2024 June 21st Issue
All These Worlds Meeting In The Conversation Of
Intensity Introduction:
The Red Thread is posed at the opening of the needle, press it through the cloth, and be navigated forward by your want and desire.
All These Worlds Meeting In The Conversation Of Intensity
The words that meet in intensity are the words that have your attention and are willing to go the extra mile with you, as you gain strength and endurance to reclaim your seat.
Once your seat is called for within the appointed time, you are then able to bring back the color code necessary to flow forward with the ease of Water and the Mer in you is thrilled to be able to dip back into the depth.
When intensity calls you must not hold your breath, but rather elongate your breathing and remember to include your feeling of safety and being cared for at the deepest depth imaginable.
Rather than wait for the time to roll out, why don’t you simply reach for the ease and take the step that begins one times one times one times one. This gets you to the most unregulated moment that frees you from the confines of limitation.
Reaching into the conversation of intensity allows you to bring additional light forward, and make real the thought of, the visional need, the luminous event that sets you down into your seat Squarely.
Unencumbered we are able to see differently and that allows us to scan for discrepancies in formula that set time outside itself and breaks space into pieces that no longer fit.
By being able to see the limitations, we are able to set straight, unknown to many, the ease of flow and the amount of emotional energy necessary to sideline difficulties, and steer free of logic locked in limitation.
When light patterns increase their frequency and the amount of intensity is registered with ease, we are then cresting the wave particle and flowing with the color needed to recall the compete program and set clear the necessary requirement to bypass contraction.
There are so many worlds in harmony with ours, and yet the idea of such a thing is decreed as absolute ridiculous. The word decreed is telling in its limitation, and this allows us to bypass its formation.
The changing light patterns can overcome all encumbrances, so that the Soul level of understanding can inform the body that what is unseen is still possible, and concerning Light, is entirely likely.
The photonic mass adds up to the sum of its circumferic travel and the levitational non-gravity of its radius. This allows light travel to emit power beyond sight and light beyond light.
As we gather ourselves together into an emitting light frequency, we realize the containments are no longer valid, and that we are able to reach past the past and remake the future, so that the want, need, and desire are met with a field of plenty.
As we consume the light, being fed by light, we are capable of transmitting the various frequencies needed to cope with changes. We can change our frequencies at will and enable ourselves to grasp the intangible makeup of life.
The inescapable reason we are met with science and alchemy, is the resounding need to meld the two into a third. One third light, one third sound, one third consciousness. We are the woven of light, the threaded of sound, and the weave of consciousness.
When the Papered Awareness flows with the Birch of its Tree Knowledge, and the Mycelial network connects consciousness to consciousness, then light and sound appear in All-Formation.
The Tea Party just gets started when you find the one cup missing, and the chipped plate, and the mismatched saucer, and the spoon having run off with the moonjumping cow.
Life is a jumble of mis-matched parts and stars gone rogue, and planets named and un-named, Plutonian mathematics set on edge, along with Rabbits scooting down Rabbit Holes, to name a few.
We are a disaster gone right, and the left of it just fits in the Square Peg of the Round Whole. We are celebrating the Solstice as it occurs to us, while on other planets it might not make much sense.
No bother, we manage nevertheless, and we are equipped to handle the ease as well as we have handled the difficulties. Ease is an easy match for us, and we can and will deal with it whether we like it or not.
As a world, we have gotten on rather well with difficulty, lets see how well we handle ease. No alarms will sound, no lights will go off and consciousness will simply sit there and take it all in.
Breaking past the past, breaking with the past, passing up the past, we are in for a treat. The future in every day, just waiting to wake us up to the ease and the joy of being light on our feet, sound as a fiddle, and conscious of ourselves.
There is a grin in there, and Cheshire the Cat is, from ear to ear, big on first thought right thought. We are fibered into this new future, the Nu, and our woven bodies are now able to see deeper into the light, and pick up the Thread.
Red is a color basic to our nature, and the origamic folding of threaded existence is easy to fold into, as the curve of a story takes place, you can begin to see the relationship of color to sound, and sound to consciousness.
The story-telling gains speed, and the momentum increases the intensity and with that we are flung far afield, into the wild blue yonder, where what is aligned with the horizon is mapped and navigated with a guiding hand of grace.
We are within the light of our own time and this future is unfolding more rapidly than ever before, allowing us a greater glimpse of what sustains us and gives us courage.
The leap has been made, feel it in your feet, and know the Garden Plan has a place setting for you that feeds your Soul and gathers your desires into a basket of Roses. Smell the fragrance of the future becoming you.
The Garden Plan tells its own story and we pull up our chairs to listen to the depth and breadth of an endless tale of growth. From thought, to seed, to plant, to flower, to harvest, we are captivated by the tale from the roots up.
