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Around Clarke County
2 Clarke County Democratic Committee Meeting
Clarke County Courthouse. 104 N. Church St. Berryville. All are welcome. Meets on first Tuesday of each month. 7pm. 301-821-2829.
Johnson-Williams Middle School Art Show
Johnson-Williams Middle School. 200 Swan Ave. Berryville. View student artwork from all grade levels in the front lobby. Light snacks and art awards. 5pm. Artwork will be displayed through May 13. 540-955-6160.
6 Farmers’ Market Opening Day www.clarkecountyfarmers market.com.
317 W. Main St. Berryville. More than 30 local vendors. Held each Saturday, May through October. 8am–12pm.
FISH Mobile Community Table
Church of the Good Shepherd. 27 Good Shepherd Rd. Bluemont. Dairy products, personal care items and snack packs, and food to take home “from our community table to your family table.” Find out what benefits may be available to you from the Department of Social Services. Held monthly. Free. 9–11am. 540-955-1823. www.fishofclarkecounty.org.
6 Carmen Barros Exhibit Opening Reception
Barns of Rose Hill. 95 Chalmers Ct. Berryville. On display in Lower Gallery from May 2–30, we exhibit the expressive, figurative work, including drawings, paintings, and sculpture art, of Chilean artist Carmen Barros Howell. Exhibit will also feature artwork by sev- eral of Howell’s students. Free; RSVP for accurate headcount for refreshment planning. www.barnsofrosehill.org.
7 Trivia Night
Barns of Rose Hill. 95 Chalmers Ct. Berryville. The Clarke County Library and Clarke County Historical Association team up to offer team trivia, with a variety of categories and prizes donated from local businesses. Register ahead. 7pm. www.barnsofrosehill.org. www.clarkehistory.org.
11Woman’s Club of Clarke County Luncheon
Golden Corral Buffet & Grill. 120 Costello Dr. Winchester. Join us for our spring luncheon at 12pm. jean.m.carrigan@gmail.com.
12Seth Walker Concert
Barns of Rose Hill. 95 Chalmers Ct. Berryville. Over the last decade, Seth Walker has become recognized as one of the most revered Ameri- cana artists in the United States, a three-dimensional talent who combines a gift for melody and lyric alongside a rich, Gospel-drenched, Southern-inflected voice with a true-blue knack for getting around on the guitar. $20 in advance, $25 at door. 7–9pm. www.barnsofrosehill.org.
14Loudoun Youth Guitars Concert
Barns of Rose Hill. 95 Chalmers Ct. Berryville. Made up of talented and highly motivat- ed guitar students from several middle and high schools in Loudoun County, Loudoun Youth Guitars is one of the finest youth ensembles in the metropolitan area. They perform music by composers from various musical eras, including Baroque, Classical, Romantic and contemporary. $5 in advance and at door. 4–5pm. www.barnsofrosehill.org.
19Best of the Fest 2023
Barns of Rose Hill. 95 Chalmers Ct. Berryville. Barns of Rose Hill is proud to partner with the American Conservation Film Fest to screen six short films, all official selections of the 2023 American Conservation Film Fest. Virtual question and answer session to follow. $10 in advance, $13 at door. 7–8:30pm. www.barnsofrosehill.org.
19Matthew Bell Memorial Blood Drive
Clarke County Recreation Center gymnasium. 225 Al Smith Circle. Berryville. By appointment only. 12–7pm. www.redcrossblood.org.
19New Moon Drum Circle
Sanctuary Wellness Center. 208 N. Buckmarsh St. Berryville. Join us for a year of intentional drumming for harnessing the new moon energy. Free; $10 donation welcome. 6:30–8pm. lovenotesmusictherapy.com.
20Millers Training Day
Burwell-Morgan Mill. 15 Tannery Lane. Millwood. Join us as we teach historic milling 101. Closedtoed shoes and clothes you don’t mind getting flour on are required. Ticket price includes lunch and is refundable if you volunteer for three mill grinding days over the summer. Members $20, nonmembers $40. 10am–3pm. www.clarkehistory.org.
20Art Class With Carmen Barros Howell
Barns of Rose Hill. 95 Chalmers Ct. Berryville. Designed for beginners and intermediate levels artists, class will include realistic and abstract drawing and painting instruction. More advanced students will explore topics like composition and light and shadows. Class is suitable for adults and children; children 8 and younger should be accompanied by adult for duration. $75. 12–3pm. www.barnsofrosehill.org.
20Dirk and Amelia Powell Concert
Barns of Rose Hill. 95 Chalmers Ct. Berryville. Fatherdaughter, acoustic roots duo from Southwest Louisiana play music of their Appalachian and Cajun heritage, write and craft original songs, and bring audiences the kind of soulful connection that comes from performing with family. $25 in advance, $30 at door. 7–9pm. www.barnsofrosehill.org.
21History of Garden Club of Virginia
Burwell-Morgan Mill. 15 Tannery Lane. Millwood. This year marks the 50th anniversary of CCHA’s partnership with the Garden Club of Virginia. Join us as members of the Garden Club come to talk about their organization’s history, the history of work with the Burwell-Morgan Mill, and what projects lie ahead for them. 2–4pm. Members $15, nonmembers $25. www.clarkehistory.org.
