The Alchemical Rede Magazine
By Clarity 1
Alchemical Rede Magazine 2023 Oct. 6 Issue © 2023 Clarity Visit us at:
2023 October 13 Issue Holding the Wave of Emotions Within the Thin Folds Is Vast Introduction: Do not be deceived that you are powerless, your power to be here and reclaim everything for there.
Holding the Wave of Emotions Within the Thin Folds Is Vast Energy motion, E-Motion, the Note of E; Enthusiasm, Energy itself, Elation, E ervescence, all moving forward into creationary unfoldment.
We hold these energies in a vast network of Mycelial footings, and we use all our clarity, courage, compassion, and grace to manage the intensity of the unfolding, as it blossoms into view.
Keeping forward the distance is a profound act, that requires persistence and unwavering support from inside and out. Here the Angelic Realm, as well as the Fey Realm, are available to assist, but it takes fortitude and courage to call upon the invisible to become visible in your life.
Visible to you, if to no one else, but available to you when needed. The emotional energy for creativity is immense and stretches far beyond the easy, yet it becomes easy with the aid of those on both sides of the bridge. 5
The Garden, in its Fall foliage provides the soft cover of an enduring grace, one that signals the cycle of endings beginning, and beginnings ending.
As we encounter the leaves dropping from their roost, and hear the crunch of their crispness underfoot, we are aware of the composted matter folded neatly into the bins for the winter. 6
Already we await the Spring, and catalogue our seeds in our heads, making distance plans to nurture us for this now moment, as well as the Spring to come.
Layer upon layer we descend into the layers of what the coming winter gives, while still up here on the top of Fall bustling about putting things in places, tying up loose ends, and thinking about indoor maintenance of outdoor plants. 7
The Red Thread weaves its magic throughout the house and garden, stitching both together, in a rapid weave of intoxicating fragrances perfuming the stairways, the kitchen, studio, and living room.
The moments that overturn the contractions the world goes through, are the moments creativity saves the soul of the heart, and the heart pulses its rhythm to the compassion that is within our creative spirit. 8
We take moments into ourselves and grow them inside, so that what we end up with is the outcome of our inner journeys. This permits the access of our intrinsic nature to plant itself more deeply into our Sacred Self.
We fall and fall and fall, each time the crunch of ourselves is heard by our own footsteps, as we move forward forever in our own stillness, as we orbit our center, and circumnavigate our heart. 9
What emotion holds you in its embrace? What longing has been whispering in your ear, what time has been given to you to possess? No matter the plans, no matter the distance, no matter the eventual, we are present in our Existial Mode.
The Letters come forward, the Numbers come forward, the Garden comes forward, the alphabetic layering of our own registries come forward, as we enumerate the positions of our constancy. 10
This moment you are in coincides with the breath you are taking, and the granting of the intake that breathes you. Energy motion breathes you, e-motion is your Home of Place and the Square of your Circle.
As the dot in the center of your square, you levitate within the center of the sphere that you are. You are both stalk, leaf, and bloom, anchored rmly in the Gaia of where you are planted.
You Paper your Awareness with the bers of your listening, you fold and bend with the curves and creases, to allow the Information a format that eases into fruition.
Rooting deeply into the folds of your own memory, the cellular information is released and the ease of nding comes to light. Light is brought up from the below and the subconscious and conscious merge their wisdom together. Reaching the hand to the center, it touches the heart and the heart emits its signal, so that the Mycelial stretch is heard easily and with passion.
Covered by the Rooted Way, the Mycelial network signals its resonance deep underground, and nds it way to the surface by way of lineage. We are the lineage of the ancient ways of hearing, listening, and folding the sound into the way we are.
Never before have we remembered so clearly, never has there been a greater need, never have we once denied the gifts we were given, and now this ease is remaking our lineage, etched with memory that connects us to resources that bring fragrance to bloom.
