CIU ICT Annual Report 2017/18

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ICT Annual Report 2017/18

The Manager’s Message It is with great pride and accomplishment that I present to you the Department’s 2017/2018 Annual Report. It highlights performance and explains the 2018/2019 goals. My team and I are 100% certain that this report will contribute to better decision-making and give a renewed impetus to achieve even more during the coming year. There is a seismic shift occurring in the world of technology and higher education. Data-as-a-Service, the Industrial IOT Ecosystem play, the AI Personal Assistant Race, Cognitive as the New Smart: many bloggers’ list of disruptive tech trends that dominated the past year. They represent even more opportunities, for productivity, cost-efficiency, and greater brand perceptions. The Next Web predicts that 2018/2019 will be dominated by influencer marketing, video and VR/AR/360-Degree videos to appeal to an audience whose attention span is decreasing by the day, blockchain, voice-driven applications, public-cloud adoption, bots, and most importantly Cybersecurity. You remember the WannaCry ransomware, the Equifax breach, Cambridge Analytica? Yes, that’s what’s going to make Cybersecurity a very big deal in the next twelve months. And that’s why you and your acquaintances want to apply now to join any of this year’s four cohorts at the Clarke International University (CIU) Cisco Networking Academy. The CIU Cisco Networking Academy is pulling all stops to ensure the delivery of the highest quality and most comprehensive Cybersecurity courses. It is the definitive starting point for advancing your digital defense abilities. The CIU ICT Department is proud of its 2017/2018 big wins including the 75% negotiated increment in Internet bandwidth at no extra cost to the University, accreditation of CIU as an ICDL testing center (ATC) and, as earlier mentioned, the establishment of a Cisco Networking Academy focusing on Cybersecurity. Then there’s the who-is-who at the Department. Steven who became Africa’s first Certified Joomla III Administrator on March 17, 2018, Erias who was awarded a medal in recognition of the nine (09) years of service to IHSU/CIU effectively becoming the department’s longest serving member of staff. He adds elephantine memory, social charm, and striking vitality to the ICT team. There’s Justus who became one of only three Certified Cybersecurity Instructors in Uganda on February 10, 2018, and you have Sandra whose outstanding performance in digital communications has inspired admiration from academic and administrative staff at the University. All these professional developments contribute to the Department’s strategic repositioning for the realization of the University’s medium to long-term goals. The Department is entirely grateful to you for your energy and support. We all look forward to a very productive 2018/2019. I want to use Dr. Rose Nanyonga Clarke’s words to challenge you, “What does making a difference mean to you?” HARRY Barry

ICT Annual Report 2017/18




ICT Annual Report 2017/18

Admissions for our first cybersecurity classes are on going.


Read the IHSU@10 Magazine online

ICT Annual Report 2017/18


You are the most hardworking team that has contributed to my achievements here at school, there is a lot of passion in your work; thank you so much -Ibrahim Mutyaba, Student


ICT Annual Report 2017/18

Executive Summary The CIU ICT Department set three goals for the 2017/2018 academic year and these were to maintain a robust and secure IT infrastructure that supports teaching and learning; pursue product development & community engagement initiatives; to generate revenue as a cost center. According to this report’s evaluation, the Department achieved 62% success. Most of the objectives that have not been achieved have been transferred to the 2018/2019 academic year. One of the academic year’s biggest achievements is the 75% increment on the University’s Internet bandwidth at no cost which was negotiated in January 2018. The University now has 22mbps; two new access points were installed to strengthen the wireless link. The other big achievement is the successful establishment of a Cisco Networking Academy at CIU. The Academy will primarily run four cybersecurity courses. Prospective students will apply to join any of the four cohorts in a year. Clarke International University was also accredited as an ICDL testing center. This allows CIU to teach computer skills modules following the ICDL curriculum, test and award inte rnationally recognised ICDL certificates. At an individual level, Mr. Erias Seruwagi, Mr. Justus Nuwagaba, Mr. Steven Twinomugisha and Ms. Sandra Naluwugge made huge professional achievements. The University is privileged to have them as members of staff. During the 2017/2018 academic year, the Department produced six (06) reports which have been key to the team’s data-driven approach to decision making. An exciting magazine was also published this year. It highlights the 10-year journey of making a difference by International Health Sciences University (IHSU). The magazine ushers in the new brand of Clarke International University which was launched on March 06, 2018. A new domain,, was acquired and a new website developed to reflect the new CIU brand. Social media accounts too were renamed. User email addresses were changed from * to * Student accounts were renamed to * The Department has set three strategic goals for the 2018/2019 academic year. It intends to generate revenue, maintain a robust and secure it infrastructure that supports teaching and learning, and make actionable progress towards achieving CIU’s mission. There is general confidence that there will be increased productivity during the next academic year.

