The Alchemical Rede Magazine
By Clarity
Moving Forward The Specific We Mark Ourselves
Becoming more than we dreamed, we begin.
January 26th Issue
Moving Forward The Specific We Mark Ourselves
Like a fish in Water, we are gathering the specific needs of this time, so that as we grow our expressionary creative energy, we can expand the reach of what supports into a threaded weave of comforting cloth.
The Creative Flow is ever-present, and from past to future, it brings imaginal etheric energy into the present state of composition. The formation of Nu energizes the field we are all in, and this brings nurturance.
As the woven becomes more detailed in sight, we can see clearly the differences we are in, from one text to the next, context is the affirmation that change has occurred, and that once was, has become another.
As we bring beauty more forward in our lives, the expressionary energy begins to fill up the space of void, so that the Fibers of Existence can grow their roots into a fabric of weave, from which stories grow, are nurtured, and fed.
The sight of Nu establishes a way through an unknown into a known, which nurtures the Soul and relieves the body of stressors.
Claiming the sides of our picture allows us to bring into form the reliance of insightful volume and the circumferic measure of travel. As we travel forward, we are embracing the strength of our own makeup, and the sound of our coming into a deeper listening.
The Red Thread opens the way for a path of insight that moves obstacles out of the way, and the flow of creativity to replace contractionary forces. The opening brings us into a room of Portal Entry.
Passing through the gateways needed to be awake to Nu possibilities, is the story of telling, quite untold, yet filled with awe and wonder. We are able now to receive the newer parts of ourselves, as we discover context of the passages we’ve already past through.
Each letter, number, and stitch, forge a path through a time and space that equates passage with information, information that yields harvest. As we write our stories into context, we form a nestial fabric that safely holds the content.
To be content with content is to align yourself with your own story and the colors you have brought with you to illustrate your resolve. The beauty of color portrays the essence of sound as it notes you in time/space.
Keep up the volume, so that you can hear yourself clearly, and you will define the need for details within what you hear. The Red Thread penetrates all layers, so that the outcome is the income resonated beyond contraction.
“Strange,” said Alice, as the former met the latter, and the before sat down with the Spoons. “ No sooner are the equations laid out to dry, when it rains cats and dogs again.”
“Mathematically speaking,” said the Cheshire Cat, “ the numbers all add up, so whatever you’re serving, I’ll have a slice.” And with that he appeared at the other end of the Table and began carving up his apple pie.
There is no accounting what things will occur, or not occur at any given moment, but the stranger the moment the better your chances are at sitting at this particular Table.
The Table is not only particular, it is peculiar as well, and very often has a mind of its own, which is to say all things are sentient, the Table being no exception. What was once a trial of error, is now a matter of course, and a way forward, through the Rabbit Whole.
Story is your volumizing Papered Awareness, that allows you the ability to go beyond the surface, and dive deep into the underground of yourself, wholly aware you will resurface, having gained more than any time you thought you lost.
When you deal with specific, you thread lightly through the I, and monitor your progress, by checking whether or not you have any expressionary elation within your embodiment.
Checking to see, is an ancient tradition of travel, a way of circumnavigating an area of pi, so that what you enfold will be a radial view from your center to the outer fold of the Circle.
Mycelial network is a framework of rooted existence, that allows your inner connection to dot itself in the center of each moment, bringing the listening through the threaded opening of oracular.
Marking ourselves with the Need, we then begin to arrive at the dot of T; Transform, Transmute, Transit, Translate, each a moment of discovery and renewal. This provides the comfort desired, as we take in the Nu of great difference.
As the corners are folded back, the Square gains speed, and the rate of information increase, and so must its assimilation.
Timing yourself with your own inner rhythm, the normal root is seeded throughout your resonance. Listening to yourself, brings with it the Q&A of conversation, all within the context of content. To be content with content is to relax the hold upon yourself.
Be specific to yourself and you will entertain the notion that what threads you through is what needled you in the first place. To be what penetrates and is penetrated at the same time, is to be fully integrated in time/space and space/time.
As you come to realize the vast expanse of your own creative nature, you are then able to bring expressionary energy into a format that crosses the boundaries of limitation.
Arriving at the apex of six different causes, allows the facing to proceed with a pyramidial reflex of positional precision. The six faces are the proceeding influences, that make up language in the 3-D dimension.
Sound of Light, Sound of Movement, Sound of Sound, Sound of Vibrational Influx, Sound of Resonational Outflow, and Sound of Assimilation Integration, are all the properties of each facing plane as it regulates Consciousness.
The Sovereign nature of Consciousness comes before all else, and is weighted by the gravitational flow of mattered energy. Specific to all photonic mass, are the relatable components that make up its Light before Light.
Increasing your awareness increases your Fibered density, this then threads awareness throughout the woven fabric of Mycelial Pattern. Pattern equates, pattern enumerates, pattern volumizes, pattern elongates, pattern is a Conscious Sentience.