So similar are we, and we forget where we are taken care of, from the roots up. As we grow we become further from the ground, and our growing up seems at times to distance us from our Source.
By coming back to the ground, we level our own playing field, and in doing so, we are richer than ever before and we are inside our future, as the mycelial network signals us to remember how it is becoming easy through play.
Playing the light on our own consciousness, playing the sounds of our own childness in our ears, playing without restriction or time limit. Through this we truly can create the new of the future.
Color comes forward when called to action, and black and white yield to the ease of corrugating the light pattern sounds into the surface of becoming. This is true art, beyond product.
In the language of ourselves we become use to a certain kind of intensity that seems to certify itself as truth, but deep it is not. We have to learn a new language that is truly from the Soul, and it’s hard sometimes.
We are used to a more gastric language a more pivotal language that critics the heart, and attempts to subjugate the Soul, and if we catch ourselves listening to this language, we begin to scold, and the pivotal point of reference is knocked out of balance.
Sometimes we climb up on a pedestal to make sure ourself is warned not to hold a deeper conference. If we are not careful we can become unhearted, in order to fold in the ways we are expected.
Expectation becomes a leading factor, if we don’t hold conference with this ancient language of Love. It does not care about credentials, it does not care who is on top and whats on bottom.
It does not care about responsibilities that unform our existence. It does not want to console what it has left behind. It knows when it starts playing the old games, apologizing for what one has left.
There is a secret beginning that is starting to grow out beyond your feathers, and you are not a baby bird, but instead a full grown identity of Flight. You operate now on a whole different operating navigational system.
When you call into yourself, you call in deeper than you ever have before, and this, at times, feels stressful, but you are now more capable of answering the call and fully utilizing its volume.
Your Soul starts to become your minute manager, you know it’s available in every moment in time so you begin to utilize it as a stronger source than you ever have before. You know how to fold and bend, so you can make room for every answer you are given.
Your arms are stronger, so you can hold, and what you hold is the Situla of yourself. You require more, because you can hold more, you hold more because you know the value of content.
In the beginning you were small, because you were not aware of your big. Some never are, but some are fortunate and they learn their bigness as they grow, and the more they grow the bigger they are, that often looked small and survived the loss.
To survive the small and large of the world takes many skills, and the full volume of sight is needed as you go along your way.
There is the large and small, and there is the black and white, there is the lit and the unlit, and you will have to learn to navigate it all, and keep your sense of gratefulness intact.
In walking the walk of dark, gratefulness is the breath you breathe, and being aware of the hand that lifts you up and allows you room in its space, until you have built your own place that populates and needs nourishment.
To become a beginner is to become a will that walks on the thread of tension and manages to keep their balance. Always hearing the understanding, when it starts listening and the tension loosens and you have in some way come home to the manner of living usage.
To get out a fresh book that cleans up your mind and calms your emotions, and takes out the fit of the trigger before it gets started, is the magic that you want to write about.
How you untriggered the trigger before it triggered you, and all those that you love, this is becoming a true cowgirl, with hat and chaps, boots and rope that can lasso the trigger and pull it to the ground without even getting off the horse.
When I put on my cowgirl hat this is what I tend to do, and if you are a loose steer, I might round you up and put you behind the gate that you just tried to trigger out of.
Love is a potency, and we learn how to raise it into a full potential, without killing all the stock in the process. When you get out your lasso, intention yourself and you will hurt no one on the way, except those that don’t belong.
Annie Oakley and Calamity Jane were quite feisty characters, and would not be tamed by a guilty stick, so they faced into the direction of the West and started seeing a bigger horizon, that would let them wear spurs and a cowgirl hat, and a rope to lasso anything that they needed to shine.
In the middle of this conversation there are dozens of answers asking questions, and questions speaking to answers, as though there never was a difficulty that could not be solved. Love’s gratitude is forever present in the present future.
We are at the Tea Party, inside the story, and when we forget to write our own lines with the ease of conversation, we get tangled in the broken language of past and use it to patch in what feels missing.
Follow the math, the one that adds to your story and gives you the letters that create a threaded existence filled with play, imagination, and well-being. These are the benchmarks of a corrugated, well-rounded story.
When we round up, the remainders are used and our story fills in the color with a visional illuminated volume. The pages are then Papered into Awareness and we become centered with our own context.
When you see your story going South, head North and you will have self-corrected your course, and what matters will come into view. As the Caterpillar said, ‘Who ARE you? And you will be able to answer the question with ease.
“We are in this together”, said Alice.
Walking more forward now, you dip down into the waters of your emotions, and know now how to aim the arrow of your bow.