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Around Clarke County
4 “Berryville Celebrates 225” Lecture Series/ Exhibit Opening
Barns of Rose Hill. 95 Chalmers Ct. Berryville. CCHA and the Barns of Rose Hill partner up to present a month-long series of talks focused on different aspects of Berryville’s storied history. Topic is “how our town developed.” 1pm. Opening reception for anniversary exhibit to follow. www.clarkehistory.org.
4 Kevin Henderson and Neil Pearlman Concert
Barns of Rose Hill. 95 Chalmers Ct. Berryville. Collaborating to form a transatlantic, fiddle-piano duo, Kevin Henderson and Neil Pearlman are known for their high-energy and fresh approach to traditional Scottish music. $20 in advance, $25 at door. 7–9pm. www.barnsofrosehill.org.
Long Branch Historic House and Farm. 830 Long Branch Lane. Boyce. “90% Half True: A Collection of Short Stories” by Keith Patterson. $25 for this event; $125 for entire series. Tickets can be purchased ahead. 6pm. www.visitlongbranch.org.
7 Trivia Night
Barns of Rose Hill. 95 Chalmers Ct. Berryville. The Clarke County Library and Clarke County Historical Association team up to offer team trivia, with a variety of categories and prizes donated from local businesses. Register ahead. 7pm. www.barnsofrosehill.org. www.clarkehistory.org.

8 “Berryville Celebrates
225” Paint and Sip Night
Barns of Rose Hill. 95 Chalmers Ct. Berryville. Paint your own image of the gazebo in Rose Hill Park, the perfect subject matter for the celebration of the 225th anniversary of the Town of Berryville. No experience is necessary and the Barns is a judgment-free zone. Materials are provided; aprons will be available but we recommend dressing accordingly. $40. 6–8pm. www.barnsofrosehill.org.
10Critton Hollow String Band
Barns of Rose Hill. 95 Chalmers Ct. Berryville. Combining a fiddle, hammer dulcimer, banjo and guitar, the band tends a stable of songs from the first settlements of Appalachia to the best of contemporary
American folk music. $20 in advance, $25 at door. 7–9pm. www.barnsofrosehill.org.
11“Berryville Celebrates 225” Lecture Series
Barns of Rose Hill. 95 Chalmers Ct. Berryville. CCHA and the Barns of Rose Hill partner up to present a month-long series of talks focused on different aspects of Berryville’s storied history. Topic is “horses in Clarke County and our equestrian legacy.” Free. 1pm. www.clarkehistory.org.
11Coffee House Open Mic Night
Barns of Rose Hill. 95 Chalmers Ct. Berryville. Calling all musicians, poets, comedians and more. Barns of Rose Hill and the CCHS Tri-M Music Honor Society present their inaugural Coffee House Open Mic Night. This is your chance to share your talent with the world. All-ages event; students and adults are welcome to participate. Free; register ahead to participate. Free coffee; nonalcoholic only beverages for purchase. 7–10pm. www.barnsofrosehill.org.
12Long Branch Speaker Series

Long Branch Historic House and Farm. 830 Long Branch Lane. Boyce. “Clarke County, Virginia: History Through Architecture” by Maral Kalbian, Clarke County Architectural Historian. $25 for this event; $125 for entire series. Tickets can be purchased ahead. 6pm. www.visitlongbranch.org.
18“Berryville Celebrates 225” Lecture Series
Barns of Rose Hill. 95 Chalmers Ct. Berryville. CCHA and the Barns of Rose Hill partner up to present a month-long series of talks focused on different aspects of Berryville’s storied history. Topic is “remembering those who served: our local veterans and heroes.” Free. 1pm. www.clarkehistory.org.
18One Street Over Concert
Barns of Rose Hill. 95 Chalmers Ct. Berryville. Hailing from Winchester, One Street Over combines the sounds of the flute, fiddle, guitar, mandolin, cello, banjo and bodhran (a traditional Celtic frame drum) to create haunting and foot-tapping melodies. $20 in advance, $25 at door. 7–9pm. www.barnsofrosehill.org.
18Locke’s Mill Spring Re-Opening and Grind-Fest
Locke’s Mill, 1600 Locke’s Mill Road, Berryville. Learn about the history and restoration of this 1770s building on the banks of the Shenandoah River and its role today as the only Certified Organic stoneground mill on the East Coast. Visitors can see all three levels of the mill in action, sample baked goods, and meet shire draught horses and young calves from Ayrshire Farm. Admission is free, and a wide selection of freshly ground grains and flours will be available for purchase. 11am-4pm. www.lockesmillgrains.com
19Long Branch Speaker Series
Long Branch Historic House and Farm. 830 Long Branch Lane. Boyce. “Tales From a Wandering Sports Writer” by Len Shapiro, editor of Country Zest and Style. $25 for this event; $125 for entire series. Tickets can be purchased ahead. 6pm. www.visitlongbranch.org.
19Herbal Support for Cancer and Treatments

