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John H. Enders Fire Co.
Yard Sale & Chicken BBQ Saturday, July 20, 2019
9 South Buckmarsh Street, Berryville
Yard sale starts at 8am. Water, Sodas and Hot Dogs during the sale. “Fill a Bag for A Buck” at 6pm. Meal starts at 4:30. • Annual Cake Sale starts at 6. Menu Includes:
Stop by Blossman Propane BBQ Chicken, Country Ham, Saturday from Chicken Salad, 8am–3pm for a Green Beans, Cole Slaw, $5 refill Drinks, and on your gas grill propane tank! All proceeds will go to John H. Enders Fire Company
Homemade Desserts
Adults - $12 Children 6 and up - $6 Children under 6 eat free.
Free Fire Truck Rides! To donate items for the yard sale or for more information, call 955-1110 John H. Enders is a Volunteer Fire Department and a 501C3 Non-Profit Organization.
This Ad is Sponsored By:
Loudoun Mutual Insurance Company
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WVU Medicine Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine
David P. Richards, MD, FRCSC Board Certified Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine WVU Medicine welcomes Orthopaedic Surgeon, David P. Richards, MD, FRCSC to WVU Medicine Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine. Dr. Richards received his Doctor of Medicine from Queenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s University and completed his residency in Orthopaedic Surgery at University of Ottawa, both located in Ontario, Canada. He then completed two fellowships in Texas, the first in Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy at Plano Orthopedics & Sports Medicine and the second in Shoulder Arthroscopy at The San Antonio Orthopaedic Group. In practice since 2003, Dr. Richards specializes in Arthroscopy, Arthroscopic Reconstructions of the Shoulder & Knee, and Sports Medicine. He received his Board Certification in Orthopaedic Surgery from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
NOW ACCEPTING PATIENTS WVU Medicine Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine 912 Somerset Blvd, Suite 101, Charles Town, WV For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 304.725.BONE (2663)
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Poe’s Home Improvements New Building & Remodeling Est. 1976
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!"#$%!!$""&' Creative Menus Adorned with Flair â&#x20AC;˘ 27 Years of Experience
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11102%"#*0*&&/345&"2/"#/ 1-800-552-3904
Millwood Shop / Office 1035 sq. ft. Prime retail/office space in Millwood, the cultural hub of Clarke County hunt country. Two doors from Locke Store, the anchor store of Millwood. Across street from historic Burwell-Morgan mill; near antique stores. Remodeled 2018 with new upstair bathroom and kitchen area. Great visibility and well-heeled pedestrian traffic. High speed internet available through ComCast. $275,000
110 East Washington Street - P.O. Box 1380 - Middleburg, VA 20118
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