Where All The Parts Gather, There Are Greater Beings

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The Alchemical Rede Magazine

By Clarity 1

Alchemical Rede Magazine 2023 Nov. 10 Issue © 2023 Clarity Visit us at: www.situlacodex.com


2023 November 10 Issue Where All Parts Gather, There Are Greater Beings Introduction: Folding the forward even thinner, we begin to elongate our Need, so we can reach Time before it arrives.


Where All Parts Gather, There Are Greater Beings How larger and small can we be in any given moment? What calls to us to change and be more than what we rst thought, or were rst told. How do we become larger in our smallness?

Such questions are of this time, this era, this eon, and we are present to witness ourselves, and others reach forward into a larger picture, something beyond the past, something not done before.




We are de nitely greater than we were taught, and we are able to achieve more than rst said. Humanity has the potential, and the capacity to come beyond its old shell and move into a more expansive environment.

The consequence of giving value to thought creates its own atmosphere, and that atmosphere engenders a greater view of what is. Imagine the color of the autumn leaves falling, and grounding themselves into the palette needed for the following year.




The Mycelial network receives what is given, what is needed, and it always nds what it wants, to be able to create the next new thing. We are of that same nature, from the same system, from the same Gaia.

We gather the moments of consciousness needed, to move forward in an ever ascending spiral of life, and the consciousness that we are is ever grateful, that the embodied physicality that makes up that part of us, is synchronized.



We are rhythmic with the Pulse of the Mother, and the Red Thread sends its seedial path through the mycelial rooting, and the Wooded Way resonates its etheric vibrational waves, so the the particle within us nds its way forward.

There are matches that occur, and the Mycelial Healing Light Imprintsial Patterns allows the vibrational freedom to resonate beyond any blocks, this brings the larger picture forward and the body will respond positively.



We are gathered underneath by our roots, the Neith of our netted beingness that thrives on the nutrients within the deep rich soil of our birth, Gaia. The community of roots spring up with the consciousness of a global realization.

Globally we are nested within each other, we are proved in the forest of our reach, and we harvest our thoughts and feelings through the combined e orts of consciousness gaining ground.



We are grounded in our manner of our Papered Awareness and through the folding, bending, and creasing, we corrugate our lives until we are spined into a cover of letters and words, numbered beyond number and yet able to sense meaning.

The greater Beings are always among us, and we become the greater part of us through their compassion, love, and expanded consciousness. 9

We do not wait for our thought, it comes like water, and the salted notion of our cellular process can read the alchemical makeup of each wave as it comes and goes.

Mer in scale and mammal in breath, we are able to reach far into the rooted network, both above and below. By doing so we are able to understand the curve as we move into the next level. 10

Our, your potential calls out to us every moment of every breath, and when we ask our questions and listen for our answers, we are in resonance with what this world needs the most.

Mostly we are able to feel our movement forward, and in doing so we can change our direction, our thoughts, our wishes, wants, desires, and needs. We are able, and that is because we are rooted deeply to Gaia. All of us. 11

Breaking free from the old for the new requires a willingness to hear something di erent, see something di erently, read something that does not t into typical.

Just knowing the potential, the possibility that something larger is available to connect with you, can change your life in a moment, can change you forever.





The Mycelial recalculate the energetic eld around you, and the Healing Light Imprintsial Patterns resonate beyond anything that can block your compassionate self from moving forward.

Gathering yourself to yourself is what Time and Space are for, they combine their energies to keep whole your wholeness, in the molecular eld of constancy, that holds together the all of everything.




The consequence of this gathering is the circumference of the potential elongating into the fresh arena of life, that is open to the initiation of seedial thought, rooting into the consciousness making way for support, nurturance, compassion, and love.

The Beings of greater thought support this nurturance, and allow for the formation of the equational reality that expands creativity, so that the ability is utilized and made solid. 14

As Time is allowed its Space, Space unfolds and moves forward the patterns of thought that form the matrixial vortexial movement into connected patterns of resonance.

This lettered formation brings into being the ability to graft onto present and grow future. Planted are the ideas of formation, and nurtured are the roots. 15

Completing the registries turns the curve into a spiral accompaniment, that assists us as we accept and receive what is new for us. This brings us in contact with the larger picture and the easier route.

Time opens up before us as we enter into a new level that is more deeply connected to our listening ear. As the bered listening engages with the Threaded Awareness, the Red Thread stretches across the abyss and connects us with a formal construct of foundational reliance.



Coming into Time is the opening and we are prepared to light our way forward, through the resilience of our commitment and the endurance of years of practice.

The larger the new idea, the greater the bene ts, and as these bene ts appear, the stronger the support is maintained. To bring forward the new requires the willingness to the Open, and the Open comes from the All that is the fabric of life itself.




We are in the net of life, and we are nested into our Home by way of desire, need, and want. As these are each recognized, the ful llment is registered and the materialization unfolds itself into a containment of solidity.

The patterns of registry move light forward to unlock any encumbrances and the way is made easy. The Mycelial Healing Light Imprintsial Patterns bring registry into renewal and comfort, as the body adjusts to the ease.



We are on a course of discovery, one of adventure, and though it does not always feel that way, we are approaching our own expanded consciousness.

Creativity is the answer that unlocks all the locks, opens all the doors, peels back all the layers, and our practice is in raising our level of All. Deep listening gets you to the place where, aligned with your Intent, you hear the deep questions the answers are giving you. 19

Potential weaves its ne bers throughout the threadial network of sound, and the resonance is felt by the being that you yourself are, this brings forward what you have gathered and places all the parts into a uni ed wholeness.