Gardened and gardening, are the tools of Gaia that allow for the remaking of seasonal information to become clear, beyond the material and into the imaginal, mystical, luminous realm of knowing and feeling.
We recognize our past by embracing our future, and our future is lled to over owing with compassion, love, and great joy. So Be It for all those with a heart to hear.
Such fun is gathered in the putting to bed the Garden, we are bunching up the plants, so that they nest among each other, and they change their positions in order to accommodate one another.
Timed to perfection, the season reaches its zenith and we are relaxed into a new mode of transfer. We transfer the plants indoors as we are transported indoors, as well. Each of us is ready for the next phase of new. 15
Slowly the slowing happens, the resting enwraps us more fully, and we come into a yearly yawn that lets our muscles know what was busy is now re-geared, to allow the dreaming each of us needs.
Coupling all the e orts made through synergy, the spoken is made more multiplicational, and the awareness of what is ready for expression. There is often a taking that happens without hesitation and the miracle of timing is mastered with it.
The timing of intuition is a valiant course of life that mankind must remember, so that the instinctual will return in manner and place. When the narrative within becomes so spontaneous that it arrives with the question, and the answer is so prominent that it is given even before the need.
When timing is placed in the hands of one’s Source, the answers become more formidable, and the timing is without stress. There is never a drop, or a loss of positional power. 17
The certi ed motionary power of the intuitive comes from the self, and its willingness to live in time with all its parts, particle awareness becomes a space of daily moment to moment intuitive conversation.
We are now in a timing that concedes no loss, but only expands the opportunity within the cellular consciousness. What is needed is more prominent than force, and force becomes an aim that the will concedes to the intuitive exactness.
The placement of passion is formidable in the intuitive world. It is the need completely possessed by the Self. Passion and intensity are not the same. They do not run the same netial conversation.
The spoken word of the intuitive source is less complicated than the Will, and can verify the right speed needed to not lose connection. The full volume of stretch and reach does not con scate the potency of truth. The more that is remembered as sustainable, the more that is given. The further the need can ow, the greater the passion, and the more need for the intuitive resonance to be more requestizent, with the Soul.
The property of the Soul is the Golden Ring, and the Golden Ring is on the nger of the Golden Dream, and the Golden Dream is within the Heart of Gold.
The full felt displacement in a time of speed is a requirement for protection. When the necessary codial registry is made, through the sensorial volume, there is a frequency that protects. Protection is a true course and it must be neccessi ed in the daily life. The formial position is laid down to rest in the bed of protective consciousness. There is a nurturance in this bed of protective consciousness, and the fully fed can mobilize from it.
Much can be done from one’s space such as this. You can heal, nurture, expand yourself, and all life from this space. This work is here to develop that capacity from one space.
Here you can course a mapping to one space there, and you can ll the space there, with all the needs from one space here. Instead of just thinking about the needs of many, you can create and empower an oralic space here, to ll the needs asked for there.
This is truly time travel. You can go forward in time, and backward in time, and you can be here now in time, all in one moment of capacity.
The full narrow position of the arrow shoots through the full funnel echo system that nds time from its Eco echo position of speed. The acquiring of this is simple, it is inside the power of Desire and Need.
The Kuan Yin Oracle is one of these Circles of Power, and it can echo out Protection, Memory, Compassion, and the Will of Change.
Chose something in your life to sit this down into, let it be your Well of Power navigated by your Will of Compassion, from your one space of focus, and travel the world, the planet, solar system, galaxy and universe. The universality of this power of the Will of Well focuses a time/space equation. 23
You, all at once, are a millennium, and the power of a millennium, and the most ancient of these millenniums is within your Well of Power. Open up to the gesture, of a small place protecting a large space.
The micro macrocosm in place is your wheel house. You take your hands, you make your mutras, as you do in your daily life, and know that it truly is all in your hands, and how they gesture potently each day, for the changes you Need and Desire. 24
The Spoken Word of your Mind is in the mutric gestures of your hands, allow your ngers to touch, to speak the content of your wheelhouse.
