Clarke monthly April 2021

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APR 20 21

Clarke STAFF

David Lillard, Editor/Publisher Jennifer Welliver, Associate Publisher Aundrea Humphreys, Art Director Hali Taylor, Proofreader

APRIL CONTRIBUTORS Cathy Kuehner Rebecca Maynard Doug Pifer Claire Stuart Brenda Waugh

COVER IMAGE Photo courtesy of Clarke County


Jennifer Welliver, 540-398-1450

Advertising Information: 540-398-1450 (Mon-Fri, 9-5)


Clarke prints signed letters-to-the-editor of uniquely local interest. Letters containing personal attacks or polarizing language will not be published. Letters may be edited. Send letters to the editor of 300 or fewer words to:






FROM THE EDITOR Along the Appalachian Trail this weekend, hikers greeted spring. Flowering redbud reached for sunlight; dogwoods unaware of the blight afflicting their brethren bloomed their crucifix flowers. The understory seemed to leaf out as we watched. Underfoot, Dutchmen’s breeches and all manner of wildflowers strutted their stuff. Everything seemed as it should in April; the only reminder that this was a season like no other were the masks polite passersby pulled from their pockets as they passed, traveling in the opposite direction, nodding Good Morning with collective eye twinkles not seen in a year. The Shenandoah Valley below turned green after the morning rains. On pastures near the trail, steer chewed the sweet new grass oblivious to the people passing. The youngest calves finally gave up crying for the mamas to run and play. Yes, even the bovine seemed ready to move on. Was it only a week ago that we wrapped the blossoming peach and apple trees in tarps against the cold? And ten days since a morning snow squall kept the hens huddled indoors till noon? Was it only a year ago that we lined up in our cars to retrieve school kids for “two week break” that, for some, will continue till June 2021? And all the rest of it. All of it. But there was beauty. Walks along the river with kids who would otherwise be way too busy for us. College kids we thought were gone forever, home again for extended stays. Game nights, with the winner memorialized in the box top — and sometime in August, finally, Dad wins a game. It’s there, in ink! Sadness, too. Parents who died from growing old, but alone, leaving families and friends with-

out the opportunity to grieve in gatherings. To tell stories, to laugh and cry together. Then, Spring. Is it possible? Two jabs in the arm. Then, slow dancing to James Taylor with a sweet friend. Then, Easter with Mom. Then, sipping bourbon with buddies, still outdoors but, hey, it’s spring. And, then, a postcard arrives. Save the date. A July wedding. A college buddy’s daughter. A reunion of sorts. It is possible. Tomorrow is uncertain. Tonight, though, the windows are open, and frogs are singing in the trees. Last year’s rosemary and sage are going strong. In our little corner of the world, we hope we never forget every blessing, every kindness, every act of love, every prayer that got us through. That’s what we have, what we share. — David Lillard


A PR 20 21

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As the Crow Flies

Keep Your Seed Dry And Your Bird Feeders Clean

Lisa Trumbower-Sheppard

Story and illustration by Doug Pifer



Feeding the birds has helped people young and old to get through this pandemic winter. For many home-bound Americans, this backyard hobby has helped lighten the loneliness and depression brought about by the isolation of the pandemic quarantine. Some nursing home residents I know consider watching the antics of birds and squirrels at the feeders outside their windows the high point of their day. Some of them had no interest in birds until I hung a feeder outside their window. Now they have learned to recognize different birds by species, and in some cases as individuals. One lady has even given “her” birds and squirrels individual names. But in recent months, all these bird feeders may have brought the birds an epidemic of their own. Citizens across the country have been finding dead or dying birds in their yards. Experts have linked these deaths to diseases the birds picked up at backyard feeding stations. If not properly maintained, bird feeders can create an environment that encourages the spread

of disease and parasites. When bird seed in feeders gets wet, it will soon grow fungus and bacteria, potentially spreading disease among any birds that visit there. The same thing happens when spilled seed accumulates under the feeders. Jennifer Riley, DVM, is the chief veterinarian at Blue Ridge Wildlife Center in Millwood Virginia. In the winter 2021 edition of her organization’s newsletter, The Ridge Line, Riley reports a recent dramatic increase in sick mourning doves and house finches brought to the center. Most of them, she believes, have picked up fungal, viral, and parasitic infections at bird feeders. Riley reports many birds exhibit swollen eyelids with a crusty discharge. This highly contagious form of conjunctivitis progresses to temporary blindness. Infected birds have trouble finding food and escaping danger in the wild, but they soon recover if rescued and kept isolated from each other at the center. And, doves and finches have come to the center with trichomoniasis and Avian parvovirus, two deadly and highly

contagious illnesses. Certain other diseases birds get from unsanitary feeders are zoonotic, meaning they can be transmitted not just among the birds, but from birds to humans. The solution, Riley concludes, is to clean bird feeders regularly with soap and water, followed by a one part bleach and 9 parts water solution. Then rinse the feeder and allow it to dry thoroughly before refilling. Feeders made of nonporous material — metal or plastic — are much easier to sanitize than wood. Clean bird feeders every two weeks. In summer, wash hummingbird feeders with soap and water every three days. Should you find a sick or dead bird near your bird feeders, stop feeding the birds for three weeks while you disinfect and clean all feeders and bird baths. Make a habit of raking up and discarding any spilled food under your feeders, using a dog poop scooper. To learn more about how to maintain clean bird feeders, waterers, and housing, check out Cornell University Laboratory of Ornithology’s website

