Pet garden consultation

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進度 Timeline 以問卷調查方 式 , 得 知現存社區問 題 及 解 決意向。

由專業人士協助,向公眾 講解方案,獲300多個簽 名支持。

Through conducting a questionnaire survey, an array of communal problems has been found. The process of creating solutions then began.

With advice from voluntary professionals, an official proposal has been introduced to the general public, eventually received more than 300 residents’signatures.

首次於區議會地管會上 討論,委員初步研討方 案可行。

楊雪盈與民政署、康文署會 議,確立問卷調查之詳細。

Committees had a brief discussion of feasibility during District Council committee Meeting.

District Councillor Clarisse Yeung had another meeting with HAD and LCSD to confirm details of an upcoming questionnaire survey.








舉行 兩 次 居 民 大 會 , 討 論 及改 良 方 案 。

偕居民與康文署會面, 講解方案。

完 成 蓮 花 宮 樓梯人流統 計 , 解 答 各 方疑難。

Two residents forums were held, in which everyone contributed to a drafted proposal.

The official proposal was delivered to LCSD.

地管會二度討論,決定會由 康文署及民政署廣泛作地區 諮詢。


Committees examined possible ways to work together with HAD and LCSD.

A report by Councillor Yeung was released to address committees’ concerns over potential conflicts between stakeholders.


2016.7.28 在地區工程及 設 施 委 員 會 第 五 次 會 議 上 , 落 實 諮詢 方 式 , 運輸處代表向 委 員 們 交 代 交 通 情 況 。

區內有不少居民養狗,一直以來卻缺乏適切的空間及配 套。寵物帶來給我們歡樂,同時也有的空間與衛生問題 要處理。到底有何方法可以改善現況?早前在社區廣泛 討論後,我們得出了「大坑寵物公園」的方案。現在希 望能進一步地採集社區意見,找出能解決問題的可行 方法。 Many members of our community are pet-owners. They have not been able to provide proper and sufficient activity space to their pets while pets bring them joy. After several resident forums, a pet garden has been considered to be an ideal solution.

During the fifth meeting of District Works and Facilities Management Committee of Wanchai District Council, committee reached an consensus over final consultation plan. The representative of Transport Department also explained the issue of potential traffic congestion would be implausible.

諮詢方法 Consultation Plan 灣仔民政事務處 諮詢(150米)範圍包括: 由銅鑼灣道到勵德邨道七十家商鋪 六個社區團體 十九棟大廈法團 三十四座三無大廈 六個互助委員會 二十位灣仔東分區委員會委員 HAD’s Consultation Area (150m) Includes: 70 Stores (From Tung Lo Wan Road to Lai Tak Tsuen Road) 6 Community Groups Incorporated Owners of 19 Buildings 34 “Three Nil” Buildings 6 Mutual Aid Committees (MACs) 20 Wan Chai East Area Committees

寄信入屋 確保每家每戶都收到資訊。 We will be sending leaflets through post to make sure every unit receives sufficient information.

簡介會 鼓勵市民參與,了解詳情,發表意見, 完善方案。 Information sessions will be held, in which residents can raise their concerns and comments. Altogether, we shall come up with a better, more all-round plan.






Online form is designed to enable another form of participation during consultation period.

LCSD will be collecting data by distributing questionnaire to park-users and passer-by.

寵物公園16年上半年區議會討論錄音(30分鐘摘要版) 30-minute Summary of Meetings in 2016:

諮詢問卷 Online Questionnaire:

過去半年內,寵物公園已屢次在區議會議程上 出現,但每次會議上所提出的新問題都需要花 時間研究,確保方案能達至初衷。 A lot happened in the last 6 months. It is true that the proposal had been discussed repeatedly. Yet, when new query comes up, we have to to address it before proceeding to the next stage.

寵物公園這概念已討論了差不多 一年,為何它對大坑如此重要? Pet garden has been on the agenda for nearly two years, why is it so important to our community?

