The Scarlet - 04/24/2014

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clark bars concert review • sports recaps • hip hop collabo • and more

volume xciii, no. 21 • april 24, 2014 | |

A choreographic success Hip Hop Collabo impresses in spring performanace

LGBT Asylum Task Force speaks at Clark Volunteers speak about asylum seekers and LGBTQ+ discrimination

By Maria Rotelli scarlet staff

Hip Hop Collabo put on a booty-shakin’ celebration in Atwood Hall this past weekend. This choreographer’s showcase displayed numbers that were directed by students in the club. The show began with everyone in the club performing a whole number as one unit, getting the audience pumped for what was coming next. Right from the beginning this audience knew that this was going to be an exciting show. The opening section of the dance was choreographed by co-directors Ashley Holt and Yasmin Fuseini Codjoe. The number was broken into sections, each song choreographed by different members of the club: including “Original Don” choreographed by Ashley Neree, Shayna Inez, Tiang Paul, George Lavin, Sweta Shrestha, “Sex Dreams” choreographed by Heather Parlee, and “So mi like it” Choreographed by Ashley Cooper and Jon Erik Brodhurst


By Jonah Naghi scarlet staff

photo by celine manneville

A very notable number that got the Broadway fans in the audience pumped was Tyler Rosati’s “Hip Hop Goes to Broadway” which included songs from In the Heights, Annie, Cabaret, and ended with a slinky rendition of “Big Spender” from Sweet Charity. It was an interesting fusion of classic and contemporary Broadway show tunes with hip-hop dance moves that you may not see on a Broadway stage.

Tiang Maphosa’s “Phresh off the Runway” featured songs such as Katy’s Perry’s “Dark Horse” Icona Pop’s “I Don’t Care” and the iconic Madonna anthem, “Vogue.” Everyone stepped it out in high heels, even the two male dancers. They tore up the stage with precision and balance, and it was on point and very impressive. continued on page 11

To celebrate the Month of Awareness, or “Gaypril,” OPEN brought the LGBT Asylum Support Task Force of Worcester to campus on Monday, April 22 for their “LGBT Rights Worldwide” event. The event focused on homosexual asylum seekers’ rights in the United States. The task force brought three speakers, who presented a PowerPoint detailing the discrimination against homosexuals, bisexuals, and transgenders around the world, as well the frequency with which they seek asylum in other countries. The presenters first explained the distinction between an asylum seeker and a refugee. When refugees come to the U.S., they apply and go through the United Nations Human

Rights Council so that they can get rights to work, as well as other benefits and supports such as housing, welfare, and even a Social Security number in some cases. Asylum seekers, however, have no access to any of these benefits in the U.S., even though they do in every other country that accepts asylum seekers. LGBTQ+ asylum seekers in the U.S. suffer economically, legally, socially, and psychologically. They do not receive any legal aid, and voluntary attorneys are “overstretched.” Once in the U.S., asylum seekers still experience a lot of discrimination and often struggle to cope with past traumatic experiences. The presentation also touched on anti-gay laws. In addition to the laws recently passed in Russia and Ugancontinued on page 3

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The Scarlet

The Scarlet

april 24, 2014



EDITORS Editor-in-Chief: Sarah Cramer News Editor: Claire Tierney Layout Editor: Rose Gallogly Web Editor: Pooja Patel Opinions Editor: Keitaro Okura Living Arts Editor: Matt Emmer Sports Editor: Ethan Giles Photo Editor & Social Media Manager: Anna Spack Managing Editor: Jenna Lewis

[ Thursday, April 24 ] Concert Band Spring Concert: Tilton @ 7:30 p.m. Choices presents “Self Advocating at the Doctor’s Office”: Jefferson 222 from 8:45–9:45 p.m. SPOC Game Night: Lurie from 8 p.m.–12 a.m. The Theater Arts Program presents …..Like Sisters: Michelson Theater, Little Center from 7:30–9:30 p.m.

[ Friday, April 25 ] Relay for Life: The Kneller @ 6 p.m. CASA Weekend: Mzimba Shaker Dance: The Grind from 10:30 p.m.–2 a.m.

SCARLET STAFF Hannah Rosenblum Jonah Naghi Maria Rotelli Ronald Gerber Scott Levine Senegal Carty Savannah Cohen Celine Manneville Tyler Terriault

LAYOUT STAFF Cami Ferreol Hannah Jaffe

Dance Society presents “A Celebration of Movement”: Atwood Hall @ 7 p.m. Feminist United presents “I Need Feminism Because”: Red Square from 12:30–3:30 p.m. The Theater Arts Program presents …..Like Sisters: Michelson Theater, Little Center from 7:30–9:30 p.m.

[ Saturday, April 26 ] SPOC presents “The Ultimate Fighter Tourney”: Grace from 7 p.m.–12 a.m. STIR Magazine Release Party: The Grind from 7–9 p.m. The Theater Arts Program presents …..Like Sisters: Michelson Theater, Little Center from 7:30–9:30 p.m.

PHOTO STAFF Jonathan Edelman Celine Manneville

[ Sunday, April 27 ] The Theater Arts Program presents …..Like Sisters: Michelson Theater, Little Center @ 3 p.m. Jim Allard Memorial Jazz Concert: In front of Atwood Hall from 3 - 5 p.m.

CORRECTION: In the April 17 issue of The Scarlet, it mistakenly says that the opinions article “Satire and racism in the media” was written by Savannah Cooley. The article was actually written by Savannah Cohen.

Counterpoints Benefit Concert: Tilton from 5 - 7 p.m.

[ Monday, April 28 ] Last day of classes!

The Scarlet

april 24, 2014

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The Scarlet/News LGBT Asylum Task Force cont.

Myths with

Manneville photo by anna spack

continued from page 1

da, more than 70 other countries have laws that specifically prohibit “homosexual acts.” In fact, homosexual acts are punishable by death in seven countries. While most laws reference male homosexual acts, lesbians still suffer behind the scenes. To illustrate the gravity of the situation in these countries, the speakers presented two case studies of LGBTQ+ rights in Jamaica and Uganda. There are no laws protecting homosexuals from discrimination in Jamaica. If a man is caught in a sexual act with another man, he is guilty of a misdemeanor and could be imprisoned for up to two years. Police themselves often join public attacks of homosexuals rather than trying to stop them. Homosexuals in Jamaica have not only been tortured, but also burned, raped, and shot because of their sexuality. Anti-homosexual laws in Uganda have existed since the early 20th century. Anti-sodomy laws were

introduced by British colonials officers in Uganda in the 1900s, and much of the Christian and Muslim populations in Uganda today have preserved these anti-homosexual attitudes. Religion also plays a huge role in Jamaicans’ views towards people who identify as LGBTQ+. Polls conducted in the country have revealed that 82.2 percent of Jamaicans consider male homosexuality to be immoral, 75.2 percent consider female homosexuality to be immoral, and 75.3 percent believe bisexual relationships to be immoral. To conclude their presentation, the task force encouraged students to help asylum seekers in any way they could. They urged the audience to “take action” to support LGBTQ+ asylum seekers by donating their time, energy, and money to push for immigration reforms to be passed. Terry Lawrence, one of the presenters from the task force who is also an asylum seeker from Jamaica, said, “We’re human beings, we have the right to be here and live the life that we choose to live.”