APR 20 21


Awareness 2 Action Podcast Promotes Wellness By Rebecca Maynard Substance misuse and mental illness rates have risen as people deal with the additional challenges of the pandemic. But there is hope for those who are seeking help: The Northwestern Community Services Board (NWCSB) Prevention Department, which helps people through life’s challenges with quality behavioral health services guided by principles of respect, recovery, and self-determination. The Prevention Department has had a mission for the past 30 years to prevent substance misuse and suicide and to promote mental wellness in the Lord Fairfax Planning District, which includes Clarke County. The Department utilizes evidence-based programs, practices and strategies targeting concerns identified by needs assessments and using the Strategic Prevention Framework as its guide. An emphasis is placed on community collaboration and mobilization, enabling groups to be brought together for the benefit of the community. Find more information at The Department has launched a new podcast, titled Awareness 2 Action, which focuses on promoting wellness in the Shenandoah Valley through conversation, connection and action. The podcast highlights the stories of individuals making a difference in their communities and dives into how their life experiences have impacted their work. The most recent episode featured Kym Laube, Executive Director of HUGS, Inc. (Human Understanding Growth Services, Inc.), located in Westhampton Beach, New York. Kym shares parts of her story, the passion she brings to her work, and the foundational belief that strong, healthy, caring connections can powerfully impact individuals and communities. “If we really begin to create opportunities for (young people) to meaningfully engage and feel connected … and feel that the adults in the community are rallying around them and have their back, then that really begins to create an environment where young people can thrive,” Laube says in the podcast. Other guests from Season 1 have included Miss America Camille Schrier, local Peer Recovery Specialist Jimeca Iyomere, and Keith Cartwright, behavioral health wellness consultant at Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services. Casey Dwyer, host of Awareness 2 Action says, “Launching the podcast has been such an exciting experience. It’s inspiring and encouraging to connect with individuals who are going above and beyond for their communities. I think it’s also a

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Priced $3,000 - $4,000 special experience for our guests to have the opportunity to share their stories and knowledge with listeners who are eager to be involved in their own communities.” Fans of the podcast can contact Shannon Urum, Prevention Services Coordinator, at They can also follow the department on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @LordFairfaxYRA to stay up to date with the latest from Awareness 2 Action. Awareness 2 Action is available on all major platforms. If you are new to podcasts, you can also listen on a computer or tablet. To listen, visit: Podbean: Apple Podcasts: podcast/awareness-2-action/id1546020026 Google Podcasts: com/show?show=show:aRDiEa1N09k2p_DRBaCHPA Spotify: 5SerD2gMGgoHECaFOuPJlZ Amazon Music/Audible: podcasts/cafc5a31-79f5-4180-b8e1-6e37f9af0add iHeartRadio: NCS offers an array of outpatient, case management, day support, residential and emergency programs that are designed to enhance the quality of life for both children and adults affected by emotional/behavioral disorders, mental illness, substance use, and intellectual disabilities and developmental disabilities (ID/DD). They specialize in rehabilitative and family support services for individuals with such long-term challenges as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depression, addiction, and those with significant impairments from ID/DD. New referrals are screened for appropriateness and, depending upon capacity/ need for service requested, may require placement on a waiting list. NWCS also provides 24-hour emergency evaluation, short-term treatment and hospital referral to individuals having mental health, emotional, substance use, or behavioral crises that pose a safety risk to themselves or others. If you are seeking general information, services or appointments, please contact the Winchester Area Clinic at 540-667-8888. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 540-635-4804 or 800-342-1462. After regular office hours when centers are closed, access to their professional emergency staff is available through Concern Hotline at 540-667-0145.

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A PR 20 21


This is Our Boyce Volunteer Fire Company By Cathy Kuehner, Clarke County

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Editor’s Note: This is the first in a three-part series highlighting Clarke County’s volunteer fire companies: Boyce Volunteer Fire Company, Blue Ridge Volunteer Fire and Rescue Company, and John H. Enders Fire Company & Rescue Squad. All need volunteers — firefighters and EMTs to run calls and individuals to help with events and fundraising — and all need the support of the entire community. When lifelong county resident Lee Coffelt was 16, he joined his hometown volunteer fire company as soon as he was eligible. Recalling his volunteer training long ago, Coffelt said, “I was shown how to wear the gear, how to wear an air pack, how to follow a hose in the dark, and how to handle a hose and spray water. And someone said, ‘OK, you’re good to go.’” Today, volunteer firefighters receive hundreds of hours of specialized training, and the equipment — from the gear they wear to the apparatus they use — has also changed significantly over the decades. Coffelt joined the Boyce Volunteer Fire Company in 1984. He became its chief eight years ago. “The other big difference is that the work used to be all about fighting fires,” said Cof-

After the Boyce Volunteer Fire Company opened its station in March 1961, Burch McKay, Lawrence Williams, Lawrence Kephart, Lynwood Lanham, and Garland Brown posed with its new Ford tanker truck. Volunteer firefighter Kephart was also Boyce mayor. felt. “Now, fires are the least of it. The majority of calls are for EMS.” Of the calls for emergency medical services, Coffelt noted, most are to homes and senior care facilities. “Some EMS calls are for auto accidents, but safety features in cars have improved over the years, greatly reducing the number of injuries and fatalities.” According to the Clarke County Fire-Rescue 2020 Annual Report, the Boyce Volunteer Fire Company last year responded to 57 fire alarms, 10 structure fires, and 1 woodland fire. It responded to 78 motor vehicle accidents.

As Coffelt said, EMS calls are greater. Last year, Boyce VFC responded to 42 breathing problems, 39 chest pain calls, 41 falls, 17 strokes, 14 incidents of cardiac arrest, and 2 overdoses. Regardless of the number of calls, the response time is much more important to all the volunteers. Currently, Boyce has 25 operational members who can run calls, and 25 administrative members who handle a variety of tasks, including fundraising. Because of work, distance, or other obligations, not everyone is available all the time. Ideally, Coffelt said, there should be 50 operational memBefore money was raised to build a fire house, the newly formed Boyce Volunteer Fire Company kept its fire trucks in Garland Brown’s service station across from its future home. Mr. Brown was the company’s first chief. This 1959 photo shows an International tanker truck (left) that was loaned to the fire company by Monroe Buckley and the first truck purchased by the company, a 1947 Brockway.