ICT Annual Report 2017/18



This document is a comprehensive report on the CIU ICT Department’s activities throughout the 2017/2018 academic year. It gives information about the Department’s performance. On March 06, 2018, International Health Sciences University (IHSU) celebrated ten (10) years of making a difference in healthcare and rebranded to Clarke International University (CIU). Throughout the ten years, the ICT Department has carried out its mandate to facilitate the University’s academics and research business processes and to improve decision making by ensuring the smooth functioning of IT infrastructure and operational environments. As the University starts another decade of operation, the Department is challenged and trusted with another important agenda: to strive for excellence; to lead change through innovative action and transformational practices that impact communities and improve lives. This new agenda together with our original mandate continue to inform the Department’s goals and activities. This report gives a detailed description of the two revenue generation initiatives that were implemented this year, namely: establishment of a Cisco Networking


ICT Annual Report 2017/18

Academy and becoming an ICDL Accredited Testing Center (ATC). This document also outlines the internal staff adjustments that have been made in order to strategically reposition the Department to achieve its medium to long-term goals. Three strategic goals set for the 2018/2019 have been detailed in this report. Despite registering a lower performance compared to last year, there has been a noticeable increase in productivity. The team plans to increase the frequency of performance assessment so as to integrate unexpected tasks as soon as they arise. A case in point is the IHSU to CIU rebranding process in which the Department registered outstanding performance. The other example is the support given to the introduction of the School of Business and Applied Technologies. This annual report will continue to inform decisionmaking processes by stakeholders at different forums.

ICT Annual Report 2017/18


Department Reports Documentation has been key to the Department’s operations especially since the team adopted a data-driven approach to decision making. During this 2017/2018 academic year, the CIU ICT Department produced the following reports: The Network Infrastructure Assessment and Upgrade Report

Authored by Justus Nuwagaba and Erias Seruwagi, edited by Harry Barry and Steven Twinomugisha This document reported on the project to upgrade then 10-year old IHSU computer Local Area Network (LAN). It informed the negotiations whose outcome was a 75% increment in the University’s bandwidth at no cost. Further, it informed the decision to procure Access Points that have since made the University wireless link stronger and more reliable.

Wi-Fi Access Points Incident Report Authored by Erias Seruwagi

This report documented causes and solutions to the intermittent internet access that users experienced in March 2018. It will be used if and when any such incident occurs again.

IHSU-CIU-ICT Rebrand Project Report

Authored by Steven Twinomugisha, Erias Seruwagi, Justus Nuwagaba, Nancy Kagoda, Harry Barry On May 09, 2018, the team produced a report on how the ICT Department contributed to the IHSU-CIU rebranding process. A detailed description of this report is in the section titled IHSU-CIU Rebranding: The ICT Department’s Contribution

2017/2018 Printer Toner Report Authored by Justus Nuwagaba

From time to time, the ICT Department contributes to the evaluation process of CIU’s Go Green initiative by producing a report on the consumption of toner/ cartridge by the University’s printers. This year’s report contains usage data from July 2017 to June 2018. According to the statistics, it appears that there has been a general drop in the amount of printing at CIU. More work, however, needs to be done. The report may also inform discussion on whether or not headed paper could be introduced to further reduce coloured printing. 10

