10 minute read

2023 Mar 24 The Alchemical Reed Class

All Begins to Unfold Easily



Calming the forces at the Portal opening, we begin to unfold what we’ve been waiting for, and the ease that has been needed is being given room.

All Begins to Unfold Easily

Like a flower, we are able to unfold ourselves and remain intact at the same time. We listen intently and remain open to the memory of the door’s opening.

We open ourselves by being available to the sight as it grows before us, as we take in the meaning and gift of sound made real, safety made real, us made real. We invite the invisible to become visible to us, as the Fey we are.

No two things unfold, without the other being present to the deliciousness of sight becoming whole and tangible, awake and available to our memory. We thread ourselves deeply into the fold, and crease our feelings into bliss.

Excited by the present, we present ourselves as the unfolded bloom we are, and with our bloom, seed the air into acceptance and the woven fabric of continuation. Ease marks the way, and the threading is sown.

We become real to ourselves, as the weave is registered through the red of our pulse, and the breath of our longing. The planetary alignment is marked by the stars adjusting their sight for more on the horizon.

We claim the made and mark our territory with the ease of our pitch, and catch the phrase of forward momentum, that breaks the barriers of both sight and sound. We embrace the ease with which we become comfortable.

Surprised by our acceptance we thread the weave of our own pattern and take in the sight of needle piercing the surface for the deeper dive. Humbled by our own grace, we endeavor to heal and comfort with the ease of Compassion.

We move forward with vision and allow it its passage, as the Ger is shemmed into place and position, and the lift is granted room. Grown to height, the aim makes its mark and the narrow folds easily into the pocket of desire.

Desiring the ease, desiring the room, desiring the made, we bring forward our own effort to balance the elements that make us who we are, photonic light at the edge of every universe.

Marked by time, given room by space, we open the door to each universe, each planet, each galaxy, and every solar system, to bring ourselves into the rumor of our existence and the alchemy of our Soul.

Making the ease bend with us, we reach across the abyss of our very own breath, and breathe in deeply the fragrance of the petals to come. This octavial olfactory system brings its color sound, noted by B into the hivial need of Comb.

The Comb of self-reliance is steady in our hand, as we reach past obstruction, obstacle, and lean into the color of each crayon liberated from judgment. Mapped by lineage, the navigation charts the course and makes ready the ease within all steps.

Grateful for the ease, and counted by the measure, we number our letters so that the sound lands easily on its mark. Timed with grace, and held by the gentle, we are relaxed into our movement and held safe in our vision.

Each time is developed in the dark of the deep rich loam, and we favor the hidden for the protection of the seed and its future growth. Spring rises the given and the sight of more light is seen as gift and protection.

The wand of wood is made whole and the flexibility is given its way, so that the movement forward can come into the footed steps of growing. The fecundity of Spring is showing its force of Will and the gentleness of plant unfolding.

Early are the motions of forward, favored are the notes of release, and the time is creased into the remainder of equation. Lettered by our Papered Awareness we create the story of our memory settled, and comfortable in its position.

Listening to the hum, the notes answer with their high pitch and the candor of their message. We are noted as able to receive, receive that which is unusual and without precedent. Unmarked by before or after, the current balances its flow and emits its over-flow.

Our light holographic pattern defines shape and light, in order to inform matter into consciousness, in its 3-D format. We are the wave particle of our fractal existence, rooted in the planetary folding of time and space.

As we weave our way though our fibered existence, we pattern ourselves from the light we are becoming, from the wave that we are, from the particle that rides the emotion of grace, and the flower of a watered acceptance.

Etched in our memory, we use the waters of our existence to wave emotion through the threaded circumference, wedding our consciousness with the ease of passage. This brings forward the imagination to enroll the flexibility of bend, into our folding nature of Squared Perspective.

Marking time by our spacial reference of sound, light penetrates and amplifies the organic nature necessary, for Mycelial rooting to climb the Tree of Life. Our new passage of ease opens, and the door makes way the Ready.

Being settled and ready, the forces of levitation make the lightness of motion available, so that the formed moves easily, and the connections of current are available within reach and scope.

As the found is open and the current is ready, the connections are grounded for safety made real, and the threaded circumference connects to its inner compass and reaches the bridge to over-coming.

Monitoring no rival, the space of time is equipped to receive Nu and embrace the comfort of support, as it sits in the seat of Happiness. Coming closer than ever before, we begin to acknowledge ourselves as creator creatress in a world that responds to creative vision.

Picking up the score, we play the music of rhythms and notes of our own timing, squaring the most prominent potential. We enumerate each close inventive square.

We become more realized, but atomized to ourselves. We collect all the potential of enumeration. The folding preparatory vision is given to each cell, and each cell becomes aware of its full potential.

The equating previsionary score aligns with the system awareness of discovery. We are counted as prominent and the corrugation inside the fold is given resonance. The squared perspective positions itself into the navigational mapping.

Place and point of reference is more motivated than ever before, and this is what this system awareness is all about. When what is known is placed, the provisional code will be allowed movement and this movement will associate itself with mutual harmony.

All the faces of the energetic mode will score and enumerate the future. The positional awareness can become a system key, and this system key will open many embryonic portals. The full trinary code will create the completion and this completion creates an harmonious future.

When the guess is made, more than once, the inquiry is harmonic. When the actualization becomes fulfilled the tonal quality will shift 3 octaves. Each octave will smooth the positional awareness until it is vibrationally alive.

The codial fulfillment will coordinate the collaborating factors so we, as a planet, as a galaxy, as a solar system, as a universe, are given the insight to become fully octavial in a sopranic manner.