By Celine Manneville scarlet staff

Welcome to the eighth edition of Myths with Manneville, the weekly column in which we discover the accuracy of the infinite myths surrounding Clark University. The Claim: On the “Historical Timeline” page of Clark’s website, the 1960 decade features there is a small section entitled “Fun Facts.” According to the fun facts, in 1968 the “Clark basketball team changes it name from the Clark Scarlets to the Clark Cougars.” Is this true? Was the Scarlet really Clark’s mascot? Why was the name changed? Reality: When I walked into the Archives, I was immediately directed to the Pasticcios from the late 60s. There was nothing regarding the change of mascot, so I was directed to The Scarlets (The newspaper, not the mascot) from the 1966-67 school year and the 1967-68 school year. In the September 15, 1967, issue, the sports section refers to the Clark sports teams as the Cougars, using this mascot for the first time. In the same issue there were some inaccuracies, calling them the Scarlets a few

times. In the last issue of the 1966-67 school year, dated May 11, 1967, the Clark teams were still referred to as the Scarlets. There was no issue in-between these two, the mascot was the Scarlets in one and the Cougars in the next, with no implications or clues as to why the mascot was changed. From here, I went backwards, trying to find a reason for the name change. In the November 10, 1966 issue, I came across a column in the sports section entitled “From The End Of The Bench,” written by R. Smith and R. Lipsky. The last paragraph of the column, entitled “Clark Searches for Nickname,” seemed to provide some answers. “For those of you who are tired of the mundane name Scarlets” the article says, “the Sports department of the Scarlet (you can already notice the redundant pattern developing) is sponsoring a contest to find a new, more vibrant nickname for Clark’s athletic squads. Scarlet, an embarrassing shade of red, is hardly an inspiring rallying point for a recalcitrant student body.” They continue to say that there was a “nickname suggestion coupon” where students could suggest a nickname and return it to the Scarlet Newspaper. Besides this paragraph, I could not find the reason

behind the mascot change mentioned anywhere else in The Scarlet. In an email sent from Walter Halas, Athletic Director and Basketball Coach from 1974-1987, to Joseph Brady, Head Women’s Soccer Coach, dated February 11, 2005, I found some more about the mascot change. Halas, who was a freshman in 1969, two years after the mascot change, was a member of the men’s basketball team. Halas traces the motivation for the change back to the 1967 NCAA Basketball finals, where the Houston Cougars went to the final four. Halas states, “Clark Coach Bob Stairs went to the Final Four and was overwhelmed by the Houston Cougars red and white that overflowed at the Final Four.” Houston’s mascot and color scheme “were everywhere during that event.” Returning to Clark, Coach Stairs wanted to duplicate the effect that Houston had at the NCAA championship. In order to do so, his first goal was to change the mascot to a Cougar. “He thought the alliteration (Clark Cougars) and the similarity of school color scheme would help put a continued on page 4

The Scarlet

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april 24, 2014

CUSC in brief By Hannah Rosenblum scarlet staff

The 2014 Thomas Wisniewski Prize for Crteaavity and Research $1,000 cash award to pursue original ideas and scholarship Open to all student with cumulaave GPAs of 3.30 or beeer, who will graduate either in December 2014 or May 2015. Your project may begin as early as this summer, but may also connnue through the academic year. Applicaaons should include a brief statement of how your academic background and qualificaaons have prepared you for this project. The winner of the Wisniewski Prize will present the outcome of the project either at Fall Fest or Academic Spree Day.

TO APPLY, PLEASE SUBMIT: A three-to-five page statement outlining your descrippon of a research or creaave project you wich to propose for implementaaon in your senior year. A brief statement of how your academic background and qualificaaons have prepared you for this project.

The final meeting of the Clark Undergraduate Student Council was lengthy and featured a few intense moments. The Worcester Roots Project came to Council asking for money from the cumulative surplus fund to support a program for inner-city youth to visit Clark. Council took a five minute recess to discuss the issue. The E-Board voted during the recess not to approve the use of the cumulative surplus with the reason that they wanted to set a good precedent for future groups. Seble Alemu and Melat Seyoum, both representing the Worcester Roots Project, expressed their disappointment. Radhika Sharma resigned as chair of the Finance Committee and Dale Watt was appointed to replace her. Kaitlin McKenzie resigned as chair of the Communications Committee and McKenna Hunter was appointed to replace her. Melat Seyoum was appointed to Grants Committee. Secretary Mimi Erlick announced that the Council office will be getting a new printer, whiteboard, pens, and binders, and possibly also new tables and couches within the next year. Council then did a goals update; many goals were unchanged or only slightly shifted. Lauren Meininger’s goal changed: she is now trying to get fewer copies of USA Today and more of The New York Times provided outside the cafeteria. Spectator Jonathan Edelman stated that he would appreciate if the Sunday New York Times was provided. The meeting concluded with Council members thanking departing members for their service and with encouraging words from the faculty advisors.

An unofficial copy of your transcipt.

ELECTRONIC SUBMISSIONS ARE STRONGLY ENCOURAGED—DEADLINE FRIDAY, MAY 2, 2014 Wisniewski Prize Commiiee, c/o Annalies Codelia, Office of the Senior Associate Dean, Geography Blg, Rm 208

Myth cont.

PHONE: 508.793.7468

continued from page 3

This prize is made possible through a generous gii from Thomas Wisniewski ‘87.

fresh marketing face on the athletic program.” William Koelsch, in his book Clark University, A Narrative History, briefly mentions the mascot change, saying the “Clark Cougars” was a “more ferocious- sounding” name than the “Clark Scarlets.” He goes on to say that the mascot change “seemingly produced a more favorable win/ loss record.” It is difficult to say why this happened, but I speculate that by changing the mascot it put a fresh

face on the athletic program, which may have increased team spirit. From my research, it seems that the Clark community did not like the Scarlet mascot. The repetition of the Scarlet as the mascot and as the newspaper was not ideal, and the general feeling was that Clark was ready for a change. Changing the mascot from the Scarlets to the Cougars, sounded fiercer and may have also affected the athletic department more than was expected. It is difficult to say that any one factor caused the mascot change, but it seems like a combination of repitition, along with the goal of putting a fresh face on the athletic department were the driving forces behind the Clark Cougars.

april 24, 2014

The Scarlet

news | 5

CLARKIE of the WEEK ally an athletic thing. I think it’s more about empowering and promoting social interaction between these kids with special needs. It’s more about mentoring or empowering rather than the actual sport. It’s about making them come out of their comfort zone.

photo by jonathan edelman

Cristina Negrón-Busquets Cristina is a senior from San Juan, Puerto Rico majoring in Biology. She holds leadership roles in two major special needs-related groups on campus and is also very passionate about women’s health.