ICT Annual Report 2017/18

A Report on the Implementation Status of the Student Information System (Fedena) Authored by Nancy Kagoda and Harry Barry

The Fedena student information system was originally deployed with an aim of harmonizing student records and eliminating long queues of students waiting to receive their academic reports. This year’s [Fedena] report provides a status update on the system’s usage, support and training of the current and prospective students as well as University staff. It outlines some challenges and opportunities and shows that the benefits from the system’s implementation have exceeded initial expectations. This report will continue to provide valuable information to decision makers in their quest to make CIU operations more efficient.

This 2017/2018 annual report

Drafted by Harry Barry, edited by Sandra Naluwugge, design & graphics by Steven Twinomugisha This is the third annual report produced by the Department.

Department Human Resources Professional Achievements

The University’s Web and Content Master, Mr. Steven Twinomugisha became Africa’s first Certified Joomla III Administrator on March 17, 2018

On June 13, 2018, Ms. Sandra Naluwugge was promoted from her internship position and confirmed as the University’s first Digital Communications Assistant (DCA). This followed twelve (12) months of outstanding performance which was recognized and applauded by administrative and academic members of staff at CIU. Her active participation in the production of the CIU@10 magazine, editing Department reports and collaboratively driving the University’s social media agenda, have earned her the professional respect of the whole CIU ICT team. Her journalistic and interviewing skills have inspired admiration from academic and administrative staff.

The University’s Systems Administrator, Mr. Justus Nuwagaba became one of only three Certified Cybersecurity Instructors in Uganda on February 10, 2018.

On April 07, 2018, the Assistant Network Administrator, Mr. Erias Seruwagi was awarded a medal in recognition of the nine (09) years of service to IHSU/CIU effectively becoming the department’s longest serving member of staff.

Ms. Naluwugge has since completed her Bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Communication at Makerere University Kampala, and she is aspiring to do a Master’s degree in a related field too. The CIU ICT team has the deepest respect for her understanding of the principals of public relations and communication in general. She will play a central role in the Department’s medium to long-term contribution to the realization of the University’s mission. CIU is very privileged to have this lady and gentlemen as part of its staff and we congratulate them for their professional accomplishments

ICT Annual Report 2017/18


Department Interns The Department welcomed Mr. Ian Kayonga as an intern on June 14, 2018. Ian is excited about the doors that this internship opportunity would open in his life. He also intends to join the Cisco Networking Academy as a student of Cybersecurity. Ian is expected to participate in department activities as an intern within the months of June, July and August, 2018. His advent bolsters the Department’s strategy of talent identification and development.

Internal Transfers On June 13, 2018, the Department made important transfers in staff positions. • Mr. Erias Seruwagi who has been serving as the Assistant Network Administrator is now the Assistant Systems Administrator. • Mr. Justus Nuwagaba who has been serving as the Systems Administrator is now the Network Administrator. Mr. Nuwagaba and Mr. Seruwagi are excited about the new assignments and the team looks forward to years of continued effectiveness and high productivity.


Ms. Nancy Kagoda Resigns A valued member of the team Ms. Nancy Kagoda left CIU on May 15, 2018 to pursue other assignments. Ms. Kagoda was the CIU IT Support and Training Officer and she is credited with administering the Fedena Student Information System and co-authoring a Report on The Implementation Status of The Student Information System (Fedena) in May, 2018. She dedicated a lot of attention and effort to maintaining the student information system’s data integrity especially at the most vulnerable stage of implementation -the first number of months in 2015. As a direct result of Ms. Kagoda’s work, her successor will inherit a user-base that has fully embraced the use of the system which will in turn make growth and enhancement much easier. The Department is entirely grateful for her work.


