Clarke monthly July 2017

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FREE JULY 2019 !"#$%&'()*+,



540 678 1791 W W W . M A L L O Y T O YO TA . C O M



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7:?<+$:*#"6(??+*:#<:+86C:@?6 .#$&;&""6<+6D#$E6D+$$:? T@%18E8SS;%3;@:;<9

45607/6!4'/2 34567889%4:%;%/5;<68%/=>:?@%A4859B%CD=?=%E@%!8::4A8<%#88B Leesburg, $3,395,000

Berryville, $280,000

Custom Home in Creighton Farms

Private Yard, 2 FPs, Nice Location

Bluemont, $350,000 1ac, Stone FP, Updates, River Access

SOLD!Lake Holiday


SOLD!Charles Town

Licensed in VA & WV ~ 540.533.7453 ~ Facebook @MarcyCantatore Instagram @MarcyCSells














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Clarke 30(..

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Summer theatre for kids and Families!

July 13-20 A musical adaptation of the beloved fable celebrating what makes us special. Directed by Roxie Orndorff

315 Boscawen St. Winchester 540.662.3331



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John H. Enders Fire Co.




Yard Sale & Chicken BBQ Saturday, July 20, 2019

9 South Buckmarsh Street, Berryville

Yard sale starts at 8am. Water, Sodas and Hot Dogs during the sale. “Fill a Bag for A Buck” at 6pm. Meal starts at 4:30. • Annual Cake Sale starts at 6. Menu Includes:

Stop by Blossman Propane BBQ Chicken, Country Ham, Saturday from Chicken Salad, 8am–3pm for a Green Beans, Cole Slaw, $5 refill Drinks, and on your gas grill propane tank! All proceeds will go to John H. Enders Fire Company

Homemade Desserts

Adults - $12 Children 6 and up - $6 Children under 6 eat free.

Free Fire Truck Rides! To donate items for the yard sale or for more information, call 955-1110 John H. Enders is a Volunteer Fire Department and a 501C3 Non-Profit Organization.

This Ad is Sponsored By:

Loudoun Mutual Insurance Company

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WVU Medicine Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine


David P. Richards, MD, FRCSC Board Certified Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine WVU Medicine welcomes Orthopaedic Surgeon, David P. Richards, MD, FRCSC to WVU Medicine Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine. Dr. Richards received his Doctor of Medicine from Queen’s University and completed his residency in Orthopaedic Surgery at University of Ottawa, both located in Ontario, Canada. He then completed two fellowships in Texas, the first in Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy at Plano Orthopedics & Sports Medicine and the second in Shoulder Arthroscopy at The San Antonio Orthopaedic Group. In practice since 2003, Dr. Richards specializes in Arthroscopy, Arthroscopic Reconstructions of the Shoulder & Knee, and Sports Medicine. He received his Board Certification in Orthopaedic Surgery from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

NOW ACCEPTING PATIENTS WVU Medicine Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine 912 Somerset Blvd, Suite 101, Charles Town, WV For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 304.725.BONE (2663)

