FEB 20 20
Clarke County Residents May Have Four Opportunities To Vote In 2020
There may be as many as four opportunities for Clarke County residents to vote in 2020: March 3 is the Democratic Party Presidential Primary; May 5 is a Town of Berryville General Election; June 9 may be the Primary Election (if held); and Nov. 5 is the Presidential, General, and Special Election. Register to vote at the Clarke County Office of Elections located in the Berryville-Clarke County Government Center (second floor) at 101 Chalmers Ct. in Berryville or any state voter registration agency. Applicants with Virginia driver’s licenses or identification cards can register online via elections.virginia.gov. Absentee voting began Jan. 16 for the Democratic Party Presidential Primary. Deadline to register or update registration for the Democratic Party Presidential Primary is Feb. 10. Deadline to request an absentee ballot by mail is Feb. 25, and deadline to vote in-person absentee is Saturday, Feb. 29, when the Clarke County Office of Elections is open 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Berryville residents who wish to run for Mayor or Town Council representatives for Ward 1 and Ward 3 must complete and submit the necessary paperwork by Tuesday, March 3, in order to be on the May 5 ballot. Candidates must be Virginia residents (at least one year prior to election). Ward representatives must
live in the ward they will represent, and mayoral candidates must be registered voters within town limits. All registered voters within Berryville town limits may vote on May 5. If a Primary Election is held, it is on June 9. Absentee voting begins April 14. Deadline to register or update registration is May 18. Deadline to request an absentee ballot by mail is June 2, and the deadline to vote inperson absentee is Saturday, June 6, when the Clarke County Office of Elections is open 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The national Presidential, General, and Special Election is Tuesday, Nov. 5. Absentee voting begins Sept. 18. Deadline to register or update registration is Oct. 12, and deadline to request an absentee ballot by mail is Oct. 27. The deadline to vote in-person absentee is Saturday, Oct. 31, when the Clarke County Office of Elections is open 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. To learn more about Berryville Town Council qualifications and to request forms to run for office, contact the Clarke County Office of Elections. For any information about voting and elections, contact the Clarke County Office of Elections at 540-9555168 or vote@clarkecounty.gov. The Office of Elections in the BerryvilleClarke County Government Center (second floor) at 101 Chalmers Ct. in Berryville. Find more information at elections.virginia.gov.