APR 20 21 bers trained to run calls and 50 administrative volunteers. “If we could double our roster of good people who consistently show up, we could get to the next level of getting first responders and apparatus out the door within minutes of a call.” Coffelt noted, “Clarke County is still the only jurisdiction in the region where the majority of service is provided by volunteers.” He says this with both pride and hope that people will continue to step up to help their neighbors. Training is provided at no cost for community members interested in volunteering, and Clarke County offers a 50 percent personal property tax discount for any county resident who volunteers with a fire company. The idea of a Boyce volunteer fire company began in April 1959, when its residents recognized that nearly half of all fires occurred in the southern half of the county. Community fundraising followed. By July 1959, a $500 fire siren was installed on an old building, and the newly formed Boyce Volunteer Fire Company kept

its first firetruck in the gas station across from where the firehouse sits today on U.S. 340. The community continued to raise money for a fire hall, which opened in March 1961 with its siren relocated to the building, and community members continue to help raise much-needed funds. “The fundraising that began in 1959 laid the foundation for how we still conduct business as a nonprofit organization,” Coffelt said. “We do not want to be a financial burden to taxpayers or the county.” While Boyce VFC does receive annual funding from Clarke County, over half its annual revenues come from fundraising efforts. Weekly bingo games at the social hall on Thursday evenings and Sunday afternoons are a major fundraising source for the fire company. In addition, rentals of the social hall, chicken dinners, a fall bazaar, and individual donations all contribute to covering operational costs. Boyce Volunteer Fire Company President Matt Hoff explained, “Running a fire com-

pany is an expensive endeavor.” Boyce is currently paying down debt owed for the social hall, which is in addition to standard operating costs such as electricity, phone, and water. The company’s next big expense will be a new pumper truck. A fire truck can cost in excess of $600,000 and an ambulance more than $250,000. So, after 37 years, why does Coffelt continue to volunteer and run calls? “I believe in our mission — community members providing critical services to their neighbors in their time of need. I am totally behind that.” Read more Boyce Volunteer Fire Company history in John Hudson’s book, “Welcome to Boyceville,” which is available at Boyce Town Hall. Find Clarke County’s 2020 Fire & EMS Annual Report at For more information about volunteering, donating, or fundraising events, follow Boyce Volunteer Fire Company on Facebook, or contact the Boyce VFC at (540) 837-1228 or

Lifelong Boyce resident Lee Coffelt has volunteered with the Boyce VFC since 1984. He has served as its chief for the past eight years.

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A PR 20 21


Around Clarke County Promote your event in Clarke. Send notices by the 1st of the preceding month to Keep event descriptions to 125 words, following the format of these pages. One or two CMYK photos, saved as tiff or jpg at 200 dpi, are always welcome. April

tacular day of wedding planning hosted by the Magnolia Wedding Group of Winchester. Meet with over 40 premier local vendors from the Shenandoah Valley to start planning your wedding. Florists, cake studios, wedding planners, dress designers, caterers, audio/visual businesses, tent suppliers and more. $10 per person tickets can be purchased at 12–4pm. 540-837-1856.


“My Life Was Mercy Creek” with Jason Queen

Barns of Rose Hill. 95 Chalmers Ct. Berryville. Jason Queen grew up in Clarke County and has always lived along the Blue Ridge Mountains where he is now raising his five children along with his wife, Misty. He spends most of his time writing about the things he loves most: family, mountains, and hometowns. His second novel, The World Comes To Mercy Creek, will be released in the spring of 2021.Masks required. 7–8pm. Free; register ahead. 540-955-2004.



Bridal Fair

Long Branch Historic House and Farm. 830 Long Branch Lane. Millwood. Spec-

Battle of Cool Spring Walking Tour

Shenandoah University River Campus Lodge. 1400 Parker Lane. Bluemont. Join Professor Jonathan A. Noyalas, director of Shenandoah University’s McCormick Civil War Institute, for a walking tour of the Battle of Cool Spring. The tour will emphasize the experiences of individual soldiers at the bat-

tle and how the engagement impacted soldiers, families, and loved ones. 9:30–11:30am. Presented by McCormick Civil War Institution. Members $15, nonmembers $20.


Art at the Mill Opening Day

Burwell Morgan Mill. 15 Tannery Lane. Millwood. Runs through Sunday, May 9. More than 200 artists display for sale works of art in a historic 18th century, operating mill. Saturdays 10am–6pm, Sunday–Friday 12–5pm. Adults $5, seniors $3, children 12 and younger free. 540-837-1799.


Earth Day

Sky Meadows State Park. 11012 Edmonds Lane. Delaplane. Celebrate safely by doing your part to restore our earth and joining The Great Global Cleanup. Stop by one

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of our tables at the Explorer Outpost, Picnic Area, or Lost Mountain Trailhead to learn about the importance of the Leave No Trace principles of hiking and camping. Then, grab some gloves and a trash bag to participate in a park wide trail cleanup effort. Whether it’s a lot or a little, every piece of litter we can keep off the trails of Sky Meadows makes a difference.. $10 parking fee, free admission. 10am–1pm. 540-592-3556.


Sunday Lecture Series: Author Howard Means Long Branch Historic House and Farm. 830 Long Branch Lane. Millwood. Speaker will be Howard Means, author of ten books, including the first biography of Colin Powell, “Splash! 10,000 Years of Swimming,” and “67 Shots,” which is currently

being developed as a feature film. Limited seating; reservations required. Face coverings and social distancing required. 6pm. Individual tickets $25, six part series $125. 540-837-1856.