You know more of what your hands know than ever what your mind knows. You are the course of content touching everything, sharing everything, making everything conscious of who you are. When you know who you are, you can roll all of this in and out of what you touch, speak, say, signal, and symbolize. So with the ick of your ngers, you are magic.
It not only moves here, but it moves dimensionally, so if you desire to be part of the healing of this world, let your hands know. They know the way, they know the power of the way, and with a ick they can settle things into place.
Do not need to travel to the place of disembodiment, disembowelment, dislocation. You are here now in a place of protection, so you heal, feed, nurture, love from this place of compassion of your expanded consciousness.
Do not work in the eld, be the eld of consciousness, here now, and make the di erence you desire. Take in a Pattern, take up a Pattern, lay it down, roll it around, take it down under, spread it out like a fan, wrap a world, wrap a people, wrap a person in it now.
Make a di erence from here, so that those there can make a di erence and succeed. You are here because they are there, and they are only there, because you are here, and do not make light of this, it is a dark and heavy fact, it is earth in the consciousness of the Mycelial ever-loading distance, power, and speed.
When the never comes knocking, you pick it up, and you replace its loose teeth, and it changes the word that it speaks. The forward motionary volumes of potency become your ngers, becomes your gestures, the connecting digits running through the digital world like sirens.
You are what posts, you are what signals, you are what oversees, you are what balances, corrects and connects. You are the Seed of Everything, from this position you have the power of DNA.
You conjugate, you correlate, you corrugate, you con rm, you concessionalize, and what is left, you connect. In time you will know what’s there from what’s here, and what’s here from what’s there.
And you will not be confused, you will not feel upside down, inside out, over the top, under the bottom, scattered, smothered, and incapable. You’ve already gone through this, and it is the con ning journey of learning to be here now, and why.
We can travel from here to there in all kinds of technological vehicles, but this we can only learn by want and need. The compassion to have passion is interstellar, and does not even come from this world.
It is not native to our creation, it is native to our creating force, and that creating force is in your hands, This is why creativity is felt as such a need, and yet not fully supported, by worlds that feel circumference of everything but this. 30
The acknowledged of full coverage, of what lays ahead, and yet if we don’t stay here and listen, it will remain unprotected, so strap up your boots Valkyrie, you have trained for this, this here and now, this ight of vision, this inconceivable witness of power, in the most minute power and balance of time and space.
It is on the tip of your tongue, it is on the tip of your mind, it is on the tip of your ngers, the tip of your toes, the tip of your vision, the tip of your words. Yes it will tip you over, and then you will get up and have the power of recovery.
Recover your space and theirs, reclaim the power and theirs, reclaim your heart and theirs, reclaim your happiness and theirs, reclaim your wealth and theirs, reclaim your sacredness and theirs, reclaim your place and theirs, reclaim your position and theirs.
Reclaim your vision and theirs, reclaim your mobility and theirs, reclaim your voraciousness and theirs, reclaim your footing and theirs, reclaim your balance and theirs, reclaim your dirt and theirs.
Reclaim your seedial power and theirs, recall your climb and theirs, reclaim your time and theirs, reclaim your love and theirs, reclaim your future and theirs, trinitize the ages and theirs, the third part is not war, the third part is reclamation.
The Morgan is the Goddess of this time. Power is in the Mind of Reclamation, Power is in the need to Love, Power is in the need to be Love, Power is in the need of Trinity, Trinity is the power of Reclamation. The third world war is the power to not war, but instead to heal everything there, from here. 33
Closure: Do not ask to be beaten by the other, ask instead to heal the other, to protect the other, to connect with the other from here. Do not move, all you power is here.
Creational Integrity 34
Publishers: Su.Sane & Robert Hake, Clarity
Mer, the Power of Water and Speed
Oralic Power