Scarlet: What activities are you involved in on campus? Cristina: I mostly do Best Buddies and Unified Sports. They are both groups that work with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Best Buddies deals with teens and young adults, and we create friendships with them. Our host site program is at Shrewsbury High School. And Unified Sports is with kids as little as [age] five up to 13. It’s a branch of Special Olympics and we do sports with them in the fall and spring. Scarlet: What is your role in each of the clubs? Cristina: I’m the president of Best Buddies and I’m the treasurer of Unified Sports, but I used to be the vice president. Scarlet: How did you get involved in special needs work? Cristina: My friend, Adrienne Cummings, is the president of Unified Sports. Sophomore year she was at the Student Activities Fair for Best Buddies, so I joined. I got really involved, and that same year she told me she was forming Unified Sports with a girl from her education class. I joined immediately [and] really liked it. Scarlet: What sports do you play at Unified Sports? Cristina: We do soccer in the fall and basketball in the spring, but it’s not re-

Scarlet: What does Best Buddies do? Cristina: We see our individual buddies once a month and we [also] have an event once a month. Normally the [events are] either on the Green, in the Grind, or at Applebee’s if it’s an outing. We do themes, like the most recent one was Earth Day, which we [had] last week. We potted plants and that sort of thing. We just have food with them and hang out. We talk to them too. We text them or email them, depending on their verbal skills­—some we just communicate with their parents but some call us on the phone. So it depends on each buddy and each situation. We basically create a social outlet, because some of them after high school go to Seven Hills to work but for others that’s just about it. Scarlet: What is Seven Hills? Cristina: Seven Hills is a program [in Worcester], I think a professor at Clark is actually the person who founded it. It’s a healthcare program but a lot of people with disabilities also work there. It’s a huge organization; they have a global outreach thing and a lot of [other] different things. They either participate in teams or do fieldwork through them. We used to have them as our host site program, [but] we changed last year to Shrewsbury High School because we wanted to create more of an impact. The people at Seven Hills that we had were very highfunctioning— they worked, they had boyfriends and girlfriends, they went out—they had mild disabilities. Also,

they were way older than us. They were like 30. Scarlet: What kinds of activities do you do one-on-one with your buddy? Cristina: This year I don’t have a buddy because we didn’t have that many buddies so I wanted everyone to have one, especially people that were graduating. But when I had a buddy last year – he moved to Ohio so that’s why I didn’t continue with him –one time I took him to Atwood to the hurricane relief [event] we had, other times we would go to Yoway, the movies, just about anything. We also try to promote age-appropriate things, because sometimes people assume that because they have disabilities we should baby them. So we try to bring them to a college campus and [do] college-age appropriate things, not just like see a kids’ movie, because they’re capable. I think that’s one of our main goals. And then with my other buddy who was from Seven Hills would come and we would play basketball. I suck at basketball and she was great at it, she competed, and she loved it so we would either go to the gym and play basketball or we would go to the Bistro, or the movies, or Blackstone. Scarlet: And she was older? Cristina: Yeah. She was 26. Scarlet: Do you have any other hobbies or interests? Cristina: I like cooking a lot. Scarlet: What do you like to cook? Cristina: A lot of food from home. Rice and beans mostly, to remember home. Plantains and stuff like that. Scarlet: Do you have any fun facts about yourself? Cristina: I hate the winter, I don’t know if that’s fun, that’s actually sad, but I hate it.

by Anna Spack

Scarlet: Because you’re from Puerto Rico? Cristina: Yes. I hate the cold. I hate it. I’m so happy it’s warming up finally. I don’t know what else, I feel like everything is boring. Like I’m studying to take my MCAT exam this summer, but that’s not fun! I’m trying to go to med school. Scarlet: So that’s what you want to do? Cristina: Well I’m going to take a gap year and probably working two jobs; I’m going to try to be a PCA (Personal Care Assistant) for kids with special needs and then work at a pathology lab. I’m going back home. Then I’m applying to med school. Scarlet: What kind of medicine do you want to practice? Cristina: I think I want to be an OB/ GYN. I want to do Doctors Without Borders kind of stuff. Yeah I love home, but I want to help others, and I don’t care about the money part of it, so I want to just leave and help. I know maternal health is really bad in most countries. Even 10 or 20 years ago, as my mom says, Puerto Rico was horrible. People would die. It’s not [like that now], but my mom says that when her mom gave birth people would lose a lot of kids [in childbirth] even when the women were young. Or vice versa, the moms would die. For me that’s like a past thing. But there are so many countries where it’s still true, so I want to help with that a lot. That’s my main goal. Scarlet: What is your favorite spot on campus? Cristina: The Green, but only when it’s warm out. I would say when it’s winter I like the library a lot. Especially because in the winter they have good heat. Thanks for the interview, Cristina!

The Scarlet

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French fry truck burns to a crisp Caught fire in Walmart parking lot (ABC) - A tractor-trailer traveling from Canada to New Jersey with 40,000 pounds of french fries in tow burst into flames in a parking lot in Waterville, Maine this past Tuesday. The driver decided to pull over after he smelled smoke—surprisingly it was not the enticing smell of fresh french fries. Overheated brakes are the suspected cause of the blaze, which resulting in no injuries.

By Sarah Cramer editor-in-chief

april 24, 2014

British mall adds “fast lane” Response to complaint from 10-year-old (Today) - As part of a school assignment, 10-yearold Chloe Nash-Lowe of Sheffield, England wrote a formal letter to her local mall complaining about the slow walkers there. The sassy Nash-Lowe wrote, “I am incredibly disappointed by people walking around your shopping centre—it annoys me so bad I want to scream.” In response to Nash-Lowe’s complaint, the Meadowhall Shopping Centre has implemented a trial “fast lane” and “slow lane.” They hope that this will allow shoppers and walkers of all speeds to satisfactorily navigate the premises.

Pet duck attacks unsuspecting neighbor

Missing three-year-old found in toy claw machine

Suspect in murder trial tries to cover up “murder” tattoo

Victim suing for $275,000 two years later

Safe in bowling alley amongst toys

Court lets him wear turtleneck

(Huffington Post) - When a woman found her son in a toy claw machine in a Nebraska bowling alley last week, it was likely one of the few times a mother has felt relief to see her child trapped in a machine. After her son went missing from her apartment while she was in the bathroom, local patrons saw him sitting inside the machine at the bowling alley. Though it is unclear exactly how he got in there in the first place, police speculate that he could have climbed through the prize chute. The boy was uninjured, “playing happily” amongst the toys.