26OKCello Concert
Barns of Rose Hill. 95 Chalmers Ct. Berryville. Okorie “OkCello” Johnson is an American cellist-songwriter whose artistry integrates cello performance, live-sound-looping, improvisation, and storytelling, all culminating in original compositions that blend classical music with seemingly juxtaposing genres including jazz, EDM, reggae and funk. $20 in advance, $25 at door. 7–9pm. www.barnsofrosehill.org.
27Scotch and Cigars Night
Berryville VFW Post 9760. 425 S. Buckmarsh St. Three tastings and raffle draw to benefit the Connect-Vets organization’s Lights-on/Heat-on/ACon program, which helps fund veterans struggling to pay their utility bills. $25 admission. 2–9pm. Tickets on sale now and can be bought online at www. connect-vets.org, or by emailing stacie@connect-vets.org.
27FISH Mobile Community Table
Shiloh Baptist Church. 1983 Millwood Rd. Dairy products, personal care items and snack packs, and food to take home “from our community table to your family table.” Find out what benefits may be available to you from the Department of Social Services. Held monthly. Free. 9–11am. 540-955-1823. www.fishofclarkecounty.org.
27Memorial Day Flag Placing
Green Hill Cemetery. 428 N. Buckmarsh St. Berryville. Members of VFW Post 9760 and American Legion Post 41, along with members of Boy Scout Troop 34 will place American flags at veterans’ gravesites. 9am. 540-303-0774.
28Memorial Day Service
Rose Hill Park. E. Main St. Berryville. Theme of the program is “Fallen But Not Forgotten: A Tribute in our Anniversary Year.” VFW Post 9760 celebrates its 75th anniversary and Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Westbrook, U.S. Army, will deliver the Memorial Day message. Held at Barns of Rose Hill in case of inclement weather. All welcome for refreshments at VFW Post at 425 S. Buckmarsh St. following ceremony. 2pm. 540-303-0774.
June 3
Denim and Diamonds Benefit Gala
Barns of Rose Hill. 95 Chalmers Ct. Berryville. Gala guests will enjoy fabulous entertainment, catered hors d’oeuvres from Bonnie Blue Southern Market & Bakery, an open bar and a live and silent auction featuring a few select items generously donated by our supporters. We are delighted to welcome Jean Wilson and H. Baker as our Honorary Chairpersons. $75. 6pm. www.barnsofrosehill.org.
White Post Studio Opening Reception
713 Berrys Ferry Rd. Converted by international artist and designer Nanu Al-Hamad, historic railroad warehouse will host a variety of exhibitions, including local artists. 5-7pm. whitepostsudio@gmail.com
Ongoing Spring Art Show
Long Branch Historic House and Farm. 830 Long Branch Lane. Boyce. Ring in spring with the spring art show, now through May 28. www.visitlongbranch.org.
Art at the Mill
Burwell Morgan Mill. 15 Tannery Lane. Millwood. Runs through Sunday, May 7. More than 200 artists display for sale works of art in a historic 18th century, operating mill. Saturdays 10am–5pm, Sunday–Friday 12–5pm. Adults $5, seniors $3, children 12 and younger free. 540-837-1799. www.clarkehistory.org.
Boyce Fire Hall Social Hall. 1 S. Greenway Ave. 7pm every Thursday, 1:30pm every Sunday. Kitchen is always open for meals and snacks. Outside food and drinks are allowed; no alcohol. Ages 16 and older. www.boycefire.org.
Women’s Circles
Sanctuary Wellness Center. 208 N. Buckmarsh St. Berryville. A sacred space to honor and celebrate who we truly are as women. Learn how to change your thoughts to change your life, find greater inner joy and peace. $25. 3pm May 6, 7pm May 17, 7pm May 24. elizabethbava@rocketmail.com.
Mindful Meditations and Musings
Sanctuary Wellness Center. 208 N Buckmarsh St. Berryville. Twice weekly meditation classes for beginners with a focus on mindfulness. Typical class will consist of 30-45 minute lightly guided meditation followed by a brief discussion. Wear comfortable clothing and bring whatever you need to sit comfortably. Yoga mats and chairs available to borrow. $25 for individual class, $100 for five classes. 10:30–11:30am Fridays and 6–7pm Mondays. Email to register. tmgeorge126@gmail.com.
Ximena’s Yoga Flow
Sanctuary Wellness Center. 208 N Buckmarsh St. Berryville. Invigorating sequences of asanas, united by rhythmic breathing. $25 for drop-ins, $80 for four classes a month, $100 for eight classes a month. Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:30–10:30am. Email to register. stroubakisx@gmail.com.
Yoga With Amy
Sanctuary Wellness Center. 208 N. Buckmarsh St. Berryville. Move your body through a progressive yoga class that balances out active flow yoga with gentle Yin Stretching. Class will move you through physical yang yoga, helping you develop muscular strength, stamina, and flexibility before slowing you down into the long held stretches of yin to finish. 9am. $20 drop-in, $78 for 5 Classes. Email to register. amyhopegentry.com/yoga