Unit 9: Photographic Techniques Urban Spaces
Clarissa Phillips
Defini;ons Historical Buildings Modern Buildings Ci;es Parks Black and White Towers Windows
Jerry Uelsmann Jerry Uelsmann is a famous American photographer who was born on June 11 1934 in Detroit, Michigan. He first started geMng interested in photography when he was fourteen. He wanted to “live in a world captured through the lens.” He is a master printer and he also uses the darkroom a lot to produce some very interes;ng work. His work also doesn’t seem to have a specific place in mind, he seems to mix the photo’s with on another. I like his work a lot because it is very unique and engaging. I could also look at it for a very long ;me because it always seems as if there is a lot going on in the picture. I think how Uelsmann does it in black and white makes the picture more beTer and interes;ng and the white seems to make it look precious somehow.
When I took this photograph I had no inten;on at all because I just wanted to take a few last photos before we went back. Although, I do like the way the photo has two lights in it and has a sign saying “Subway.” I like this because it makes the picture look more interes;ng and it also looks like the pictures which the famous photographers have taken. Another reason why I like it, is because it’s different compared to the other pictures which I have taken and it doesn’t have a huge building in it. I think the black and white gives it more effect and I think it also makes the place look quite mysterious and it makes the place look more interes;ng as well. I also like the shape of the building because it curves around and it has nice windows on it, which gives the picture some paTern. The reflec;on coming off the building gives it some good effect as well, it makes it seems as if there is a lot in the picture.
This picture is one of my favorites because it is different compared to the other pictures I have taken and edited. I also like it because I have done something that I haven’t done before to a picture. The effect makes it look more graphical and it looks like its from a cartoon as well. I also like how the effect has made the objects in the picture look much more bold and it also emphasizes the objects in the picture. I took this photo because I thought it would suit the project and I thought that it looked quite urban as well. The picture actually looked quite boring in colour, so I thought making a big change to it would make it look more beTer and interes;ng. I also took this picture because I liked how the house looked quite old and damaged. There was also some rubbish lying around in front of it as well which look dirty. I think that the effect catches the eye and the objects which wasn’t so bold have become seen more. If I was going to do this picture again I would try to put the camera in an angle and I would also have taken a picture at the front of the house. I would have also taken the picture at the right too, to see if it would have come out beTer than the one I took at the leY. I would have also probably tried to get the lower part of the building and got more of the rubbish in it. The windows also look good and they look like they’ve been there for a long ;me so it probably would have been nice to take a close up photo of them.
I think this quite interes;ng, although it could have been more beTer and I think I could have edited much more beTer as well. The long building is probably the main part of the picture and I also like how I got the red sign in the picture as well. I put this in the picture because I got inspired by the famous photographers as they did the same thing by puMng signs in their photo’s. I also like how half of the picture seems dark and the other half seems lighter because of the blue sky. I think that there is a contrast in this photo because the building is dark and the long structure is light and so is the sky. I like the way this looks because it makes the picture look more interes;ng and it also gives it more affect as well. I think the paTern on the structure looks nice too and how there are gaps in the structure which makes it look more interes;ng and eye-‐catching probably. I also like how the building looks quite old and historic, which is also another contrast in the picture because the structure is modern, but the building looks old and dark.
I think that this photo seems to be quite interes;ng because there is a lot in the picture and there is a lot going on in the picture as well. The building also looks old and looks as if it is just about to collapse because of the black smudges on it and how the bricks look too. I think the graffi; on the building gives it more affect as well because it somehow make the picture look bolder and brighter. I also like the way I have edited this photograph because I have enhanced the colour and made some parts of the picture stand out more. The way I have edited it has made the building look older because the black smudges are in view more. I like the angle of this photograph because it seems as if I am far away from the building but have got a good clear picture of it. It also looks like I have taken it from a very low view point, which has made the building look much taller than it really is. There are a few interes;ng textures in this pictures because some parts look rough and other parts look quite smooth as well. I think the colour in this picture is dark because of the colour of the building, which makes it looks as if it’s out of a film somehow; the colours also make the picture look like a dangerous place and also looks like it’s a place the people don’t come across as much.
I really like this photo because there are a lot of paTerns in it and it has a lot of details in it too. The building in this photo is in a very interes;ng shape and the poles around it are as well. The building seems to be very unique and engaging because of its shape and the because of the way it is built as well. I like the way I have edited it because the black and white makes the picture look quite secre;ve because it seems as if it is trying to hide its colour. Although, I think the black and white go really well in this picture because there isn’t much colour and the affect somehow makes the building look more interes;ng because there is a lot of different shades of silvers and blacks. I also like it because of the sky in the background which looks quite deadly actually or looks like there is a storm coming probably. The sky also gives off a scary feeling or maybe makes the viewer curious about the shape of the building and what it looks like. I think it also gives off a feeling that it would be some sort of building in a film. I have edited the colours to black and white because I thought it would look nice on this picture and that it would make it look beTer. I also used it because there is already a lot of black and silver in the picture. I made the sky much darker too, to make the picture look more interes;ng and mysterious, although it somehow gives a gentle effect or maybe a calming effect as well. Even though there isn’t much in the picture and the building is the only thing there that is interes;ng, the picture s;ll looks quite interes;ng and engaging because of the shapes and how unique it is.