(NBC) - Kansas resident and murder trial suspect Jeffrey Chapman apparently had second thoughts about his neck tattoo­—the word “murder” spelled backward—in light of his upcoming trial for first-degree murder of Damon Galyardt. Chapman requested that his tattoo be inked over in jail, but county officials denied his request. Instead, Chapman will be allowed to wear a turtleneck in court to cover his neck tattoo, so as not to influence the jury members.

(Reuters) - A peaceful visit to her mother’s house in Estacada, Oregon turned violent when a neighbor’s pet duck ran after 62-year-old Cynthia Ruddell. In an attempt to escape the “agitated waterfowl” that pursued her, Ruddell fell and broke her right wrist and sprained her elbow and shoulder. The owner of said waterfowl had the duck put down after the incident.

The Scarlet

april 24, 2014

opinions | 7

The Scarlet/Opinions The opinions enumerated in this section represent those of the author and the author alone. They do not reflect the opinions of the editorial board, The Scarlet, or Clark University.

How a game becomes a lifestyle A new look at soccer By Hannah Silverfine

By Claire Tierney

contributing writer

news editor

I have been part of the club soccer team for the past two years. I grew up playing soccer in a small suburban town, where sports were not an ingrained cultural norm. When I arrived at college, I knew that I wanted to keep playing soccer; the love for the game will always run through my blood. But I also knew that I didn’t want to become a professional player and have it consume my life. So rather than try out for varsity, I joined club soccer. When I first expressed my interest in club soccer, the season hadn’t

photo by hannah silverfine

quite begun. Instead, most of the players gathered for pick-up games. One day I went down to join in, and found myself amidst the most diverse group of people I had ever seen. Al-

though they were mostly men, many of them were from different countries. I stood nervously by the side uncontinued on page 8

Now we’re here, so let’s start from the bottom If J-Street and SJP can’t cooperate, how can we expect Israel and Palestine to come to a resolution? By Ethan Giles sports editor

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author. He has talked to various members of both J-Street and SJP. Comments about both organizations are directed to the national level; the author does not intended to criticize any individual Clarkie or the Clark J-Street and SJP groups.

When an Israeli soldier shot 11-year-old Yousef Bashir in the back in 2004, he was immediately rushed to a hospital in Tel Aviv for treatment He eventually made a full recovery. His experience in Tel Aviv taught him that not all Jews were like the soldiers he had seen on a daily basis. After overcoming the nearly lethal event, Bashir has dedicated himself to

making a difference in the seemingly everlasting conflict between Israel and Palestine. Bashir came to Clark to speak at a J-Street sponsored event last Thursday. Bashir and J-Street had hoped the Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) would co-sponsor the event. After some

When I wrote my first Scarlet Letter, I was a nervous sophomore preparing to take the reigns of The Scarlet. As I sit here writing my final Scarlet Letter, I realize just how far we have come. Two years ago Jeremy and I were both finishing our first year on The Scarlet. We had never done anything more than write articles; suddenly we were given the responsibility of creating and managing this weekly newspaper. Moreover, everyone on The Scarlet Staff had either graduated, transferred, or was otherwise unable to stay on. I spent the whole summer overwhelmed, wondering how I would be able to maintain this institution that had been handed down to us. It was a shaky start, but everything worked out (as evidenced by The Scarlet you are reading today). It worked out because a number of incredible people brought us their talents, and together we made a newspaper. For months I worried that they would come to their senses and stop devoting 10+ hours every week to researching, writing, editing, photographing, advertising, and laying out the paper. But as time passed, I realized these people are just as dedicated to our club as I am. They are here for the same reason—they love The Scarlet. Each week we catch each other up on the minutiae of our lives. We debate each other, we support each other, and we laugh at each other. So I want to take this space to thank the people that have been there since the beginning. Without them, The Scarlet would not exist today. Scramer: Your enthusiasm is refreshing and so contagious, and it reflects in the honest and engaging articles you write. The Scarlet has grown immensely under your leadership with the momentum you’ve created. You inspire me to be more positive and energetic! continued on page 8

continued on page 9

The Scarlet

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april 24, 2014

The Scarlet Letter cont. continued from page 7

Anna: Since Day One you have been there for us. Writer, photographer, researcher, advertising manager, and expert copy-editor—you are always catching the falling pieces. You are truly irreplaceable and will be sorely missed next year. In addition to catching errors at 4 a.m., you always know the latest buzz on campus and help keep everyone in line. You are dependable, funny, and really cool. Rose: As Anna has previously told our readers, you are instrumental in creating The Scarlet each week. Your sensitivity to others is inspiring, as is your desire to make others feel accepted and welcome. As you work tirelessly on the layout each week, you never cease to crack me up with your well-placed commentary. You are brilliant, thoughtful, and really stylish. Maria: As one of our first writers and as the supreme Plogmaster, you have consistently delivered one of the most-read parts of the newspaper for two years. Your wit and charm are evident to all readers of the police logs as you

attempt to make sense of all of this nonsense. Keitaro: Your dry wit and immense knowledge of our political and legal systems are indispensable. Your high standards and willingness to stand up for what you think is right are instrumental in producing the high quality work The Scarlet strives for each week. Pooja: From week one you have been writing, researching, and managing our website. Under your guidance we have increased our web presence exponentially, and I look forward to seeing what you will do for The Scarlet in the years to come. Memmer: Never has a Wednesday night gone by where you have failed to make the entire Scarlet laugh, and never has a Wednesday night gone by where you have failed to make the entire Scarlet gasp. Your expertise in matters of music and performance art has brought a special flavor to the paper. Jeremy: You stepped up and became the Burt to my Ernie. We balanced each other out. We were alternately hotheaded and cool-headed when it mattered most. You could catch the small details my ‘big picture’ brain would otherwise

Club soccer cont. continued from page 7

til one of them waved me over. “You play futbol?” he asked. “Yes!” I replied gratefully. We introduced ourselves. He pointed me to a side of the field, and then returned to the game. Without further introductions, I began what was the first of many new interactions with a game I had thought I knew by heart. These individuals from across the world came together to simply play soccer. It wasn’t because they were trying to beat another team; or because they wanted to make a special league or tournament; or because they were trying to receive recognition, but played because they loved the sweat, the physical exertion, the intense concentration, the success and defeat of a great play or a missed goal. They played because of the community and the routine. The fights that occurred during a play never left the field. They played because it was a uniting force

that they could all relate to. I had never experienced such an approach to the game. At first it was frustrating. People wouldn’t show up on time, and no one was interested in doing drills; all they wanted to do was scrimmage. Many of the guys didn’t speak the best English, and they would almost always get in fights while playing. Yet, as time passed, I realized that my opinion of soccer was shifting. I learned that there is more to a game than the potential outcome that can be written down on paper. I learned that anger comes from disappointment, but that it can be resolved with acceptance and recognition. I learned that it is important to be humble and not just show off your skills. I learned that across the world, people are just reaching for ways to engage, and an open field can make a foreign place seem a lot more like home.

