The Alchemical Rede Magazine
By Clarity
By Clarity
All Points Of Reference Have Changed And You Now Think Like Bee
Entering the field of destination, we call into the pores of the walls for breath.
So timely, as we write this title, in the Garden a Bee flew past within inches of the laptop screen. Time and Space commingle like lovers, entwined in a forever embrace of creative expression.
We allow ourselves the room to breathe in the sweet air within the Garden, and are grateful for all she gives to us, as we more deeply take in the Mycelial network under our feet.
What grows up through us is ancient, present, and future all at once, and we feel the symbiotic relationship of Garden to Story-telling. We gather the images, along with the pages of our existence, to make ready the next codex.
Our watery existence, contained within this embodiment, this Situla, this sacred vessel, resonates inside the enfoldment and its outer expression, creating a vibration of color and sound.
We are connected by our Mycelial Roots and the vibratory patterns they make, both in the Air and beneath the soil. What constitutes an ease is unfolding and the resilience of acceptance is forth-coming.
Reaching into the new, we respect the ease and its new dimensional shift that embodies the exceptional abilities of flight and levitation, to be able to circumnavigate beyond the limitational confines of bound.
As the turn rounds the curve, and the fold creases the Papered Awareness of Consciousness, we are able to square the perspective and gain a new region of thought, that until now was thought impossible.
As the impossible becomes more possible, the granted ease refines its nature, and the natural flow becomes easy to receive. This receivement is key to the outward expressionary energy of creativity.
We are in the time of smelling the sweetness, the honey of gathering, the honey of receiving, the honey of Bee-ing. As we come more deeply into the center of the flower of our making, the ease of our creative nature blooms, and gives us the fragrance of love.
Loved by all of Gaia, loved by the Goddess, the Mother Tongue of language speaks the path for the foot to follow, and the reach across any abyss, so that what was not can now become the opening into receivement.
Once the registry of Real is marked, the readiness becomes easier and the Safety Made Real matches both note and tone. This completes the phase, so that the next level is reached, making ready the creative network to evolve.
As the Garden progresses through the seasonal shifts, we become able to mark the next with the rest of assured, and this gives us the ability to find the threaded path of Red, and the notes of C.
To endure the wait and cross over the timing into the space of swaddled, is to find our way through the labyrinth of amazing, and the coloration of profound.
As the formed is found and the Garden Plan is expanding, the creases fold over themselves and bring Safety Made Real into a close fit of tailor made.
The Red Thread gives us the pattern that fits each occasion, and allows us the breath needed to complete each process forward. As we forward our momentum through the passage we stay connected to the Thread.
The Bee finds its way through the harmonical signature of each flower, and connects each floral resonance to the gathering needed, to completely support the Hive and its community.
Reaching past limitation, the Bee’s flight forms its patterns of recognition, so that others can more easily find and gather. As the Garden receives the Bee, the flowers open to its presence, and the symbiosis generates outcome.
Papered Awareness leans in to bring Consciousness into a swaddled foundation, and the relief of success is allowed full room to expand. Creativity opens its path, and the ease rolls out.
The forward bend is increased and the managed allowance finds Home, through the right action of procurement and the out-pouring of Love. Compassion graces the atmosphere and the environment receives.
Coming into time is the opening, give Time and Space to the passage, All will move with Compassion. Right Action. This from the Kuan Yin’s Oracle of Compassion.
Making the way forward, ease comes into view and the passage receives the foot. As the threads bring together the various folds, the gathering of Story gains altitude. The levitational Ger finds groundedness, and is Shemmed up for height.
The Nu of Story is told in a setting of ease and comfort, creating for us, the most advanced ability to receive beyond measure, and into Grace.
To become one who smells the Honey, like Bee, is the fulfillment of Original Intention. We came here to process our original Intention to smell the Honey like Bee, to smell the beauty like Flower, to engage the dirt like Tree, to potentiate our future, like Eagle.
Once in a place on the river in Maine, called Warren, we learned all about the leap of Rabbit, and the potential of building one day near the gazebo on the river on Robert’s birthday the Eagle came and bowed down to us in a small circle given.
And we were given who Robert was, and why his vision is so straight to the mark. He is truly an eagle man, like I am a Raven woman, and we hunt and travel together, like wolves in a pack.
Be your Totemic, engage its process, understand its Code, become familiar with its warning codes and signals. The spying binoculars of a world, unvisited by its own Totemics, is stealing vision that it cannot actually understand.
You have to become it to wield it, you have to become it to see it, you have to vision it to be inside of it, so run your temperature up and down the thermometer of becoming one with what lives inside the Earth, under the Earth, above the earth, then you are like Tree, and you yield an awareness that few have.
The local spotting of here and there no longer guides you, you are inside the spot they only spy on, but are not the vision of what is.
Be the space you live in, become the fence you build, and breathe in Safety Made Real. A Red Fence of territorial knowledge.
When the coming comes, and the going gets, the flowing flows, the mark is made, and the tone is tolerated, so that the vision can exist inside of sound.
