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Thanking Those Who Make Clarke Possible
This is the 125th edition of Clarke Monthly. Ten years! Thanks to all the terrific local writers and photographers for sharing their stories and letters. Stories about people we know or should, nonprofits who strive to help those in need, business owners who risk everything to offer us something beautiful, news about about how local governments work. Photographs of this special place; letters that inspire dialogue.
Thanks, too, to our advertisers. They make it possible to deliver Clarke to your mailbox each month for free! They are local people who believe Clarke County deserves a communityinspired, community-focused paper.
Many of you have asked us to modify our publication date to correspond with the monthly calendar. So beginning with the
February edition, we will publish at the beginning of each month. For nonprofit and church calendar listings, please send your events and activities by the 15th of each month to Rebecca Maynard at Rebecca@clarkeva.com.
For advertising, this means the third week of the month to be placed in the coming edition. Contact Jennifer Welliver at Jennifer@ clarkeva.com with questions.
Pitch your story ideas to either one of us — it’s amazing how many ideas we get in checkout lines!
Onward we go. We’ve made it together for 10 years. Let’s keep local stories alive for another decade and beyond. Thank you!
-David Lillard and Jennifer Welliver