3rd Hand In 19-10-11 Clarissa Yee
Design One Growing your own fruits and vegetables design would encorporate the reusing of waste into the compost for the new plants and by bringing in the growth the the kitchen and incorporating the cooking and eating into the growth. The acknowledge of nature, and bringing about the intimate connection with tradition, nature dependence and other people we eat with,
Design Two: Garlic allicin promoter
Design Three: Kitchen system that takes advantage of one ring of the hob and uses that to cook using various methods. The system is adaptable for for different numbers of people, activities and shares the cooking experience with its guests. The steam also acts as a pressure cleaning device for a hygienic and non-chemical ckean.
carbon dioxide
Design four Ripening your own fruits and vegetables. can be controlled at home. This system allows the ripening system to benefit both the air quality for us and the air quality for plants. Ripening produces CO2 that is heavier than oxygen and sinks below to feed the plants. The oxygen dissapates over the top and feeds into the room or into the room above. It harnesses the heat from the sun, but not the light from the sun to achieve a dark, warm and humid but ventilated environment that is required for ripening.
Design Five To maximise the benefits of eating well and not to waste. This kitchen storage and washing design divides food into the food groups and is an educational tool to help decide what is involved in making a balanced meal. The computer system provides the necessary information of what members of a household may be lacking, their food history and information about what is in the cupboards.