The Alchemical Rede Magazine
By Clarity 1
Alchemical Rede Magazine 2023 Nov. 24 Issue © 2023 Clarity Visit us at:
2023 November 24 Issue We Are Coming Out Of The Closet We Write In Introduction: Patterns, they follow courses of the threads of the Mother’s Intelligensia. Patterning the awakening navigational elds of Light, all sitting up, Rounded and ready to thread.
We Are Coming Out Of The Closet We Write In Taking o the ‘kit’ gloves, not the ‘kid’ gloves, we show you how to build your nest. First you take what you like, not your adult like, but rather your child like, and you put it over there.
Then you take your next favorite thing and put it over there, and the next favorite thing and it goes there, you’re getting the easy picture of this, and this is how it goes.
But remember, each favorite thing is not a hierarchal kind of thing, number one best, tiny less best, mostly best, sorta best, almost best, etc. No, each best is equal to the other, just di erent.
The world could learn from children’s childish ways of thinking. The world’s most famous inventors, artists, musicians, dancers, singers, were all just children beneath those adult-styled clothes; the hats and ties, the dresses, the made up to the 6’s and 9’s.
So the ‘kit’ gloves are the ones you use, from your own building kit you have inside today, yes, inside your house, but more speci cally, inside you. This is a building time of day, and a nesting sort of room you are making.
There are so many ways to build something you especially want, need, or desire, something that has a meaning so deep, it is almost beyond words, but the child self knows and plays with the idea endlessly.
The Papered Awareness knows, the Circumferic Allowance knows, the Existial Presence knows, almost anything with a Capital Letter knows, so listen up to yourself, and get going.
What kind of world has Capital Letters that mean more than other, not better than, just more than, in a given moment? 7
The Fey are everywhere, and it matters most to those who need them, for those who don’t, they never see them. Sad but true, and even if you think they aren’t, but you’re reading this, then I have to say, you do, too.
Life is so funny and amusing, when you consider how you grew out of your child self and into a fashioned adult self, made by the rag tag rules of order. 8
Where did you go, when you rst left yourself to become someone else? At what age, and by whose order? Where you lined up in rows, or sorted out by alphabetical order?
What ever the time, and whatever the reason, it is time to come back this instant! Now, in this body you inhabit, are the strings and bers and threads that weave you together, and once woven, contain you in a wondrous way.
No matter whether it is through the adulting habit of the habit of adulting, or the whimsical way of childish delights that got you to here from there, you are here now, and that is what matters most. We can work with that.
Go to the closet and pull out the one thing that you don’t particularly like, and always wondered why you ever got it. Look at its color, shape, texture, and feel what it was like when you picked it out. 10
What possessed you? A memory, a fancy, a whim, all good reasons in the mind of a child to go forth, but how did you climb over the edges of the adult to get to it in the rst place?
There are a lot of questions to be answered, but rather than dwelling, lets see where it’s got you. How many trees does a forest own? Does the sky have too many stars? Why is it there are more reasons than answers, or are there? 11
Why do questions come in bunches sometimes, and at others, one. at. a. time ? Do all C.E.O.’s act almost alike? Why do bank managers wears suits and ties, and most businessmen? What is it worth to them to behave that way, when on their days o they don’t? Why does a tie resemble a noose pointed down rather that up?
The circumference of any given equation is equal to all its parts, and the letters numbered within a given circle are approached from the center, to nd your way out.
How is it we are on on the same globe as each other? And how magical is it that we each share the same things together; dawn/day, dusk/night, the seasons, rain/snow/ fog, breeze/gust/wind, and so many that you could exhaust yourself trying to name all the similarities we each have.
We are more alike than most people realize, and as the Red Thread becomes more widely registered, there will be a further recognition that what was dreamed, or wished for, or hoped would occur, can happen. 13
The Papered Awareness is broader and deeper than rst realized, and the threads that weave it together, are connected galactically. As far fetched as that sounds, the sound of it is absolutely beautiful.
We are all in the same rowboat, we know the song, and now that we’ve arrived, it’s time to get out, look around, and decide what it is you want to do with the rest of your life, what kind of supportive, nurturing, changes you might want.
Hint. Pick the easy ones rst, because your child self knows them and is comfortable with those types of changes. The world is over done with di cult.
Come on in here, this closet has plenty of room, very much like the Tardis in Dr. Who, it’s much much bigger on the inside than the outside, kind of like our life, or yours.
You are on time and in time for the rest of everything, and everything has been waiting for your arrival. Narnia is to your left and Neverland is on your right, second star.
Your child self knows imagination like the back of your hand, you have one, too, whether you use it much or not, and as the child self that you continue to be, there are many ways to get to here from there.
The map has more than straight lines, it has fancy, and fancy that means there are bends, and turns, and curves, All having to do with Round. Round Sound, Round and Round you go, Merry go Round, it adds up.
