Sitting WIth the Thought of the Seed

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The Alchemical Rede Magazine

Alchemical Rede Magazine 2023 May 19 Issue © 2023 Clarity Visit us at: 2

Sitting With the Thought of the Seed


Hop off your fairie boat and take a little visionary journey into the Fey world inside and out, so your small boat can become large enough to hold Immense.

2023 June 9 Issue

Sitting With the Thought of the Seed

What springs forward in thought seeds its way through consciousness and enters the occupation of being us. We trust in this seeding, because the way in which it enters is one of Compassion.

No sooner are we aware than we become occupied and salted with the Water of our constitution. This brings us to the apex of our rotational bliss and we are enamored by the levity that we find ourselves within.


Lighter than air, less dense than gravity, we become airborne with ideas that construct themselves within us from our desire to be feed with the Nu. New to us, we begin to embody the consciousness that travels inside and outside of us, and we swim in the Water of its field.

The container is us, the contents are ours to have, should we want what they have to give. As we more deeply occupy ourselves, setting up a deeper residence, we come to know the seedial feelings of Home.


We plant ourselves beneath our feet, deep into the mycelial fibers that network our worth and value in terms of Earth. The woven weave seeds our imaginal realm with the necessary ideas to become Real.

Real becomes itself from itself, and occupies Space, so that Time can find its bearing, and point of direction. To be able to fathom the depth of Realm, is to be able to navigate the far reaches of star systems.


As the multi-dimensional shifts into its phase of becoming, we become with it an occupant of field registry and corrugational content.

Coloring everything with your crayons, marking everything, speaking words like blueprints, unrolling the mystical. The fortunate found is threaded through the weave of fiber, and we find solace in the foundational makeup of our manner.


Mannered and positioned into a close proximity with Grace, we feel the planting of our roots as we dig through the depth of our longing for Earth. We are bound to the surface, but we move inside the purpose for discernment.

Equalled in height, our depth knows no limits, and the surface gives way to the desire for greater expression, coupled with the complete trust in the sustainability of our creative nature.


Tuned into the harmonics of Earth frequency, we are able to bring color to sound and map a course that equates our rooted mass to the development of geomatric lineage times the numerical lettering within our DNA code.

The lineage code is within us, confirmed by the expressionary energy field that surrounds all matter, and the manner in which it is expressed denotes the resonance sound signature, matching with the flower essence formulator.


To be formulated within the Flower Formulator Resonance, is to be synchronized within the occupancy of Position and Place deeply inside of Home. Seedial in nature, we are composed inside the field resonance of seeded thought.

Marked for maturity, we grow our thought along the lines of creativity and inside the nature of Time, expanding Space so that the bloom of an idea can take root. Our texture is woven from the fibers of our Papered Awareness, paged into Story.


Awareness comes with the planting, corrugated in nature and folded into precision. Depth of purpose roots itself from the extended communication within the mycelial network, resonating planetarily, galactically, and throughout all solar systems.

Our Sound picks up the fine nuances of our surroundings, and we are bathed in the notes of harmony, as they move their colors in a circumference of Round.


We occupy many new spaces as we travel from here to there, and of course, from there to here. We have to relocate our mind many different times in the day, so we can check in, to make sure we don’t miss a single moment in the Time we live.

This is not other people’s moment that we check in on, but instead our own, then you are living the Life you came to live, and as this is practiced as a way to be. Our moments become more real and alive, and filled with content, and as you expand, every moment becomes immense and you become eternally wise.


The full sculpture of the Intent begins to live as an avatar within you, you become galactic, rather than planetary only. You have an understanding of your self in more than one world at a time, and what you hear beyond belief becomes the very nature of the very nature of who you are.

The calling forth of pattern after pattern, you learn to construct the Rubik’s Cube and narrow its pathway to ease. You call upon joy, compassion, as your daily companion, so that you will and can initiate the world into Safety Made Real.


You incarnate what you have intended to incarnate eons ago, and your likelihood of success becomes so refined that you mark it before it happens. Your confidence builds in the confidence you make Real in the simplest of moments in Time.

You become the master puzzle equator, and your spacial reference leans in to the very cloth of your Being. When Time begins to awaken all the threads of the world, you will be the Master Weaver, and you never put down your hand, unless to create.


Creation becomes your breath, creation becomes your blood, creation becomes your mind, creation becomes the very tissue of your whole Body. This, you will then never walk away from, because it is all of what Life is about.

We’ve never really truly lived in this world, we can barely sense it, we can’t even talk its language completely. We are babbling in a world of true living. We have never begun to live in these wonderful bodies, they know so much more of how to taste, smell, host blissfulness, see, hear, and love.


We are so busy with distraction, polarity, loss, hate, and anger, that we just miss the whole day, then the whole life. Many seems to think that this is what makes life exciting, but standing inside a body that is truly allowed a full moment of time is what a whole lifetime can’t seem to be.

Comforting the Soul with a promise to come to be present to the gift of what life is embodied in the magic of a Light Creation. It’s like we try to clean the whole floor with a toothbrush. Not for a moment realizing what tools will do this best.


Staying in the moment of inside, is staying in the inside of momentual, and allowing it a Portal out. Each cell should be freed, and not trapped in the agenda of entrapment. We are the cause, we are the effect, and we do not realize this, until we are actually moving through the learning of the wisdom of the cell.

