More Is Now Held In The Dreaming Birth Of Other Worlds

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The Alchemical Rede Magazine

By Clarity 1

Alchemical Rede Magazine 2023 Dec. 15th Issue © 2023 Clarity Visit us at:


2023 December 15 Issue More Is Now Held In The Dreaming Birth Of Other Worlds Introduction: Are you ready? Let’s bring in the snow, lets bring in the reindeer, the toys, the sleigh, the stockings, the imaginings, the holy brightness within us, and let it go.


More Is Now Held In The Dreaming Birth Of Other Worlds We dream ourselves awake each new day, and are forever amazed that the birth that was us this day was essentially painless. Perhaps an ache here or there, but that was from yesterday.

This world that we come into is what we are lucky about. We are good to thread ourselves along the woven path we set our feet on, and reach into the fabric of light that hammocks our night and swings us out into the day.


What turns from dark to light, from stars to a glowing sun, from inner worlds of motion and dreams, to the outer one that moves and imagines, our world receives the brilliance and brightness in exchange.

You wake up with your Child Self each day and take it along wherever you go, and you are in awe of all that is around you, it’s all new today, today is the day that it is new. 5

We are guided by the invisible imaginings of everything, and we count on their being there for us every time we open our eyes, e-yes, energy yeses from every corner of your room, from the corners of your eyes, from the shop around the corner.

We count on the square that we continually circle around, we are the orbit of the whole, and we letter ourselves into the day by saying, “I’m back.” We backup ourselves all the time, just as we do our hard drives, we compute the distance from day to day, hour to hour. 6

As our Papered Awareness unfolds its map of discovery, we come to the corners of our consciousness and bring the Compassion we desire to us. We carry the need, want, and desire with us and ease our way forward.

We are inside the brightness we exchange with one another, with Gaia, with the solar system, with the universe, and we level ourselves to the horizon, so that we can y.



Fey and Mer merge, and the Above and Below anchor themselves deep within us, allowing us to fathom the depths we need to go, and the heights we need to attain.

In order to birth other worlds, your imaginal travel must include an expanded desire to extend your reach, and the option to address yourself as capable, thereby avoiding the limits placed around you. 8

We accept and receive the brightness of other worlds, and in doing so, we gain fresh perspectives and new abilities to see beyond the ordinary, all the way to the extraordinary.

We brighten ourselves and illuminate the inside of what we contain, what we imagine, what we strive for. This eliminates the congested, contracted, and omitted from deciding how, and why, and where. 9

We turn our own page, and gift ourselves with the ability to imagine a greater Self than any limitational de nition possibly ever could.

By opening to the chance of change, our corridors are cleared and our path is eased into the foot, set free to walk into a new portrayal of ourselves. Uncollared and unslaved, our consciousness is free to move with the threaded motion of ber.




Stitch by stitch, we needle the line into shape, and color our way from corner to corner, so the square of our circle is navigated with ease.

The Time of Space opens its doors and the foots steps you hear are yours, as you have become willing to see what you hear, and feel what you know, beyond the containment of less. 11

The more you hear, the more you see, the more you see, the more you hear, and from the centered space time has all that it needs to expand and grow its gifts. Using its geomatric resonance to manifest the willing into the doing.

Each step taken is a step given, and each breath taken is a breath of recognition, allowing the body to ful ll its nature of being part and whole of the entire scope of Mycelial.



We are rooted deeply into the bered resonance of Tree, and the spoken of limb and trunk creates a Papered Awareness, that has the capacity for the Long View.

Our World of Tree, with its Fey Guardians, completes the journey of each day, and revolves around the Central Light of Intention and Inspiration. Opportunity reaches in and grabs hold of your hand, and you are shocked by the availability of support that goes as deep as you dream, and as far as you imagine.



The Child Self was always used to this part, the adult self many times has dropped out that option and an unworthy assist. It is not, and the need actually grows as you expand your reach and e orts.

Letter by letter we inch our way across the page, and we number ourselves as fortunate that what was before is always before us as the next new day.



Counting the days, the Light reaches our faces, and kisses us awake to possibility, that precedes limit and goes beyond, to become after limit, so that the limit itself is dissolved.

Planetary resilience gives rise to the dawn, and galaxy strength protects the evening, the evening of balance in number, letter, and geomatic adherence. 15

To even Space with Time, is to create the color, line, and shape necessary for life to exist in breath and motion. The ease is accepted without hesitation, and the results are amazing.

Star after star are answers to questions, and the obvious is such a mystery, that we learn to live with the overhead canopy of what seems to be above us, and is actually part of who we are and what we are about. 16

As childish as it seems, to wish upon a star is not nearly as silly as it sounds. There is sound science in the practice, literally, ‘sound science’, or sympathetic resonance, which creates the all of everything, discovered and undiscovered.

Composing every factor into a full noted expression of wisdom at this time, is very important. This will enhance each episodial event to become calmed, and upright in its motionary energy. 17

One step will move through the next, and this will connect everything, so there will be a larger swing out, rather than a falling, because the distance between here, and there, and between, is acutely exact.

