwholesale.com/pages/ shop-collections
The Herbal Zen 323 theherbalzen.com
The link companies..................................... 501 .......... thelinkcompanies.com
THE NAKED BEE 913 nakedbee.com
The Nola Watkins Collection 400 nolawatkins.com
The Penny Candy Store 931 pennycandy.com
THE PETTING ZOO .................................... 913........... pettingzooplush.com
The Ribbon Print Company 420 theribbonprintcompany.com
The Spicy Shark 1234 thespicyshark.com
The Tea Can Company 426 TheTeaCanCompany.com
Third Wolf..................................................... 1034 ........ thirdwolfdesigns.com
Tom The Turner 1240 tomtheturner.com
Tropical Enterprises Inc. 432 tropical4wholesale.com
TUCKER-JONES HOUSE INC 1031 tavernpuzzle.com Twisted Tomboy 513 twistedtomboy.com
Two’s Company 321 twoscompany.com
Ty, Inc. 1001 ty.com
Unique Snacks 1334 uniquesnacks.com
Uniware Home Deco 807 uniwarehouseware.com
UpperDeckLTD/MobyDickSpecialties 1113 upperdeckltd.com
Urban Charm 333 urbancharminspires.com
Vanity Fashions Limited 1426 vanityfashions.com
Vintage Addiction 1339 vintage-addiction.com
W.T. Collection / Wing Tai Trading Co., Inc. 213 wing-tai.com
WABI WHIFFS 913 wabiwhiffs.com
Wacky Walk’r 21 gowacky.us
Wallaroo Hats 813 wallaroohats.com
Warmies 501 warmies.com
WAYNE CARVER 913 waynecarver.com
White Squirrel Clayworks 1132 whitesquirrelclayworks.com
Wild Kiwi 713 wildkiwiUSA.com
Wild Republic / K&M International, Inc. 101 wildrepublic.com
Wind & Willow ............................................ 513........... windandwillow.com
Wonderfouta 1330 wonderfouta.com
Wordy Bird Cards & Gifts 532 wordybirdcards.com
Worlds Softest Socks 501 worldssoftest.com
Xplorer Maps ............................................... 909 ......... xplorermaps.com
Youngs 513 youngsinc.com
YTM Clothing & Accessories / Missy & Tammy 1106 ytmgifts.com
Zaer Ltd. International ............................... 123 ........... zaerltd.com
Zhen Zhu 1231 zhenzhuinc.com
YTM Clothing & Accessories / Missy & Tammy 1106
FBF Originals 440 Spring Mountain Apparel 405
ABC 123 Accessories 1509
Alina’s Exclusives 412
Bendetti Optics 1326
Joy Accessories By Joy Susan..................... 1319
Oyster Jewelry - Celebrate the Chesapeake NNK Style 1135
Skywater Sales, LLC. 1312
Vintage Addiction 1339
Wallaroo Hats 813
Alina’s Exclusives 412
Bruno and Company ............................ 1119, 1225
Dony Simon Plus 230
H D Coller Company 1200, 1201, 1301
K & S Wholesale Inc. 401
Pilgrim Imports Inc. 338
Skywater Sales, LLC. 1312
Slippery Elm, Ltd. 306
The Nola Watkins Collection 400
Xplorer Maps 909
Zhen Zhu 1231
Alina’s Exclusives 412
Bendetti Optics 1326
Elite Fashion Accessories Corp. 1140
H D Coller Company 1200, 1201, 1301
I- Reversibles 1327
J & X International 330
Skywater Sales, LLC. 1312
Wonderfouta .................................................1330
Alina’s Exclusives 412
Fan Creations 521
Philip David Company 913, 914, 1013, 1112, 1118, 1126
Wordy Bird Cards & Gifts 532
Fan Creations 521
AdventureKEEN 1008
Earth Sky + Water, LLC 1313
The link companies 701, 1601, 2350
Wordy Bird Cards & Gifts 532
Zhen Zhu 1231
Alina’s Exclusives
A Cheerful Giver
Andreas Silicone 930
Blossom Bucket 522, 523
C & C Studios Inc. 1030
CWI Gifts 105
Labeled 825 Green Papaya, LLC 900
Hanna’s Handiworks, LLC 731
Stony Creek at Home, Inc 313
The Nola Watkins Collection 400
Blossom Bucket
Earth Sky + Water, LLC 1313 Egyptian American office 416
Xplorer Maps 909
Hicel CNC 1133
Belvedere 506 Capitol Earth Rugs 106
Chef Tim Foods 1340
Cohasset Gifts & Garden 10
Earth Sky + Water, LLC 1313
Made and Assembled 824
Maple Landmark Woodcraft 806
Oak & Vale (Handcrafted by Design LLC) 20 Oyster Jewelry - Celebrate the Chesapeake NNK Style 1135