Sanctuary Wellness Center. 208 N. Buckmarsh St. Berryville. Learn ways to support our journey with cancer, enhance treatment outcomes and prevention.

$40. Register ahead. 2–4pm. geosjoyrh@gmail.com.
21African American Women in WWII Film
Barns of Rose Hill. “Invisible Warriors: African American Women in World War II” features the pioneers, a diverse group of African American “Rosie the Riveters,” whose courage, patriotism and faith drove them to abandon their oppressive lives as domestics and sharecroppers to conquer new frontiers that ultimately changed employment possibilities for all future generations of Black women. Free; must register ahead. 6–8pm. www.barnsofrosehill.org.
and Country Garden Club Meeting

Berryville Presbyterian
Church. 123 W. Main St. Welcoming new members. 1pm. 540-539-3600.
Moon Drum Circle
Sanctuary Wellness Center. 208 N. Buckmarsh St. Berryville. Join us for a year of intentional drumming for harnessing the new moon energy. Free; donations welcome. lovenotesmusictherapy.com.
Jacob Jolliff Band Concert
Barns of Rose Hill. 95 Chalmers Ct. Berryville. The Jacob Jolliff Band is an ensemble of virtuosic, innovative pickers. A fine vocalist, Jolliff’s band fosters his interest in covering popular songs with acoustic and bluegrass accompaniment, while also composing and performing complex instrumental music in the same setting. $20 in advance, $25 at door. 7–9pm. www.barnsofrosehill.org.
25“Berryville Celebrates 225” Lecture Series
Barns of Rose Hill. 95 Chalmers Ct. Berryville. CCHA and the Barns of Rose Hill partner up to present a month-long series of talks focused on different aspects of Berryville’s storied history. Topic is “our schools: the history and development of Clarke County public schools.” Free. 1pm. www.clarkehistory.org.
25FISH Mobile Community Table
Shiloh Baptist Church. 1983 Millwood Rd. Dairy products, personal care items and snack packs, and food to take home “from our community table to your family table.” Find out what benefits may be available to you from the Department of Social Services. Held monthly. Free. 9–11am. 540-955-1823. www.fishofclarkecounty.org.
Viva Chamber Choir Concert mona.hope@penfedrealty.com www.hopehometeam.com Facebook
Trinity Episcopal Church. 208 W. German St. Shepherdstown, W.V. “March Musical Madness: From Bach to Jazz.” 7:30pm. $35. www.friendswv.org.
Viva Chamber Choir Concert
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church. 26 W. Boscawen St. Winchester. “March Musical Madness: From Bach to Jazz.” $15; students with ID free. www.friendswv.org.
26Long Branch Speaker Series
Long Branch Historic House and Farm. 830 Long Branch Lane. Boyce. “Virginia Grassland Bird Initiative” by Octo- ber Greenfield, Wildlife Habitat Restoration. $25 for this event; $125 for entire series. Tickets can be purchased ahead. 6pm. www.visitlongbranch.org.
31Mile Twelve Concert
Barns of Rose Hill. 95 Chalmers Ct. Berryville. Boasting an international reputation as one of the most dynamic groups in contemporary acoustic music, Mile Twelve successfully showcases the vast potential of the genre in the hands of capable players. $20 in advance, $25 at door. 7–9pm. www.barnsofrosehill.org.
April 1 Opening Reception: Berryville Celebrates