As the patterns of geomatric light enfold you, you balance yourself and contained within that balance are the markings of your future. New opens itself up to you and you are then able to advance into the di erent that makes the di erence in your life, and is bene cial to All.








The singular fusion of what relates and what does not relate is necessary to come to a level that can integrate. The Squared space incited in living can now perpetuate a new foundational realm of registry.

The particulars can insulate response so that the understood can lay out a new way of seen. The volumed character of relationshipial volume can now accelerate the speed rate of a quatralizational position.


Fact and allowance confers di erently in this time, and the place it occupies is more responsial in time and opportunity. Moving the full volume of what can express clearly in this time is done to awaken our di erent spacial references, so we can more ally ourselves to the needs of all life.

To create a need and allow it to grow into the volume of e ort needed to become mutually acquainted with the same things is what is underneath this time.





This time isn’t just war and hate, there is a much deeper purpose that is not seen at this point that is moving a much bigger landscape that is available it calls for a shift in perspective and this shift is much smaller than anyone can guess.

When we become more naturally organic to energies, we start seeing what they root out of. The most profound nature is sprouting out underneath the complexity and not understood of this time. 23

There are many who feel they have an eye for this, but the nature that is evolving, they are blind to. What runs along the course is a rider that utilizes these connecting leads to create a totally new, more peaceful, more loving connection under the leads.

Some think hate is being planted, but it is actually being connected and rooted up. This is the work of bindweed. Bindweed seems so strangling, but if it can be connected to the rooting of love, it can be what holds, hugs, and resiliates the consequential reference to a new height and speed. 24

What feeds can travel with what strangles, and the binding of love can break all the holds, and the height can be reached in time, in speed, so don’t gather unless you are ready to be up on the top, where the new level begins, and it uses the strangling weed as what it nurtures on.

What knows knows, what heals heals, what loves loves. Love is love and that is all it is, so use the speed of what travels to steal, and make it nurture all that it has stolen from.


Forti ed by consciousness, forti ed by need, corrugated by intention, folded by the heat of love, all the magic steps needed to reach across the abyss and connect the worlds that would never connect before.

The rotary of appendix knows each place for each thing, and every place for everything, and in this the place is made Real, and in this the Real of You can grow, connect, corrugate, decipher.




We begin to know how we have acquired our way here, and what worlds we are connected to, and what worlds care enough to send us here. We are here to make this di erence in this time, and it is a Golden Weave of clarity, acceptance, fortitude. 27



All planets are folded, all worlds are nestled, all needs are needled, and the Thread runs through, and life moves to a bered awareness that connects everything to Thread.

We squander no thought we make capable the Rede of our existence we move in water, we take up ow we strive to stay above the stream, so we can channel it through our world with di erence.

We are the cloud, we are the distance, we are the distance in the cloud that hovers above an ancient ow. We are the Cara Oghnam of the Heart when its in its ow of visionary prayer.






We are the requiem inside the past, and we sing down the disturbances it has made, we sing up the new heights and allow a new spell, drum to move into sound, so that the thrumming notes, opaque as they are, become transparent and light as air.

The annoying sounds of uninitiated heights become sacred registries of time requited and gestated, as retold. The beginning results as the ending and ending results as the beginning, and then we realize there is no time in front of or behind, so we let go, and we are just who we are. 29

Incoming fervor becomes incoming self, that becomes out coming fervor, and out-coming self. Just mark your ddle and play your strings, and know you have threaded the bow, the arc in time.

Peace made Real is a piece that ts in the Square, and out rolls the Other, the one you forgot that’s hidden away under the screen, that you knew as Soul.




To be or not to be is the question of Soul, and it never awakens the creed, and you will know that you are forever being, and you never lose your place inside, or outside of Time and Position.

Your pillar of belief is what threads your bow, and no one has to care except you. The common will of di erence nds conversation within you, and the manner of talk is interior.




Keeping safe your gathered language, the threads of speech link all the letters to numbers, and the numbers to shapes, and the shapes to color, and the colors to sound. This is your song of di erence.

To be who you are is to say, and the saying matches the inner and outer realm of unique individuality. The stripe of your color is in the tone of your manner, and the intent of your Heart of Gold.



Compassion becomes you and each thread of note, be it direct and pointed, or scattered and soft, each is in its own place, as exact in note and volume. The custom changes as the circumstance shifts.

As our belief grows into what we gather, the larger being of yourself begins to expand, and through creativity, expresses what you are here for. Not for the experience, but rather for the expression. Completing all tasks of woven, and threading the Pulse with your consciousness, the nestial self can rest. 33


Resting with the ease becomes you, and in your relaxation, the Tea of Time moves in front of all that contracts. Expanded are your moments, and the challenge to do becomes the ease to express.

Lifted are the weights of endeavor, and the wait no longer nishes up before you. The light of becoming becomes, and you are left with the nature of Gaia sprouting you up and out of your spot, and into the place of creative discovery. 34


Passing through the gates of contrary, you plant your feet rmly forward and ground yourself with the motion of circumnavigation, leading toward the ever unfolding corrugated future.

The consequence of motion is travel, and traveling you are. Those travel miles of Gaia’s mount up and the perks are plenty. Each season, each year, each day, each moment, all gathered together to create a conversation that speaks of the Red Thread the Mother gives each of us. 35

We weave our way through each day and nd what we nd, and with those ndings, we share what it is to share that to the Other, the place of Home becomes known better and better and better.

Every day in every way you are better, better, and better. The Soul nds itself within you, as you nd yourself beyond, within yourself.







Closure: The echoed mark surrounds us, and we begin to know more evenly who we are.


Publishers: Su.Sane & Robert Hake, Clarity




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