We mend the cellular with our connection to the floral essences within the Garden Plan and we enumerate their messages, rooted in the deep story of Gaia’s nature. Time creates the movement of forward momentum, and expands Space through accompanied resonance.


Open to the feeling of wisdom in nature’s rotational bliss, spinning endless through Space, fueled by the energy of universal motion, we are bathed in the sun and we dry ourselves with the ocean’s water.

Mer to a cell, we walk among the flowers of Earth, we plant, grow, and harvest ourselves, each stage a story, each story, a telling, and each telling a way of being.


To Bee or Knot to Bee, we tie the knots that frame the tapestry, and the fringe element adds motion to the corners, as well as the elongated edge of travel. We travel to seek the folds, the bends, the crease, and we are found inside the story of living.

The ease of forward movement comes at a time of unfolding the crease, and the curve of expectation rounds itself into a plethora of answered questions. How is it we’re here, how is it we matter, how is it so few are aware of the ‘4 dirt deep’ Garden Plan?


In the time of now the curve relates itself to the travel, the travel relates to the distance, and the distance relates to the stars, the stars relate to the map, the map relates to the Origin. Rooted, we are planted deeply and our Voice is not buried.

Sitting into our questions, heard by listening deeply, we plant the answered seedial code and square the perspective. Cornered by the 4, the dirt deepens its meaning, and we are squarely occupied.


Centered in our cellular memory is the eternal resonance of Home, and Home is a Papered Awareness, with layer upon layer of radial circumferic measures. Like spokes emanating from our Center Point, we are Spoken and Spoken for.

The Mother Tongue is our language of origin, its nurturance is the swaddled sound of creative life, and we bask in the warmth of our Existial Mode. The stories we hear are ancient, and filled with the water of our original purpose.


With the exception of nothing we must begin again and again, and again. Our life is to live in the again of more. This creates a storage cabinet that we can call on to fill up our hearts, to fill up our dreams, to fill up our longings, because each again is a registry of more.

Now we’re in a time that we are getting all packed up and ready to travel in a deeper memory, a longer longing, a quieter knowing, and a more sopranic tonal difference.


When the mind fails it begins to remember, and when the memory fails, the mind picks up and starts to live deeper and score itself with more intentional registry of the infinity of ourselves.

We corrugate a much longer thread and pick up the pleated of the corrugated piece and internationalize it with an epic purpose. This is how we know we are special. This is how we know we are a pleated being with a vibrational intensity, that calls forward the elements of alchemy and wills the will of Fire to educate the mind, the will, the purpose, and corrugate it in Water Memory.


The occasional visit that threads through air and wind wraps up everything and nurtures itself as a seed in the middle of Gaia, and all the etherous parts of the seed is the alchemical twist and twine of weaving.

The nomadic nature of afterwards and before ,all become more Bedouin, and we wrap ourselves in the fibers of listening and the living of travel.The living of travel, we are the travelers, and we are the markers, and we are the Vox.


Our Vox box is ancient, and when you wind it it sings celestial music, because underneath the sound is the deep cloth of mystery, and the woven patterns of ancient ways, ancient nods of Crownial Evolvement.

So build up your sculptures, build up your gardens, build up your boxes, build up your books, build up your writings, build up your seeds, build up your trees, and let them follow like fingers under your world. Become the nomadic trees of nomadic mycelial mystical things.


Become a thing that mysteries things, oracles things, and rounds up all the numbers to tell the story. So plant your fibrous seeds, your nomadic roots, your colors in the below, reach up above ground, like a finger ascending with mutric language that speaks to the sky, and the civilizations above blue.

Rock the roll of the solitary life and let it begin to make you famous in a world that is infamous for story. Story yourself into a beaded mala that runs between the fingers of those who reach. And each bead consuming a language of the story before.


The mala quotes follow you, the mala quotes inspire you, the mala quotes inform you of yourself. It is the seeded way of being. It creates a seedial crownial evolvement. The mala knows, because it is run under the dirt of everything. It has grown up from the darkness, it has saved worlds, it has compassion for what was down under, and it has compassion for what is above.

It wades through the layers of dirt and informs each gradual evolvement of its own beginnings. Mala yourself as a bead, a rose bead, that flows through the fingers like a rosary, like a repeated Om. Graduate yourself, because you have earned each bead, you have earned the Red Thread that runs through them.


You are a conquering hero of sense, to be on top to guardian the below. You are the Mother of the Mother of the Mother of the Seed, and you have grown here before, and you will again in a whole new future without leaving.

We snake our way through the grass and coil up around our own seed, because we are a miracle, we don’t know how we are here, because all the stories have wrangled around with our spirilic nature, and our coil is something we jump off of, instead of into.


So stick out your tongue and smell what is true, and stop hiding in the hole of what you are born from. The hole of potential, the holy stone of potency, the hag stone of wishing, yes, it is a stonial evolvement that builds from huge megalithic structures, and there the spiral reigns, as an ancient voice of creational momentum.


Closure: Writing it out so you can write it in, so you can mark yourself with your ancient story, and know that this is no secret.


Publishers: Su.Sane & Robert, Clarity


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