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Little boys are creatures of the floor. So when +/-%#+*%\\%1)#%b/#'%#')-'&*:%'+%#<++'%)-+/*6%#"2E "-)8% 9")-#% ):+$% 1"% ,)6% )% 6"<&#&+*% '+% 3);"0% =,"% first level of our home has floors of stained con<-"'"%I%8+2"89%'+%8++;%)'%)*6%,)-6%)#%-+<;%'+%5)88% +*'+0%4)*'&*:%'+%7-+2&6"%\\%1&',%)%#+5'$%#)5"%78)<"% '+%#<++'$%78)9%)*6%:"*"-)889%-+88%)-+/*6$%1"%1"*'% &*%#")-<,%+5%)*%)88E*)'/-)8%)-")%-/:0 4"% ,)6% )% 5)&-89% #&378"% <,"<;8&#'0% 4"% 1)*'"6% )% #+5'$% </#,&+*9% -/:% 3)6"% +5% *)'/-)8% 3)'"-&)8#% with no chemical treatments. The fiber, dyes, .)<;&*:$%7)66&*:$%#')&*%'-")'3"*'$%)*6%)6,"#&2"#% +5% <+*2"*'&+*)8% <)-7"'&*:% )-"% +5'"*% -"#+/-<"E &*'"*#&2"%&*%',"&-%3)*/5)<'/-"%)*6%<+*'-&./'"%'+% &*6++-%)&-%d/)8&'9%&##/"#%',-+/:,%',"%+55E:)##&*:% +5% 2+8)'&8"% +-:)*&<% <+37+/*6#% +-% ae_#0% Y)*/E 5)<'/-&*:%&37)<'#%)#&6"$%&'%1)#%',"%ae_#%',)'%1"% specifically wanted to avoid, sparing JJ the po'"*'&)8%5+-%<,"3&<)8%#"*#&'&2&'9%1,&<,%<+/86%8")6% '+%,")6)<,"#$%*)/#")$%6&HH&*"##$%)*6%-"#7&-)'+-9% <+378&<)'&+*#$%*+'%'+%3"*'&+*%',"%-&#;%+5%2)-&+/#% <)*<"-#%<)/#"6%.9%',"%8&;"#%+5%."*H"*"$%#'9-"*"% )*6%+',"-%#/<,%<,"3&<)8#0 `&."-% &#% ',"% #')-'&*:% 7+&*'% 1,"*% #"8"<'&*:% <)-7"'0% Y+#'% '-)6&'&+*)8% <)-7"'#% )-"% 3)6"% 5-+3% petroleum-based, synthetic fibers such as nylon, 7+897-+798"*"%)*6%7+89"#'"-0%D3+*:%',"%*)'/-)8% fibers, we found options in cotton, wool, hemp, #&#)8$%.)3.++$%)*6%b/'"0%4,&8"%.)3.++%)*6%,"37% fibers make surprisingly soft rugs, we focused in 8%00+F%4/2(#+*$+(+$=%(Q%&E+>&*)%&+(#/+7"#$14)(#)+"#+ +*%1++8%5+-%&'#%<+3.&*)'&+*%+5%#+5'*"##$%6/-).&8E ,&%%#+4*'*#,+(#/+,&%%#+M1*4/*#,;+V"1+7(#+&%(7.+8%00+()+ &'9%)*6%*)'/-)8%<+8+-)'&+*0 In constructing carpet, the fibers are woven W&%%#?().!"#$14)*#,X,2(*4;7"2;+ ',-+/:,%)%3"#,E8&;"%7-&3)-9%.)<;&*:%)*6%',"*% '97&<)889%8+<;"6%&*'+%78)<"%1&',%#+3"%#+-'%+5%)6E ,"#&2"0% D% #"<+*6)-9% .)<;&*:% &#% ',"*% )778&"6% '+% D#8VL#*<V$&$?6+L65#<V$#"6!#$W&<M finish the carpet. Here again, we were wary of (8b:6D+V8<#:86c#8b:,+V8<#:8)*+,d ',"% 3)'"-&)8#% /#"6% )*6% ',"% &378&<)'&+*#% ',"9% !#$+V?&"6!#$W&<6D:""?6c*#$+V?&"*#$W&<)*+,d .-&*:$% #'""-&*:% <8")-% +5% 7"'-+<,"3&<)8E.)#"6% .)<;&*:#% )*6% :8/"#0% _+''+*$% ,"37% )*6% b/'"% )-"% /#$<=;&#K&6c&#$<=;&#K&)*+,d *)'/-)8% .)<;&*:% 3)'"-&)8#% )*6% *)'/-)8% 8)'"J$% D&$:@#6c,&$:@#,&$:@:#8)*+,d #/#')&*).89%,)-2"#'"6%5-+3%-/.."-%'-""#$%&#%',"% 5#<V$&e?6!#$W&<6c8#<V$&?*#$W&<)*+,d *)'/-)8%)6,"#&2"%+5%<,+&<"0 _)-7"'#%3)6"%5-+3%"*'&-"89%*)'/-)8%3)'"-&)8#% 3:?#"62V9?6G:$&*<6c?:?#"$V9?)*+,d 3)9% #'&88% *+'% *"<"##)-&89% ."% "*'&-"89% *+*E'+J&<0%



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11102%"#*0*&&/345&"2/"#/ 1-800-552-3904

Millwood Shop / Office 1035 sq. ft. Prime retail/office space in Millwood, the cultural hub of Clarke County hunt country. Two doors from Locke Store, the anchor store of Millwood. Across street from historic Burwell-Morgan mill; near antique stores. Remodeled 2018 with new upstair bathroom and kitchen area. Great visibility and well-heeled pedestrian traffic. High speed internet available through ComCast. $275,000




110 East Washington Street - P.O. Box 1380 - Middleburg, VA 20118

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A DV E R T I S E in Clarke f CALL 540 398 1450

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