Becoming more sacred than sound itself, we learn to acquire all the Totemic of each species we are, as a Totemic Presence.
We are written into the Planetary Imprint, we are a collaborative coalition, like a Totemic Pole of; Wisdom, Power, Connectedness, and Individuation.
The space of Realm Awareness is all inclusive, hivial, and all-embodying. We are here on this planet to be the awareness of this. We live inside the Language of Birds, and we give flight to the Language of Levitation.
We levitate the impossible into possible, and pray to all the modes of ourselves. We equal infinity, if not we could have never come to this planet of; beauty, abundance, and promise.
We each are promised the finding of the gift, promised is the creative journey. When the plenitude of generosity is found, we become rich in all the vibrant energies of this planet. We never carry a weight too heavy, so that we never put this down, this gift of plenitude we embody.
The remorse comes forward from time to time, to weigh us out, so that we don’t lose the gravity of who we are, so make yourself light, so that you can see the numbers of what you weigh.
Calling forth every resolutionary rhythm, and play your way through, drum your name into meaning and shake your heart into freedom.
Do not get criss-crossed with promises that might be lies, only tell those you believe in, and your promise will ring true, and tune you like a tuning fork.
Check out from time to time your meaning, so that you can know the navigational map needed for your consciousness to make power in this world.
Giving relief its seat, and coming more into the vastness of grace, you are able to hear the listening more deeply than ever before, and this opens you to the power of your own listening.
Moving more deeply into the hearing, your ears pick up the sights and sounds as well, and the glimmering begins to show up more clearly, more easily, and with the grace it was intended.
Given the availability of your most earnest longing, your want, need, and desire align, and you suddenly find yourself able to flow through your atmosphere and environment easily.
Bee comforted by the latitude you give yourself as you endeavor to gain more ground of your own roundedness, which puts you in the space of time given and received beyond loop.
Unlooped from the caught of bind, you now free yourself from the no of knot, and this brings the room in close, for the intimate nature of corrugation and all its gathered folds.
Reaching into the pocket of infinite, you realize for the first time, you are finally in a space of elaboration and storied wellness. Healing happens all at once and you are amazed at the difference your emotions register.
The courage and the endurance have played their part, and as you deepen your play, you wisely embrace the gifts being given from all directions.
Direct from the Source all things come, and the arrival is no longer alien to you, but rather a sign of trust and acceptance in the way of Path. The Story fleshes itself out more fully, and you are able to read the signs.
Becoming legible to your vision, you become the character in the best part of your story, and comfort becomes the room you live within.
Speaking more forward than ever before, we locate our voice inside the Loon of permission, a bird that calls out on the long pond, Cedar Island. An awakening potential, a future vision that will connect all the worlds that need connection now.
Moving one paragraph of delight into another, more paragraphial than has ever been allowed, to match the base of every corrugating factor, is to align the wisdom into a pineal pyramid, that can send out a full fluency, of a language that feeds the time.
You are the connecting factor, in a connecting time, and you must use all your points of reference to create an exacting position, in a pivotal point of reference.
Bringing the paragraph forward, and folding in its contents, the Box of the story becomes nestial, and able to peer into the hollow container of words. Making ready the way, the path of words follows a trajectory of sighted volume.
We come to know ourselves more clearly on the Page, and the gathering of story connects the flower of bouquet into an order of presentation, that yields fragrance, agility, perseverance, path, and threading.
Each element evokes the attributes of the other, and permits the fashion to become radiant within its domain of nature. The Mycelial Network roots its way within the fibers, and make ready the feeding.
We are fed by the natural, the Trees safe-guard the Garden Plan, and their reach is global, galactic, and universal. The said story is heard beyond the ears of just this planet, this beautiful Gaia, and as the words are thought.
There is a need to be satisfied, and it calls for the ’S’ curve of all spinial evolvement, and the nature must be forward within the spine of the curve, so that room is given the space it needs to Quantum its navigational skills spread out.
Open up the heart, and thread the vibrational needle through, so that one can speed up without incision. Moving all the quarters into a new vision, the whole is perpetuated as Real.
The cause of every affect become the same, and this same has hold of the rosarial of creating the figure 8, the infinity awareness of a language that speaks curve, angle, penetration, instinct, and will, the forgotten language of the Birds, that we embody.
The body is taken into flight by the insinuating factors of the figure 8, and no momentum can replace it. This levitational alignment creates the flight of language and thought is allowed its fancy free.
Free to climb the highest peak imaginable, and then leap beyond it, into a realm populated by Fey, kindred spirits that assist us daily in the Garden, and within our own embodiment of Human.
What reaches through is the connection and camaraderie, that sits side by side in a forever embrace of Divine merit embodied as the entire Gaiac System of evolvement.
The Bee gathers Honey, and the Bee brings to us the Flower of our Existence. We are beloved by the Bee, as we truly become ourselves.
The vibrational need of consequence is being evolved into resolution, so that what is much afraid within you can rest in Safety Made Real.