miss. You sat next to me in all of those weird and often confusing meetings. It was always when I first saw you in August that I knew I was back at Clark, and it is always when I say goodbye to you in May that I know the year is over. Your friendship means so much to me because you were there before anyone else, back when it was just Jeremy and Claire. To Jenna, Scott, Senegal, Savannah, Giles, Hannah R, Hannah J, Tyler, Celine, Jonah, and Jonathan: I mean it when I say you are all the best at what you do. The Scarlet is better than I have ever seen it, and it is precisely because of your hard work and dedication. Every one of you that I see each week is truly one of the most intelligent, thoughtful, and hard-working people I have ever had the pleasure to work with. Each and every one of you bring a huge smile to my face. I really love you guys, and I will miss you all. If you guys find yourselves in the same place I was two years ago, scared for the future, just have faith in The Scarlet. It will persist precisely because brilliant people like yourselves will step up, and they will fall in love with The Scarlet just like you did.

To Claire, from Jeremy By Jeremy Levine foreign correspondent

As I understand it (and usually tell it), the story goes like this: before the start of the Fall 2012 semester, a lot of people graduated, transferred. or just left the staff of The Scarlet. Then, with nothing but the clothes on our backs, a teeny-tiny office, a lot of red pens, and some eager first-years, Claire and I revitalized The Scarlet and helped build what we have today. I don’t remember most of the details. A lot of it was a frenzy of confusion and improvisation, but I know that it was mostly Claire. She knew that we needed a bunch of new and eager writers and editors so that the newspaper, the physical product of The Scarlet, would stay alive. I knew that too. She figured out that we didn’t need a team for the sake of having a bunch of writers, but that we needed a team so The Scarlet’s tradition of com-

munity would survive. It is a standard procedure in our office to get into a disagreement about campus politics or global issues, and then drop that conversation the moment someone walks in with a pizza. We like to challenge each other, and we are able to do so because we are a community. In short, we make each other comfortable enough to do our best and work our hardest; for the past two years, Claire has been the heartbeat of that tradition. From then on, I think, most people joined The Scarlet because Claire made it obvious that to be part of this group is to be loved. She’s the center of the organization, always speedwalking into the meeting, hat askew, massive water bottle in hand, ready to explain some ludicrous injustice, incident, or run-in with a critter. We look forward to her stories and her jokes and the new additions to her everexpanding list of nemeses. Clark students owe Claire more than they know. Being an editor is

way, way more than drawing red lines on papers, fact-checking, and rearranging paragraphs. It’s even more than finding stories and responding to people’s rude emails. It’s about helping writers grow and keeping them comfortable through that growth. It’s a really hard thing to do and some of us are better at it than others. Claire is so, so good at it. It is difficult to keep a group like this one together. I legitimately do not know if The Scarlet would have survived the past two years without Claire. It might have limped along, picking up a story here and there, but it would not have been stable, and it would not have flourished like it currently does. The paper is going to continue to grow, I’m sure of that, but it is going to do so without Claire. We’ll plug the logistical holes with a few more people with red pens. That won’t be a problem. But finding someone to hold the group together with their bare hands will be another matter entirely.

The Scarlet

Dear Sigmund, I’m starting to get a little overwhelmed with finals coming up. There are so many tests to study for and papers to write that I don’t know how to schedule everything. In previous semesters I did not have a hard time fitting everything in, so I don’t know what’s going on this semester. Do you have some tips to make this easier for me? Stuck in Studying Dear Stuck, The first thing I will suggest is plan and prioritize. This means you need to take some time to sit down and write out everything you need to accomplish, then write out which assignments/papers need to be done first and/or are most important. This list may be based on what assignments are due first, or it may be based on what you think may take the longest to complete. It is up to you to decide what you want the basis to be. Once you have figured this out you can make your list. Being able to prioritize will allow you to focus your attention on those assignments that need more time than others. Now this is not saying you get to ignore some assignments and not put any energy into those that are lower on the priority list. The next step is to make a schedule. My suggestion is to create a table that contains columns across the top for each day of the week, and rows down the side for each hour of the day. From here, block off all your responsibilities that you have during the week (e.g. the hours you have work-study or a job, your last classes of the semester, the times you have finals, and even

the hours you plan on eating meals). Once you have the basics blocked out, you are able to see the free time you have to study and finish assignments. Go through your priority list and start plugging in those assignments into the open time slots. In order to stick to this schedule, try giving yourself rewards for completing assignments and finishing your studying. These rewards will help you stay on track and stay motivated for that final semester push. The trick with rewarding yourself is to make your rewards consistent with the work you have accomplished. In other words, don’t treat yourself to an elaborate reward for a half hour of studying. Try giving yourself 20 free minutes to surf social media after you’ve completed a 5 page paper. Or maybe reward yourself with your favorite movie and dinner after a long day of studying. Since everyone’s rewards will be different, it is up to you to find the ones that will motivate you the most. Lastly, find ways to help you cope with the stress you’re feeling. These are known as coping strategies, and they are ways you can re-energize yourself by relaxing your mind and body. Some people find meditation and yoga to be very helpful, while other need something a little more active like exercising or spending time with friends. There are so many ways to relax and rejuvenate yourself, but if you need help coming up with options here are some ideas: take a walk, listen to music, watch a favorite TV show, look at online blogs, call a parent or friend, go to the gym, do a crossword puzzle, draw or paint, read a fun book or magazine, take a hot shower, clean your room, laugh with friends. Please realize that these are only suggestions and they may not work for everyone, but they could be a great jumping off spot for you. But make sure not to take up all day doing these things! Take these steps and make them your own. If they feel genuine to you, there is a better chance they will help you get through the end of the semester. Best of luck. Sigmund

If you have a question for Sigmund, email, and keep checking to see if your question appears in a future column. Please remember that the advice given here is not meant to act as, or replace, therapy or emergency care.