The full intensity is cut through so the tonal quality within the mind can survive. All is carried on through and the knit is even, tight, and vibrant. All is inter-coursed for a unification of hearts.

When all the manners of willingness occur, and untie numerical order needed, the puzzle fits into place. The full personification of life becomes understood and the inquiring features are satisfied.

Through all the illusionary codial systems there is a marked space that holds the thought in place, while the mind travels out and the home of place is scored for the return of home.

When the prism does not fail to understand, the light will be carried on out through all dimensional codial numbers. The mind does not falter in its positional registry of needs and the requirements are not falsified.

Simple is made as the main ingredient, and the worded image is called into place, for the unification of hearts. The full posture of need gets lost in the erasure of moment and the significance of parts loses its numbers.

The fractured realm cleans the slate, and the travel looses its navigational momentum. The Squared perspective of the enclosed is now locked down, so that the intentional can conform to its own needs.

The positional encounter is dealt with in a new way; confusion, upset, failure, loss of content, is now between the octavial folds, and all will be accelerated to create a new order.

No manner, no place, no confused position of need, no folding equator that can fold its crease of intention. No positional requirement that ignores the between of time and space.

All is counted backwards until the erasure of the erasure is folded out. The meaningful gesture of what mends the space with enclosure and cocoons the thought that is cut with intensity.

When the bone marrow of incoming composition formalizes the content, all is made more simple, for the complexity to nest in.

Up from the beginning, up from the under, up from the forgotten, up from the forbidden, up from the unclosed, up from the disclosed, up from the posture of forming the door open, we now sit up on top of the bag of flour, and kick the thread open, till it pours out into our creative imagination, so that we know how to work and fold the dough with the spit of frustration.

We spit on it, till we know that our spit is the beginning of creation. It starts with the mouth, it starts with the saliva, it starts with the movement of the tongue, the gesture of pulse that sorts and corrects everything.

When the mouth is ready, the made of want has been pinpointed by the salvia of desire. We salivate our way through the juices of desire.

Creative motionary momentum starts with the mouth, starts with the desire, starts with the need, starts with the ecstasy, starts with the fulfillment, starts with the embodiment.

The hard desire that penetrates through like a tongue moving the juices to the teeth, so that the grind can begin, the ground can begin, the swallow can endow itself with meaning, content, of being fed, as an embodiment that wants.

The teeth, like the grindstone of a mill, preparing the flour of gold, for its conial evolvement. The spectrum, full as it is, needs more black, so the white has enough color to evolve into the Void, and begin to know what white is for.

White and black cannot exist without the other, and the need is being hidden by the few, from the many. The carnial desire is embodied in the gut, it is built for the breaking down, the acid influx, the tubial volume codifying all needs to the cells.

All is now substance of what is funneled through, and occupied, as an expressial provision. To live and need and be free, to fill and release and let go, all at the water’s edge of element.

The conial fusion eliminates the seed of the crust ,and forwards the momentum to create a Divine Matrix that knows what life is for, and is willing to feel its way on through the Red Thread of the Fibers of Listening.

We move our elements through the ease of passage, and mark our way with the foundational manner of our Existial Mode. To be forward within the ease, and its passage into connection, its depth of current, and its reliance on the grounded nature of Gaia, makes the foot placed in firm step.

To keep up with change is to mark your way forward with the sound noted in C; calm, centered, connected, and current. These moments, through noted sounds and ease of found time, opens the space for travel.

As the sight clears, the moment opens to allow registry, and as noted becomes C, the octave increases its pitch and the tone elevates itself for comfort and ease. The note of E expands and the expression can then flow with momentum.

The reason for inquiry raises the alphabetical notes into their numeric relationship, and the questions and answers provide the ease, that comes with the organic nature of a Gaia based system.

We are salted by our own image, etched into the cellular elemental components that organ themselves throughout our physical system of orbit. Our planetary mode grounds the etheric into a solid field of energetic conveyance.

Complete with the next layer, we compose our expression, through the sound of our Intention made clear, from the start. Begin and begin, and begin, builds the network of reliance and integrity needed to complete the fold of Papered Awareness.

Aligned within the folds, the weave lays itself flat on the curve, and projects its fibers into the crease, so that the connection is secure.

The amount of thread to weave is numbered, by the smooth passage of time, seeing space receive the value of expression and the notes of ease. Eased is the passage as it folds itself inside the curve of a storied existence.

Built layer upon layer, collage upon collage, the words form their numbers in equated passages, allowing the mind to travel its pathway into Nu. New is the reach and Soulful is the meaning.

Comprised fully of Worth, Value, Tone, and Pulse, the Red Thread is needled into the fabric to hold together the meaning of each passing story made real.

To reel from the power of story, to reel from the amount of travel, to reel from the content of content, is to be swept up in the Realm of Fey, and the enthusiasm of lightheartedness, followed by the play of mind to body, to spirit, cauldroned by the Soul.

A Situla of trust, a watered embrace of Fish Files, speaking their code in a way that swims the current and lands in the net of Neith.

Explained not is the current, proved not is the code, hungered not is the feeding, as the Long Spoon provides support and connection, and the round of table reaches beyond the veil of confusion.

We are noted and played by the expression of the Divine, and this allows us the freedom to explore the curious, through the questions we have and the answers we receive through our own deep listening.

Keeping the ease close, we find comfort in the connections we have made and the explorations we’ve shared. Memory serves us that keeps the ease to the present and future, moving inward and outward with the breath of gift.


Purpose and place has been established and the intricacy of the between is being received and accepted. The full momentum is gaining speed and then all will move into place.

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