I like this photo because there is a lot of detail in this picture and the building is very geometric. I also like how we can see the lights in this picture as well and how the windows seem to have a blue ;nt to them. I like how the top part of the building doesn’t actually seem to be in line because it seems to look like zigzags, which makes the building look very interes;ng and unique. I also think that the picture makes the building look as if it is standing strong and tall and the lines on it seem to be quite bold and vibrant which probably engages the viewer. I also took this photograph because I thought that the building in front of the modern building would contrast with it as it looks a liTle bit older and has a light brown colour to it. I think this somehow made the picture look beTer because it makes the picture look more elaborate. I like the way I have edited my photograph because I have made the lines on the building be seen more and I have also enhanced the colour to make it look bluer and to make the lights inside the building more no;ceable. The way the picture was taken looks as if I haven’t taken it from the ground, it looks as if I have taken it from the top of a quite small building. I also like the angle of the photograph because it make the building look bigger than it really is. I think that the feeling the photograph gives off is quite a calming feeling because of the light blues in this picture, although the brown building makes the feeling seem sharper or maybe harsh because it looks older than the modern building. The colours seem to have a gentle feeling to them and they also seem to go well with one another.
In this picture I have captured two decadent buildings which look very interes;ng and they seem to have a personality to them. I took this photo because I thought that it would look well with the project and I thought that it seemed quite urban. I really like this photograph because it is different compared to the other photo’s I have taken and it looks like it was taken in the 80’s and I also like it because the picture is quite moving. I think that the buildings look quite unique and they seem to look mysterious in black and white, the sky also gives off a mysterious feeling as well. This photo was taken from the ground, although it doesn’t look as if it was because I zoomed in with the camera, which has sort of made it look like I have taken it from a window opposite the buildings. The mood this photograph seems to give off a dangerous feeling, as if it’s telling us not to go there. I think that it probably gives off this feeling because of how I have edited it in black and white. The photo also seems to bring a dull feeing as well because of how the the place looks, it looks like a place where there’s been some kind of poverty. I have edited the photograph to black and white because I thought that it would make the photo more interes;ng and probably seem stronger and primi;ve. I also made the sky darker because it gave the picture a more of a feeling to it and made it seem more like a harsh place to be in.
I think that this photo is very interes;ng because there is a lot of detail on the Gherkin and the primi;ve building in front of it. I like the way I have edited the photograph because it has enhanced the colours and has made the details come out more clearly because we can see the lights inside the Gherkin and we can see some objects inside as well. The viewpoint of the photograph is low and it does look like I have taken the photograph from the ground. I like how the Gherkin seems to be leaning away from the photo a liTle bit and how there the Gherkin has a curving structure, although the the building in front of it is very straight and looks strong. This building also looks interes;ng because of the liTle ;ny paTern and details it had on it and the windows seem to have a liTle ;nt of blue on it as well, which is quite abstract. I think this photograph gives off a very happy mood because of the different shades of blue and the contrast between the blue and the dull light colour brown on the older looking building. I think the picture also gives off a relaxing feeling because of how beau;ful the buildings are and how the colours go with each other, I think it also gives off an emo;onal feeling as well because it’s quite a mesmerizing picture. The colours are quite calm as well and quite soothing. I also think that the lines on the Gherkin are interes;ng because they’re thin and seem sharp. I edited the photograph to make the colours more vibrant and I also darkened a few bits as well to make the picture look quite mysterious maybe.
In this picture there is building and has reflec;ons on it which seems interes;ng because we can tell what it in front of it and the squares on the building are quite abstract. I think the way I have edited it has made the reflec;ons on the building become more clearer and they seem to look quite mysterious. I also like how one part of the photograph is bright, but the other part of the photograph is darker and looking more dangerous than the bright sky. The view point of this photography is quite interes;ng because the building looks smaller than it really is and it seems as if it is slanted or leaning back a liTle, I like the the view point of this photograph because it had reflected different things on the building. I think the sky looks very moving and expressive, the branches from the tree look quite mysterious and the building from the side looks like it has carried on in the other building. The mood of this photograph is interes;ng because there are quite a lot of feeling it gives off. I think that it gives off a soothing or calming feeling and it also seems to gives off a drama;c feeling with the sharpness of the colours and the reflec;ons. It maybe gives a mysterious feeling as well because of the dark buildings that are reflected on the other building. I have edited it this way because I thought that it would enhance the objects in the picture and make the colour more vibrant and clear. I also intended to make one part of the picture bright and the other part darker because I thought that this would give the photograph some unique and more interes;ng effect.
Projec;on Photo’s
Doing the projec;on photo’s was a very interes;ng ac;vity because I enjoyed it quite a lot. Although it was quite hard because some;mes it was hard to get a good photo because Belle had to be in a specific place to get a good part of the picture to reflect on her face. I think that the photo’s have worked out very well and I like the way I have edited them because they look unique, although the one on this page is quite over the top because I wanted to try something new and thought it looked engaging and interes;ng. I think most of the pictures didn’t really work well because it was quite hard to get a good picture and some;mes the picture that was reflected on her face didn’t look very good as some of the others.