10 minute read
‘The Alchemy of Grace and Constitution’
To allow your body to raise its constitution is to go out into the spring and gather all the buds into your sight, so that the healing gemmos of the trees can saturate your consciousness, and heal your nervous system, so that in this time you will be able to blueprint yourself for the future.
2023 April 7 The Alchemical Reed Class
‘The Alchemy of Grace and Constitution’
We find ourselves surrounded by the field of Grace and the increasing amount of support folds into our Papered Awareness, as it opens flat to show the expansiveness of the Curve.
Unintended by the fall, the spring uproots the fallen and composts the energy into awakened abilities of nutrition. Being fed by the Gaia of our own internal nature, we connect through the underground network of mycelial fibers.
Topped by the Crown of our Evolvement, we see further across the canopy, and we branch out into new and better climates. Reaching the reach of our Soul, we climb on the back of Elephant and the Pachyderm begins the journey.
Making no sense, we innocently carry forward our need to explore and the reason is seeded in the Heart. We reclaim our mode of transportation and sit atop the sway and rock of roll of the movement.
Portrayed by the event of uproot, we advance ourselves past the crowd of sleepers, and move toward the desired audience of hearing more deeply. We find what we are looking for and are elated by their presence.
Knowing full well the desire to meet the need with want, the reclamation is sweet and connected to our depth of understanding what greets us with longing. For so long we have felt the secret whisperings that opened the heart with the sounds of beauty, color, and pattern. Our days have been colored by their awareness as it met with ours.
No sooner have we turned the corner, than the corner met us squarely in the face, and face to face we gave the signal of the smile. Joy and well-being are instrumental in the forward momentum of the Real reaching through the field and into our Place.
Announced by no one, we enter the opening with gratitude, and we forward our steps through the threaded existence of each fiber woven to include us in the Tapestry.
The Mother hears our Voice, as we do Her’s, and by following the photonic sound of pattern, we are able to reach the table set for us.
All laid out in geomatric patterns of color, we find our seats and begin the meal of in Form. We are shaped by the consciousness we hold dear to our very Being, and we receive the gifts of Light.
Lighted by the way we think, the way we speak, and the way we receive, we gain a full measure of intake and the output is immense. Time passes as the space expands, with a fullness of pattern moving omnidirectionally.
Our Holographic Projection moves through the space of allowance and the unlimited is met with favor. This is needled into the fiber and width and the narrow expands its reach.
This time the elephant and the jaguar have been hand in hand helping us clear the way, move the obstacles, and find food to eat, food that lingers in our senses, all part of our constitutional development in this time and space.
We are naturally becoming more organic in our nature whether we know it or not, we’ve come to understand the pitch of our scent even though we have forgotten how to smell.
There is a new awakening that is moving our sense of life, no matter whether we have asked for it or not. We are beyond the no, we have entered the yes, whether we know it or not.
We are hunted down by our decision, and that decision is somewhat unclear to us yet. We have the memory of words that speak way below the fencing range and down deep in the mycelial capacity.
When nature comes up to breathe, even when we did not call it, we are more ahead than we realize, or more ahead than we realize because we have forgotten how to sense time and timing. We have lost our intuitive sniff.
There are many now that are experiencing a nose awakening, and they are beginning to smell what has been plotted out. They are trying to revivify themselves in order to breathe and the breath has become so picky about its air, that we breathe shallower and shallower. Each day not to be found out.
The air we breathe is becoming more complicated and complex and unreachable, so we bend down into the roots of trees to smell their mapping ways and find a way to see.
We begin to see through trees, we have begun to map their buds and leaves and flowers and nuts and fruit. We are starting to trace our hands on the marks of trees, so we can follow their narrow ridges that bridge our way back to ourselves.
We have bound ourselves to our own sovereignty, and forget the climb, but instead dig deep down through the roots to where the world is upside down and the tree is on the other side.
When the pulling forward becomes more effective than the pulling back, we will be more ready for the future cognitive memory.
There is a timing in this and it calls out to the clock. There is no renegade, there is no wanton cause, there is only the wrinkle in thought that needs to iron out its ways, so that the immaculate can sit in front of the stone.
When the negative nature decides to disembody itself, the world will have freedom to enter the soul of its very Being. The potency of this time is like an alchemical egg sitting on the perch of its ready.
We begin to know what the egg knows. When peace becomes the hallmark of our time we will know that the elephant and the jaguar hunt together to clear the way, and consume the path.
The mapping done between time and space has created a bridge that the Soul’s reach can sit upon. Time in and time out, all display the alchemical space.
When we narrow the gap between the heart and the mind, we narrow the gap between the male and the female, the child and the parent, the flower and the seed, the water and the stream, the voice and the spoken.
The prayer flags of the wind corrugate time and bring close the sounds of relief. When the resonance of the heart becomes the resonance of the full embodiment, the vision opens and the sight becomes clear and the way is shown.
This is already begun, and it cannot be spun backward, or robbed of its flow. It cannot be taken from, because it is already given.
There is the motion and the motionary awareness, there is the fulfillment and the fulfillment awareness. Opened is the vessel on its own accord, so all is set, even beyond belief.
So let the breath flow free and know you are there, and all is set into place, there is more memory and the resound of sound than there will ever be in the working it out.