225 Juried Art Show
Barns of Rose Hill. 95 Chalmers Ct. Berryville. Exhibit showcases the work of artists from Clarke County and celebrates the Town of Berryville. On display through the month of April; RSVP for reception to provide accurate headcount for snacks. 3–6pm. www.barnsofrosehill.org.
1 FISH Mobile Community Table
Church of the Good Shepherd. 27 Good Shepherd Rd. Bluemont. Dairy products, personal care items and snack packs, and food to take home “from our community table to your family table.” Find out what benefits may be available to you from the Department of Social Services. Held monthly. Free. 9–11am. 540-955-1823. www.fishofclarkecounty.org.
4 Trivia Night
Barns of Rose Hill. 95 Chalmers Ct. Berryville. The Clarke County Library and Clarke County Historical Association team up to offer team trivia, with a variety of categories and prizes donated from local businesses. Register ahead. 7pm. www.barnsofrosehill.org. www.clarkehistory.org.

15BVFC Spring Gun Bash
Boyce Volunteer Fire Company Social Hall. 1 S. Greenway Ave. Only 500 tickets will be sold; includes dinner, drinks and entertainment. 18 and older to purchase a ticket, 21 to attend. You do not have to be present to win. No weapons are given out at the event. 4–9pm. https://www.boycefire.org/upcoming-events. BoyceFireCo4@gmail.com.

Fried Fish Dinners for Lent
Grace Episcopal Church, Parish Hall. 110 N. Church St. Berryville. The church will be holding a fish dinner each Friday evening during Lent, dine in or carry out. Fried fish, French fries, coleslaw and hush puppies. Parking lot in rear of the Parish Hall, entrance off Liberty St. 5:30–7pm. 540-955-1610 or 703-901-5760. amzgrace@verizon.net or pamseek4@gmail.com.
Women’s Circles
Sanctuary Wellness Center. 208 N. Buckmarsh St. Berryville. A sacred space to honor and celebrate who we truly are as women. Learn how to change your thoughts to change your life, find greater inner joy and peace. $25. 2–4 pm March 4 and 18, 7–9pm March 8 and 22. elizabethbava@rocketmail.com.
Mindful Meditations and Musings

Sanctuary Wellness Center. 208 N Buckmarsh St. Berryville. Twice weekly meditation classes for beginners with a focus on mindfulness. Typical class will consist of 30-45 minute lightly guided meditation followed by a brief discussion. Wear comfortable clothing and bring whatever you need to sit comfortably. Yoga mats and chairs available to borrow. $25 for individual class, $100 for five classes. 10:30–11:30am Fridays and 6–7pm Mondays. Email to register. tmgeorge126@gmail.com.
Ximena’s Yoga Flow
Sanctuary Wellness Center. 208 N Buckmarsh St. Berryville. I$25 for drop-ins, $80 for four classes a month, $100 for eight classes a month. Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:30–10:30am. Email to register. stroubakisx@gmail.com.
Long Branch Historic House and Farm
Presents e 2022 Speaker Series
• Sundays at 6pm •
March 5: Keith Patterson, Artist & Author

“90% Half True – A Collection of Short Stories”
March 12 :
Maral Kalbian, Architectural Historian Clarke County
“Clarke County, VA: History rough Architecture”
March 19
Len Shapiro, Editor Country Zest & Style Magazine
“Tales From a Wandering Sport Writer”
March 26:
October Greenfield
Wildlife Habitat Restoration Coordinator P.E.C.
“Virginia Grassland Bird Initiative”
Ticket prices: $25 each
To reserve tickets, please visit: www.visitlongbranch.org or call: 540-837-1856
830 Long Branch Lane Boyce, VA 22620 540-837-1856 www.visitlongbranch.org