J-Street and SJP cont. continued from page 7

correspondence among all three parties, SJP, at the direction of its national charter, declined to co-sponsor the event. “His views aren’t much in line with our views,” said Ben Berman (‘16). “Bashir does not explicitly support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanction (BDS) movement, which the national SJP organization considers a must for all sponsored speakers.” Berman went onto explain that although SJP acknowledges the two sides of the conflict, they do not believe the sides are equally matched. After doing some research, it was their understanding that Bashir would not be totally in line with this idea. Alex Rothfelder (‘16) opined that,

“Even though Yousef is a Palestinian and has obviously experienced occupation and a lot of repression, we have to do what the majority of what we feel like is called upon by the Palestinian Civil society.” In some ways, I believe that this unfortunate situation represents a microcosm of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The difficulty of acknowledging and synthesizing divergent perspectives affects individuals and nations alike. To be sure, this clash of different views is not exclusive to Clark. Other colleges and universities are dealing with very similar issues. Brandeis University has recently been criticized for cancelling an honorary doctorate and commencement speech for Ayaan Hirsi after

Muslim students complained that they found her views offensive. Hirsi, who was raised Muslim, is an active feminist and often speaks out against aspects of Islamic culture. Both Cornell and Northeastern have also had incidents in the past month with Palestinian and Israeli groups on campus. I believe that, in the future, both national groups should be open to sponsoring speakers who deviate from the organizations’ core messages. Every individual human is unique; both groups cannot expect all of their speakers to perfectly agree with each of their ideals. Widening the scope of perspectives at these events will not only attract more people, but may also attract more people to the clubs themselves.

opinions | 9


Nothing describes this hilariously funny, hip, cool & cuttingedge show! “Blue Man Group meets a modern-day Smothers Brothers!”

MiNd ReadeR

eRic diTTeLmAN He astounded audiences on America’s Got Talent and The Ellen DeGeneres Show. He’ll amaze you too!

When: Saturday, April 26, 2014 Time: 8 pm Where: Worcester State University Sullivan Academic Building Auditorium 486 Chandler Street, Worcester Presented by:

april 24, 2014


Tickets: $15 adults ($12 with college ID) $7.50 children 12 and under Purchase online at or at door

10 | living arts

The Scarlet

april 24, 2014

The Scarlet/Living Arts Singing in the Green Light The Clark Bars shine in spring performance by Tyler Terriault

Last haiku of the year? Oh, no! I hope I don’t let them go to waste I had a lot of stuff, but now all I think of is writing secrets *Don’t tell them you pick your nose, don’t tell them you pick your nose, DON’T TELL THEM*

photo by senegal carty

By Senegal Carty scarlet staff

Calling back the glamour of the roaring 20s as described in F. Scott Fitzgerald’ magnum opus, The Great Gatsby, the Clark Bars drew a sizable crowd from both in and out of Clark with their concert last Fri-

day. The show quickly spilled out of the confines of the basic expectations for an a cappella concert, featuring a sublime performance by visiting a capella group L’Shir, a “Balls vs. Bras” competition, and awards for the best dressed, in addition to sets that were perfectly suited to the mood of the event.

The concert began with the Bars parading into Jefferson 320 dressed in 1920s attire, before working their way into the audience, greeting the crowd as partygoers, cooking up an atmosphere that heightened the impact of continued on page 11

It’s been fun writing syllabic, subliMinAl mesSAGEs to you I think that I’ve been doing this wrong; haiku need a season word. SUMMER.

The Scarlet

april 24, 2014

living arts | 11

Clark Bars cont. continued from page 10

their first song, Nina Simone’s “Feeling Good”. Julia Stevens’ arrangement of the song started off with a solo by John Hite, who was joined by the rest of the Bars in an impressive swell of voices. This strong start was followed up by a performance of Destiny’s Child’s “Say My Name,” another well-known piece bound to come with high expectations. Soloist Tessa Browne handled it easily, giving a sassy rendition without allowing the challenging song to run away with or from her. The Bars never let the energy fall as they transitioned into John Leg-

Hip Hop cont. end’s “Green Light”, cleverly preceded by a reading of the passage from THE GREAT GATSBY where Gatsby reaches out to the green flash at sunset. The arrangement by Daniel Deutsch rolled and bounced smoothly along as soloists Haley Anderson and Joshua Feinberg charmed the crowd with their charismatic performance. Then came “Balls vs. Bras,” the much-anticipated sing-off between the ladies and the gentlemen of the Clark Bars. Both groups drew thunderous applause and peals of laughter with performances of songs usually associated with the opposite gender. The ladies went first and set the bar high, unleashing favorites such as “Golddigger” by Kanye West, “99

Problems” by Jay Z, and “Stacy’s Mom” by Fountains of Wayne, which started off a little cracky, but quickly steadied itself. The guys, however, managed to win with their creative choreography and in-your-face renditions of songs like Katy Perry’s “Dark Horse” and Calvin Harris’ “Sweet Nothing.” After “Balls vs. Bras,” the Bars took a break and handed the show to their guests from Hartford, L’Shir. The well-known a cappella performers opened up with “Down In the Valley” by The Head and the Heart, which unfolded beautifully and featured a solo that flowed forth flawlessly. Each of their songs were gracefully rendered, and they built up well to their later selections, like Marvin Gaye’s

“Let’s Get It On,” which was sweetly dedicated to the girlfriend of one of the singers. After L’Shir’s performance, judges revealed the results of the bestdressed competition. First place was awarded to Arie Sturgis, who wore a shimmering gold dress that was quite reminiscent of ‘20s style. The Clark Bars’ final set followed the awards for best dressed, and the show wound down with Chic Gamine’s “Motions,” followed by “Swim Good” by Frank Ocean and “Wagon Wheel” by Old Crow Medicine Show, each of which featured touching solos by departing senior Peter Herceg – an excellent conclusion to a hugely successful end-of-year event.

continued from page 1

Another exciting part of Hip Hop Collabo’s performance was the second reunion of Destiny’s Child since the 2013 Superbowl. Chris Natz, Surya Ry, and Heather Parlee truly channeled the threegirl group and tore up the stage in a gorgeous medley of classic Destiny’s Child songs. At times, the dances were almost theatrical, with back up dancers coming on to do their make up or simply to profess their unworthiness to be in the presence of Destiny Child. During “Bills, Bills, Bills”, the dancers made a very funny and tongue-and-cheek comment about student loans needing to be paid. Something that was very different but exciting in this performance compared to past Hip Hop shows was the addition of KPop music. George Lavin’s KPop Kollabo was fun, spunky, and certainly refreshing. Brianda Montelongo and Yasmin Fuseini-Codjoe gave a great tribute to Janet Jackson, with songs from the chill “All for You” to killer classic “Nasty.” The performers embodied the sass of Miss Jackson, using some of her original dance moves combined with Montelongo and Fuseini-Codjoe’s choreography. The only minor issue with the show was the transitions between songs. The changes took anywhere from 45 seconds to two minutes, making the experience awkward for the audience. Of course, with so many costume changes, it makes sense that lengthy breaks would be necessary. Unfortunately, it made the show much longer, and didn’t give the show a sense of cohesion. Other than these technical issues, the show was incredible. Everyone in the audience left the show wishing they could work it like the students on stage. Hip Hop Collabo left nothing but sweat on the stage.