Swim to the corners, spin inside the square, resonate who you are, and all light will be freed of obstruction. Carved out of space are many lives, and the echo runs free of code, so make up your memories and give them room to speak from a time of sovereignty .
Trace your finger across time, till you reach your other hand, and press it deep into the lines, a pulse will begin to fill the between, so you know you have spoken it all before.
Person in place will signify your significance, and you will find home in the breath of your own pattern. Let go, let go, let go of our right to this world.
Be in it, be of it, be from it. All we are is all we are, and all we are is the most glorious way to Be. The comet erases the sky, and the sky erases the comet, and both remember how it is.
It is a moment given by a moment given, by a moment given, so take up the speed and relate differently, because in the difference we have hope. We have the necessary elements to accept, receive, and give.
The more time given, the more time received, and in the receivement the movement happens. It happens first, then it happens again, followed by the always third.
Completing the momentum forward, we ride the ride into the seat of our becoming, and the embracement of all we are. This connects us to our totemic alliances, and they gather around us for support.
Breathing the breath of life, and the in and out of molecular exchange, we matter ourselves by listening first to our own self-awareness and then to the greater picture surrounding us on the inside.
Deep is the breath, deep is the dive, deep is the resonance that comes to connect and give its gifts of insight and compassion. Intention being the key and willingness being the open door.
Matter moves through us as we capture the space of our being in a molecular container of waved particles that fashion themselves as we fashion ourselves. The relationship is a photonic resonance of sound, shape, and color emersion.
Our Light Body projects itself into view and stabilizes the atmosphere with its presence. Place and position are marked and the needled presence is threaded into the fabric of fibered awareness.
The mycelial network extends its light above and below, through its ever branching shapes, and we are connected through the electromagnetic field, both as we breathe and as we step.
One foot forward marks the way, and we compose ourselves through the motion of our own mapping. The internal and external resonance, rocks and sways to the movement as the elephant of our totemic nature moves obstacles out of the way.
Making fluid our watered existence, we flow with the ease of our listening, listening deeply into the geomatric sounds of the Mother. Voice and Tongue collaborate and the clear is heard easily.
Tone becomes noted and the reach is found in its match with the heart. Heart mind resonates with their combined strength, and we find solace within ourselves.
We move ourselves through the doorway of creativity, an awesome landscape of interior beauty, and match the radiance it provides with the light outside, giving the pattern its richness and clear projection.
Coming closer to the relief of existence, we are made from the matter of our desire to want, and our need to Be. We are all granted the wishes of form and its space of time, so that we add to the fabric being woven.
Making sure the light opens your door, you open first yourself, and allow the smallest sound to enter. Small is the key, and open is the event. The eventual always occurs, when combined with the ready of compassion and love.
The Mother Tree centers herself in every forest, and we hear her call easily by our footed step. Step by step, the path is made clear, and we gather the fragrance to us.
The Wooden Wand appears in and out of the foliage, and its magic brings Light to the sight, and the sight gathers its strength, and the wooded way is accepted as path chosen.
Formed from the light of acceptance, we accept ourselves as we are, and encourage others to do the same, as the kindred begins to magnetize itself to group and cluster.
The Papered Awareness spreads its sheets into a columned awareness of digital enumerations, and the amount of given is added, so the recognition registers with each letter.
The Fish Files align with the timing of present, and the alpha begins the path forward. We read, and are now able to re-read, the books of given. Time expands for us and the landscape opens its vista.
Traveled are the photonic patterns of light held in the mycelial of the rooted way, and the path begins to take its course in the way of nature. We are natural to the path, and the Nu supports us beyond all others.
We are the scattered seeds across the forest floor, and beneath your boot we are buried deep into our sprouting. Nature always finds a way to bring light to the black rich earth of our longing.
Home finds us in our Place of Real, and we cosy into the corners of our Squared Existence, we map our way forward with the constant aid of our navigator, Raven. Black as Pitch, she finds every thread of Light.
Our forest is filled to over-flowing with the animals of our totemic nature, we are sovereign here, and we are attended to by our relationship to all that is great and small.
Childhood is no stranger to us, play is an ally, and with the tools of our organic origamic nature, we fold and bend, crease and lay open the map of our signatured grace, listening.
Our Ger is fired up, and the Wand of Wood is handed forward, to make a Shemmed existence reliable and constant. Acceptance brings the Present of Life, more sighted and loved, into a desired position of want.
Listening finds the center of the sound and the sound resonates its notes of A; Acceptance, Allowed, Altruistic, Accommodating. We bring the Being into focus, and the Wand of Wood points the way.
Tree, Bud, and Leaf, all transformed in the mycelial network of communication, the subatomic network energizes the light patterns as they form their intrinsic language into visual accommodations of ease and relief.
Marking our readiness to our listening, we create from the given, and no matter what we have, we share the contents expressed, for the renewal of life patterning life forward, along the network of Compassion and Love.
Singular are the notes, combined is their strength, heard are our moments of surrender to the majesty of all that surrounds us and calls us part of.
Into the nest on the branch we fly, taking our feathered existence into the quiet repose of our deepest spirit, and there we rest, until called upon to share once again what we hear, from deep within the forest.
Every pattern, and cross-over, creates a new geomatric balance, and the travel of the patterns within and without can initiate our capacity, to embrace our future as a new constitutional. Safety made Real.