Forest Bathing Walk

Sky Meadows State Park. 11012 Edmonds Lane. Delaplane. Join Kim Strader, ANFT Certified Nature and Forest Therapy Guide, for a gentle walk and a series of invitations and prompts to reconnect or deepen our connection with the natural world. Ages 12 and older. Registration required by each individual due to “COVID-19 Participant Agreement/Waiver.” $45. 9:30–11:30am. Registration closes the Monday prior to the workshop date. Pre-register at o/kim-strader-naturing-wayllc-30475773482. 540-592-3556.


APR 20 21


You’ve been waiting long enough. Learn to fly fish this spring! May


Farmers Market Opening Day

317 W. Main St. Berryville. Every Saturday through October. Market vendors sell fresh fruits, vegetables, fresh and dried herbs, bedding plants, cut flowers, dried flowers and wreaths, home-baked goods (without egg or cream base), local honey, herb vinegars, sweet cider, fresh and/or frozen meats and poultry, eggs, cheeses, properly-labeled home-processed preserves, jams, jellies, pickles, relishes , chutneys, soups, dips, sauces, fermented foods, teas, salves, soap, herbal medicines and artisan craft objects. 8am–12pm.


Introduction to Oil Painting with Jordan Xu

Barns of Rose Hill. 95 Chalmers Ct. Berryville. Also May 2. With its unique properties, oil can sometimes be a challenging medium to learn. This is a twoday workshop designed to give beginners a structured, repeatable process to painting in oil. Masks are required.10am–4pm. $150. 540-955-2004.

Lane. Millwood. Vicky Moon, writer, editor and photographer, journalist at the Washington Post, co-publisher of Country Zest and Style Magazine in Middleburg, and author of “Sylvia Rideoutt Bishop; She Had a Way with Horses” will speak. Limited seating; reservations required. Face coverings and social distancing required. 1pm. Individual tickets $25, six part series $125. 540-837-1856.


Yoga-inspired Group Riding Lesson


“Her Name is Dora” Lecture

Sandstone Farm. 3805 Millwood Rd. Millwood. Sign up for a series of four yoga sessions and four riding lessons. 4:30pm. For more information, contact or


Barns of Rose Hill. 95 Chalmers Ct. Berryville. Drawing on original research, Melanie Garvey and Jean Lee unpack the life of Dora Jackson, a Millwood native who came of age at the turn of the twentieth century. Join us as we explore how conventional research led us to unconventional discoveries. Masks required. 2–4pm. $20 nonmembers, $15 members. 540-955-2004.

Long Branch Historic House and Farm. 830 Long Branch


Sunday Lecture Series: Writer, Editor and Photographer Vicky Moon

Garden Fair Clarke



grounds. 890 W. Main St. Berryville. Also May 9. Blandy Experimental Farm annual event is the foundation’s largest and most important annual fundraiser. $15 per car or $10 if purchased in advance online. 9am– 4pm. 540-837-1758, ext. 224.


Sunday Lecture Series: Sports Reporter Len Shapiro Long Branch Historic House and Farm. 830 Long Branch Lane. Millwood. Len Shapiro, sports reporter, columnist and sports editor at The Washington Post for 41 years, co-publisher and editor of Country Zest and

Fly Fishing Instruction Guided Trips

Worldwide Destination Trips Visit our website: or call 540-220-9283 for more info.



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A PR 20 21

Antiques...Food & Wine...ART! Make a Day of It in the Village of Millwood

Style Magazine in Middleburg, and author of “Tales From a Wandering Sportswriter” will speak. Limited seating; reservations required. Face coverings and social distancing required. 6pm. Individual tickets $25, six part series $125. 540-837-1856.

9 April 24 through May 9 Sunday - Friday, 12-5

Saturdays, 10-6

Art Mill at the

Burwell-Morgan Mill, Millwood, VA 540.955.2600 540.837.1799 COVID Protocols will be observed.

Garden Fair

Clarke County Fairgrounds. 890 W. Main St. Berryville. Blandy Experimental Farm annual event is the foundation’s largest and most important annual fundraiser. $15 per car or $10 if purchased in advance online. 9am–4pm. 540-837-1758, ext. 224.


Yoga-inspired Group Riding Lesson

Sandstone Farm. 3805 Millwood Rd. Millwood. Sign up for a series of four yoga sessions and four riding lessons. 4:30pm. For more information, contact or

Sponsored by The Clarke County Historical Association and Tito’s Vodka



Miller School

Burwell-Morgan Mill. 15 Tannery Lane. Millwood. Join the Clarke County Historical Association and learn the process of grinding grain in an 18th century historic mill. Open to the general public. Lunch will be provided. 10am–3pm. $20.

Ongoing Melissa Foster Art Exhibit Barns of Rose Hill. 95 Chalmers Ct. Berryville. Stop by the Barns April 1 to 29 to enjoy the work of local artist Melissa Foster. Masks are required and the gallery is open Tuesdays through Fridays, 12–3pm. 540-955-2004. Handley Library System Virtual programs for kids and teens with crafts, puppets, yoga, video game night, and more. www.handleyregional. org/blog/virtual-and-liveprograms-kids-teens Hoopla – Handley’s online streaming service for movies, TV, music, eBooks, audio books, and

comics. Also, Hoopla is offering additional downloads for free on select content that do not count against your 6. More info on how this works at FISH of Clarke County 540-955-1823. FISH will continue delivering to clients who can’t get out, but will now also meet clients by appointment on Wednesdays, 8:30–11am, for no contact food pickup. Anyone interested can call 540-9551823. For monetary donations, the mailing address is PO Box 1154, Berryville, Va., 22611. Barns of Rose Hill The Barns of Rose Hill, at 95 Chalmers Ct., Berryville, has reopened its art exhibits, gift shop and Visitors’ Center. Hours are 12–3pm Tuesday through Saturday. Donations are appreciated, as many programs have been canceled. Follow Barns of Rose Hill on Facebook, or contact the Barns at 540-955-2004 or

***Season Grand Opening***

Visit us at the Garden Fair 2021 May 8 - 9 at the Fairgrounds and The Clarke County Farmer’s Market Saturdays from 8-12 beginning May 1st!