ICT Annual Report 2017/18

Library-ICT team breakfast engagement session

Key Takeaways Session Overview The CIU ICT and Library staff participated in a team engagement breakfast aimed at reinforcing the teams’ understanding of, and consolidating commitment to this year’s goals as well as the University’s strategic growth objectives. Eleven members participated in this session which was intended to renew team spirit and dedication towards helping CIU achieve its mission and vision. The session was held on February 02, 2018 9:00 am – 11:30 am at the Landmark View Hotel Conference Hall in Namuwongo, Kampala. It was moderated by Mr. Steven TWINOMUGISHA on behalf of the ICT Manager.

Activities The main activities included informal interaction among all participants, breakfast, exploration of Department strategic goals and/or this year’s planned activities, exploration of ICT/Library joint projects, closing lines from all participants, photo shoot.

• Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is a key requirement for remaining valuable to the team. • The team needs to fast track the development of the Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) on Introduction to Information Literacy and Search Skills. • The KOHA & DSpace servers need to be upgraded • The Library team plans to use social media to engage a wider audience • The Library team is keen to build a strong and vibrant Department now that it has new leadership. • ICTs are at the center of any strategic growth objectives for the Library. This has been bolstered by the ICT team’s successful negotiation of a 75% increment in the University’s bandwidth at the start of 2018. • It is critically important for both departments to pursue approved revenue generation initiatives as a workaround to the budgetary constraints that are being faced. • Further discussion about how to make Ubuntu easier to use will need to be done.

All in all, the team engagement session was hailed as a good start to what could potentially become an annual session. All participants exhibited commitment to helping the University achieve its strategic growth objectives. It is hoped that sessions like these shall be held more often in order to bridge various gaps related to collegiality.

ICT Annual Report 2017/18


IHSU@10 Magazine: A Product of the Department

The entire ICT team at CIU spent a better part of a year working to produce the 2018 issue of the Department Magazine. The theme was IHSU@10, a dedication to the University in recognition of 10 years of IHSU’s journey of making a difference in healthcare. The magazine featured exciting yet humbling stories from senior parties whose extraordinary determination has shaped the IHSU/CIU that we know today. The magazine can be accessed by loading the following URL in your browser:


ICT Annual Report 2017/18

2018/2019 Strategic Goals


Generate Revenue

Robust and Secure IT Infrastructure

Actionable Progress Towards Achieving CIU’s Mission

ICT Annual Report 2017/18


2018/2019 Strategic Goals


These are extremely spectacular achievements. Let’s continue to learn globally, act locally, and think outside the box. - Jonathan Izudi, Alumnus, Adjunct Faculty.


ICT Annual Report 2017/18

Thrilled that CIU will reach new student and training participant market with the addition of the Cisco Networking Academy (Cybersecurity). -Dr. Rose Nanyonga Clarke, VC

You are the most hardworking team that has contributed to my achievements here at school, there is a lot of passion in your work; thank you so much -Ibrahim Mutyaba, Student

Conclusion The ICT Department accomplished 62% of the work it set out to do in the 2017/2018 academic year. One of the main reasons for a lower performance compared to 69% in 2016/2017 is that the team did not adjust its goals to integrate projects that had not been planned for; for example, the rebranding process. Going forward, quarterly reviews will be made to ensure the Department is on track to achieve its goals. Among the big wins was the establishment of the Cisco Networking Academy (Cybersecurity), the University’s accreditation as an ICDL testing center, a 75% negotiated increment in Internet and notable individual accomplishments. The Department produced six (06) reports this academic year and these have contributed to better decisionmaking at CIU. Additionally, the IHSU@10 Magazine was published as one of the products of the Department. As part of the IHSU to CIU rebranding process, the Department acquired the domain, developed a brandnew website, renamed email addresses and social media accounts, collaboratively designed a new logo and other marketing material. The Department intends to pursue three goals next year: revenue generation, maintenance of a robust and secure IT infrastructure at CIU and make actionable progress towards achieving the University’s mission.

ICT Annual Report 2017/18



ICT Annual Report 2017/18

ICT Annual Report 2017/18


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