The Sentence reads you, just as you read the sentence, otherwise there is no connection, and what is lost is One or the Other. And since One cannot be lost, neither can the Other.
Trinary keeps in place the floatability of conjecture, of possibility, along side the pre-cursive writing of ancient knowledge specific to any given moment. What yields, opens, and what opens unfolds, so that the crease bends into the folio of Papered Awareness.
The details gather, and once gathered, form a pattern unique to the time, so the space around them can unfold their content, and the box is made available to the Curve of Round, as it Squares the Circle.
The strangest kind is starting to evolve into our daily life, where we thought normality reigned, where normal was sought, where normality was thought same. Normal now only hedges our day, and we are grateful that we have the sanity of love.
Loving yourselves, loving who we are in this time, and grateful for the choices we have made before now. Combing all the factors of our daily life with a fine toothed comb of resilience, sovereignty, presence, we make ready in the now present because that is the only time that now matters.
It is who we are now, that we have counted on, waited for, stretched out to, to become ready. When we reach out into the unknown each day, you are ready, you know how to be in the moment inside the sound, inside the body of your hearing.
Letting go of postures that do not relate to what ready means, you console yourself with the memory with the power of your hearing, and you make concrete what needs to hold you upright, so you can feel grounded in the full nature of what is needed.
You are safe inside all the letters of the Word, you are Sovereign always facing the enormous of yourself, Safe. The question now is how to relate your Presence on this planet to this time.
There is nothing insignificant in any life form that is present to the shifting surface of knowledge. It is tremendous, not terrifying, it is a tonic not poison, it is a facial circumference, not a shadow it is a full spectrum navigational Rede, not a small hole in the surface and fabric of your connection.
We are now grounding our central figures of latitude and longitude. We are giving moisture to the dry latitude of the upcoming horizon.
We are growing the seed of a germinational reality that germinates the face of our future. We are corrugated, navigated, resonated, instigated, by the clarity we allow in our future.
How many words does it take to console? How many volumes of knowledge do we need to be wise? What is our consolation, our consoling factor? When you know, put it in your pocket and realize you have your fingers on it.
You can touch its enormousity, and crave its surrounding forgiveness. Forgive me is its apology, forgive me is its promise, forgive me is its Portal Entry, forgive me is its allowing generations, all brought here to the now point of reference, taking a leap into the numbers that give forgiveness.
For givingness, for allowness, for lovingness, for reachfulness, for connectedness, no lost digits in our circumference, rounded by precision to be for giving.
When the garment receives its design, and the digits inaugurate its decision, the Cloth of Weave yields to the bending form of Need.
The witness of ourselves becomes more woven and flowing, around the very curves of our nature. What was once held, is now part of, and the cloth of our beginnings becomes the Alchemical Rede of our calculations, so we are husband by the mercurial factors, of the alchemy of our times.
We are ready, we are spoken for, we are realized within, we are the common position of need, and we bend into the flow of the promise, that leaves anxious behind.
We narrow our weariness, and refine our positional resonance, so that we can come to the frequency needed, for the arrow to Robin Hood its need.
The closer that folds this time, is the Portal that inaugurates a new horizon, a new calculatorial speed, a new emotional base, a new calculated surface to land our feet upon.
We are the spaceships now landing on our planet, we are the narrowed feet of precision, that grab hold of the surface below. We are the electrical magnet, that confirms what is now held within, and that within feeds on Love.
We love our life, we love our ways and means, we love our held factors of witness, we love our positional holds, and we negotiate the precision of distance, that will acclimate us easily into the future.
Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up from, wake up from, wake up from the morning that leaves the day behind.
Wake up from the collisional force, wake from the collisional force that delays, wakeup from the collisional force that delays, wake up from the collisional force that delays what you need now. Wake up from the collisional force that delays what is now ready.Be ready, be woken up, be ready, be woken up, be ready, be woken up, be ready be woken up from, be ready, be woken up from, be ready, be woken up from, be ready, be woken from, be ready, be woken up from delay.
Your elbows are no longer on the Table, you are sitting up, Awake to the Need, Awake to the hunger, Awake to what is wanted and desired. The meal has given you a full plate, and a full stomach, so you can assist those who come to you wondering.
The wandering of wondering is a mighty force of nature, and the longing it produces is the food of nurturing. When we come together and share both food and story, we center ourselves within the folding nature of a specific mark.
There comes now a need for details of the strangest kind, and we are the story-tellers that can feed the equational calculations, so that you are fundamentally aware of the timeline shifts taking place.
Alice brings out dessert, to the oohs and ahas of each person sitting alert at the Table. The Dormouse looks around, making sure all is okay, and the Cheshire Cat is there, in grin only.
Now is the time to dig in, and enjoy the sweetness before you. We are in for a beautiful ride, the Rabbit Hole has gotten you ready.
Forcing the behavior of past into its envelope, we mail ourselves into the future.