Saturday, May 1st 8am-Noon 317 W Main St., Berryville, VA (the old primary school building)

Bar C Ranch Petting Zoo, Food Truck, Live Music This year’s vendors include local produce, herbs, beef, pork, eggs, cheese, baked goods, pickles, salsa and chips, honey, artisan crafts, pet food/treats and much, more! See our vendor section on our website for more information:


A PR 20 21


The Cicadas Are Coming! Plus, how to cook them By Claire Stuart

Exodus 10:13–15: … the Lord brought an east wind upon the land … and the east wind brought the locust … they covered the face of the whole earth, so that the land was darkened; and they did eat every herb of the land, and all the fruit of the trees … and there remained not any green thing … through all the land of Egypt.


Brood X (10) of the 17-year periodical cicadas (Magicicada septendecim ) is coming this year! Many people call them locusts, doubtless because they appear by the millions, reminiscent of the locusts in the Bible story, but they are not locusts. Locusts are migratory grasshoppers that congregate by millions and devour crops, mostly in Africa and the Middle East. The only thing I can think of that locusts and cicadas actually have in common is that locusts were sent to punish the Pharaoh, and periodical cicadas have a call that sounds like “Pharaoh, Pharaoh!”

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There are two types of cicadas, and they emerge at different times of the year. The annual or “Dog Days” cicadas are so-named because they emerge in mid-August when Sirius (the Dog Star) and the constellation Canis Major begin to appear in the early morning sky. There are several species, with life cycles ranging from one to five years, but they overlap, so some emerge every summer. Since they do not appear in masses, they are mostly ignored and their

buzzing calls are just considered a sound track of summer. They don’t call “Pharaoh!” Cicadas are piercing/sucking insects that don’t do any noticeable damage by feeding. Immature cicadas (nymphs) feed underground in their nymphal stage, sucking juices from tree roots — for 17 years in the case of periodical cicadas. There are also some 13-year cicadas, mostly further south, but they are less prominent. When cicada nymphs

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APR 20 21 mature, they burrow out of the ground and climb up on any handy vertical object to shed their nymphal skins and stretch their wings, leaving empty shells behind. They are soft and white when they emerge, but their exoskeleton soon darkens and hardens. Adults suck a negligible amount of juices from plants during their short aboveground lives and live about a month. The 17-year cicadas that consistently emerge in the same year in the same area are classified as “broods.” There are 12 broods, given Roman numerals I through XII. Each brood covers a specific geographical region. We are under Brood X, which will emerge this year in parts of 15 states from New York to Georgia and west to Indiana. In our area, included are Winchester, Clarke, Fauquier, Frederick, Shenandoah and Warren Counties, Virginia, as well as the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia. The 17-year periodical cicadas emerge all at once in great masses, earlier in the year than the annual cicadas. They appear in May, and the very air seems to vibrate with their calls. So, what do they do that affects us, besides making a lot of noise? Females make slits

in tender young twigs and lay their eggs in them. When the eggs hatch, the nymphs drop to the ground and burrow in to find roots to feed on. As trees grow rapidly at that time of year, the egg slits can widen, causing the twigs to weaken and bend or break off. This isn’t a serious problem with larger trees but can be a real problem with young trees. Broken or malformed young branches can spoil the shape of landscape trees. It is wise to cover young trees with nets—or just avoid planting new trees until fall. The life of adult cicadas is strictly concerned with mating. All of the singing is done by males, who gather in groups in trees and sing in choruses to attract females. The males have drum-like structures that make their sounds. A vibrating membrane controlled by muscles is stretched over an air bladder on the abdomen that serves as a resonating chamber. Female cicadas are often attracted to the sounds of motors of garden equipment like mowers, weed-wackers, and hedge clippers, as well as garage and workshop tools like grinders, sanders, etc. Fossil records show that cicadas have been around as long as 110 million years, sharing Earth with the dino-

saurs, but their numbers are falling. That’s because of the destruction of trees for “development.” If many trees are cut between 17-year cycles, the nymphs on the roots die. There will always be adventurous diners who wonder whether cicadas are edible. Since cicadas are related to other arthropods such as shrimp, crayfish, crabs and lobsters, they are certainly edible. They are high in protein and low in fat. However, if you are allergic to shellfish, you should avoid cicadas as well. Cicadas should be gathered for cooking as soon as they burst out of their nymphal skins, when their exoskeletons are still white and soft. Remove wings and legs. If their bodies have already hardened, they should be boiled first. Cicadas can be broiled, boiled, fried and otherwise prepared the way you would prepare other arthropods. A variety of recipes can be found on the Web. The taste has been described as resembling everything from soft-shelled crabs to asparagus. Have I ever eaten them? NO! And I don’t eat shrimp or lobster either because they look like giant insects to me! The very best web site for cicada information:

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A PR 20 21



Historic Garden Week In Clarke County Tour Now opeN for iNdividual coNsultatioNs usiNg osHa safty guideliNes