仍記得上次舉辦與寵物公園有關的活 動已是差不多半年前,何解現在才進 行正式諮詢? It has been almost half year since the proposal is mentioned - why did it take so long to finalise an official consultation plan?

計畫現時進度如何?我們又可以怎樣反映意見? How is the project going right now? What can we do to express our opinions?

? 常見問題 FAQ

方案設計 Design

1. 改建寵物公園需要很多改動工程嗎?


Does this proposal require long period of reconstruction work?

mosquito trap

方案中,建議不用作太大改動。現時長者康體設施可以保留。 改建只需加上雙閘、廁所、沖水等設備。


We believe that it would be unnecessary - the existing fitness facilities for elderly can be kept, the pet garden only requires new factilies such as gates and pet toilets.

委員曾擔心改建寵物公園後可能會 吸引更多駕駛人士進入大坑區,影 響交通。 運輸署回應,寵物公園面積不大, 不會吸引太多的人流,估計對交通 不會造成顯著影響。

2. 此工程於沒養寵物的居民又有什麼好處呢?有了寵物公園, 是否代表騰空了的位置能被其他居民使用?


How is it beneficial to fellow residents? Does it mean that other residents can reclaim some community space? Some of us are afraid of dogs.

Some of the committee members were concerned about the possibility of worsened traffic congestion.

現時火龍徑是「必經之路」,行人容易與寵物產生衝突。寵 物公園藉著提供寵物專屬的活動空間保障行人安全;它更能 成為社區中的公共空間,讓動物與人交流,同時方便寵物飼 養者建立互助網絡。簡直是一石二鳥! Currently, conflicts may arise between pedestrian and pets on the vital Fire Dragon Path; an dedicated pet garden will enhance pedestrian safety. The pet garden will serve as an community space - which not only allows human-pets interaction for better understanding of pets, but also facilitates networking among pet-owners!

飲水/沖水設備 dog drinking fountain, dog washing station

雙閘門及圍欄 double-gate and fencing

However, after an investigation, the Transport Department stated that the mentioned assumption was highly unlikely. The proposed pet garden is limited in size; it is not spacious enough to attract pet-owners from other districts.

3. 經常有缺乏公德心的人士沒有妥善處理寵物的排泄物,寵物 公園能如何解決此問題? Some of the pet-owners can be irresponsible as they avoid taking care of dog waste. How can a pet garden address this issue? 其實寵物公園還是教育公眾的一個平台;透過舉辦一些活動 灌輸外傭照顧寵物的技巧,或是大家互相提點,區內的衛生 情況便得以改善。 Pet garden is indeed educational by nature. For instance, workshops can be conducted to teach domestic helpers how to look after pets correctly. The sanitation in our community can definitely be alleviated through these measures.

寵物廁所、狗糞收集箱、膠袋箱 dog toilet, dog waste collection bin, plastic bag dispenser

蓮花宮往勵德邨長樓梯 人流統計報告 The Statistical Report︰ 統計片段 Video for Counting Staircase-users:

有委員提出,若蓮花宮公園改作寵物公園,蓮花宮公 園樓梯是勵德邨居民前往天后的主要通道之一,樓梯 及寵物公園使用者會產生種種矛盾。 根據《蓮花宮往勵德邨長樓梯人流統計》,長樓梯的 繁忙時段集中於早上七點至九點,而與寵物散步之人 士,絕大多數於晚上八時後出現。 從上述的樓梯繁忙時間和寵物散步繁忙時間之間的比 對,可見兩者之間根本沒有使用時間上的衝突。 再者,設計上,通道及公園本身亦有區隔,未見有直 接影響。

Other commitee members were also worried about potential conflict between staircase-users and pet-garden-users, since Lin Fa Kung Garden staircase is the major pathway to Tin Hau. An investigation was therefore conducted by the office of Clarisse Yeung. The report shows that the staircase was mostly used in the morning, from 7a.m. to 9a.m. In contrast, pets are only taken out for a walk after 8p.m. The staircase was indeed designed to be separated from the garden. It is apparent that direct conflicts are hardly possible.

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