The Scarlet

12 | sports

april 24, 2014

The Scarlet/Sports World Cup 2014


A preview of the event

courtesy of

By Scott Levine scarlet staff

courtesy of

By Aaron Johnson contributing writer

From an athletic standpoint, no country is better suited to host the 2014 World Cup than Brazil. Soccer is part of their culture, and that culture will be shown full force come June. The likes of Neymar and Hulk will dance down the touchlines at the Maracanã stadium, hoping to bring the home team their sixth World Cup trophy. As always, there are eight groups of four teams in the first round of the tournament, lets take a look at what to expect from them. Group A (Brazil, Mexico, Cameroon, Croatia): How can you bet against Brazil? The home side will

be eager to make up for the disappointment of the 1950 loss to Uruguay when they last hosted the World Cup. On the other hand, they face dangerous opposition from underdogs Croatia, Mexico, and Cameroon. All teams are led by major figureheads such as Chicharito, Samuel Eto’o, and Luka Modric. Group B (Spain, Netherlands, Chile, Australia): Rematch of the 2010 final! I don’t think anyone would bet against Spain and the Netherlands moving on from Group B. However, look for Chile to put up a good fight led by Barcelona’s Alexis Sanchez and Juventus midfielder Arturo Vidal. Group C (Colombia, Greece, Japan, Côte D’ivoire): With Colombian

Striker Radamel Falcao ruled out of the tournament due to injury, Group C is left wide open for the taking. Expect to see Japan come out on top. Led by Keisuke Honda and Shinji Kagawa, Japan dominated qualifiers and became the first team to officially join this year’s World Cup. Côte D’ivoire always manage to pose a threat, and they have a great opportunity to progress pass the group stages if they can overcome Greece and Colombia. Group D (Costa Rica, England, Italy, Uruguay): While this group is not considered the group of death, it certainly falls in as a close second. Alcontinued on page 13

men’s lacrosse Clark lacrosse will play their last game of the regular season at Emerson College this weekend before playing Springfield College in the NEWMAC Semifinals on Wednesday, April 30. They will look to avenge their recent 22-7 loss against Springfield on Wednesday, April 23, and advance to the NEWMAC Championship against the winner of Babson vs. MIT. The NEWMAC Championships will be held on Saturday, May 3.

baseball Clark baseball played well against crosstown opponent Becker College on Monday, April 21, but were unable to recover from a roaring fifth inning in which Becker scored seven runs. The final score of the game was 8-5 Becker. The team will end their season with trips to Roger Williams and Eastern Connecticut State.

The Scarlet

april 24, 2014


courtesy of

sports | 13

World Cup preview cont. continued from page 12

though Costa Rica is a very talented team, it seems unlikely that they can compete with England, Italy, and Uruguay. Can Uruguay produce another stunning run like we saw in 2010? Expect to see a very tight race between the three, with three very different styles of play shown. Group E (France, Switzerland, Ecuador, Honduras): The outcome of this group depends almost entirely on whether France can bring their talent together and put on a professional performance. If not, we will see another French team in shambles going home early just like 2010. If France plays well, this is their group to win. They face three teams that could pose underdog threats, primarily Switzerland, led by Bayern Munich midfielder Xherdan Shaqiri. Group F (Argentina, Bosnia Herzigovina, Iran, Nigeria): The on-

going comparison of Lionel Messi and Diego Maradona will be heavily featured in Group F. Expect Argentina to come out on top, outscoring opposition with impressive attacking options in Messi, Gonzalo Higuain, Sergio Aguero, Carols Tevez, Ezequiel Levezzi, and Angel Di Maria. Nigeria is also always a threat and will be competing with Bosnia Herzegovina, led by Manchester City’s Eden Dzeko, for that second spot in the group. Group G (Germany, Portugal, Ghana, United States): The group of death! Germany’s arguably the tournament favorite, and all eyes will be on German-born American coach Jürgen Klinsmann facing his old team. Prepare to see Germany come out easily on top, with all eyes on Cristiano Ronaldo to bring Portugal to the knockout stages and finish in second in the group. Also look forward to a feisty battle between Ghana and the United States

after Ghana defeated the U.S. in the knockout stages in 2010. Group H (Belgium, Russia, Algeria, Korea Republic): One of the surprises in this tournament could certainly be Belgium, the favorites of the group. Belgium features a lot of young talent, primarily Eden Hazard, Romelu Lukaku, and Christian Benteke. Meanwhile, Russia will be looking to have a positive campaign to advertise themselves for the 2018 Cup that they will host. Look for these two sides to sweep aside the group competition of Algeria and Korea Republic. June 12 is quickly approaching, and the world is starting to buzz about the World Cup in Brazil. The theme of this World Cup tournament is “All in one rhythm.” When June comes around, turn on your televisions, feel the rhythm, and tune into the most watched athletic event in the world!

men’s rowing softball Clark men’s rowing dominated at Lake Quinsigamond last weekend with back to back first place finishes against University of Vermont on Saturday, April 19, and WPI and Tufts on Sunday, April 20. The Quinsigamond Freuds, as I like to call them, will return to the lake to take on Amherst, Bowdoin, Connecticut College, and Mass. Maritime on Saturday, April 26. They will also participate in the New England Rowing Championships on Saturday, May 3 and the ECAC National Championships on Sunday, May 11, both of which will also be held at Lake Quinsigamond.

women’s rowing Clark women’s rowing found themselves in a dead heat with Mount Holyoke and Coast Guard Academy for fifth place out of seven during the NEWMAC championships. They were ultimately edged out by both teams, finishing with a time of 7:20.1. They will look to right the ship against Amherst, Bowdoin, Connecticut College, and Mass. Maritime on Saturday, April 26. They are also preparing for the New England Rowing Championships on Saturday, May 3 and the ECAC National Championships on Sunday, May 11. All events will be held at Lake Quinsigamond.

courtesy of

Clark softball ended their season on Tuesday, April 22 with a doubleheader against Brandeis. Although the team was down 7-5 in the first game going into the bottom of the fifth inning, they were able to gain the lead with timely hits from Melanie Dusseault (’16) and Corrie Derosier (’16), and went onto win 9-8. They lost the second game of the doubleheader 7-5 in a close, hard-fought effort.

men’s tennis Clark men’s tennis clinched the third seed of the NEWMAC Tournament with a 6-3 win over Wheaton College on Saturday, April 19. They will play second seeded Babson in the NEWMAC Semifinals on Saturday, April 26.