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The annual Historic Garden Week Tour will take place April 24, from 10am till 5pm. Only 500 tickets will be sold, and staggered for morning and afternoon to avoid crowds at any one location. Tickets, which are $40 each for four properties, are available online only at; no tickets will be sold onsite. GPS is unreliable in Clarke County. It is advised to stop at the Tour Headquarters at the Barns of Rose Hill at 95 Chalmers Court, Berryville. Boxed lunches are available on tour day in Millwood at Locke’s Store. For options view their website at www. Prepay reservations by credit card no later than April 23, 2021 by 2pm by calling 540-837-1275; ask for Shauna. Mention Historic Garden Week with your order. Orders may be picked up after 10:00am. Due to the pandemic, Claytonville and Thurman will be gardens only tours, but Caleb Nei Jazz Trio will play from 10am till noon at Thurman, and 2–4pm at Claytonville. Clay Hill and the Dower House will allow interiors to be viewed as well as

their lovely gardens. Only ten guests will be allowed in the house at a time and all must wear masks and social distance.

The Dower House

211 Warner Washington Lane, Berryville The house was built in 1765 by George Washington’s cousin, Warner Washington. The Greek Revival style wing was added in 1820s. When it was enlarged again in1928, the structure became C - shaped. The Cook family added a new kitchen, family room and garage in 1977. The bottom of the original 1765 hand - dug well, located near the residence is still visible. A large 1830s barn was severely damaged by a Civil War cannonball but remains standing and is one of four pre - Civil War barns remaining in Clarke County. The property is open for Historic Garden Week in tribute to Beth Cook, wife, mother, and member of the Winchester Clarke Garden Club, who loved the home and its gardens. She was the inspiration for the property’s Japanese Garden, designed as a metaphor of rain falling in the mountains, cas-

cading down to the sea, thus repeating the cycle of life. It features more than 50 Japanese Maple, Japanese Black Pines, umbrella pines, Serbian Spruces, bamboos, liriope, hostas and peonies. Pastures are home to Mr. Cook’s rare Cleveland Bay horses, a critically endangered British breed. Formerly used as carriage and work horses, they are now bred to be sport horses. Mr. Peter Cook, owner

Thurman Farm and Blakemore Cemetery

3836 Lord Fairfax Highway, Berryville The residence is named after General Thurman, a Civil War general. A memorial in his honor is situated along the driveway leading to the house. The Byrd family has owned Thurman for three generations. In 1975 the present owners decided to tear down the previous Victorian house and build a stone ranch house incorporating many of the old doors and paneling from the original structure. A 1981 addition included an artist studio, a family room and a guest


APR 20 21


for Frederick County. Barbara and Harry Byrd, III owners

Clay Hill

859 Clay Hill Road, Millwood Built in 1816, this Federal style stone and stucco home situated on 100 acres has been featured in both Architectural Digest and Garden and Gun magazines. Originally built for the daughter of Nathaniel Burwell, only four families have lived at Clay Hill since its construction. The home retains many of its original features. The property underwent an extensive renovation in 2008, with an addition of a kitchen wing, formal Italianate boxwood parterre gardens and a custom made 19th century-style glass conservatory. Extensive perennial and vegetable gardens wind their way through stone walls built by Hessian soldiers. The attractive grounds include an original ice house, a chicken cloister and house as well as orangery. Elizabeth Locke and John Staelin, owners

CLay Hill.

The Gardens at Claytonville


Dower House. room. Stone from an old home in Hedgesville, WV and beams from an old tobacco barn were repurposed in its construction. Mrs. Byrd is a noted artist who has contributed numerous covers for The Chronicle of the Horse. An avid horsewoman, she has bred Connemara ponies for more than thirty years. They can be seen grazing in the pastures around the home. Just

minutes away on the property owned by the Byrd family is the oldest privately owned enclosed cemetery in the county. Take a right after leaving Thurman, and another right and follow the signs to Blakemore Lane. It is the resting place of Lt. George Blakemore who served under General La Fayette at Valley Forge. Later he served as a judge and sheriff

574 Clay Hill Road, Millwood Inspired by magnificent views of the Blue Ridge Mountains, the limestone Federal style house was built in 1993. It is surrounded by formal gardens, manicured pastures, stables and a racetrack. The gardens were originally designed by the English designer, Sheila MacQueen who worked extensively for the British royal family. The gardens she designed at Claytonville focused on the inclusion of numerous trees, shrubs and plants used in flower arranging. The gardens have been expanded adding garden rooms, a potager and an overlook. The herb gardens are designed by country, with French, Italian, Mexican and Asian beds all interspersed with bee-loving and edible flowers. All gardens are organically tended with the use of companion planting and are filled with the beautiful display of flowering bulbs in the spring, summer and fall.


6 Weeks • Sundays March 21 through May 9 6pm Sunday, April 25

“Splash: 10,000 Years of Swimming” by Howard Means, author of ten books including the first biography of Colin Powell and “67 Shots”, which is currently being developed as a feature film •

1pm Sunday, May 2

“Sylvia Rideoutt Bishop, She Had A Way With Horses” by Vicky Moon, writer, editor, and photographer at the Washington Post and co-publisher of Country Zest and Style Magazine. •

6pm Sunday, May 9

“Tales From a Wandering Sportswriter” by Len Shapiro, sports reporter, columnist, and sports editor at the Washington Post for 41 years and co-publisher of Country Zest and Style Magazine.

Ticket prices: $25.00 each

Seating is limited to 25 guests and reservations must be made in advance.