The most incarnated resilience will accelerate and enhance the future. The forward potency of the most resonant of ways is now saturating this world, and all the worlds that connect. 18

This will make the swing out very e ective, potent, exact, marking, and coherent, so that the realization will reach its point of reference needed.

There are many who now are ready, because they have centered the code of the distance inside their visionary response. The coherent means of understanding will assist all in meeting the required portmants.



The complementary forces, that allow more sovereignty are now marking the map, and the equational gures will become coupled, and this connection will enhance the future survival immensely.

The codial resolvement will dedicate its corners to self alignment, so that the course can match the travel. The trinary code triples its rate speed at this time, so that Compassion can meet up with the speed of the Heart of Gold.



Squaring the Root of Conjecture, the table of contents is now lining up the numbers, so that the directional compass can be accessed and utilized.

The promising code equals space and time, in a whole new way. The third revision of the qualifying factors are now marked and set in place. There is a squaring up that happens after each revision. 21

Capability and complexity form a new nature, with less falling and more building. Carrying forward the new memory forms that time, that is now beginning to develop a vaster balance, amidst a higher speed rate change.

Equational de cits are spinning out, no longer acceptable in the future rate speed. They have no building force, so they cannot form in the new acquired rhythm.



The global distance is now thought of di erently, and the harsher that develops in all the worlds, is now shifting out of the new rate speed.

The management of process is allowing more room for the expansion and its understanding. Persistence and requirement fold between the layers of will and distance.



When the stewardship of life becomes more central to the mind, the negative positional allowing will be stepped down.

Face and codial allowance are the recognition volumes that will spread out the fed of the most ultimate of environments.


Consciousness is now folding over its future rhythms, so there can become a platform of peace. The power point restriction, that has been developed in consciousness, is now being broken away from.

When the narrow bend becomes the Rede Accomplishment, there will be no task making allowed. What once blocked what once was, the divisional acquirement became dense, and the full eternality of purpose became salvaged away. 25

This was a sort of kidnapping of the Will, and holding unavailable the Sovereign Degree. When all the motionary solutions begin to spin, the raising forces become unable to use speed to win.

The hopial creational expression gives power to the expression of need. The folding factors of Intention relay column to column, weight to weight, word to word, world to world, nation to nation, galaxy to galaxy, universe to universe, sovereignty to sovereignty. 26

The giving back of small, to a world that erases it each day. The laying upon age after age as knowledge as acquired, is the inability to have the Square have a hold.

The participating factors of need and desire grow through the lintel of extension. As the bean grows from the seed, the lintel grows from the bean, and the fold of protein, into its source of forgivingness, is given room. 27

The sheath of sta is drawn out of itself, and the equational pull is knighted for its reach. Precisely spoken is this mead of work, and it honeys our life from the wealth of the Hive, that has no distance from its Source. 28



The true course that is now equated, has been equated ve times before, and now it teaches. The persona awaits the equational sensing, and the course is novelled out of retreat.

The equated trail is spent in the travel from place to Source, and Source to Hive, and Hive to need, and mead to Source.

One, two, three, the marks codify the small acquaintances that travel in our worlds, and provide many factors of equational allowances to balance. We are fed by the balanced, we equalize the folding acquirements of space. The tonal shift will make us real, and we’ll know what that means. The Light penetrates through from Source to surface to interior, and interior is lit from within. 29

The Light grounds us day and night, and we nd ourselves awake both times. Day to see, night to imagine, until both day and night are accepted as seen and imagined.

We are taught, not lessons, we are taut to the Weave of Compassion, we are taut across the bers and cloth of our travel, and we map the way for others. This we do willingly, as a Way of the Wood.




The Tree of our willingness branches out in all directions, and the leaf and bud of our desire extends itself beyond the rst ring. Each ring denotes a lettered story, and each story, a telling, and each telling, a further depth of travel.

We comprise our willingness to the shift in consciousness that is landing in vast amount of tonal volume. This increase allows to the letting go of what was, for what Is, and what comes from that is the Mystery.



We count among ourselves the Child Self primary, the connector to the Fey, the Ether, the Science of Alchemy, the formulator of solid constructions of immeasurable mystery.

We have reached the end of today and are moving to tomorrow, so that when we awaken we will know we are neither asleep or awake, we are simply being what we are when we are. 32

And what delights us is that the progression of days allows for the marking and registries of consciousness, ringing itself in its tree-like manner, belling the toll of no fee.


We are here for ourselves and for you. We are made up from the story of our own weaving and the precision with which we speak, is the precision of starlight that lights the sky, even in daylight, when we look invisible.

Taking the Red Thread, we weave our spoken throughout the fabric of Time, and we Space ourselves equally among both stars, and the Ether Neithial network of Fey.


Once spoken for, you are lost to limitation, and the travel you travel far outweighs the local ights of global. Your Papered Awareness bends and folds into the next crease, so that you are available to be Red, too.



Closure: Finally the count is almost done, and we folded all the new patterns into our pocket vest, so we always can put our hand in and feel Home.


Publishers: Su.Sane & Robert, Clarity





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