Speaking forward in much larger space than ever before the beginning begins to enlarge the end, so that the between has room to navigate, recalculate, and reset. 17
The most forward aspect of this time is now engaging in a much bigger piece of the understanding of what now emulates as part of. The full boundaries of position have now found their corners, and the corners navigate the speed to what is accustomed to this present calculation.
The positional formulation is moving through many alliances, and many allowances are being made to ber the knowledge more easily.
The permanent cause is now not so pointed to, but instead, understood, this then creates a complete turn around of what is and what is not.
What was rst was really third, and what was sixth, was actually fth, and what was second was actually rst and the turn is what has created the curve we now experience.
The curve navigates the intentional position so one can know what is intended instead of guess. The actuality of the formidable becomes more now in place, and the currency of present is given more rede.
We are inside the following of the listening, and the listening is corrugational, so the tension and intention can be minded into place. The square between the box is actually the side of a wall, and the corners are navigated to actually point in four directions. 20
The corrugational meaning is a cooperative ow, and every point knows what point it connects to, so there is no falling, there is no falling into, there is no fall, and the court of line already knows this is true.
What heals is what is able to mix, and as it mixes it sees, and as it sees it heals. Becoming momentum is no longer racing forward, it sees the bend, it sees the ow, it sees the Destination, so its purpose has already been made.
The coming forward is the coming forward, and the coming forward is not a letting go into backwards. Take hold of the hand of the hand you listen to, and hear.
Hear the made, hear the told, hear the heard, hear the Word. Feel the feeling, touch the Heart, and make it so. When the tree rounds the power of six, the roots reach out across time and space, and the world begins to know its not from here. 22
The wanted emanation is ready and willing to reach through the thin space of aura, and nd the eld that translated Said into color.
The positional color is the indicator of the breath of entitlement. The entitlement being the full sensory codial wrap. The meaning before the meaning was the meaning inside the meaning, that could not respond to the code, because the code is a textural kind of thing unlike many others.
It cannot move forward without the feeling sense of a codial mark, and the point of last reference is more signial and referenced from the felted thought.
The translated format is marked with signaturetorial references. The codial transference of thought and feeling are translated out in a scribe that is seen, felt, and heard. The momentum of built within it, on it, and under it is allowed more room to claim property. All the responding forces now navigate to the need of this time. 24
The need for more layers within the knowledge and more space within the layers, as each part of life begins to square up. Exchanging the right hand with the left, the body becomes more comfortable with both the right and left brain, and all it is entitled to.
You talk to me here and I’ll talk to you there, you talk to me there and I’ll talk to you here. The string from your tin can to mine reaches. String theory is just that, but the communication across time and space is a given.
As our Papered Awareness is ipped from page to page to page, we begin to see the story being built and the string of thoughts gathering steam and the carriage we’re in suits the purpose.
No sooner do the codial marks hit the mark, dot the eye, and cross the tea, than we are in for a treat. Treated to time in and time out, gives us the change to chance a new position of agreement.
We agree that we are still a child self, we agree we are adulated into a biggly self and between the two, we are curved and rounded into the perfect position to understand. 27
All is not as it seems it seems, and we are forever grateful. The curvature of time brings its gravity to bear, and bear brings cookies for the tea.
The more emotionally aware we are, the more felted we are, and the more felted we are, we can catch the wind. This is in all worlds, all realms, all galaxies, all universes. There is always some high level of feeling in every race, every being, every life form. This may realize itself in many di erent ways, but there is never one without the other.
To know, to feel is part of every trinary code, and without trinary code there is no innocence and it is the innocence of recognition that moves us through the ten of ten of time and being.
All part of the Thread, the twine, the twist, the Need, the Needle, the knit, the woven. All breath. No matter what one does, you can’t truly separate the trinary, and in this trinary is the mobilizing force of knowing and feeling, respirating through recognition. 29
The full codial permanence of trinary is the epitome point of awareness. Papered Awareness is when this epitome point recognizes it is bered, and it has a full mobility within pattern.
When we re-seed ourselves, we are elongating the Needle and posturing our willingness to thread through to complete the stitch in time and recognize it is a language, a story built from the seed of itself in a shallow bed of fertility, so it can re-seed the seed and become seedial.
To be seedial to plant as a way of life. To describe the distance between seed, seeded, seedial, and the square root of existence, the permanence of perennial, the distance of tree, the rooted in the above and below. A permanence of life presented as permanent.
Potent space for any dream, any world, any galaxy, any universe, any place of potency. The Seed rises, the Alchemical Seed rises out of potency itself. 31
We have planted our very own seedial self inside the inside of our insides, and have grown it through thick and thin, tall and short, new and di erent.
We make our way from place to place, some outside of us, some inside of us, until we arrive at the arrival point of our becoming more. It is there we take a break and have the tea of that Transformational Energy Awareness.
We write what we write, you read what you read, we are in this together, because we all grew up and can now handle that we are still our child self and what was kept under wraps is the gift for the coming holidays. Your new child is born.
Closure: Pointial is the needle of yourself, and it is capable of piercing and threading through any nature of ber, so that you can now tack and weave.
Publishers: Su.Sane & Robert Hake, Clarity