To reserve tickets please visit or call 540-837-1856

s! The Spring Art Show at Long Branch t Mis ’ n o D Peggy Duvall • Julie Miles • Winslow McCagg • Alicia Lewis Opening April 17th 5-7pm | Closing May 9th 2-4pm Open daily 10-4 and weekendsss 12-4

Long Branch Historic House and Farm 830 Long Branch Lane • Boyce, VA • 540-837-1856


A PR 20 21



Easement Authority Honors Conservation Heroes A Snapshot in Time Photo Contest Winners Also Announced

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C L A R K E V A . C O M

Tom Gilmore of the American Battlefield Trust and Cool Spring’s Site Manager Gene Lewis accept the Wingate Mackay-Smith Clarke County Land Conservation Award; photo by Clarke County.

The Clarke County Conservation Easement Authority presented its “2020 Wingate Mackay-Smith Clarke County Land Conservation Award” to two organizations that together preserved the 195-acre property in Clarke County now known as the Shenandoah River Campus at Cool Spring Battlefield. Chief Land Preservation Officer Tom Gilmore accepted the award on behalf of the American Battlefield Trust, and Cool Spring Site Manager Gene Lewis accepted the award on behalf of Shenandoah University. The Trust formed a publicprivate partnership with the University in 2011 to acquire the former Virginia National Golf Club property using federal and state preservation grants, a significant landowner donation, and private contributions. The Wingate Mackay-Smith Clarke County Land Conservation Award was established in 2015 to honor individ-

uals, groups, and organizations that help preserve and protect Clarke County’s open spaces. Today, 26,799 acres – almost a quarter of the county’s 113,920 acres – are preserved in perpetuity through conservation easements.

The Conservation Easement Authority also announced three winners of its “A Snapshot in Time” photo contest from among 115 images submitted by 26 photographers. The contest asked photographers — students, amateurs, and professionals — to submit images taken outdoors in Clarke County during the COVID-19 pandemic. Ken Garrett, whose photography has appeared in National Geographic, Smithsonian, Air and Space, Archaeology, Fortune, Forbes, Time, Life, Audubon, GEO, National

Wildlife, and Natural History magazines, served as judge. Garrett said it was difficult to narrow down the winners. “There was a lot of very nice material, and it was challenging to select the top three and a short list of honorable mentions.” The Conservation Easement Authority will now deliver $200, $100, and $50 prizes, respectively, to firstplace winner Tim Farmer for “Snow Globe” and second- and third-place winner Warren Krupsaw for “Water Reflections” (second place) and “Raindrops on Leaf” (third place). Garrett awarded 15 total Honorable Mention titles to images by Bre Bogert, Bryce Bogert, Colby Bogert, Lauren Dilzer, Christy Dunkle, Tim Farmer, Barbara Hughes, Cathy Kuehner, June Krup-


APR 20 21

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Snow Globe by Tim Farmer was selected by Ken Garrett as the winning image.

saw, Warren Krupsaw, Pam Lettie, LaDawn Presgraves, and Dawn Webb. The contest allowed each photographer to submit as many as five original images. Winning photographers retain all rights to their images, however photographers also grant the Conservation Easement Authority non-exclusive rights to publish the

Warren Krupsaw’s Raindrops on Leaf was the third-place winner.

images for the Authority’s purposes in any format, including online and in print. As judge, Garrett looked for images that best conveyed the coronavirus reflected in outdoor activities, isolation, or open spaces in Clarke County. He also focused on content, contrast, composition, and creativity. The winning photo, “Snow Globe,” is of the iconic Quarters building at Blandy Experimental Farm during a snowstorm. Standing at a distance, photographer Tim Farmer captured an employee — shovel in hand — as he passed through an open archway. The viewer can almost hear the snow falling and feel the cold against their cheeks. The Conservation Easement Authority, which is dedicated to protecting and preserving land with significant agricultural,

natural, scenic and historic resources, has hosted a number of photo contests over the years in order to highlight Clarke County’s open space and natural beauty. Since its creation in 2002, the Clarke County Conservation Easement Authority has placed more than 8,000 acres into conservation easement, retiring 275 dwelling unit rights. When included with other entity holdings, such as the Virginia Outdoors Foundation, more than 26,000 acres — more than 23 percent of the county — are protected in perpetuity. For more information about the Conservation Easement Authority, its photo contest, or conservation easements, contact Clarke County Natural Resource Planner Alison Teetor at (540) 955-5134 or Visit

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A PR 20 21


Law Matters

Is It Possible For Divorced Parents To Just Be “Parents”? By Brenda Waugh Yes, divorced parents can be “parents” without a qualifier. Not “divorced.” Not “single.” Just “parents.” When I first started practicing law in 1987, things were different. When parents wanted to divorce, one retained a lawyer who filed a complaint or petition with the court. The sheriff served the documents, lawyers engaged in a series of negotiations, and eventually convened the final court hearing where we usually announced the terms of a negotiated agreement. I thought it worked fine. But it didn’t. Creating this adversarial relationship was no way to create a healthy, happy, postdivorce family. As Maya Angelou said, “Do the

best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” Today we know better! We understand that children of divorce can be just as healthy and happy as other children. However, when the divorce includes a “custody battle,” children may experience emotional difficulties that extend for years after the divorce. How do we “do better”? Rather than “lawyering up,” we consider mediation and collaborative practice as options to secure a divorce while maintaining good parentchild relationships. In mediation, both parents attend a meeting with a third-party facilitator, a mediator, who works with them to develop a mutually agreeable way to make crucial

decisions regarding their child, including medical, educational, and religious decisions. The mediator also helps parents decide how to divide their custodial time with the child during the school year, summer and holidays. Parents work together to maximize their time with the child, considering their residences and employment. The mediator helps the parents draft their parenting plan incorporating these decisions. When parties are getting divorced, the mediator may also facilitate a discussion about their property division. Once an agreement is reached, the parties may review it with their lawyers, if they retain them, or provide it to the judge to include in the order. Mediation often occurs before any party initiates the divorce, permitting it to proceed as a nofault divorce. Equally effective, collaborative divorce creates an opportunity for the parents to divorce while maintaining a good relationship with their children. In collaborative divorce, the parents each retain specially trained attorneys who are often members of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals. Instead of attending court hearings, the parents and their lawyers have meetings to work out the details of the parenting plan. Once the agreement is reached, the attorneys file the