The Scarlet

14 | sports

april 24, 2014


by Scott Levine

Larisa Dimarco (’14) is the co-caption of the women’s rowing team. She is from Fairfax, Vermont and is majoring in Environmental Science. In addition to classes, she is midway through the rowing season. Scarlet: How busy are you right now? DiMarco: Actually, morning practices let you maintain a relatively normal lifestyle, except you need to go to bed at like 10:30, 10:45. But during the day, it’s okay except for days when we have lifts, then it’s two-a-days. Depending on what lift you do, it can take anywhere from under to an hour and fifteen [minutes]. But I think getting up at 5:15 is probably what dictates most of your day. Scarlet: Is it hard to get up at 5:15 every morning? DiMarco: No. You get used to it.

photo by scott levine

Larisa DiMarco women’s rowing

Scarlet: How’s the season going? DiMarco: We are doing really well in terms of where we were last year. It’s just been exponentially better with each year. Two years ago, we had a huge switch in the program, and a completely different coach came in. So besides different training plans, the culture on the team completely changed as well. So I’d still say we’re in a building phase, we’re only two years out, but we’re doing really well. We’re seeing boats that we never saw before, we’re pulling times that we’ve never pulled before, and I think what’s also really exciting is that our novices are only a few steps behind the varsity [rowers], and there isn’t this huge discrepancy. The fact that we have a competitive novice boat is pretty exciting. Scarlet: In what ways has the team culture changed? DiMarco: Honestly when I was a freshman and a sophomore, rowing was the sport you did if you didn’t make the team for a different sport. And now, I would say that’s not the case at all. Also, because there was a change in coaches and a change in training, we started passing boats. For example, last year was the first time that our varsity had won a race since 1986, so when you’re finally given something to defend and have something to really pride yourself on, there’s a lot more commitment and a lot more emotional and physical investment. Scarlet: What’s been your favorite part about how the program has changed? DiMarco: I think initially I joined rowing because I had done sports in high school, and I could not imagine not being on a

team, but because training became harder, the camaraderie on the team is a lot stronger, and I really love that. I have a lot of underclassmen friends, dear dear friends on the team that I didn’t necessarily feel like I had my freshman and sophomore year. So I’m really glad that we have that kind of environment where everybody feels welcome and like a family, because boats that generally like each other win races. Scarlet: Do you think the team would have that camaraderie if not for the rigorous training? DiMarco: I don’t. I really don’t. It’s nice to exchange sob stories over breakfast [laughs]. Rowing is a pretty unique sport, so you have a connection with people that I know I wouldn’t have with other people that weren’t rowers. Scarlet: What other factors bring the team together? DiMarco: What truly brings a rowing team together is that once you’re in a boat, your individual identity is paused. You become a necessary unit within a machine. Thus, any triumph or achievement or sense of pride you may feel is the product of a collective effort with eight other women. This is equally true for feeling of failure and defeat, you are held accountable for not being as invested as the other athletes in your boat. Rowers quickly learn to forgive each other and embrace and compensate for the shortcomings of one another, otherwise, it’s a really awful 2,000 meters down the course. Scarlet: Is being on the team at all like what you initially expected? DiMarco: I had never rowed in my life. I’m 100 percent a walk-on. Coming from very individual sports, cross country, Nordic skiing, so I didn’t really know what to expect, but I remember thinking, “this is fun, I’m getting a workout.” And then junior year, things changed a lot, and it stopped being about having friends that I’d work out with, and once we had set goals, it became a lot more about the sport too. Scarlet: What are these goals? DiMarco: We’re trying to finish in the third, maybe second finals of New Englands. We obviously know that we’re not competitive with some of the larger programs that get a lot more funding, but compared to where we were when we were coming in dead last my freshman and sophomore year, we’re now able to hang with these boats and really be in the pack in races, and be a competitor.

The Scarlet

april 24, 2014

puzzles | 15

The Scarlet/Puzzles CROSSWORD


copyright © 2013 ltd.

ACROSS 1. Ruin 4. State of confusion 7. Group of 12 10. Outdated medical procedures 11. S Quebec city 12. Indian exercise method 16. And not 17. Stated 20. Horizontal member beneath a door 21. English princess 22. Permits 23. Stream of air 24. City in W Nevada

27. Spanish male given name 29. Vases 30. Exclamation of triumph 32. Smack 33. In what place 35. Trivial 36. Angered 37. Book of the Bible 38. Thick sweet liquid DOWN 2. Probability 3. New settlement 4. Measuring instruments 5. International (Abbrev)

6. Follows orders 8. Nothing 9. To one side 13. Oilcan 14. First US astronaut 15. Lowest female voices 17. Cruises 18. Invalidate 19. Republic in S Asia 24. Debris 25. Garden plant with showy colored flowers 26. Kansas town 28. Swiftness 31. Make healthy 33. We are 34. Whirlpool


The Scarlet

16 | puzzles

Police Logs compiled by Maria Rotelli

april 24, 2014


Tuesday, April 15 18:43 - Male came to student’s door on Woodland Street asking for money. Friday, April 18 8:14 - Motor vehicle accident, no persons injured. 13:40 - Panic alarm sounded in the Sackler Science Center. 16:23 - Possible stolen projector. Saturday, April 19 11:23 - Someone in athletic van’s spot. 18:16 - Complaint of loose pitbull in Crystal Park. Sunday, April 20 17:46 - Noisy rooster on Beaver Street. Monday, April 21 16:54 - Complaint of rooster on main campus. 19:33 - One person cleared from Dolan Field. 20:39 - Bonfire on Beaver Street.


This week University Police conducted one investigation, responded to two motor vehicle accidents, two motor vehicle stops, dealt with one marijuana-related incident, two loud parties, two reports of vandalism, one report of larceny, one check on a student’s welfare, one emergency call box alarm, four fire alarms, six reports of suspicious persons, three miscellaneous complaints, and UP oversaw eight EMS calls, and twelve calls for police escort.

what happens in The Scarlet office at 4:10 a.m. stays in the The Scarlet office... sort of

“I can’t stop blinking!” - Claire

“I’m just gonna grab it real quick and it’s not gonna tickle.” - Claire

“She called me a nugget!” -Claire “Is that not a compliment? I’ve been waiting for someone to call me a nugget for so long.” - Giles

“After the almost-urination incident, I think we’re done.” - Giles “No one trusts your bladder.” - Claire to Sarah

“That’s gonna be my band name: Necessary Lesbians. No, that’s not going to be it. It’ll be Accidental Dentists.” - Maria “This is a much too densely populated area for roosters!” - Claire

“Putting in edits is something that a monkey could do.” - Jenna “I can’t think of anyone less suited for the military than me.” - Memmer “I honestly can’t think of anyone less suited for the military than you.” - Claire

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