Inis the Energy of the Sea 114 Philip David Company 913, 914, 1013, 1112,
Green Monster Sales LLC 906
Green Monster Sales LLC 906
The link companies 701, 1601, 2350
Anchor Distributors
Bruno and Company 1119, 1225
K & S Wholesale Inc. 401 Made and Assembled 824 Maple Landmark Woodcraft ........................806 Nova Toys LLC. 907
Outset Games, Cobble Hill Puzzles and Crystal Art Crafts ..................................... 617
Sibbett Studio 1230
Wild Republic / K&M International, Inc. 101 OUTDOOR/BEACH
Bruno and Company 1119, 1225
Gourmet Brokerage, LLC
Cohasset Gifts & Garden 10
Sky + Water, LLC 1313 Lipco Group 622
Muse Inspiration Enterprises LLC 1141
Philip David Company 913, 914, 1013, 1112, 1118, 1126
The link companies 701, 1601, 2350
Wallaroo Hats 813
Zaer Ltd. International ................................... 123
Zhen Zhu 1231
Briarwood Lane Flag Company 1213
Cohasset Gifts & Garden ................................ 10
Philip David Company 913, 914, 1013, 1112, 1118, 1126
Zaer Ltd. International ................................... 123
ABC 123 Accessories 1509
MAE Wholesale 827
Samuel Lamont 33
Sinobrite, Inc. 300
MAE Wholesale 827
Joy Accessories By Joy Susan 1319
ResQ Jewelry 336 The Beach and Back Jewelry 813 The link companies 701, 1601, 2350
Charm .................................................. 333
Fashions Limited 1426
Elite Fashion Accessories Corp. 1140 The Beach and Back
Chef Tim Foods 1340
Dugout Mugs 717
J & X International 330
Joy Accessories By Joy Susan 1319
MAE Wholesale 827
Mount Mansfield Maple Products 233 Vintage Addiction ......................................... 1339
Kiwi 713 Wonderfouta 1330
ABC 123 Accessories 1509
Bates Family Farm, LLC 727
Blossom Bucket 522, 523
Cimarron Creek Essentials 319
Inis the Energy of the Sea 114
Leon Global Group LLC 1430
Bates Family Farm, LLC 727
Cimarron Creek Essentials 319
Inis the Energy of the Sea 114
Bates Family Farm, LLC 727
Bates Family Farm, LLC 727
Cimarron Creek Essentials............................ 319
Inis the Energy of the Sea 114 Slippery Elm, Ltd. 306
Bates Family Farm, LLC 727
Leon Global Group LLC 1430
Bates Family Farm, LLC 727 Leon Global Group LLC 1430
Capitol Earth Rugs 106
Wacky Walk’r 21
Bruno and Company 1119, 1225
K & S Wholesale Inc. ......................................401
Lipco Group 622
The link companies 701, 1601, 2350
Ty, Inc. 1001
Wild Republic / K&M International, Inc. 101
Maple Landmark Woodcraft 806
Briarwood Lane Flag Company 1213
& S Wholesale Inc. 401
Anchor Distributors 407 Blossom Bucket 522, 523 The Handcrafted 324 Zaer Ltd. International 123
FEBRUARY 2-4, 2025
This year, we are proud to support Marian’s Attic, an upscale boutique-style thrift shop offering a wide selection of clothing, jewelry, accessories, small household items, and more! Operated by Laurel House, Marian’s Attic helps fund essential domestic violence programs while raising awareness within the community.
In addition to its retail mission, Marian’s Attic serves as a key resource in educating the community about domestic abuse and available support services through Laurel House. Clients of Laurel House, along with their children, have access to donated items at no cost through a shopping voucher program, providing critical support to families in need.
Exhibitors are invited to participate by donating any leftover, out-of-date, or unsold products at the conclusion of the show.
For those wishing to make a monetary donation, please feel free to ask our staff for more information at the event.
Thank you for joining us in supporting this impactful cause at the 2025 Philadelphia Gift Show. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those in need.