paperwork and complete the steps required to have the agreement included in the judge’s order. The lawyers may also represent the parties on issues of child and spousal support and property division. In collaborative practice, the parties may expand opportunities by including a neutral, or conflict, coach in meetings to expand options in the division of property, spousal support, or child custody. How do we know that mediation and collaborative divorce work? Is there any way to see that “divorced parents” are simply “parents.” Yes! Parents select the best extracurricular activities for their children together. Both often attend games or meetings and support the child and the team. Parents attend school conferences together, working to find the best way to improve their child’s success. Parents coordinate schedules so that the children are in daycare less and with their parents more. They understand that no parent babysits their children. Parents attend medical appointments, taking turns or attending together, depending on the nature of the appointment. Both know when appointments are scheduled and can access medical records. Parents avoid asking their children to make difficult decisions,

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such as where they want to live or when they want to spend time with the other parent. Instead, they work with the other parent to take the stress off of the child. Parents spend time with their children having fun. They also both spend time doing the hard work of parenting, chores, homework, and discipline. Neither parent becomes a “fantasy” perfect parent. Parents make sure the children feel comfortable at home. They recognize the children have two homes. They find a way so that a child is sleeping in their own bed, at either home. Is it always possible? No. Sometimes the level of conflict between the parents escalates to a place where “divorced parents” can’t be “just parents.” In those situations, judges make the important decisions on raising the children, often guided by attorneys (called Guardian Ad Litems) or by parenting coordinators. When a conflict between parents has escalated, and behavioral health resources cannot tone it down, judges often order detailed schedules to reduce the necessity of good communication between parents. These situations are the exceptions. Most divorcing parents can be more than “just parents.” They can work together to be “great parents.” Getting started by cooperating to create the best schedules for the children in mediation or with collaborative divorce provides the best opportunity for this to occur. To learn more about mediation or to find a mediator in your area, visit To learn more about collaborative practice and find lawyers, financial neutrals, or conflict coaches in your area, visit Brenda Waugh is a lawyer/mediator with Waugh Law & Mediation, serving clients in the Blue Ridge region of Virginia and Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia. She has conducted workshops throughout the U.S. and in Canada, and has published articles in periodicals and legal journals in the area of alternative dispute resolution.


APR 20 21


Cochran’s Lumber Benefits from Virginia’s Free Economic Gardening Program For more than 40 years, Cochran’s Lumber has produced fine reclaimed and newly milled hardwood flooring in its 60,000-squarefoot facility in the Clarke County Industrial Park in Berryville. It has an excellent reputation, but like many independent businesses, it aims to grow in the right direction. To that end, Cochran’s Lumber recently received guidance from a unique program offered by the Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP) and the National Center for Economic Gardening (NCEG). Virginia’s Economic Gardening program provides qualifying companies access to custom resources, data analytics, and other tools to identify and resolve distinct growth challenges that traditional business assistance and incentives do not address. Over

the course of six to eight weeks, professionals work with businesses to develop strategic growth plans, identify new markets, and refine business models. The Economic Gardening program is free for qualifying business owners. “From our first meeting to our closing call, we gained beneficial marketing research knowledge, and we were given access to many tools that will help Cochran’s Lumber and our new company, Sawmill Designs, grow in size and market strength,” said General Manager Ben Cochran. “As a small familyowned business that supplies quality hardwood flooring and wood accessories to clients throughout the United States, Cochran’s Lumber understands the need for staying informed of market trends and potential geographical growth

areas. Without a doubt, the information we received [through the Economic Gardening program] has given us valuable market insight to aid our decision-making.” Economic Gardening is an entrepreneurial approach to economic development that aims to grow a local economy from within. The premise is that local entrepreneurs create the companies that attract new wealth and economic growth in the form of jobs, increased revenue, and a vibrant local business sector. Economic Gardening focuses on growing and nurturing local businesses rather than hunting for “big game” outside the area. The National Center for Economic Gardening (NCEG) was established in the late 1980s to help states, regions, and communities set up and run Economic Gardening programs. VEDP was

created in 1995 by the Virginia General Assembly to encourage, stimulate, and support development and expansion of the Commonwealth’s economy. “Working with the Virginia Economic Development Partnership is extremely beneficial,” said Felicia Hart, Clarke County’s director of economic development and tourism. “The knowledge, resources, and staff support it provides to localities like Clarke and its businesses delivers an end product that most business owners simply could not afford on their own.” VEDP works with local economic development offices to help companies confirm eligibility and answer questions before beginning the application process. Clarke County businesses that want to be considered for this program should contact Hart at Companies accepted into the program begin an engagement period of about two months. VEDP covers all costs. (Retail, restaurant establishments, and local service providers such as accounting, legal, and staffing firms do not qualify for this program.) Find more information about Virginia’s statewide Economic Gardening program at virginia-economic-gardeningprogram. Learn more about the National Center for Economic Gardening at For more information about business resources and opportunities in Clarke County, contact Director of Economic Development and Tourism Felicia Hart at (540) 955-5107 or —Cathy Kuehner for Clarke County





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ACEs Adverse Childhood Experiences

When children experience traumatic events, it can have lasting effects on their mental health and wellbeing. These events are called ACEs.


Why We Care:

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Studies show that 26% of adults have at least one ACE while 1 in 8 adults have 4 or more ACEs. This trauma increases the likelihood of developing chronic diseases and some cancers.


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